Patterico's Pontifications


Iceland Volcanoes and Weather

Filed under: Environment — DRJ @ 7:51 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

The Instapundit links a Business Insider post that says the ash from Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull Volcano may impact far more than air traffic. If the history of a prior volcanic eruption is any indication, Iceland’s volcanoes could also affect energy, agriculture, health, and weather:

“Unfortunately what has also to be considered is that there are a whole line of craters, not shown on this map, between Katla and Vatnajokull, which are also a worry. Laki, an even greater threat than Katla, lies along this line.

Iceland’s Laki volcano erupted in 1783, freeing gases that turned into smog. The smog floated across the Jet Stream, changing weather patterns. Many died from gas poisoning in the British Isles. Crop production fell in western Europe. Famine spread. . . . . . .

The winter of 1784 was also one of the longest and coldest on record in North America. New England reported a record stretch of below-zero temperatures and New Jersey reported record snow accumulation. The Mississippi River also reportedly froze in New Orleans.”



38 Responses to “Iceland Volcanoes and Weather”

  1. Would tend to moot global warming, wouldn’t it.

    EW1(SG) (edc268)

  2. This map shows it all and good blog too, and also shows that Europe had several weeks warning that this was going to happen as well

    EricPWJohnson (a91488)

  3. Did you pay that bet yet, Eric?

    JD (8763bd)

  4. One of the major flaws of the AGW theory is that it just isn’t able to predict what feedback mechanisms the earth may have which would regulate its temperature. Who knows, maybe the volcano really did go off because of thinning ice, and the increased sootiness of the air will then reflect more sunlight/heat back into space, and thus counteract any warming trend caused by greenhouse gasses. Or maybe not, of course. But there surely may be global-scale feedback mechanisms which may counteract or ameliorate the effects of increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

    PatHMV (003aa1)

  5. Silliness, pure silliness, PathHMV 😉

    JD (8763bd)

  6. Every bad thing either causes global warming or is caused by global warming … or sometimes both.

    Frankly, astrology is starting to look more scientific than AGW.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  7. Hmmm … I guess we’ll whether or not we’re approaching another Little Ice Age. If we were this could be the “tipping point.”

    Kevin Murphy (5ae73e)

  8. Don’t you see? This explains last winter’s heavy snowfall.

    Which just goes to prove the truth of global warmering.

    Michael Mann's Hockey Stick (c91124)

  9. > Would tend to moot global warming, wouldn’t it.

    Near as I can see the only way to moot AGW is to have all its proponents taken out back and given lead poisoning. It’s getting more and more obvious that it’s close to time to do exactly that. Should vastly improve the collective IQ, to say nothing of the human gene pool.

    With these assholes, facts don’t matter, reality doesn’t matter, they will distort anything and everything they must to make it fit the byline.

    IgotBupkis (79d71d)

  10. P.S.

    The Year Without A Summer


    IgotBupkis (79d71d)

  11. P.S., just in case you think, with #11, that I’m resorting to hyperbole in regards to their willingness to distort, I cite the latest distortions in the NASA-GISS figures:

    GISS: Warmest March ever in Finland

    Money quote (emphasis mine):

    So the GISS March value for Sodankylä is off by [an] amazing 11.8 °C!


    Yes, they’ve visibly “fixed” the temperature values in at least one demonstrable case by more than 20 degrees Fahrenheit, and still claim it’s valid.

    These people have passed the bounds where mere incompetence can justify their “results”. It’s now inarguable criminal fraud.

    IgotBupkis (79d71d)

  12. This could be similar to the eruption of Mount Tambora in 1816, which precipitated “The Year Without Summer”.

    The shutdown in EU air-travel has caused some weird side-effects:
    The motorcycle GP of Japan scheduled for next weekend has been postponed until the Fall, since the mostly Euro-based teams are unable to get there;

    The Formula-One teams were in Shanghai this weekend for the Chinese GP, and are unsure how they will get all of their personnel and equipment (they use a minimum of five, cargo configuration 747’s just for cars and equipment) back to their home-bases in Europe to prepare for the Spanish GP in three weeks.

    I wonder if the organization considered the Trans-Siberian Railway? Perhaps putting on a special train, private guards, etc.?
    Shanghai to Peking to Ulan Bator to Irkutsk to Moscow to Central Europe…should only take a week or so.

    AD - RtR/OS! (4249dd)

  13. You might have read in the Los Angeles Times that the EAU climate change perps have been given a squeeky clean bill of health by the latest Oxburgh inquiry.

    Well you should read this.

    LATimes launders Oxburgh’s BBC interview.

    papertiger (b40a74)

  14. Ok I got something on topic too.

    This particular volcano is situated on a naturally high concentration of florine baring rock, so the theory goes that Mt Enya like Mt Laki will have ash like nuclear fallout, that poisons the grass and grains that barnyard animals eat. Killing them. Which leads to famine for the Europeans.

    Change in the weather will be shallow, and beside the point if the eruption continues long term.

    papertiger (b40a74)

  15. Maybe if we cap this sucker with AlGore’s fat ass everything will be okay.

    Icy Texan (468117)

  16. what’s amazing is the saints won the super bowl in 1784 as well.

    joe (4aab05)

  17. I wonder if cloud seeding could be used to clear the air more quickly? Or what affect might that have on marine life (assuming seeding is done over the ocean)?

    Corwin (ea9428)

  18. I wonder if cloud seeding could be used to clear the air more quickly?

    I’d say the volcano has pretty well seeded the clouds already.

    quasimodo (4af144)

  19. I was under the impression that these particular ash particles won’t effect the global weather at this point, since they’re not being propelled into the upper atmosphere like other volanoes that dropped temps on average of one degree (Pinatubo is the most recent example). Something about the ash not reaching heights in the upper stratosphere (above 30,000 feet), which means the ash below that level eventually sinks to the ground.

    Just one more example of the AGW crowd completely ignoring the earth’s molten core and other factors at play (i.e. sunspots, the pacific ocean’s regular oscillation into the cold sector, etc.).

    Dmac (21311c)

  20. papertiger, Steve McIntyre has some strong words about the Oxburgh “investigation”.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  21. I blame Owl Gore!

    GM Roper (a0b04a)

  22. This event makes the perfect excuse for the AGW crowd to shift gears in the face of the genuine science whilst still retaining their quest for total control:

    e.g. “We, the AGW crowd, were right all along about global warming until the volcanos changed things, but now the volcanic output is interacting with all that excess carbon to produce rampant cooling. Political control of this disaster is needed more than ever; the time for debate is over.”

    Gear shift coming in 3, 2, 1….

    ras (88eebb)

  23. Inhaling sulfur dioxide gas causes victims to choke as their internal soft tissue swells, is how thousands died it says. Like 23,000 people, which is many.

    In Iceland itself the sheeps almost all died, and half the moo cows and horsies too.

    And guess who else wrote about it? Mr. Benjamin Franklin! He said there was so much particulate stuff in the air it made it to where you couldn’t do that thing where you light something on fire with a magnifying glass.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  24. anything that stops obama and congressmen from overseas junkets is a good thing.obama will not have to do all that stoop labor or wear out AF1. the muslims do not need more apologies for our existence,besides he can throw us under the on TV or the internet and save a lot of fuel.

    clyde (2cd807)

  25. Folks, we’re talking about ONE volcano! Do you realize what a big ordeal is being made over one volcano? Could it affect climate? Why, (breathless), could it cause global warming? could it do this? Could it do that?
    The only reason everyone is in an uproar over it is because it affected Northern Europe. Volcanoes happen all the time. No one cares if it happens in some piddly third world country or out on a tiny island in the sea – but it’s the same thing – big booms, lots of smoke and soot, lava, ice cream, syrup and a cherry!
    Every one calm down. The world isn’t ending yet.

    Metallica (bb58d8)

  26. Metallica, as has been mentioned, single volcanoes have affected global climate in the past. Pay attention.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  27. The eruption shows how difficult, if not impossible, it is to make climatic predictions decades in advance, when such unpredictable events affect climate.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (9eb641)

  28. Metallica,

    One average volcano is not going to change climate, but a large one – e.g. Krakatoa – can. Of more interest to me, fwiw, is that we have gone thru a relatively quiet period for volcanos worldwide and that too can change.

    Also, per my prev comment, of even more interest is that volcanos would provide the perfect excuse for the AGW crowd to walk back their warming claims and, with the help of the press and the govts of the world, retain a level credibility they do not deserve.

    Then all they’d have to do is manufacture some scientistic evidence that the gases from volcanos mix with carbon to freeze the earth and, presto, they can resume their takeover. The evidence needs be no more accurate than the AGW evidence was. Different problem, same “solution.”

    A series of volcanos erupting could change quite a few things.

    ras (88eebb)

  29. Kilauea has been erupting for 27 straight years, since 1983. Mt. Vesuvius’ eruption buried Pompeii. Different volcanic eruptions can cause different effects.

    AGW – Al Gore Warming

    kimsch (2ce939)

  30. As an art major I learned about Krakatoa Sunset painters as well. So there is precedent for this phenomenon.
    26 Times the Power of H-bomb test.

    Global coldening! Good skiing in the local mountains for a while.

    Patricia (fa8e06)

  31. The Iceland volcano has erupted again.

    DRJ (09fa6c)


    EricPWJohnson (dd52ff)

  33. > I blame Owl Gore!




    Sorry, couldn’t resist…

    Or is Owl a member of that rare species that goes, “What?”… I always forget.

    > Metallica, as has been mentioned, single volcanoes have affected global climate in the past. Pay attention.

    More critically, this is not just “any volcano eruption”, this is a once-in-fifty-years or better event. I think there is AS YET no reason for major concern, but its certainly not so insignificant as to be not worth paying attention to…

    IgotBupkis (79d71d)

  34. I just realized no one has blamed George Bush for this…yet.

    MD in Philly (59a3ad)

  35. Doc,

    No one’s blamed W yet, but the Mullahs may add volcanoes to the adultery and scantily clad women caused earthquakes.

    kimsch (2ce939)

  36. And in Australia we get this:

    He says Iceland’s volcanic carbon emissions are good news for plant growth and the current eruptions give an indication of the potential for carbon emissions from future volcanos.

    “We are living in a period of volcanic quiescence, as we haven’t had a dirty big eruption since 1912; and this is a small eruption but it is giving us the window into what a very big eruption would be like.”

    Just ME in T (a0333b)

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