Patterico's Pontifications


Biden Promises More Jobs

Filed under: 2012 Election — DRJ @ 7:55 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

President Obama is on vacation so, in his absence, Vice President Biden took over the role of making promises:

“Vice President Joe “I Still Have My Job How About You?” Biden was at yet another political fundraiser today and admitted that he got in White House trouble last month for predicting job growth nationally.

So naturally the garrulous VP did it again today in Pennsylvania.

Speaking for Mark Critz, a Democrat running for a House seat who’s “the real deal” as opposed to some others who Biden says have been “real turkeys,” the Obama administration’s chief gaffemeister said:

We’re going to be creating somewhere between 100 and 200,000 jobs next month, I predict.

Which is a pretty wide range.

Then, to ensure he’d be in trouble again, the long-time senator added:

Even some in the White House said, ‘Hey, don’t get ahead of yourself.’ Well I’m here to tell you some time in the next couple of months we’re going to be creating between 250,000 jobs a month and 500,000 jobs a month.”

He’s a keeper. Or not.

Instead of listing potential challengers President Obama may face in the 2012 Democratic Presidential primary, NPR should start counting all the people who could replace Biden on the ticket.


23 Responses to “Biden Promises More Jobs”

  1. is that Murtha’s seat? The one in coal country? Coal, the thing that people like Teh One, and Biden, and Pelosi, etal are going to make toxic with Cap & Trade?

    Biden should be put in front of the microphones more often.

    JD (9f2abc)

  2. If true, not a one will be created in the private sector.

    gazzer (7588eb)

  3. it’ll be closer to 100 that 200K, unless you count all the temp and senseless j*bs.

    BTW: i scored 28/28 on teh test and have five extra points as a veteran, and yet, surprisingly enough, they haven’t called me to w*rk yet….

    they must have already filled the token middle aged white guy slot. 😀

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  4. There is a solution:

    Nationalize the coal industry. Then we can pay all the coal miners for not mining coal.

    I’m calling Rahm right now for a job. I think I may have hit on the solution for everything.

    And doubleplusgood, it’s worked every time before!

    Ag80 (f67beb)

  5. Ag, that’s a spiffy idea. I’m in SoCal, and I could so enjoy a job in the energy sector NOT mining coal. Let me know when they start accepting apps.

    AD - RtR/OS! (9562e0)

  6. I’m applying for government money to be paid not to farm. I think not growing corn pays the best.

    Then I am going to apply for unemployment benefits. They actually pay people to not work and when I get to the end of my benefits Congress extends them and I get another 26 weeks.

    But with Murtha no longer in Congress I have to find a new shill that will give me government money through earmarks. Earmarks are great. I don’t have to fill out stupid grant proposals or prove I’m worthy of the money. My congressman just puts my earmark in the bill and it’s mine.

    What a country!!!

    MU789 (25b69d)

  7. It must be true that Obama picked Biden to make himself look better. The only difference in their lying is Biden doesn’t believe he is lying. Biden is everyone’s crazy uncle.

    PatAZ (9d1bb3)

  8. I’m still puzzled at why Obama picked Biden – not that I mind – except for the fact that unfortunately he could become president..

    It really doesnt matter who Obama runs against in 2012 (well except Romney) he’s toast

    Good riddance

    EricPWJohnson (1d0270)

  9. I think a switch is entirely likely. They’ll give Biden his gold watch and a pat on the back and then — well, the wheels on the bus go ’round and ’round, with Slow Joe under ’em.

    Biden was supposedly the “sage hand at foreign policy” needed to balance the ticket — even though Obama was quoted during the campaign as saying foreign policy would be “the easy part.” Obama does not think he needs any guidance from Biden, and now there are surely other itchy identity politics constituencies that need scratching. So they’ll run some focus groups and pick the replacement who polls the best in whatever area they think needs shoring up.

    Beldar (7a5ffe)

  10. I would be happy to not speak publicly and at length on the virtues of creating or saving jobs by levying additional regulation and taxes on anyone left with a business or an income.

    Then I could not speak to the wonders of Excel spreadsheet macros that are able to turn government budget deficits into budget surpluses, albeit surpluses that result in more government debt, higher taxes with fewer private sector jobs, all for the good of the nation.*

    And I would be willing to not opine on the pitfalls of placing canned tax preparation software in the hands of government bureaucrats. Particularly those in the Congress and/or executive cabinet level positions. But why these same individuals, who failed to accurately prepare their own individual tax returns, should be elected or appointed to oversee the federal budget.

    Or I could not mine coal, or farm crops, or investigate wrong doing for the Justice Department or hundreds of other tasks that I, along with those who are actually tasked to perform such functions, are not doing. In a spectacularly unprecedented manner I might add.

    And I could not do all of the above for a, mmmm, ahh, make it a low to mid six figure salary plus congressional health care and retirement benefits. I’m not greedy.

    Why, I’d be willing to not do it six seven days a week, while not attending public functions, thrown in for free. Just to help.

    *Requires extensive post grad work in the Professor Irwin Corey School of Advanced Mathematical Disassociation at the Carlos Castenada Alternate Realities University in Northern Mexico.

    BTW Lunch-bucket Joe was talking about government jobs… Right?

    Bahrack (d4120a)

  11. maybe we’re misunderstanding what Slow Joe meant, and he’s going to be traveling the country, handing out j*bs…

    i hope he’s got lots of Chapstick. 😀

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  12. Everytime Joe talks to voters he’s handing out a job . . . so to speak. 😉

    Icy Texan (61b7e2)

  13. Careful with the loose talk about replacing the VP on the ticket for a second term. That’s what started the clock ticking on JFK.

    ropelight (e0e500)

  14. After the health care reform BFD, there’s no way they replace biden. No-one can deliver like that.

    imdw (c5488f)

  15. Hmm. Did you plagiarize that comment about Biden?

    You clearly think he is one smart fellow. Good for you! And Biden agrees with you. Remember that great video where he brags about his IQ and looks like a fool?

    Yeah, he’s your guy, all right. You two have a lot in common. Maybe it’s all the time you spent in that coffeeshop, discussing how to divide Iraq into thirds and plotting out character assassinations.

    Eric Blair (bbb7d4)

  16. “we really dodged a bullet, there” if it wasn’t for Joe we wouldn’t know that Hezbollah had been kicked
    out of it’s own country, Nasrallah doesn’t know either, but that’s why it’s so secret.

    ian cormac (d56635)

  17. Dumbest Vice President in history.

    That this guy is considered such a towering intellect in the Democratic party sure puts paid to all the sneering Democrats have done about Republican office holders.

    Dan Quayle spends the first part of every morning’s prayer thanking God for Biden.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  18. There’s nothing wrong with Joe Biden that a good trepanning would not solve.



    Ah. Well then.

    Never mind.

    IgotBupkis (79d71d)

  19. Dumbest Vice President in history.

    coupled with the dumbest President….. we are in the very best of hands.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  20. When Nixon was asked (I think by David Frost) “Why Agnew?”, he responded “Assassination insurance.” The idea was that no one would kill Nixon to put Agnew in power.

    I think it’s like that with Obama and Biden; and certainly explains why Hillary isn’t VP.

    Kevin Murphy (5ae73e)

  21. 20. Thread winner.

    Teresa (1fd2ef)

  22. > coupled with the dumbest President….. we are in the very best of hands.

    You racist bastaaaaarrdddd!!


    IgotBupkis (79d71d)

  23. very creative post, keep up to dated

    Gulf Jobs Vacancies (9720d7)

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