Patterico's Pontifications


Deep Thoughts

Filed under: Government,Immigration — DRJ @ 2:06 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Dan Collins on human rights:

“Pelosi says we can’t tell 12 million illegals to get out or go to jail; we sure can tell 250 million actual citizens to buy government-approved health insurance or go to jail, though.”


4 Responses to “Deep Thoughts”

  1. Granny Rictus McBotox is going to be mad as hell when a large portion of the country tells her to go pound sand.

    come to think of it, given her response to the TEA Parties, she’s all ready pissed off.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  2. What about the corollary to her infamous remark about the health care bill: We won’t know what we’ll miss (by kicking out millions) until we see them gone.

    Ed from SFV (f0e1cb)

  3. which takes us to the infamous, and unrepeated, “Day without Mexicans” a couple of years ago here in Lost ANgels.

    a couple of restaurants were closed, and traffic was significantly better. unfortunately, they did not follow up with more of the same, likely because it was obvious things were better without them.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  4. That’s the difference between law-abiding Americans who will obey thte law and illegal immigrants for whom the law is the enemy and a joke.

    tehag (b2906c)

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