Patterico's Pontifications


President Civility

Filed under: Obama,Politics — DRJ @ 11:24 am

[Guest post by DRJ]

President Obama hates the way people talk about each other … except if they’re tea-baggers:

“Three days after he decried the lack of civility in American politics, President Obama is quoted in a new book about his presidency referring to the Tea Party movement using a derogatory term with sexual connotations.

In Jonathan Alter’s “The Promise: President Obama, Year One,” President Obama is quoted in an interview saying that the unanimous vote of House Republicans vote against the stimulus bills “set the tenor for the whole year … That helped to create the tea-baggers and empowered that whole wing of the Republican Party to where it now controls the agenda for the Republicans.”

Tea Party activists loath the term “tea baggers,” which has emerged in liberal media outlets and elsewhere as a method of mocking the activists and their concerns. “

The book also says senior White House advisers begged Obama not to pursue health care reform in his first year, because of the recession.

H/T Mrs. JD.


33 Responses to “President Civility”

  1. It’s not bad enough that our President defines TEA party activists as people who don’t want to pay any taxes… he has to use derogatory terms as well. He is a divider not a uniter.

    Corwin (ea9428)

  2. Why can’t those stupid bitter racist tea-baggers just be more civil and polite and stop lowering the tone of civic discourse in this country?

    Disturbingly, this IS the way the liberal mind works.

    Subotai (bfdf17)

  3. Projection.

    It’s not possible to like Rev Wright and Bill Ayers and also be highly interested in both partisan sides being really sweet and understanding of eachother. He’s just doing the same Obama thing: accusing the other side of something you’re far more guilty of, to muddy the waters up.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  4. One is tempted to reply ‘open wide’

    ian cormac (865b4a)

  5. Obama is not merely lacking in civility. There was a concept in Latin that is hard to translate. The Romans called it “dignitas” … Obama has none.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  6. Only “mudsliders” use terms like “teabagger”

    Neo (7830e6)

  7. Eventually, the split between reality and his brain grew, and the megalomania escaped. :I won!: he proclaimed.

    htom (412a17)

  8. Civility, NOW, you stupid hilljack racist teabaggers.

    JD (150c8d)

  9. JD, you left out “church-going” and “gun keeping”. 😉

    htom (412a17)

  10. bitter clinging god-bothers.

    And racist sexist homophobic xenophobic jingoistic misogynists.

    It really is remarkable that the President stooped to calling political opponents a slang term for dipping your nutsack in someone’s mouth. He is utterly devoid of class, and makes me miss Bush, and Clinton.

    JD (150c8d)

  11. Imagine if Palin told her folks to punch back twice as hard, or get in their faces. Or if she called Obama a “libtard” or something equivalent to Tea Bagger.

    A lot of media folks would have a stroke. Instead, a lot of these people chuckled with joy when Obama called millions of voters ‘teabagger’. I’m more amused by the chortle that some Tea Partiers coined the ‘teabagger’ expression, which I don’t believe but isn’t relevant. We all know the pejorative usage was coined by Anderson Cooper’s constant joking about the sexual reference. Of course granny Tea Partier won’t know of that reference. Indeed, I’m sure a lot of black preschool age kids aren’t aware of what the N word means yet until they are corrected. Frankly, I’ve never heard a non-black person use that term earnestly, but I’m pretty sure if I used it to describe Obama, the way he uses the Tea bagger term to describe me, the ‘they did it first’ argument would not justify it.

    We all know Obama’s far more divisive and hostile than his opponents. We all know that his speech on the US Military air raiding villages, and the surge being an impossible plan, and apologizing for all kinds of American sins has been much more inspirational to Faisal than Rush was inspirational to the Michigan Militiamen.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  12. I wonder if the MSM will call him on this.

    Isn’t it amazing that he felt comfortable with Stenographer in Chief Wolfe that he would use a phrase, and Wolfe thought it was alright to use.

    Does Contessa Brewer still have a job?

    JD (150c8d)

  13. Considering where she’s working, I’m surprised you even asked that question (sarc). Remember that Immelt is a huge benefactor of Obama’s largesse of taxpayer monies, and there you go. Even Pravda is jealous of our state – controlled media proletariat.

    Dmac (21311c)

  14. the unanimous vote of House Republicans vote against the stimulus bills “set the tenor for the whole year

    Apropos of arguments I’ve had elsewhere, the problem is always my reaction to stupid ideas, the problem is never the stupid idea. It probably never occurred to Obama that a less partisan stimulus bill (i.e., a less stupid bill) could have gotten GOP support.

    steve sturm (369bc6)

  15. maybe we’ll get lucky and Ear Leader will visit Arizona soon.

    thank him and his perverted idea of “civility”….
    obsequiousness is not an American trait and he can go tea bag himself, assuming his vestigial equipment actually protrudes far enough to do so.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  16. Imagine the press reaction if Bush had used a remotely comparable epithet — “hippies” or worse — for the roughly half of the country that voted against him and opposed many of his policies.

    Mitch (890cbf)

  17. Gosh, Dear Leader is surprised that opposition to the stimulus helped give rise to the Tea Party movement. Do you suppose he is equally surprised that opposition to Operation Iraqi Freedom helped give rise to, well, Barack Obama’s Presidential campaign?

    Honestly, for someone who I think is generally very intelligent, Obama sure has no understanding of the idea that not everyone is going to agree with him 100% of the time. I think he is truly the product of a coddled upbringing in which he has always been surrounded by like-minded people who hang on his every word. Welcome to reality outside of the Columbia/U. Chicago Law/Hyde Park/Democrat machine/ACORN cocoon, pal.

    JVW (08e86a)

  18. JVW, either that, or he is going out of his way to agitate those opposed to him because they are held to a different set of rules. He knows that laughing at the ‘teabaggers’ is effective at doing this, and he knows that any comparable retort would end the career of any viable opponent.

    There was a great cliffnotes version of Alinski’s rules for radicals posted on a major blog yesterday. If you can find it, it makes it hard to see Obama as anything but an agitator.

    Dustin (b54cdc)

  19. And he and his advisors seem, Dustin, to have no clue that frittering away the dignitas of the office has consequences. If you lack credibility, you end up either like Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton – markin time and spending decades begging for camera face time in retirement.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  20. Yeah, I had thought of that possibility Dustin, and I guess my better angels want me to believe that Obama is not as Manichean as that. Maybe I have given him too much credit. It’s just that in my experiences I have encountered a lot of Barack Obamas — the one who always was the smartest in their class, had the most charisma, and held the utterly conventional (at least to the intelligentsia) beliefs, trendy and predictable but lacking that scary veneer of radicalism even as they strayed dangerously close to that line.

    I just see Obama has one who has never been challenged and thus has never had to face unified and solid opposition to his core beliefs, let alone recognize the limits to his own wonderfulness. He spent way too much time in that cocoon to understand that not everyone takes their marching orders from the New York Times editorial page. Now, for the first time, he is confronted by a strong group united in opposition and making a strong case against the bedrock of Obama’s political philosophy. Rather than moderating his beliefs and trying reach accommodation, Obama has chosen to push through his very ideological program. That’s fine, but it ought to be recognized for what it is and Obama and his minions should come to grips with the fact that he is as much as his predecessors were a very polarizing figure and not some “post-partisan,” “post-racial,” “post-ideological,” or post-whatever figure.

    If his lickspittles in the media had any sand there would be a cover-story in Time or Newsweek or the Washington Post titled “Obama: Back to the 50/50 Presidency.” But of course, they all choose to believe despite all polls that Obamaism is incredibly popular and it is only a small handful of wingnuts like us who are complaining.

    JVW (08e86a)

  21. People who refer to others as tea-baggers are nothing more than tea-pots looking for a dunk.

    tmac (5559f7)

  22. sorry JVW, but other than fawning MFM propaganda making the claim, i’ve seen no evidence that the First Racist has anything more than a room temperature IQ.
    all you have to do is listen to him speak off prompter and its clear he can’t compose a coherent sentence, let alone a substantive argument in favor of any of his beliefs that might sway a neutral person, let alone an opponent.
    he’s nothing more than an empty suit that someone tied strings to and packed full of guavno, so they could have a puppet.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  23. Wow, Obama is an ass. I’m totally shocked.

    JHE (9284aa)

  24. JD – Contessa Brewer and nishi think alike. Progtard and sufitard. They can be two-digit BFFs.

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  25. sorry JVW, but other than fawning MFM propaganda making the claim, i’ve seen no evidence that the First Racist has anything more than a room temperature IQ.

    I don’t think he’s the ultra-genius that his acolytes make him out to be, but I recall that even conservative commentators acknowledged that he held his own in his meeting with House Republicans, speaking without the teleprompter and off the cuff. Granted, the House GOP isn’t a Mensa meeting, but I would assume that Obama is pretty good at building an argument and making his case when he takes the time to do his research and not just expect that everyone agrees with him going in.

    JVW (08e86a)

  26. redc1c4 #15 – I wonder what the legalities are with respect to the cartoon depiction ?

    Legislators traditionally/customarily have considerable immunity from anything that can get in the way of their legislative duties and responsibilities … is there any eqivalent for the Executive Branch folk ?

    Personally, I am more than happy to see our government subject to the same laws, rules, and regulations, as the rest of us …

    Alasdair (e7cb73)

  27. ==Contessa Brewer and nishi think alike……they can be BFFs==

    Hey,if we introduce them to Susan Roesgen they can have a threesome!

    elissa (4eac63)

  28. elissa – Eeewwwwww! But I like the way you think.

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  29. elissa – I think you’d have to powerwash the cheetos off nishi first.

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  30. #25< I caught some of that "meeting" live. Obama did not address the arguments presented. He simply said that they were "talking points" and dismissed them without rebutting them. He was like your average bullying Sociology Department Head chairing a faculty meeting at Slackwater U. If he'd tried to deal with the arguments, he might have been more impressive. But he simply dismissed them. I wasn't impressed.

    [I’m not sure why it was there but I released this comment from the filter. — DRJ]

    Mike Myers (3c9845)

  31. “The book also says senior White House advisers begged Obama not to pursue health care reform in his first year, because of the recession.”

    For the statist, the expansion of power will ALWAYS take precedence over the good of the nation.

    Jonathan Alter is as reliable a journalist as a 1986 Yugo is a mode of transportation..

    GeneralMalaise (33f99a)

  32. That “New Dawn” speech in Cairo has made all the difference in the world.

    snicker… snicker.

    GeneralMalaise (33f99a)

  33. and you thought he had an affair with a woman? he did have an affair and his handlers hope the public believe it was with a woman. Better you think it was an affair with a woman than know it was an affair with a man. Is it any wonder why Obama has an intimate knowledge of “tea bagging”

    Kit kat (e92e70)

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