Patterico's Pontifications


Obama Adds New Supreme Court Name

Filed under: Judiciary,Obama — DRJ @ 4:42 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

President Obama added a new name to the Supreme Court nominee list. He also claimed there is no abortion litmus test but his nominee must take “women’s rights” into account:

“The president is considering about 10 people, including a newly confirmed name, federal appeals court Judge Ann Williams of Chicago.

Among the others are appeals court judges Diane Wood, Merrick Garland and Sidney Thomas, former Georgia Chief Justice Leah Ward Sears, Solicitor General Elena Kagan, Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Harvard Law School Dean Martha Minow.

When asked if he could nominate someone who did not support a woman’s right to choose, Obama said: “I am somebody who believes that women should have the ability to make often very difficult decisions about their own bodies and issues of reproduction.”

He said he would not judge candidates on a single-issue abortion test.

“But I will say that I want somebody who is going to be interpreting our Constitution in a way that takes into account individual rights, and that includes women’s rights,” Obama said. “And that’s going to be something that’s very important to me, because I think part of what our core constitutional values promote is the notion that individuals are protected in their privacy and their bodily integrity. And women are not exempt from that.”

Obama puts his own success before issues, but it seems there is one issue he won’t compromise on — abortion. I suspect his Supreme Court nominees feel the same way.


3 Responses to “Obama Adds New Supreme Court Name”

  1. Barack Hussein Obama is a far-left ideologue who is expanding the power of the federal government to a level that this nation has never before witnessed. He is trying to marginalize trash anyone who stands in his way, cannot take criticism to the extent that he can’t even find the self-discipline to ignore the mildest form of heckling. He’ll say there’s no “abortion litmus test” when it’s obvious that there is and then appoint whoever he God Damn well pleases and the rest of us had either better get over it or vote the sonuvagun and his merry band of idiots out of office.

    GeneralMalaise (24d3e0)

  2. How about another Brandeis?

    imdw (c5488f)

  3. He said he would not judge candidates on a single-issue abortion test.

    “But I will say that I want somebody who is going to be interpreting our Constitution in a way that takes into account individual rights, and that includes women’s rights,” Obama said.

    — Not a “single-issue”; therefore, it’s abortion plus gun control plus campaign finance restrictions plus soft on the death penalty . . . IOW, the qualified candidate HAS to be an idealogue of his stripe.

    And, of course, individual rights “includes women’s rights”, but conveniently do not include ANY rights for the fetus.

    Icy Texan (684095)

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