Patterico's Pontifications


We’re All Tim McVeigh Now

Filed under: Politics — DRJ @ 1:48 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Byron York summarizes former President Bill Clinton’s remarks that “movements like the Tea Party, characterized by extreme right-wing rhetoric, could lead to political violence.” Clinton’s inflammatory remarks generated lots of response, including this by the Instapundit (and others at the link):

“Lies and smears aimed at their fellow Americans, for short-term political gain. This is who they are, and this is what they do. It worked better, however, when there were fewer alternative channels of communication, and when their character was less well-known.”

Tom Maguire describes it as Clinton believing Tea Partiers “are all potential Tim McVeigh fertilizer bombers,” but Tom doesn’t want Clinton to worry about him:

“The fertilizer I spread around here will not explode. Just so you know.”



22 Responses to “We’re All Tim McVeigh Now”

  1. Strange that you should mention fertilizer spreading when you’re talking about Bill Clinton.
    That’s all that sumbitch has done for years–spread fertilizer of the barnyard kind.

    Mike Myers (3c9845)

  2. Bill was much more calm when Monica was close-by.

    AD - RtR/OS! (4249dd)

  3. If you recall, CLinton at the time accused “right wing talk radio” of incentivizing the bomber. No mention of Janet Reno and the terrorism she and the DoJ unleashed on Evian Gonzales, Ruby Ridge and, finally, Waco. It was the Waco anniversary that the bomb celebrated.

    Clinton knows better but he also thinks it will work again.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  4. Did they ever worry about Ayers, Pfleger and Wright egging on the left?

    Alta Bob (e8af2b)

  5. Former President Clinton is a known liar (I did not have sex with that woman) and a known destroyer of the personal reputations of those he felt were a political danger to him (all of those women who accused him of incidents of sexual harassment all the way to brutal rape) so why would anyone give these comments by him any credence whatsoever? They are very obviously baseless political attacks by a man who is the master of such attacks.

    Rick Wayne (d5dbac)

  6. There was, during the Clinton administration, a report published at the direction of the administration on potential terror threats…and of course, it was the same report that came out again…just a little spiffed up, after the O!ne was elected.

    This is an old theme for Clinton. Who remains as dishonest now as he was then.

    EW1(SG) (edc268)

  7. Not just a “known” liar….
    But a convicted one!

    AD - RtR/OS! (4249dd)

  8. I have yet to have a tomato explode due to the fertilizer I use or how I use it.

    Clinton was a liar and continues to lie. Shocker.

    Though, now I think about it, little cherry tomatoes that combust in your mouth because they were so dang flavory IS something that happens when you use fertilizer correctly.

    Vivian Louise (643333)

  9. #6 EW1: Whoops, the point being of course that anybody to the right of Marx, Lenin or Engels is automatically suspect.

    EW1(SG) (edc268)

  10. “No mention of Janet Reno and the terrorism she and the DoJ unleashed on Evian Gonzales, Ruby Ridge and, finally, Waco.”

    – Mike K

    Would that be Elian’s spring-purified younger brother?

    Leviticus (30ac20)

  11. Leviticus: ha.

    To the point:

    I used to be Democrat and I don’t mean someone who voted the way his daddy did. I mean, I was a full-blown, anti-capitalist, hate-the-military, social-engineering supporter of every left-wing cause to undermine the U.S.

    9-11 didn’t change me. President Clinton, several years earlier, did.

    Not because he was a liar, all politicians are liars. And not because he was a bad President, in retrospect he wasn’t that bad.

    It was because his actions and words were so far disconnected from reality that he started to make me reconsider my loyalties and to realize that perhaps what I had believed for so long as best for the nation were, indeed, not so.

    So, I owe him a debt of gratitude for being one of the most mendacious, lying, insincere bastards who ever walked the face of the earth.

    His latest reinforces my belief.

    Seems like a nice guy, though.

    Ag80 (f67beb)

  12. > “The fertilizer I spread around here will not explode. Just so you know.”

    Perhaps not, but the copious amounts of fertilizer being spread by The Left and their wholly owned propaganda subsidiary, the MSMs, is likely to have some blowback.

    IgotBupkis (79d71d)

  13. Carter has been put out to pasture. Now they’ve brought on Clinton to be the latest poster boy for hate-baiting. Pathetic.

    And sure, somewhere along the line some idiot is gonna take the bait and do something stupid. Then, Clinton and his ilk will sit back and crow about how they were right.

    In the jacket artwork for one of Nirvana’s albums there is a photo of an arson-damaged Republican Party headquarters — presumably taken in Seattle, their original base of operations. The photo is displayed without caption or comment; one presumes it’s there to indicate their approval, and implies agreement with the arsonist’s “political statement”.

    Speech is one thing, actions another.

    Icy Texan (468117)

  14. Tancredo says send obama back to kenya. Another idiot says he’s ready to suit up take his guns and march on washington. ‘ its the end of america’ all this weekend at a rally in greenberg SC.
    And did you know that lindsey graham is gay and that prayer can cure AIDS? Ask Jerry Falwell. And the attorney general of VA is hanging out with ‘christocrats’ its not my term its theirs.

    And the guy who wants to ‘suit up, is a baptist minister.
    And its an ex staffer for tancredo who has the assault charge oa woman he slugged while calling her a nigger. And that assholes BFF? James O’keefe.
    Racist stupid or all of the above

    john smithee (9afd37)

  15. Take a deep breath, johnny, and then go troll somewhere else.

    Oh, and I just saw the breathless lead for the MadCow/McVeigh show about how evil and potentially violent we are.

    JD (8763bd)

  16. Comment by Ag80 — 4/18/2010 @ 9:27 pm

    You forgot how he “feels our pain”.

    AD - RtR/OS! (2f7dee)

  17. I am going to put forth the idea that the person that calls themself “john smithee” is more likely to commit violence against him political opponents than the people he is purportedly scared of.

    JD (8763bd)

  18. him = his. Typos suck.

    Regardless, john the not-smithee’s premise is as flawed as Clinton’s. Mendoucheous, both.

    JD (8763bd)

  19. ‘typos suck’

    But how’s that ‘Confederate History Month’ holding up?
    ‘The war of northern aggression’ and all that.
    I’m just quoting republican politiciians’ words.
    I wish I were making it up but I’m not.

    john smithee (9afd37)

  20. Hey smithee, as long as we’re tarring people, don’t forget the paramilitary, terrorist wing of the Democrat Party, the KKK!

    AD - RtR/OS! (2f7dee)

  21. John Smith (and Pocahontas) has no idea what you’re talking about, since everyone knows that the Dems have always been the party of truth and light – and never mind the Grand Keagle sitting in senior positions of influence of the congress.

    Dmac (21311c)

  22. #10 commenter went straight to the truth on who and what was the driving force behind mcviegh. i think what clinton did is called projection.he will never accept responsibility for his parade of blunders.

    clyde (2cd807)

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