Patterico's Pontifications


SEIU President to Resign

Filed under: General — DRJ @ 9:48 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Politico’s Ben Smith reports SEIU President Andy Stern is resigning:

“The President of an SEIU local based in Seattle, Diane Sosne, broke the news to her staffers at 11:35 this morning, local time.

“Last night I received confirmation that Andy Stern is resigning as President of SEIU. He has not yet made a public announcement; we will share the details as we become aware of them,” Sosne wrote in an email obtained by POLITICO.

Sosne offered no explanation for the move, but another SEIU official speculated that Stern had finally tired of the draining job.

“Health care getting done is a good culmination,” the official said.”


11 Responses to “SEIU President to Resign”

  1. Watch for Stern to be tapped for a WH czarship after a sufficient interval. Mark my words.

    L.N. Smithee (c70c02)

  2. Supreme Court Justice Andy Stern?

    daleyrocks (1feed5)

  3. That’s the first thing I thought, too, L.N. He’s visited the White House too many times to simply fade away.

    DRJ (daa62a)

  4. Command of the “civilian force” equal to the military? He seems just right to run a bunch of brownshirt thugs.

    Machinist (9780ec)

  5. You first four covered all of my thoughts for me! Then again, are there any open cabinet positions?

    the friendly grizzly (ad1b71)

  6. Are there still vacancies on the NLRB?

    imdw (f6a9f8)

  7. There was a scrivener’s error in the press release; it was supposed to say that he was going to reign

    Dudeman (b50a96)

  8. If he doesn’t pop up somewhere else in obamalot,
    I have got to wonder:
    Dodd, Stupak etal. Why are these rats deserting the Liberal ship?
    What do they know that the other Dumbocrats don’t?

    pitchforksntorches (12026e)

  9. Considering that Andy Stern could at any moment be charged with that didn’t-have-a-license-for-his-lobbying-activities law, I’d guess it’s a little more along those lines.

    luagha (5cbe06)

  10. Something is strange here. If he was going to be offered some position in government, he would have announced the good news and then resigned from the Union. I think the way this was announced indicates something is wrong.

    Katnandu (32190b)

  11. Stern will soon be tied to Governor Blago and that’s why he is preemptively resigning his post.

    GeneralMalaise (51dd09)

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