Patterico's Pontifications


Law Student Summer Jobs

Filed under: Law — DRJ @ 1:47 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

The declining job market has left its mark on everyone, including law student summer jobs. Once characterized by wine-and-dine summers hosted by generous law firms, some of today’s law student summer jobs aren’t that great.


5 Responses to “Law Student Summer Jobs”

  1. I’m at the end of year three of a four year part-time program. I’m still working as a software engineer full time.

    I’m worried that not having legal experience will make it harder to get hired for a legal job when I get out. On the other hand, I’m still employed, and not massively in debt, so I think I made the right choice. 🙂

    aphrael (73ebe9)

  2. I think you’re right that it’s all about debt, aphrael, and that’s the same advice we gave our law student son.

    DRJ (09fa6c)

  3. A little hard work (manual labor?) will give them an appreciation for how the “other half” lives, and perhaps what their parents went through to present them with the opportunities that they enjoy.
    Too many of our elites are the poster-children for one of the jokes about GHWB (or was it his oldest son?):
    They wake up on Third Base, and think they’ve hit a triple.
    Got to admit, I always liked the one by “Ma” Richards:
    Poor George (GHWB), he can’t he’p it, he was born with a silver foot in his mouth!

    AD - RtR/OS! (4249dd)

  4. My husband graduated from a law school in the South last summer. As we made the rounds of various graduation parties, I very quickly stopped asking, “So, where ya headed?” because it mostly led to awkward moments when the poor graduate had to tell me that he/she didn’t have a job lined up. My husband was lucky — he was finishing law school at 40 and had had a successful non-legal career prior to getting his J.D. He received two offers. Only a handful of his fellow graduates could say the same.

    Susan (de5daf)

  5. Hey, just what the world needs — more lawyers.

    No offense intended to anyone here (i.e., this is not directed at any of you personally, but lawyers in general), but if the law schools were decimated — in the historical sense — along with the entire bar association registry, the world would probably be substantially improved. That would probably hold true through several cycles of decimation.

    IgotBupkis (79d71d)

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