Patterico's Pontifications


Geithner’s Resumé

Filed under: Government — DRJ @ 9:59 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Tim Geithner: “I never had a real job.”

Geithner’s point is that he has worked in the public sector, not the private sector. “Real world” people might agree with Geithner that the absence of private sector employment on his resumé is evidence he’s never held a “real world” job.


38 Responses to “Geithner’s Resumé”

  1. Very few, if any, of the members of the O’Dumbo Marxist regime has ever held a real job. They are all like O’Dumbo and have feed off the government teet all of their lives.

    Scrapiron (4e0dda)

  2. We also know he’s not going to get one as a shill for Turbo Tax after he leaves government service.

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  3. he can be a spokesperson for those companies that advertise that they can get you out of trouble with the IRS….. 😀

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  4. If anyone in the administration had ever had to meet a payroll health care would never have been pushed with the religious fervor it was.

    So of course the people that create the real jobs in this country will be saddled with more job killing regulations and costs.

    MU789 (13091a)

  5. I like what one of Glenn Reynold’s posters commented about Geithner’s statement about not ever having had a real job.

    “And he still doesn’t.”

    Sad but true.

    Eric Blair (fbdd84)

  6. He’s just ahead of the curve, if the expansion of government employment and the decline in private employment continues at it’s current rate for another 8 years the more Americans will be employed in the public sector than the private. Consider Geithner an early adopter of the all consuming state.

    max (383bf5)

  7. I have about as much contempt for Donald Trump as anyone possibly could, but years ago he said something that resonated with me (blind squirrel, nut, and all that). He said that if you take a public sector job with a salary higher than you ever earned in the private sector, then you are probably unqualified for that position. How do we apply that to the Bill Clintons, Barack Obamas, Joe Bidens, and Tim Geithners of the world?

    JVW (08e86a)

  8. I used Turbo Tax to do my taxes this year and there was a question during the information collection phase that went, (roughly) “I worked for an international institution and did not pay taxes through withholding.” Definitely the Geitner question.

    Have Blue (854a6e)

  9. We all need a real “job” once in awhile. 🙂

    Icy Texan (de6635)

  10. The more I see of the Obama administration the better I can see November from my house.

    Vivian Louise (643333)

  11. And he never paid real taxes, either.

    The Dana who uses TurboTax (3e4784)

  12. Perhaps it would be a good thing if Mr Geithner and other members of the Obama Administration took some internships in real jobs. I would be happy to have Mr Geithner or Mr Emanual work for me for thirty days or three months, at the wages my hourly employees get, doing things like shoveling under the conveyor tail pulley down in the pit, or cleaning out the dust collector, or greasing the plant, or any of the other real jobs I do and my men do.

    The Democrats are supposed to be the party of the working man; it would be nice if some of them actually understood what working men have to do to make a living, and what it means when government keeps taking a little bit more out of their paychecks to pay for all of those good-for-us government programs.

    The Dana who runs a concrete plant (3e4784)

  13. I don’t talk about Patterico’s job but as an example …

    There is a difference between 1) a job in public service when Patterico could have beeen making three times as much in a New York law mill and 2) Geithner’s “public service” jobs which can be seen as plum appointments through patronage, cronyism and influence buying. Emmanuel and Daschle too.

    nk (db4a41)

  14. Yep, nk, total difference.

    Also, The Dana who runs a concrete plant, I think 30 days there would do just fine. However, I want to make sure it’s in writing that Geithner’s manicures AFTER are paid for by him and not the Feds. Emmanuel should be outside if his performance on Charlie Rose’s show is any indication of his

    Vivian Louise (eeeb3a)

  15. Public sector jobs should NEVER pay better than private sector. You are there to serve the public – and the pension and benefits have nearly always been much better anyway.

    We are going upside down, and Geithner is helping to lead the way. What a sorry lot we are; allowing this to happen.

    Corwin (ea9428)

  16. Geithner can’t even tell the truth about this.

    He was president of the Federal Reserve Bank of NY prior to becoming Sec Treasury.

    The Federal Reserve Banks (not to be confused with the Federal Reserve Board) are private institutions. They are no more government institutions than the NY Stock Exchange is.

    John Henry

    john henry (f28a54)

  17. Having worked for the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, worked with people from the FRB-New York, and worked on a temporary assignment to the Federal Reserve Board, I can tell you that, while the Fed may not nominally be part of the government, it is a governmental entity in every other respect. When Congress says “jump!”, the Fed asks, “How high?” Anyone with any drive or initiative realizes pretty quickly that he’ll either need to suppress those attributes or go somewhere where they are valued. The results of working in such an environment are evident in the supervisory ranks. As regards Geithner, we used to joke about not having “real jobs.”

    Diffus (228fe4)

  18. a quote from Ghostbusters seems to fit here.
    “{Tim}, someone with your qualifications would have no trouble finding a top-flight job in either the food service or housekeeping industries.”

    thatguy (2bda65)

  19. How about requiring all federal employees and elected officials to have at least four years of military service first? Naw…the military has enough trouble without having to deal with those no loads.

    Johnnycab (83b986)

  20. I like the other Ghostbuster quote. “I’ve worked in the private sector. They expect results !” This as his motivation to stay in academia.

    For additional reading, I would suggest PJ O’Rourke’s “A Plague of A Students. Also excellent is The Failure of the Greek Economic Model”.

    If they are behind subscription walls, the short version is the Obama and minions are like the nerdy grad students who taught the survey classes for freshmen. The Greek model can also be seen in California. One fourth of the Greek population works for the government.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  21. The more I see of the Obama administration the better I can see November from my house.

    You mean like when Palin said she could see Russia from her house?

    Comment by imadouchebag

    Dmac (21311c)

  22. The main (Greek) problem is not the one fourth that works for the government. They are the most heavily taxed. The problem is the one fourth that retired at age 48 on a government pension and is not taxed.

    nk (db4a41)

  23. Greek’s problems – that could never happen here because, uh, oh nevermind.

    In Cincinnati, they just now figured out that many retirees from public jobs are now receiving more money in their pensions than they received in their regular paycheck. All due to how the system was gamed (using overtime and banking vacation). Last year they were complaining about retirees getting rehired and getting two paychecks.

    When you put Public employees in charge of public funds… the public gets screwed.

    Corwin (ea9428)

  24. At one time Cincinnati had a well run, viable, fully funded retirement system. Then the “progressives” took over city government and slowly, over a period of years they raided the cookie jar. Now that once stellar system is an unsustainable under funded mess that will not be able to keep any promises made to employees – but nearly every poverty pimp who ever walked into council chambers walked out with hundreds of thousands of dollars of tax payer money for their own private community development projects. Its been fun to watch a once vibrant city crumble under progressive politics.

    quasimodo (4af144)

  25. Cincinnati plans on fixing all ills by building a light rail system that will run from downtown thru the worst neighborhoods. Now that is progress! And they waited until unemployment and uncertainty is at the highest; not nearly enough money to fund it, not nearly enough businesses to support it, not nearly enough people to ride on it and not nearly enough protection for anyone to consider riding it in the first place.
    Can’t wait for the Federal $$ to come flowing in!

    Corwin (ea9428)

  26. Corwin – That is like a perfect storm for some “stimulus” funding.

    JD (959071)

  27. Comment by Corwin — 4/26/2010 @ 11:19 am

    If your “worst” neighborhoods are anything like L.A.’s, be prepared for an “unexpected” flood of lightrail-pedestrian incidents (fatalities).

    AD - RtR/OS! (69f893)

  28. Quasimodo wrote:

    At one time Cincinnati had a well run, viable, fully funded retirement system. Then the “progressives” took over city government and slowly, over a period of years they raided the cookie jar. Now that once stellar system is an unsustainable under funded mess that will not be able to keep any promises made to employees – but nearly every poverty pimp who ever walked into council chambers walked out with hundreds of thousands of dollars of tax payer money for their own private community development projects. Its been fun to watch a once vibrant city crumble under progressive politics.

    That’s all due to the fact that the Cincinnati Reds suck, and have sucked for years now.

    Just think how the Queen City wuld thrive with Sparky Anderson as Mayor, and Johnny Bench, Pete Rose, Joe Morgan, Tony Perez, Davy Concepcion, George Foster, Ken Griffey and Cesar Geronimo on the city council.

    The Dana who loved the Big Red Machine (3e4784)

  29. Rose could run the casino concession. Ya, it was a good time to be a Red’s fan. Captain Hook as Mayor? He would demand the power to change council members at will.

    quasimodo (4af144)

  30. …but he’s read a lot about them. This makes him an expert on what people with real jobs want.

    Kevin Murphy (805c5b)

  31. The Dana who loved the Big Red Machine – Maybe not Pete Rose. He would have lost the City’s money betting.

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  32. The Federal Reserve Banks (not to be confused with the Federal Reserve Board) are private institutions. They are no more government institutions than the NY Stock Exchange is.

    John Henry

    John Henry, evidently you understand little about the NYSE nor the Federal Reserve. The NYSE is actually a privately owned enterprise, albeit heavily regulated. The Federal Reserve is a Congressionally chartered corporation that is creation of the Federal government, whose governing board is appointed by the government, whose profit goes to the Federal government …

    Have you figured out the difference yet, John Henry?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  33. Ah, blast it, my 4:38 comment got garbled.

    I meant to state that the Federal Reserve banks while nominally privately owned are governed by the Federal Reserve board with is a creature of the Federal government, etc.

    So the simile John Henry attempts fails.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  34. Isn’t that what Hamilton and Burr fought about too?

    nk (db4a41)

  35. Wow, could we set up a Round-Robin duel of the two caucus’?
    We could sell tickets!

    AD - RtR/OS! (69f893)

  36. Then again, Geithner’s performance on the Asian debt crisis was widely panned and as head of the New York Fed he seemed to be asleep at the switch as all those major banks in his area were circling the drain. Perfect man for the Obama Administration I guess.

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  37. #31 daleyrocks:

    He would have lost the City’s money betting.

    What, he could have done worse than they have?

    EW1(SG) (edc268)

  38. Daleyrocks wrote:

    Maybe not Pete Rose. He would have lost the City’s money betting.

    And this would be worst than today how? At least as a gambler he’d have a chance to win!

    The Cincinnati Reds fan Dana (474dfc)

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