Patterico's Pontifications


“Do Your Job and Secure the Border”

Filed under: Immigration,Obama — DRJ @ 8:10 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Allahpundit calls it brutal. I call it brutally true:


9 Responses to ““Do Your Job and Secure the Border””

  1. Love to say this surprises me, but it is Obama we are talking about. He was never even remotely close to having the character, class, intellect, disposition or ability to be POTUS.

    Pennsylvania full of clingers, now Arizona full of bigots. Which state is next, and how the hell does this stand?

    Matador (ac73ca)

  2. As an Arizonan, this one issue alone is causing me to re-think my position on Brewer. Her unwavering support for SB1070 is probably going to make me vote for her. With news stories running 12-1 against the bill, support from Americans is at 61%, the naysayers are at 29%. It proves that the MSM is losing the power to influence. Plus, if you ever find yourself on the same side of an issue with perennial race-baiter the Rev Al Charlatan, isn’t that reason enough to re-evaluate? Finally, only Al can support a boycott of AZ by vowing to bring hundreds of protesters here (who presumably will need to be fed and housed thereby dropping $s here) and not be laughed at or have things thrown at his ridiculously coiffed head.

    gazzer (7588eb)

  3. Matador

    You have written the truth. Obama is mentally no
    more than a 10 year old brat.

    krusher (0846f8)

  4. That’s our waffler-in-chief, throwing us here in the southwest to el lobos.

    [actually, he’s throwing us debajo del autobús; that’s s.o.p. for the commander-in-feces]

    Icy Texan (073b90)

  5. It’s early out here in the Midwest, and I have consumed only one cup of coffee so far. But unless my bleary eyes deceive, I do believe the comedy clip audience shot features NBC’s Alec Baldwin and Chuckles Todd hooting it up at Obama’s “joke”. How perfectly perfect!!

    elissa (880293)

  6. I think this is great and everything a political add needs to be. A short and clear statement of undeniable facts, and an obvious illustration on how clueless one side of the argument is.

    Three cheers for an elected official “doubling down” on the right side of an issue.

    Now we will watch to see how the admin and their enablers come after the Gov. on this. A day or two ago there was a political cartoon reproduced at PowerLine that is very appropriate on this.

    November can’t get here soon enough.

    MD in Philly (ea3785)

  7. Here is a photoshop that was linked in the comments over at HotAir. Myabe it’s too over the top, certainly the Brewer add is much better at influencing the general public.

    MD in Philly (ea3785)

  8. If it takes a Governor to speak truth to power through the usual defensive shield of the MSM, so be it. Huzzas for Governor Brewer, huzzas for that poetically economical video, and ever more contempt for the President – not the office, the current occupant.

    Insufficiently Sensitive (8906ed)

  9. Awesomely simple. Granted he was filmed at the press dinner which is supposed to be a bit of a lark, but his contempt for anyone not-him clearly shines through his attempt at lighthearded humor nonetheless.

    rtrski (c69273)

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