Patterico's Pontifications


Dachshund Derby

Filed under: General — DRJ @ 7:07 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Looking for love? There lots of kissing at the Buda Wiener Dog Races in Buda, Texas. And some airborne wiener dogs, too:

“Dachshunds compete at the Buda Wiener Dog Races at Buda City Park on Sunday April 25, 2010. More than 600 dachshunds from around Texas and a few entrants from out of state participated in the races Saturday and Sunday.”

I’m very small town but that really sounds like fun.


12 Responses to “Dachshund Derby”

  1. Sounds like a lot of fun to me too!

    Not sure what the prizes are for the winners are, but I presume the losers get giant buns?

    EW1(SG) (edc268)

  2. Now if they can only train them to sniff out drug runners and set them loose as a pack at the border.

    MD in Philly (59a3ad)

  3. Heh! It doesn’t get much better than airborne wiener dogs.

    The wieners the world awaited!

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  4. Thanks for this fun post about normal people and their pets having a good time. It’s so much better both for ones psyche and blood pressure than watching the earlier video of Bill Ayers.

    elissa (009558)

  5. The last place I lived (a town in Idaho) has porcupine races every year for the 4th of July. Now I live in Alaska and have thought about trying to organize something like that here then hold a race-off for the champions but can’t imagine the fit the forest service (and probably others) would have over transporting live porcupines across state lines.

    Soronel Haetir (27507e)

  6. We had dachshunds of one type or another for 40-years, until the last one, a dachshund/sheltie mix, died at the age of 16 a few years back.
    They were all, with one exception which suffered from a bad upbringing (we acquired her as an adult), were all loving, outgoing friendly dogs, and provided endless enjoyment to the family and friends.

    AD - RtR/OS! (fb87e7)

  7. For those in LA and Orange County, Weiner dog races are held at Los Alamitos Race Track each year. The event is sponsored by the fast food restaurant Der Weinerschnitzel.

    william (f541e4)

  8. Trivia: Jack Ruby was a great fan of Dachshunds, before he murdered Lee Oswald, Ruby gave a pair of wieners to Candy Barr right after she got out of the slammer for pot possession.

    ropelight (cdb4d0)

  9. #8…a lot can be said about this!

    AD - RtR/OS! (69f893)

  10. I’ll say a bit more, then leave the sleeping Dachshunds alone for now. When Lee Oswald returned to the US from the USSR in 1962 he lived in New Orleans with his mother’s sister Lillian and her husband Charles (Dutz) Murret.

    The Warren Commission portrayed Dutz Morret as a steamship clerk. However, the House Select Committee on Assassinations later discovered that Murret was actually an illegal bookmaker, who worked for NOLA mob boss, Carlos Marcello.

    Jack Ruby had long standing ties to Carlos Marcello, Ruby’s exotic dancers came directly from Marcello’s brother’s string of hoochie coochie joints. In 1979 Carlos Marcello admitted knowing Dutz Murret, Lee Oswald, and Jack Ruby.

    ropelight (cdb4d0)

  11. Jack welched on what he owed the Chi-town mob for his election in 1960.
    Da Guys, always collect.

    AD - RtR/OS! (69f893)

  12. Another day, another snippet. When Chief Justice Earl Warren, acting as Chairman of the Warren Commission, visited Jack Ruby in the Dallas jail, Ruby told Warren that he knew who and what was really behind the Kennedy assassination, and that if Warren would take him out of Dallas to Washington DC, Ruby would reveal the truth.

    Warren declined Ruby’s offer on the spot. Warren said he didn’t have the authority to move a prisoner, which was not true, Warren lied, and he didn’t want anyone to know about Ruby’s offer.

    Dorothy Kilgallen published part of Warren’s questioning of Ruby before the Commission, which insured it would be included in the final report. It revealed Warren’s duplicity, his attempts to keep Ruby’s information from view. It showed how deeply Warren was invested in the cover-up.

    Kilgallen got a private interview with Jack Ruby, she told friends she would “crack the Kennedy assassination” in 5 days. But, two days later she was found very dead, and the notes of her Ruby interview were missing.

    ropelight (5b604f)

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