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Schumer to Holder: “Just Say It Already”

Filed under: Law,Terrorism — DRJ @ 9:27 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

New York Democratic Senator Charles Schumer’s advice for Attorney General Eric Holder:

“Holder testified on Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee. He said, “This administration is in the process of reviewing where KSM and the co-defendants should be tried. … New York is not off the table as to where they should be tried. But we have to take into consideration the concerns.”

“No final decision has been made about the forum which Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his co-defendants will be tried,” said Holder. “As I said at the outset, this is a very close call.”

Schumer attended the hearing. But in his statement, released on Wednesday, he said: “We know the administration is not going to hold the trial in New York. They should just say it already.”

Even Democrats are getting tired of Eric Holder’s waffling.


16 Responses to “Schumer to Holder: “Just Say It Already””

  1. waffling is this regime’s default setting….

    sooner or later, even the biggest lieberal suck a55es are going to get tired of it….

    the day even *they* miss Bush will be a sweet one, even if they never admit it publicly.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  2. Well, the President does like his waffles….
    and Holder is the type to give the President whatever he wants (as long as there’s a “D” after his name).

    AD - RtR/OS! (4a0d27)

  3. SCHUMER: We know the administration is not going to hold the trial in New York. They should just say it already.

    HOLDER: You know as well as I do, Senator, that we are making this crap up as we go along. I don’t like Bushitler, you don’t like McCheney-Burton, so we tore down what they built. Then the CIA and the DoD started pushing the panic button and we realized what a bunch of viciously fanatical people these terrorists are. That was kind of hazy for us until Chimp was gone. That bastard Lieberman also got us all drunk and we were all locked in the Oval Office and he made us watch September 11th and beheading footage all night. Remember?

    SCHUMER: …Kind of.

    [note: released from moderation. –Stashiu]

    skwiself (63b7ff)

  4. skwiself, was that conversation recorded using a hidden microph…

    Corwin (ea9428)

  5. Often forgotten .. the post-World War II Nuremberg Trials, which tried Nazis for war crimes, were military tribunals.
    I seem to remember .. it worked just fine.

    Neo (7830e6)

  6. Eric “the Weasel” Holder almost makes one pine for the days of Janet Reno.

    GeneralMalaise (d23929)

  7. If Republicans were doing this the media would be going crazy.

    Alta Bob (e8af2b)

  8. That’s a short trip, Alta Bob.

    GeneralMalaise (d23929)

  9. How about a 2 week military tribunal trial followed by a volunteer private firing a $1 bullet into KSM’s head? Or we can spend $200 million running a 10 year long three ring circus in downtown Manhattan.

    Holder does seem to be the worst AG at public relations. The guy repeatedly says stuff to draw attention to himself at the expense of his boss. Why even bring up the “trial in Manhattan” issue again? Recall his comments before the “beer summit” where he was out claiming he had a history of being racially profiled at traffic stops. It’s probably true, but the reason he brought that up was to somehow imply Team Obama believed the police were being racially incensitive in the Boston incident. What a clown.

    Wesson (df77bc)

  10. Holder cracks me up. Can any of you actually imagine hiring this clown as your own lawyer on any important matter?

    Beldar (d92600)

  11. Absolutely, Beldar. Why, if I needed to pretend I had a disease, and wanted to contribute 3 million dollars to the Clinton Library while coincidentally getting a pardon for felonies, I would consider Holder to be the very best person to hire.

    Any kind of sleazy deal like that, really.

    For legal reasoning, I admit, I would rather hire a can of tuna.

    dustin (b54cdc)

  12. Beldar, and he has a long history of incompetence. After the Marc Rich pardon, it is pretty obvious that he gets appointed because he is connected among the wealthy and influential crooks – not because he has any actual talent.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  13. Holder needs to testify more often on Capitol Hill. His responses on closing Gitmo the same day infuriated both sides. He should have been wearing a clown nose.

    daleyrocks (1feed5)

  14. Can you imagine hiring Shumer?

    How about seeing a headline about yourself that touts the Holder/Shumer defense team?

    Sweet Jesus take me now…

    Steve G (7d4c78)

  15. Oh yeah…. Holder makes Gonzales look like Daniel Webster

    Steve G (7d4c78)

  16. #10 Beldar:

    Can any of you actually imagine hiring this clown as your own lawyer on any important matter?

    In spite of the points made by SPQR and dustin, I’m gonna have legal nightmares tonight.


    EW1(SG) (edc268)

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