Patterico's Pontifications


Sestak: Specter Should Stop Attacking My Military Record

Filed under: 2010 Election,Politics — DRJ @ 1:32 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Joe Sestak is a two-term Pennsylvania Congressman and former Navy Admiral, having served 31 years in the Navy. He is running against Senator Arlen Specter in the Pennsylvania Democratic primary. A recent poll suggests the race is a dead heat, which may be why Arlen Specter is running this attack ad:

In response, Sestak called on Vice President Joe Biden to tell Specter to stop attacking his military record:

“One day before Vice President Joe Biden is set to make a campaign appearance for Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa., Specter’s primary challenger, Rep. Joe Sestak, is asking Biden to condemn a Specter campaign ad.
In an open letter to Biden, released today, Sestak calls the charges about his military career “lies” and appeals for the vice president to disavow them. “A political attack on the service of a veteran is a dishonor to every man and woman who has worn the cloth of this nation.”

The Sestak campaign said a group of veterans will be traveling to Scranton on Friday to deliver the congressman’s letter personally to Biden.”

What about it, Joe?


11 Responses to “Sestak: Specter Should Stop Attacking My Military Record”

  1. As a vet (25 years Navy) I would hope Sestak’s military career not be discredited in some tawdry campaign. However, Sestak has based his political career on his military service. Sestak got fired by Admiral Mullens (then CNO and now CJCS) for creating a hostile work environment. He was reduced to Rear Admiral and retired. Since retiring as a Rear Admiral (two stars), Sestak has repeatedly and incorrectly passed himself off as a retired Vice Admiral (three stars). That may not mean a lot to civilians, but in the military passing yourself off as a higher rank is frowned upon. I’m no fan of Specter, but Sestak needs to address and explain why he was fired.

    Visit this blog for more info:

    Largebill (1d1579)

  2. What I don’t understand is how you can spend 31 years in the service, retire, and turn into a reactionary Democrat.

    Lazarus Long (9adfb0)

  3. The irony would be for Specter to lose in the primary to Sestak, after returning to the Dem Party when it looked like he would lose a primary to Toomey.

    Payback is a dish best served cold.

    AD - RtR/OS! (fb87e7)

  4. The irony would be for Specter to lose in the primary to Sestak, after returning to the Dem Party when it looked like he would lose a primary to Toomey.

    It is a likely irony.

    Does anyone think that Democratic primary voters will welcome Senator Specter with open arms?

    Secret Squirrel (6a1582)

  5. Sest and Specter deserve each other.

    I hope they star publishing naked pictures of each other with Asian boys singing the Communist Manifesto.

    Pox on both of them.

    HeavenSent (a9126d)

  6. Largebill wrote:

    Since retiring as a Rear Admiral (two stars), Sestak has repeatedly and incorrectly passed himself off as a retired Vice Admiral (three stars). That may not mean a lot to civilians, but in the military passing yourself off as a higher rank is frowned upon.

    In the campaign literature I have gotten from Reprehensible Representative Sestak, the photographs show him with two stars.

    But he is clearly trading upon his military record in this Senate campaign; he didn’t cease doing that after his first congressional race. That makes all of his record fair game.

    The Dana in Pennsylvania (474dfc)

  7. Go get ‘im, Arlen! Gnaw on ‘im all you want, but make sure you’re using your Fixodent®.


    GeneralMalaise (c8f9a0)

  8. Arlen personifies disease and rot I think.

    happyfeet (c8caab)

  9. Say, everybody — have you noticed that there is a certain word that is mysteriously missing from the USA Today report?

    Think about it. One candidate in a tight race is making supposedly false accusations against another …

    …about his military record….

    …in the Navy…

    …starts with an “S”….

    Seems to me the MSM is being very careful not to use the S-word when it applies to intramural Democrat squabbles.

    L.N. Smithee (46a32f)

  10. In any fight between Sestak and Specter I can only wish that both could fall into an open manhole.

    Lazarus – The upper reaches of each of the services are full of self serving political weasels that fit in perfectly in the Democrat party.

    Have Blue (854a6e)

  11. Check any blog by a Navy retiree or current officer for the scuttlebut on Sestak.

    Have Blue (854a6e)

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