Patterico's Pontifications


Remember November

Filed under: Politics — DRJ @ 6:44 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

The Republican Governors Association wants Americans to pledge to Remember November:

“Remember November so that we can return America to its founding principles of freedom, personal responsibility and economic liberty. We Remember November so we, our children, and grandchildren can live with the freedoms our founding fathers intended.”

The link is a compelling video but it won’t let me embed it here.


UPDATE — They uploaded it to YouTube so I’m embedding it now:

6 Responses to “Remember November”

  1. O/T, but important nevertheless….
    2nd Navy Seal found not guilty, this time in a trial in VA, a 2nd U.S.Navy Seal involved in an alleged prisoner abuse charge found Not Guilty of Dereliction of Duty.
    One more trial to go back in Iraq.

    AD - RtR/OS! (9562e0)

  2. This is a big whitewash and coverup, AD 😉

    JD (9f2abc)

  3. that video rocked muchly

    happyfeet (c8caab)

  4. Given that white, male landowners made virtually all decisions in the Founders’ time, the GOP govs should reconsider this period as the gold standard of political leadership. Our Founders would have bemoaned political parties. The Electoral College hasn’t worked as they planned. That we have become so evangelically religious might be the biggest surprise. The Founders who lived into the next century were very disillusioned.

    LegalTender (42907f)

  5. You’re almost left with the impression that the dow has fallen.

    imdw (ffb872)

  6. You know, imdw, every post you have made recently demonstrates that you are just a freaking little troll. So the Dow says it all right now? By the way, something tells me that you don’t exactly have investments. But be that as it may, the debt explosion should concern you.

    I keep forgetting: you are an economic genius.

    And since the Dow is the be all and end all—your comment, remember—there is another multipage essay you could write.

    Again, you are making these snide little rejoinders. I’m simply after you to back up your trolling. But you won’t do it, because you lack the intellectual ATP to do it, and you are lazy besides.

    You really are pretty obvious.

    Again, better get that apology ready for daley. You have some experience in that area, apologizing for being a jerk. And I would guess that is not just true here.

    Eric Blair (0b61b2)

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