Patterico's Pontifications


“We Were Never a Terrorist Organization”

Filed under: Politics,Terrorism — DRJ @ 1:22 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Noted FBI Most Wanted listee and revisionist historian Bill Ayers spoke last night at a Fresno, California, church:

“We were never a terrorist organization and that is because we never threatened to kill people. We never killed people. We did destroy property and we answered for those things.”


29 Responses to ““We Were Never a Terrorist Organization””

  1. The lies that lying revisionists will tell.

    GeneralMalaise (c8f9a0)

  2. I’m so sick and tired of this scumbag and his fellow traveler (s) – a pox on both of their houses.

    Dmac (21311c)

  3. Ah what’s the phrase I’m looking for in response to Bill attempting to rewrite history… Oh yes,

    YOU LIE!

    Bahrack (b4a61e)

  4. Lying POS! It is a shame that he was not made to account for his actions. It is a stain on our nation’s character that some elected a buddy of his to serve as president.

    Largebill (1d1579)

  5. What a Liar!

    AD - RtR/OS! (fb87e7)

  6. Oh, heck. I just told imdw this website isn’t about haters. Can we focus on the hypocrisy instead of the hate? Otherwise I’ll have to moderate myself.

    DRJ (09fa6c)

  7. “Guilty as hell and free as a bird”

    ropelight (e0e500)

  8. –We never killed people–Bill Ayers

    Diana Oughton is still alive, then?

    elissa (009558)

  9. DRJ-

    hate is sometimes an appropriate response, being “haters” in the sense of those who say “the Tea Party people are Haters” is a different thing, which they’re not and we’re not

    Soooooo, if you threaten to blow up my house and tell me “not to worry, we’ll do it while you are gone”, that is not a terroristic threat?

    The problem with people who don’t play by the rules is that they…don’t play by the rules and have no problem “making it up” as they go along.

    Everything he said can be countered by his own words on other occasions, and you don’t need to go back to the 70’s to find them.

    Do news editor’s not know this, or do they not care?

    MD in Philly (59a3ad)

  10. Being a Leftist means never having to say you’re sorry, or wrong.

    AD - RtR/OS! (fb87e7)

  11. So then the difference between terrorist and vandal has been reduced to incompetence with explosives?

    kaz (e7a67c)

  12. Below: Time Magazine article from March 1970 identifying and correctly categorizing Bill Ayers at the time of Diana Oughton’s death. Apparently, by 2007-08 all the older journalists had developed amnesia, and Time and other news organizations chose not to review their own archives. Otherwise, a search about Ayers and “the days of rage” would have provided a goldmine of information that voters might have been quite interested in, concerning Obama “palling around with terrorists”.,9171,942212,00.html

    elissa (009558)

  13. It seems Mr. Ayers may be getting senile. Or those drugs he consumed in the early years are starting to do some damage.

    As Lawrence Taylor says in The Waterboy, “Don’t do crack.”

    MU789 (13091a)

  14. I don’t hate them, they more deserve pity.

    They were rich, lying poseurs forced to commit stupid crimes to prove their street cred as “radicals” all the while knowing that their wealthy parent, who they despised, would prevent any serious punishment.

    Then, they gamed the system and became rich old poseurs who living a comfortable life thanks to the system they claim to hate. If they had any respect for the beliefs they espouse, they would be living in Cuba or Venezuela now.

    I don’t hate them, but I do pity the fools who believe they are something more than the puny, intellectually bankrupt cowards they are. I won’t name names.

    Ag80 (f67beb)

  15. Thanks for the good link, elissa.

    DRJ (09fa6c)

  16. You’re welcome DRJ. Quite an obvious difference in Time’s writing quality then, as compared to now, huh?

    elissa (009558)

  17. We did destroy property and we answered for those things.”

    His philosophy is so screwed up he’s merely a more extreme version of those people who cry tears for Fido (rah, rah, animal rights!!) while shrugging off the fact that underaged, unmarried girls in places like California can get abortions witout parental consent—yet require consent for getting their ears pierced. IOW, he’s confusing humans for “property,” property for humans.

    And since I’m sure he believes his compassion and humaneness (real or imagined) excuse any and all behavior on his part, transposing the reality of destroyed property and dead humans is totally acceptable.

    Mark (411533)

  18. I think Mr. John Murtagh rightly has the last word on Bills property versus people nonsense.

    Bahrack (b4a61e)

  19. elissa, the differences are stunning. Not only can they clearly be seen in the Time’s writing quality then but their objectivity in the report. It was essentially without a political position, which in itself is amazing. No attempts to soften, color, justify, or rationalize her position. And it’s also amazing there was no attempt made to convince readers that her changing perceptions of America were correct. It was as if they respected the reader enough to just tell the story. Period.

    To envision that article being written now with Time so clearly promoting a left-leaning politic, one can only imagine what it would read like.

    It was also, a heartbreaking piece. It’s a wonder Ayres and his ilk can look themselves in the eye.

    Dana (1e5ad4)

  20. You’re right, Bahrack. Mr. Murtagh’s story is even more compelling.

    DRJ (09fa6c)

  21. Thank you for posting that link. The part that is so irritating is the response of Ayres and his ilk:

    1. “You can’t prove I was involved in any of that”

    2. “I have been poorly treated because of my association with the WU.”

    C’mon. Murtaugh had it tough. Ayres? Not so much.

    If the press had gonads, they would confront Ayres about that. Or even suggest that the President set up a “beer summit”!

    But it is the usual: an atomic force microscope applied to the ills of one side, and Mr. Magoo glasses for the other.

    It’s easier to call it what it is: self serving hypocrisy.

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

  22. People who plant bombs had best accept that at least, their conduct constitutes action with what the law calls “depraved indifference to human life.” The fact(?) that Ayers and his merry men never actually killed anybody was more due to luck than anything else—kind of like ELF claiming not to be terrorists because they just destroy property (burning down ski lodges and the like) without worrying about someone getting caught in the fire, or a fireman losing his life.

    Technomad (e2c0f2)

  23. Bill Clinton never had sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky, either.

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  24. Bill Ayers 1969,

    Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, Kill your parents.

    Since he is still here, does he consider himself a failure?

    jeff (d629fd)

  25. Ah, yes. Well, there’s this list of people that I wouldn’t urinate on if they were on fire.

    htom (412a17)

  26. Diana Oughton is dead because Ayer’s did not have the balls to build his own bomb and instead ordered his girlfriend to do it.
    the coroner stated that, judging by the small pieces found at the scene, she had her hands on the nail bomb when it detonated.

    Note that Bill Ayer’s intended to plant that bomb at an enlisted men’s dance at Fort Dix killing dozens to hundreds of young army enlistees and their sweethearts. (But he’s not a terrorist.)

    Have Blue (854a6e)

  27. Bill Ayers is a typical leftist liar:

    The Op-Ed the New York Times Wouldn’t Run

    Posted By Bob Owens On December 23, 2008 @ 12:00 am In

    Grathwohl was the only informant to successfully penetrate the Underground for the FBI and personally lived through the history Ayers so desperately desires to rewrite.

    Billy goes on about how the Weather Underground came into existence because “peaceful protests had failed” and “after an accidental explosion killed three comrades.” The explosion of the townhouse in Greenwich Village was the result of a bomb factory which was preparing bombs containing roofing nails for use at a Fort Dix enlisted club. The inclusion of roofing nails can have but one purpose and that’s to injure or kill people. Prior to this event Bill’s wife, Bernardine Dorhn, placed a bomb of the same design at the Park Police Station in San Francisco and killed Officer McDonnell. Additionally, I was still inside the Weather Underground when the townhouse blew up and the commitment to sabotage and terrorism had already been established and the purpose was the overthrow of the United States government.

    Bill Ayers and his Weather Underground were domestic terrorist that killed,bombed,and attempted to create a movement to overthrow the American Government.

    This is Bill and his wife Bernadine’s idea of “peace and love”:

    Ayers’ fellow terrorist and now-wife, Bernadine Dohrn, famously gushed over the barbaric Manson Family murders of the pregnant actress Sharon Tate, coffee heiress Abigail Folger, and three others:  “Dig it! First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them. They even shoved a fork into the victim’s stomach! Wild!”  And as Jonah recalled yesterday, “In appreciation, her Weather Underground cell made a threefingered ‘fork’ gesture its official salute.” 

    ….Peace out baby!!!!!

    Baxter Greene (af5030)

  28. It is pathetic irony of the utmost to know that these activists, so opposed to “fascism”, so easily turned to fascistic tactics in their effort to ‘send the fascists a message’.

    Icy Texan (de6635)

  29. They weren’t a terribly competent terrorist organization, that’s a point, Ayers is loath to admit, otherwise a NYC cop might have capped him long ago

    ian cormac (d56635)

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