Patterico's Pontifications


Obama’s Nuclear Summit Opens

Filed under: International,Obama — DRJ @ 8:10 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

President Obama opened his nuclear summit with a bow for Chinese Communist President Hu Jintao and a hug for the Brazilian Socialist Worker Party President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.


29 Responses to “Obama’s Nuclear Summit Opens”

  1. Iran could not be reached for comment, as they were finishing up their plans to wipe Israel off of the map.

    JD (18e145)

  2. Who would you rather have defending the U.S., Obama, Prince of Appeasement, or George W. Bush? I wonder what vital national interests Obama will pledge to give away before the summit is over.

    daleyrocks (1feed5)

  3. Probably Texas. Or Alaska.


    JD (18e145)

  4. with a bow for Chinese Communist President Hu Jintao

    Between that and the way he prostrated himself in front of the king of Saudi Arabia and the Emperor of Japan, is Obama trying to look like a “subservient Negro?”

    Mark (411533)

  5. He’s so bent (2 puns intended) on being “the kinder, gentler” diplomat that he will go so far as to publicly embarass both himself and his country in order to appear non-threatening & conciliatory.

    Or, in short — he’s a wuss.

    Icy Texan (692edc)

  6. Bush held hands with the saudi king.

    Pakistans nukes are insecure and at risk of theft by terrorists. That’s from a new report out of harvard. And those terrorists are backed by saudi money.

    You people are as angry as you are stupid. Obama is out of his depth but he’s an adult. That’s something.

    john smithee (a5b83f)

  7. john smithperson – You forgot Buuuuuuuuusssssssshhhhhh, and the Joooooooooos. That is all.

    JD (d55760)

  8. It’s sad to see the picture of President Obama greeting the Polish ambassador and to realize why no higher ranking official from Poland is available. I hope that President Obama himself attends the state funeral as a sign (especially to the Russians) that Poland is a very close ally and the freedom of Central Europe is a high priority. Please don’t just send Slow Joe in your place, Mr. President.

    JVW (08e86a)

  9. Biden would tell a Polack joke, JVW.

    JD (d55760)

  10. I credit our President for holding the summit and working for nuclear weapon reduction; and cooperation. I don’t agree with how he interacts with other heads of state. He certainly sends the wrong messages. Trust but verify.

    Corwin (ea9428)

  11. He doesn’t walk into walls or throw up on people.
    His biggest problen is that he’s too respectful to republicans.

    Bush was an airhead but he’s Aristotle compared to Palin. You’re hellbent on destroying the country all because you all can’t admit a mistake… ever.

    john smithee (a5b83f)

  12. “Who would you rather have defending the U.S., Obama, Prince of Appeasement, or George W. Bush?”

    [note: fished from spam filter. –Stashiu]

    imdw (54289f)

  13. He doesnā€™t walk into walls or throw up on people.

    Uh, WTF are you talking about?

    His biggest problen is that heā€™s too respectful to republicans.

    You mean like when he shut them out of all of the heathcare bill negotiations until the very last minute, then called them obstructionists for actually having the temerity to voice contrary opinions to his awesomeness? Yet another brilliant example of his bi – partisan nature.

    Or perhaps you’re referring to his response as to why he continually refused to talk to any members of the GOP from the get – go, petulantly saying “I won.” He’s quite a uniter, that one.

    Youā€™re hellbent on destroying the country all because you all canā€™t admit a mistakeā€¦ ever.

    Your panic at watching your Messiah crash and burn is as obvious as the postule on your face. Better check your underwear, I think you just crapped your pants.

    Dmac (21311c)

  14. “Youā€™re hellbent on destroying the country all because you all canā€™t admit a mistakeā€¦ ever.”
    John Smithee

    I believe you have it backwards. The Federal government (Republicans and Democrats) have taken us down the wrong path. President Obama is simply taking us there faster. This summit was a good thing, but his behavior toward our allies and enemies leaves much to be desired.

    Corwin (ea9428)

  15. “You mean like when he shut them out of all of the heathcare bill negotiations until the very last minute”

    Baucus spent a lot of time negotiating health care. He watered down a bill, and got nothing for it.

    “Or perhaps youā€™re referring to his response as to why he continually refused to talk to any members of the GOP from the get ā€“ go, petulantly saying ā€œI won.ā€”

    Well. He did. They’re not really negotiating as equals.

    imdw (cd4b7a)

  16. The republicans had no real proposals they just stalled. This just in: roy blunt is opposed to the rule barring insurance companies from denying coverage for preexisting conditions.

    The dems fight from weakness even when the have strength. That’s the sad part. And when they win anyway it drives you so nuts you go out and join the crackhead militia. Christian fundamentalist roid rage. I’m sure the Hutaree crowd would feel right at home here.

    john smithee (a5b83f)

  17. The republicans had no real proposals they just stalled

    Funny how you somehow skirted over Rep. Ryan’s comprehensive bill that was on the Dem’s table for almost a full year (predicted response: “Who’s Ryan, some kind of wingnut bible clinger?”). OTOH, we already know you’re not really interested in exchanging ideas with gems like these:

    And when they win anyway it drives you so nuts you go out and join the crackhead militia. Christian fundamentalist roid rage.

    You’re hilarious – can we subscribe to your newsletter?

    Dmac (21311c)

  18. The dems fight from weakness even when the have strength.

    Did you just crib that line from an old episode of Kung Fu?

    Dmac (21311c)

  19. Look, its really not fair to say that Obama bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia.

    He bent his knees. So technically that was a curtsey.

    Doesn’t that make you feel better?

    (yes, i got that from IMAO)

    A.W. (e7d72e)

  20. Maybe smithperson could enlighten us on how Barcky’s summit was good for the US, or our allies, like Israel. I refuse to call him Smithee, as I respect LN, and this thingie is no LN Smithee. john is a talking point generator spitting out bile. That is all.

    JD (0f9c01)

  21. JD, he should just call himself Allen Smithee and be done with it.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  22. “Maybe smithperson could enlighten us on how Barckyā€™s summit was good for the US, or our allies, like Israel.”

    You didn’t like the promises we’ve extracted from countries like china or the ukraine?

    imdw (c70387)

  23. I do not know who this Alan person is that you reference, but I am going to assume that Alan is an idiot if you are comparing that smithperson upthread to him.

    JD (0f9c01)

  24. Ryans a Randian. And his tax plan would raise taxes on 90 percent of americans. Tax the middle class not the rich!
    CBO used Ryan’s projected numbers to start. Beginning with the plan itself showed his plan balooning the deficit. Just like a republican.

    And here’s his health plan
    I forgot about Ryan you were right about that.

    Elect john galt.

    john smithee (a5b83f)

  25. Allen Smithee is the name they put in Hollywood on a project no one wants to be associated with

    ian cormac (3e0a07)

  26. It’s the name used by directors. Official use sanctioned by the DGA.

    john smithee (a5b83f)

  27. He doesnā€™t walk into walls or throw up on people.

    His biggest problen is that heā€™s too respectful to republicans.

    Bush was an airhead but heā€™s Aristotle compared to Palin. Youā€™re hellbent on destroying the country all because you all canā€™t admit a mistakeā€¦ ever.

    One minute it’s one subject the next second it’s something else. We can’t figure out what the subject is but there’s generally insults.

    bored again used to post just like this. You wouldn’t be him would you?

    Gerald A (138c50)

  28. ?? Not bored just tired.
    I put some info in there too. But I know you won’t touch it.

    john smithee (a5b83f)

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