Patterico's Pontifications


What Motivated Shahzad?

Filed under: Obama,Terrorism — DRJ @ 9:08 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

CNN reports on what motivated Faisal Shahzad:

“Efforts also continued Wednesday to determine what may have motivated Shahzad. An official familiar with the investigation said Wednesday that Shahzad felt Islam was under attack.

Any grudge Shahzad may have held against the United States appears to have developed recently, according to a senior U.S. official who is familiar with the investigation but not authorized to speak publicly.

The investigation has found nothing to indicate that Shahzad had any long-standing grudge or anger toward the United States, the official said.

“What we know is, the dynamic appeared to have changed in the last year,” the official said.”

President Obama ordered increased predator drone attacks on Pakistani terrorists and militants during the past year. The New York Post reports Shahzad told authorities his car bomb was revenge for the deaths caused by those attacks.

I hope Obama will continue the fight the Taliban and al Qaeda in countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan. I also hope liberals will finally realize America’s enemies don’t care who America’s President is.


30 Responses to “What Motivated Shahzad?”

  1. Wait a minute. Wasn’t I just told he lost his house in a foreclosure?

    Arizona Bob (e8af2b)

  2. very interesting, and a nice admission from the press.

    the MSM has pushed the blame bush bit within these past couple of days.

    Veronica (12786b)

  3. I suggest we start doing Predator Drones with hydrogen bombs.

    We will be done with this “conflict” within weeks.

    HeavenSent (a9126d)

  4. Except the JTTf, flagged him, nearly 6 years ago, so no, it’s not new.

    ian cormac (865b4a)

  5. Comment by Arizona Bob — 5/5/2010 @ 9:15 pm

    Well, he had a CT condo that he sold in 2004, which resulted in a lot of DHS personnel descending upon the neighborhood, and doing a lot of interviews.
    So, did they lose him in the interim? And, How?

    AD - RtR/OS! (5b0773)

  6. I also hope liberals will finally realize America’s enemies don’t care who America’s President is.

    You are ever the starry-eyed optimist, DRJ

    Some chump (ba206c)

  7. How do I say this without coming off as a racist, fascist bigot clinging to my guns and religion?

    Well, I’ll give it a shot and let the pellets fall as they may:

    In the case of the perpetrators of terrorists attacks that happen to be Muslim, they have consistently said through confession or suicide videos that their actions were in defense of their faith.

    In the case of home-grown, white terrorists, that haven’t left a clear record, but it seems to be about a retaliation against government and taxes, such as in the case of McVeigh and Stack or Andrew Kehoe.

    Then, you have the crazies that defy logic such as Seung-Hui Cho, Amy Bishop, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold and Charles Whitman.

    Some are not like the others.

    Ag80 (f67beb)

  8. Well, in the end, i think the terrorists are motivated by something broken in their mind, hearts or souls. I mean if it wasn’t radical islam, it would be a low flying airplane, or playing a Beatles album backwards. something was bound to set him off.

    A.W. (f97997)

  9. Then, you have the crazies that defy logic such as Seung-Hui Cho, Amy Bishop, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold and Charles Whitman.

    I think the word you’re looking for is “sociopath.” At least that was the case for one of the Columbine kids. Eric Harris, I think.

    wherestherum (d413fd)

  10. I think I know what motivated him.
    It is when you think the entire world you’ve known is crashing about you.
    Like, just now, when I went to check the winning numbers of the CA Lotto game, and the website was all in Spanish!
    I guess I’ll have to send a sternly worded letter to the Governor; or, did I mean I was going to hunt his sorry a$$ down and gut him?
    Call Jeff G. and ask him what I mean.

    AD - RtR/OS! (5b0773)

  11. What Motivated Shahzad?

    Bad hair day?

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  12. Hey, here’s an idea: when we do finally locate this twerp’s family in Pakiwakiland, let’s send a predator around to say “hello, and thanks for the wannabe bomber.”

    mojo (8096f2)

  13. I blame Bush.

    And Cheney.

    And Halliburton.

    But not Kyoto.

    That is all.

    JD (0f9c01)

  14. It’s Islam, stupid.

    ropelight (2b194e)

  15. I find as time goes on I have less and less interest in “what motivates them”. Am I wrong to think this is a waste of time? I mean, even in cases where officials think they figure it out, the “reason” is usually so clinical, (as in the case of sociopaths or those with other deep psychological disorders) or the “reason” is so misguided, (as in the case of blind religious fervor) that it’s hard to see how the knowing after the fact is particularly useful. Or, that in a world with billions of people there is really any way most of these perpetrators’ behaviors and acting-out could have been altered beforehand short of commitment or incarceration.

    Instead, to aid in prevention we should be brave enough to recognize obvious trends and connect dots, (something akin to profiling) and also, make their justice swift and sure once these murderers and would be murderers are caught.

    elissa (880293)

  16. How positively racist and bigoted of you, elissa. Denounced and condemned.

    JD (0f9c01)

  17. I’m sorry, JD, I was very inconsiderate. I should have denounced myself to save you the time and trouble.

    elissa (880293)

  18. My comment above was too brief. Here’s a little more extended response to the question: What motivated Shahzad?

    Faisal Shahzad’s violence wasn’t motivated by social or economic circumstances any more than it was motivated by an unnatural attraction for Twinkies.

    Shadzad was motivated by exactly the same forces as motivated the Underpants Bomber, Major Nidal Hasan, Richard Reid, the 9/11 crew, the Embassy bombers, and every other Islamic jihadi terrorist who has celebrated the glory of his god by spilling the blood of infidels, or attempting to do so. Shahzad was following the basic commandments of Islam: holy war against non-believers is the unwavering requirement Islam imposes on the faithful.

    Shahzad was attempting to secure the blessings of his religious tradition and establish himself, if not as one Allah’s holy warriors, then at least one who made an effort to fulfill his religious obligations.

    ropelight (2b194e)

  19. I’ve already made it clear that this NBA season was just one too many without glory for the Big Apple come playoff time.

    The press has ignored the fact that he was wearing Puma “Clydes” when apprehended.

    There are two ways this question does make “sense”
    1) was it linked to the “South Park” episode and the threats that appeared on the internet
    2) this demonstrates the underlying belief/assumption/proposition that with Bush gone and Obama in, there will no longer be any reason for anyone to be mad at the US

    MD in Philly (ea3785)

  20. What motivates jihad….?

    bluubonnet (60b8e5)

  21. Live link…better.

    bluubonnet (60b8e5)

  22. And here I thought we’d seen the last of that looney fraud.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  23. blubonnet has a really nice set of bazoomies so she can be allowed a little slack. 😉

    nk (db4a41)

  24. I can’t remember where I hid my political correctness guide … can you sexually harass trolls?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  25. Harass? Sexually? God forbid. It’s a compliment.

    nk (db4a41)

  26. I have her on record bragging about her endowments. The concrete contractor Dana does too.

    nk (db4a41)

  27. Let’s play “Whatever happened to the meme…?”

    I’ll start: Whatever happened to the meme that killing terrorists only makes more of them?

    No, there will be no bonus points awarded for stating the date the meme went missing: they all went missing January 20, 2009.

    sherlock (187c4a)

  28. The Mohammed cartoons set him off and the stress and strain of his self-initiated foreclosure pushed him over the edge.

    GeneralMalaise (3d45b5)

  29. The Mohammed cartoons set him off and the stress and strain of his self-initiated foreclosure pushed him over the edge–Comment by GeneralMalaise —

    General, I do believe you may have the makings of a country song there. Do you play guitar?

    elissa (880293)

  30. So essentially, Shahzad was motivated by the same feeling that motivated the United States to invade Afghanistan and Iraq–the desire for revenge after a party tangentially connected to the victims murdered a large number of civilians. Great.

    Durruti's Ghost (833ad6)

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