Patterico's Pontifications


The Highest American Cities

Filed under: Crime — DRJ @ 5:08 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

The Daily Beast commemorates April 20th with a list of America’s Top 50 marijuana-consuming cities. Congratulations to the Top 5: Eureka, Tallahassee, New York, Boston and San Francisco.


9 Responses to “The Highest American Cities”

  1. Someone must have gotten stoned and missed the last 10?

    GeneralMalaise (24d3e0)

  2. I haven’t researched this subject deeply, but I think we need to explore the legalization of pot and taxing it. Let’s hear it from the legals and enforcers on this.

    bald01 (35bc9b)

  3. We’ve already discussed that topic several times.

    DRJ (09fa6c)

  4. There were only 40 cities named in the Top 50… discuss.

    GeneralMalaise (24d3e0)

  5. Bald01, we’ll be voting on it in California in November.

    DRJ, I note there are no Texan cities on the list.

    aphrael (73ebe9)

  6. My mistake, General Malaise. Would you believe 40 is the new 50?

    aphrael — Maybe the hippies in Austin were too zoned out to respond to the survey?

    DRJ (09fa6c)

  7. I was just in Eureka last summer. It’s right on the coast, not very high at….



    Some chump (665bd6)

  8. I like this tidbit from the Boston page:

    “4/20 Celebration: Activist Dan Gervais will begin walking across the country to raise awareness about marijuana legalization, starting in Boston on 4/20.”

    Makes me wonder if it isn’t missing the following:

    “4/21 Reality: Gervais gets distracted somewhere near Woonsocket, RI, gets baked, stops and plays some xbox, forgets what it was that he was supposed to be doing.”

    JVW (08e86a)

  9. Hmm. And I’ve lived in three of them. Golly.

    W Krebs (0a50ba)

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