Patterico's Pontifications


Opposing Alan Grayson

Filed under: 2010 Election,Politics — DRJ @ 8:19 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson has a new opponent:

“Former Florida state Sen. Daniel Webster plans to jump into the race against first-term Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson Thursday, according to several Florida Republicans familiar with his thinking, landing the GOP a popular conservative candidate and reshaping the primary field.

Webster is a widely respected former legislator whose low-key, conciliatory demeanor has won him friends on both sides of the aisle and would present a clear stylistic contrast with the bombastic Grayson. His wife sent out an email last night asking supporters to attend a press event at 5:30 p.m., Thursday, for a political announcement about the race in Grayson’s district.

Webster will also be receiving the endorsement of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, a source close to the former governor confirmed, a move that will lend Webster instant credibility and momentum in the Republican nomination battle. Webster worked closely with Bush when he served as Speaker of the Florida House.”

Webster joins state Rep. Kurt Kelly, radio host Todd Long, and businessman Bruce O’Donoghue in the Republican race.


20 Responses to “Opposing Alan Grayson”

  1. Grayson’s sucking up to the hipster crowd in Los Angeles

    At least he’s actively courting the douchebags

    Hawkins (b28eca)

  2. Obama needs to go down there and campaign for Grayson, help the guy out.

    daleyrocks (1d0d98)

  3. If Alan Grayson had any functioning grey matter, he would oppose Alan Grayson too. Plus, that is one of the worst carpets I have ever seen. Just bad.

    JD (9f2abc)

  4. I’ll gladly donate to the winner of the GOP primary in this district. Grayson is a rabid animal, and he badly needs to be retired from Congress.

    Beldar (7a5ffe)

  5. I have a long list of candidates I’d gladly support that have nothing to do with my home district, and I doubt I’m the only conservative that feels this way. This year, many conservatives seem to be targeting their donations at specific races and candidates instead of giving to the RNC.

    DRJ (09fa6c)

  6. The RNC, as long as it tolerates the leadership of Michael Steele, has lost all credibility with the rank-and-file.

    AD - RtR/OS! (898e6a)

  7. Oh, yeah, I’m definitely making up my own mind about individual races to donate into. Indeed, my donations “strategery” even includes giving money during the Democratic primaries to Mickey Kaus — a Democrat who I like and respect, but would never vote for in a general election (because he’s still a man of the Left even if it’s the moderate Left and he’s part of a vanishing species).

    Beldar (7a5ffe)

  8. OK, I’ll say it:

    How can the devil run against Daniel Webster?

    Ag80 (f67beb)

  9. I would not give the RNC a penny. Not a penny.

    JD (9f2abc)

  10. I’m with you DRJ and Beldar. I have sent money to people like Scott Brown, the man who opposed Murtha, may he rot in Okinawa, and a bunch of others. I am a conservative, not a Republican. I will never send money to the RNC. We received a call the other day and question # 3 or 4 was ” Under what circumstances would you vote for John McCain?” Mrs G responded ” None!” Career pols need to go. In AZ Hayworth may not be the answer, but we need to first rid ourself of Juan McC.

    gazzer (7588eb)

  11. Amen, Brother!

    AD - RtR/OS! (898e6a)

  12. “I have sent money to people like Scott Brown, the man who opposed Murtha, may he rot in Okinawa, and a bunch of others. I am a conservative, not a Republican.”

    So how is supporting guys like Brown going for you?

    imdw (544e95)

  13. imd-dumbass, how is supporting guys like Grayson, Murtha, Rangel, Reid, and women like Murray, Pelosi, Boxer, Waters, McKinney working for you?

    PCD (1d8b6d)

  14. “So how is supporting guys like Brown going for you?”

    Quite well, actually. Nothing like the residual benefits from MA voters electing a Republican to replace Ted Kennedy, regardless of what some “I’m a conservative, not a Republican” folks might say.

    Brad S (9f6740)

  15. Calling Grayson a rabid animal is a vicious insult to rabid skunks everywhere.

    And I’m glad to see that four Repubs have jumped in a primary to get a chance to get a piece of Grayson’s sorry hide in the November election.
    Grayson needs to retire to work on getting a better hairpiece.

    Mike Myers (3c9845)

  16. Grayson’s a scumbag of the worst order, pure and simple. He recently interrupted a meeting of a local GOP group in his district, then beclowned himself further when he objected to one of them actually videotaping him acting like the wanton a–hole he always is. Stay classy, Grayson.

    Dmac (21311c)

  17. I’ll donate. I donated to Scott Brown even though I don’t live in his district, and it was the best investment I’ve made in a political campaign.

    Rochf (ae9c58)

  18. Grayson is an interesting case. He is actually an intelligent man by his background but is acting the fool. I can’t imagine that he thinks this will win reelection because that district is fairly conservative. He only won in the big GOP meltdown in 2008. Maybe he is mentally ill. His motivation is a mystery to me.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  19. If Grayson is an intelligent man, then Bill Clinton actually was the first black president, he really didn’t have sexual relations with Monica, ObamaCare will lower medical costs, the Stimulus Bill has already created millions of new jobs, and GM paid us back in full.

    BTW, I’m 27 years old again, 31″ in diameter, and quick as a cat.

    ropelight (5dcb5b)

  20. ropelight – I hope you mean 31″ in circumference. 31″ in diameter would give you a waistline of more than 95 inches.

    Have Blue (854a6e)

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