Patterico's Pontifications


Planned Parenthood Argues for the “Right” Not to Tell Your Sex Partner You Have HIV

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:45 pm

It’s all part of a larger “right to sexual pleasure” — no doubt tucked away in one of those penumbras that keep popping up when leftist judges scrutinize the Constitution.

In a guide for young people published by the International Planned Parenthood Federation, the organization says it opposes laws that make it a crime for people not to tell sexual partners they have HIV. The IPPF’s “Healthy, Happy and Hot” guide also tells young people who have the virus that they have a right to “fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives.”

HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.

“Some countries have laws that say people living with HIV must tell their sexual partner(s) about their status before having sex, even if they use condoms or only engage in sexual activity with a low risk of giving HIV to someone else,” the guide states. “These laws violate the rights of people living with HIV by forcing them to disclose or face the possibility of criminal charges.”

Under the heading “Sexual Pleasure and Well-Being,” the guide declares that it is a human right and not a criminal issue as to whether a person decides if or when to disclose their HIV status, even if they engage in sexual activities.

“You know best when it is safe for you to disclose your status,” the guide states. “There are many reasons that people do not share their HIV status. They may not want people to know they are living with HIV because of the stigma and discrimination within their community.”

. . . .

“Young people living with HIV have the right to sexual pleasure,” the guide states under the heading “Sexual Pleasure; Have Fun Explore and Be Yourself.”

What about your right to life — and your right not to catch HIV?

“Evrviglnt” at Political Vindication comments of Planned Parenthood’s position:

It’s worse than a lethal absurdity, it makes a mockery of the dignity rights are recognized to protect.

Follow the proscription to its logical end. If one has a right to sexual pleasure, who has the right to refuse it? If that pleasure involves children, so what? Sex with children has been common throughout human history. How about sex with animals? If pleasure is paramount, should not any living thing prepare to be violated? No, you say – it would be wrong to injure somebody or something just to get our rocks off. But there are few worse injuries one can inflict than infecting another with an incurable disease, so it seems that anything short of murdering someone or something in pursuit of an orgasm is now acceptable.

Talk of “rights” often sounds wonderful, until you realize that your “right” generally becomes someone else’s burden. I can think of no better illustration.

101 Responses to “Planned Parenthood Argues for the “Right” Not to Tell Your Sex Partner You Have HIV”

  1. This is … stunning in its irresponsibility and absurdity.

    Mark (4ce3e6)

  2. Is Planned Parenthood already in AIDS counseling or is this aimed at penetrating a new market for them. Alternatively, does it just hearken back to PP’s origins with Margaret Sanger and population control.

    In any case, just horribly wrong-headed.

    daleyrocks (1feed5)

  3. Hey, I’m sure it’s a right spelled out clearly and forcefully somewhere in our constitution.

    Not like the right to keep and bear arms which most liberals pretend is nowhere to be found.

    MU789 (00e597)

  4. The government should strictly mandate what words you have to say before you can get laid I think.

    happyfeet (c8caab)

  5. Everyone has the right to be a dumb-ass.

    I promise my point will be proven shortly.

    Ag80 (f67beb)

  6. oh hi hey you gave me a disease

    oops… that sucks but it wasn’t on the “must disclose” list

    oh. okey doke. If it was something I should be super worried about the government would have taken steps I guess.

    Exactly! I love the government.

    Me too.

    happyfeet (c8caab)

  7. Perhaps if those idiots at PP who wrote this piece of vile trash had to live with a son, daughter, brother, sister who had HIV/AIDs, they would not be so flippant about the devestation that is HIV/AIDs.

    Instead, they continue to promote their support for irresponsible sex, catering to a person’s “sexual pleasure”.

    If one, JUST ONE, teenager contracts HIV/AIDs because of these idiots, it would be the one time I supported a tort case and a legal settlement that would finally put them out of business.

    How many lives does this bastard child of Margaret Sanger have to destroy before they go the way of the Third Reich?

    retire05 (2abfb2)

  8. But, but, but, don’t we need to have calorie counts and nutrition information printed on the fronts of snack packages for public safety? And schools should not serve chocolate milk? And in NYC restaurants chefs should not add salt to their creations?

    But, hey, if it’s diseased sex we’re talking about–no prob.

    The mind boggles.

    elissa (42e91d)

  9. If your government passes a law what someone has to tell you they have AIDS before they have sex with you, then if someone doesn’t tell you they have AIDS, you can be darn sure they don’t! So as long as you only boink with people who don’t tell you they have AIDS, you never need to worry!


    What can’t it do?

    happyfeet (c8caab)

  10. Happy, you’re over-thinking this, I suspect. 🙂

    elissa (42e91d)

  11. I am flirting wif radical anarchy as an appropriate anodyne to the dirty socialist debaucheries of our goverment I think elissa.

    hf (9bda9c)

  12. Plus even if I did have a disease I probably still couldn’t get laid.

    happyfeet (df08fc)

  13. It’s a good thing the government doesn’t adopt something like the Duke University sexual misconduct policy instead, becuase that would be even nuttier.

    daleyrocks (1feed5)

  14. Nothing to do with the topic, but Dixie Carter has died.

    Really, nothing else to say except I liked her.

    Ag80 (f67beb)

  15. that’s sad, Ag80… she was neat

    happyfeet (df08fc)

  16. feets – Don’t worry, Kevin Jennings is there to make sure our young people have “fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives.” Even those who have trouble getting laid will I’m sure find handy advice during his tenure as safe schools tsar as opposed to stigmatism.

    daleyrocks (1feed5)

  17. happyfeet:

    “neat.” That is a good way to describe her.

    Ag80 (f67beb)

  18. I am not surprised by this, other than it is so blatant and tone deaf to the rest of the world.

    It is in keeping with the ideas that all youth will have sex anyway so abstinence education is not only unhelpful but a “crime”, and you can’t trust the person that you’re having sex with, even if it is your spouse, so use a condom every time. It is also why international agencies put down Uganda’s way of “ABC” education even though it is the only one that has shown a significant effect in decreasing HIV spread in a population. (At least the last time I read up on the topic.)

    Put this aside daleyrocks’ note at #13 and one quickly comes to the conclusion that “common sense” is anything but anymore.

    MD in Philly (ddde18)

  19. I’m sorry to hear that, Ag80. I liked her in Designing Women.

    DRJ (daa62a)

  20. I liked her in Designing Women, also.

    I also liked her for being a person who stood for her beliefs when it would have been so much easier to do otherwise.

    Maybe that’s why Hal Holbrook married her.

    Ag80 (f67beb)

  21. I have a different theory about men and marriage. He married her because she was beautiful, smart and sassy. He stayed married because she had principles.

    DRJ (daa62a)

  22. It’s like we have to relearn all of the lessons of the 70s, they can’t really be that stupid (rhetorical question)

    ian cormac (3e0a07)

  23. DRJ:

    Been there, still doing that. Thanks.

    Ag80 (f67beb)

  24. There was a man who had 3 girlfriends, but he did not know which one to marry. So he decided to give each 1 $5000 and see how each of them spent it.

    The first 1 went out and got a total makeover with the money. She got new clothes, a new hairdo, manicure, pedicure, the works, and tells the man, “I spent the money so I could look pretty for you because I love you so much.”

    The 2nd one went out and bought new golf clubs, a CD player, a television, and a stereo and gave them to the man. She said, “I bought these gifts for you with the money because I love you so much.”

    The 3rd one takes the $5000 and invests it in the stock market, doubles her investment, returns the $5000 to the man and reinvests the rest. She says, “I am investing the rest of the money for our future because I love you so much.”

    The man thought hard about how each of the women spent the money.

    Finally, being a man he decided to marry the one with the biggest tits.

    nk (db4a41)

  25. I would like to see these dangerous morons prosecuted as accessories to murder, which they most certtainly would be if someone knowingly passed HIV along to an uninfected sexual partner in reliance on Planned Parenthood’s advice. RICO would also be a good way to go.

    Kevin Stafford (abdb87)

  26. Mr. daleyrocks I suspect there is sarcasm in your words

    happyfeet (c8caab)

  27. Mr. feets – You are smarter than you look!

    daleyrocks (1feed5)

  28. thank you

    happyfeet (c8caab)

  29. Ah yes, the liberal end of the libertarian spectrum.

    Legalize drugs, end DWI checkpoints, unrestricted abortions, no requirement to disclose HIV status; and let’s not forget Ron Paul’s favorite: isolationism.

    And when all of the PAIN that will inevitably result from all of this “liberty” occurs?

    Them’s the breaks, m’boy.

    Icy Texan (d77cdb)

  30. The cold one from Tejas ought to go ahead and throw in the kitchen sink. You diminish genuine righteous outrage at unbridled irresposibility with your bundling. Reminds me of the thought patterns of a democrat.

    Amused Observer (7fb53d)

  31. #24 nk: Consider that stolen.

    #5 Ag80: Yep, you were right.

    EW1(SG) (edc268)

  32. Personally, I would much prefer to know if a potential sex partner was HIV positive or carried an STD before deciding to consummate the act. Because of this post, I’m in the process of updating the three page questionnaire I give women before bestowing the privelege of sleeping with me upon them. I guess I’m strange that way.

    daleyrocks (1feed5)

  33. […] are not going to believe the latest from Planned Parenthood. Patterico has the […]

    Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove (a5de33)

  34. If your government passes a law what someone has to tell you they have AIDS before they have sex with you, then if someone doesn’t tell you they have AIDS, you can be darn sure they don’t! So as long as you only boink with people who don’t tell you they have AIDS, you never need to worry!


    What can’t it do?

    I guess you aren’t familiar with the free-market Milton Friedman argument for this sort of thing.

    The point is not that the government will be forcing people to be honest and good people, but rather that people who fail to disclose the risks to their partner can be made to pay very large amounts of money in civil court.

    The basic idea is that the consumer (in this case, of sex) should be free to decide what risk he will bear.

    CliveStaples (224b63)

  35. […] Insane Clown Posse, Alinsky Plans to ‘Deconstruct’ America Patterico’s Pontifications: Planned Parenthood Argues for the “Right” Not to Tell Your Sex Partner You Have HIV and Health Care Fallout in New Hampshire and Choosing Sides and The Tea Party and Liberal Hysteria […]

    MSNBC’s Chris Matthews & Yes, More Left-Wing Media Lies: The Word “Regime” & the 6,769 Examples of It Used Against Pres. Bush by Leftist MSM « Frugal Café Blog Zone (a66042)

  36. So… Planned Parenthood supports unplanned AIDS?


    GeneralMalaise (636f7a)

  37. and file this one under: “Leftwing Moonbats Promote Destructive Behavior”.

    GeneralMalaise (636f7a)

  38. […] …Update: GOP Rep Introduces Legislation to Fire Kevin Jennings Patterico’s Pontifications: Planned Parenthood Argues for the “Right” Not to Tell Your Sex Partner You Have HIV Weasel Zippers: Planned Parenthood Denounces Laws on Disclosure of HIV/AIDS to Sexual Partners. . . […]

    Planned Parenthood: OK to Spread AIDS, Sexual Pleasure More Important for Youths Than Disclosure to Sexual Partner « Frugal Café Blog Zone (a66042)

  39. it opposes laws that make it a crime for people not to tell sexual partners they have HIV.

    So typical of deranged leftist thinking, in which things end up inverted. So in their twisted minds, good behavior becomes bad, bad behavior becomes good, and irresponsibility in general is cushioned and sanctified with a feel-good ethos.

    Mark (411533)

  40. I would go as far as to say that if you don’t tell something really important like that, then your conduct borders on rape.

    Consent is not consent unless it is knowing and voluntary.

    I won’t say its quite actual rape, because that would cheapen the serious crime of rape. It is far closer to it, than a group of feminists should support.

    A.W. (f97997)

  41. Nothing to do with the topic, but Dixie Carter has died.

    FWIW, she was one of the rather uncommon, unusual people in the generally flaky world of entertainment/Hollywood. IOW, she was a registered Republican, and I believe (based on an article in the LA Times several years ago) even described herself as a conservative.

    Mark (411533)

  42. This idiocy traces back to one Alice Welbourn, former chair and ex-head of several now defunct International Woman with HIV/AIDS groups. Currently, she’s seeking charitable donations under the rubric of her latest creation, the Salamander Trust. Alice was diagnosed HIV positive in 1992.

    International Planned Parenthood acknowledges her help with their publication.

    From the Salamander Trust, “Alice is a former international chair of the International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS (; a former member of the Leadership Council of the Global Coalition on Women and AIDS; and a former member of the UK Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Network steering committee. She is currently a member of the UNESCO Advisory Group for sex, relationships and HIV education; is currently on the Steering Committee of the Global Coalition on Women and AIDS, and is also co-founder and current chair of the SOPHIA Forum: the UK Chapter of this Global Coalition. ( Alice was one of 14 women to be honoured by the WorldYWCA in July 2007 with an award for innovative leadership in the global response to HIV. She holds an Honorary University Fellowship at the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry at the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth in England.”

    ropelight (ddd608)

  43. Wait, let me see if I get this straight – the abortion providing organization begun by a woman devoted to sterilizing black people in order to make sure they didn’t breed and pollute caucasian blood with their blackness is suggesting that it’s totally okay to refuse to release information that you are carrying a very possibly fatal disease before you have sex that could very possibly transmit that very possibly fatal disease? Now that’s just crazy.

    Next you’ll tell me that they want to perform abortions on underage children without telling the child’s parents. WACK!

    I really do hate PP & Sanger. Lots.

    Vivian Louise (643333)

  44. Planned Parenthood…
    another NGO that relies on grants from the governments of various countries to maintain themselves within their Ivory Tower cloister.
    Why we give them any respect, or funds, is just mind-boggling…
    It would be like funding the KKK for inner-city organizing.

    AD - RtR/OS! (1aff5d)

  45. There’s nothing more fun, happy and sexually fulfilling than having intercourse without revealing the fact that you have HIV to your partner prior to doing the nasty. Do they make Hallmark cards for the occasion?

    People's Front of Judea (44bf37)

  46. “Do they make Hallmark cards for the occasion?”

    Comment by People’s Front of Judea – The Hallmark card is a thank you card for the sex – the sex was great, btw, I forgot to tell you I was HIV positive.

    daleyrocks (1feed5)

  47. Comment by Vivian Louise — 4/11/2010 @ 11:25 am

    What she said.

    The IPPF’s “Healthy, Happy and Hot” guide also tells young people who have the virus that they have a right to “fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives.”

    “They have a right” – Oh Really???

    But young people who don’t have the virus don’t have the right to “fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives” because they have now been infected with a potentially deadly disease???

    Who’s being violated now?

    Dana (1e5ad4)

  48. “Comment by People’s Front of Judea – The Hallmark card is a thank you card for the sex – the sex was great, btw, I forgot to tell you I was HIV positive.”

    “Thinking of you… you left me in a coma… you’ll be thinking of me, with the onset of Kaposi’s Sarcoma”

    GeneralMalaise (636f7a)

  49. If this isn’t a late April Fool’s joke, someone is in serious need of a brain.

    htom (412a17)

  50. Murdering innocent babies for buck isn’t as bad?

    Don L (5704e3)

  51. Wait, let me see if I get this straight – the abortion providing organization begun by a woman devoted to sterilizing black people in order to make sure they didn’t breed and pollute caucasian blood with their blackness is suggesting that it’s totally okay to refuse to release information that you are carrying a very possibly fatal disease before you have sex that could very possibly transmit that very possibly fatal disease? Now that’s just crazy.

    Next you’ll tell me that they want to perform abortions on underage children without telling the child’s parents. WACK!

    I really do hate PP & Sanger. Lots.

    Beautifully put Vivian.

    Shane (27c76a)

  52. Planned Parenthood’s 2008 Annual Report stated that it received nearly $350 Million in government grants and contracts – 36% of the organization’s revenue. If ACORN could be defunded based on the exposure of unethical practices by a few staff members at a small number offices, what is stopping our representatives from doing the same to Planned Parenthood?

    Thorne (8fc7af)

  53. So PP is pushing pre meditated murder now? Bet your Aunt susies ashcan that anyone that has HIV and infects their partner without telling them they have HIV will be brought up on charges and found guilty.

    Tom k. (60044b)

  54. You can reject the PP framing without imposing a government solution I think.

    It’s really not the government’s business about who people are doing.

    happyfeet (c8caab)

  55. Seems like a good class action lawsuit against PP.

    After Seven (3739d8)

  56. There’s nothing more fun, happy and sexually fulfilling than having intercourse without revealing the fact that you have HIV to your partner prior to doing the nasty. Do they make Hallmark cards for the occasion?

    Unless it’s not telling your wife and your girlfriend, who then gets pregnant and has an HIV+ baby. That’s even more fun (and, unfortunately, a true story.)

    Judean People's Front (d74da7)

  57. There’s nothing more fun, happy and sexually fulfilling than having intercourse without revealing the fact that you have HIV to your partner prior to doing the nasty. Do they make Hallmark cards for the occasion?

    Unless it’s not telling your wife or your girlfriend, who then gets pregnant and has an HIV+ baby. That’s even more fun (and, unfortunately, a true story.)

    Judean People's Front (d74da7)

  58. You can reject the PP framing without imposing a government solution I think.

    It’s really not the government’s business about who people are doing.

    Generally speaking I agree.

    If you’re HIV positive, however, it’s government’s business to make sure you aren’t exposing people to a deadly virus.

    It’s not the government’s business whom I invite over to my house. But if I have 12 poisonous snakes slithering about the house untethered, and I don’t tell guests about it, it becomes the government’s business, because I am putting lives at risk.

    Patterico (c218bd)

  59. Requiring a warning is a mild response compared to what the government could do. It also has the power to quarantine people who have dangerous diseases and intentionally expose others without warning them. Remember the Atlanta man with a rare form of tuberculosis who exposed airline travelers after being warned not to travel? He was quarantined by the CDC.

    DRJ (daa62a)

  60. I think people need to make like their casual sex partners have the AIDS. Simple as that.

    It’s a personal responsibility issue.

    What these laws do is dissuade people from finding out their diseaseyness I think.

    happyfeet (c8caab)

  61. I don’t mean to make light of this very serious topic, but it reminded me a little bit of this:

    Nobody, and I mean nobody, does “skeezy untrustworthy” better than Alec Baldwin.

    To quote “House”: “everybody lies.” And that is absolutely true about issues of an intimate nature. I literally cannot understand PP’s position on this topic. Is political correctness more important than someone’s life and health?

    Apparently so.

    There used to be an occultist name Aleister Crowley, known for his, um, democratic approach to sexuality. Anyway, he used to say that all the Commandments were invalid. Only one mattered, and here it is:

    “Do what thou wilt be the Whole of the Law.”

    Tell me that doesn’t sound familiar right now?

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  62. This is shocking! I’ve never been a fan of Planned Parenthood but I didn’t know they were actually this bad–and dangerous.

    VLH (0e929c)

  63. I think we need a whole lot less of a government that supports these disgusting people. If they were a private company we could run them out of business. As it is now look what we have to go through to get rid of them just like Acorn. Who are these people that are controlled by their genitals???? They have no self control???

    jann (3990c3)

  64. How many of you ‘disgusted’, shocked, rejected, shamed people out there voted for Obama. Hello, gress what, elections do have consequenses… with it and keep your knees together or your condoms ready! What a bunch of fools out there…….pathetic. Hope you’re not on my health plan!

    doni (6f385e)

  65. Remember, Planned Parenthood is all about POPULATION CONTROL.

    heywood (4f5c9c)

  66. doni, I guess you don’t pay attention to where you are before you comment.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  67. The Left is diametrically opposed to what is good and right and successful. In fact, it will invariably choose and preach behaviors that lead to failure, rather than those that lead to success.

    GeneralMalaise (a1a83b)

  68. I think the proper response to planned parenthood’s position on this is to make it presumptive evidence of intent to kill to have sexual relationships, while HIV+, with any person who is not known to be HIV+.

    aphrael (73ebe9)

  69. Comment by GeneralMalaise — 4/11/2010 @ 4:57 pm

    Yep. The only way to justify this position is to make the claim that the momentary pleasure of the diseased is morally more important that allowing a healthy person to choose to expose themselves to a deadly disease. They say that it is okay to use the unwitting healthy as sex objects for the diseased.

    That is a morally bankrupt position.

    Of course, Sanger was a devoted and unapologetic eugenics fan, long after eugenics was debunked after WWII. She believed in controlling the population through genocide. She believed it was morally good to do so. Consider that their newest “superstore” of death – PP’s newest high volume abortion clinic in Houston – is in a black/latino neighborhood. I’d say PP has followed Sanger’s direction.

    Vivian Louise (643333)

  70. Hot Air links are teh awesome.

    happyfeet (c8caab)

  71. Sanger thought it the worst thing to bring diseased children into this world, so it’s really ironic that PP is opposed to laws that make it a crime for people not to tell sexual partners they have HIV as this very stand increases the possibility of a baby being born HIV positive. What madness.

    I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world–that have disease from their parents, that have no chance in the world to be a human being practically. Delinquents, prisoners, all sorts of things just marked when they’re born. That to me is the greatest sin — that people can — can commit.

    Dana (1e5ad4)

  72. Sanger thought it the worst thing to bring diseased children into this world, so it’s really ironic that PP is opposed to laws that make it a crime for people not to tell sexual partners they have HIV as this very stand increases the possibility of a baby being born HIV positive. What madness.

    I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world–that have disease from their parents, that have no chance in the world to be a human being practically. Delinquents, prisoners, all sorts of things just marked when they’re born. That to me is the greatest sin — that people can — can commit.

    Dana (1e5ad4)

  73. I know criminal charges have been brought against people who have knowingly had sex without telling the partner they were HIV+, but I don’t know what the outcome(s) was (were). If I said what the charge was I would be making it up, I don’t remember.

    I have had one person say she would take a 2 x 4 to the head of the man who gave her HIV through sharing a needle if she could catch him. Another woman said she would shoot her common law if she ever became HIV+.

    Since treatment immediately after exposure can reduce the risk of contracting HIV, failure to warn after exposure would likely have legal ramifications too, and given treatment of a pregnant HIV+ mom drastically reduces the risk of the child contracting AIDS to with hold that info would be a problem as well (though some consider HIV testing a “routine” blood test for a pregnant woman).

    Forcibly isolating someone for treatment of TB has long been considered appropriate, largely because the exposure risk is simply being where the infected person has been (not even at the same time, necessarily). I wouldn’t be surprised if this has not been tried for an HIV+ prostitute for example, but I know nothing of actual incidents and what happened.

    In my experience most health care providers see no significant responsibility to intervene in any specific way. They have no confidence the typical patient will be honest and do not feel thay have any effective action to take. That said, most providers encourage their patients to be honest and will facilitate someone getting informed if the opportunity arises.

    Long ago a snarky question was asked, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Some things don’t change.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  74. […] Via Patterico, Planned Parenthood is now encouraging people to not disclose their HIV-positive status to sex partners until they feel ready to do so.  According to that organisation, the epitome of evil, sexual pleasure is more important than one’s partner’s life. Under the heading “Sexual Pleasure and Well-Being,” the guide declares that it is a human right and not a criminal issue as to whether a person decides if or when to disclose their HIV status, even if they engage in sexual activities. […]

    Revolting, Amoral, and Deadly, Which Is About Par for the Liberal Course at Haemet (3bcabb)

  75. 30.The cold one from Tejas ought to go ahead and throw in the kitchen sink. You diminish genuine righteous outrage at unbridled irresposibility with your bundling. Reminds me of the thought patterns of a democrat.
    Comment by Amused Observer — 4/11/2010 @ 3:19 am

    — The conservative guy that speaks the cold hard truth hereby invites you to back up your drive-by snipe with some substance. I wrote of how this type of thinking fits perfectly into the anarchist creed of liberal libertarians; the “it’s all fun & games until someone gets hurt” crowd.

    Conservative libertarians believe in freedom WITH responsibility. Liberal libertarians believe in freedom FROM responsibility.

    By voicing my opinion that advocating a “right” to sexual pleasure follows a pattern, I have diminished NOTHING. In fact, I would venture to say that I have provided some context on the matter — to whit: it isn’t just this particular issue, but the freedom to do what you want, whenever you want, without fear of retribution, that is really behind this argument. It’s selfish, it’s anti-community, and it’s “my pursuit of happiness at the cost of yours”.

    And so are the other items that I mentioned.

    Ball’s in your court, pal.

    Icy Texan (ca2c5a)

  76. […] Patterico’s Pontifications.  Worse Than Murder, Inc, aka Planned Parenthood, has written a guide entitled Healthy, Happy and […]

    Sex, Lies and Planned Parenthood « The American Catholic (bb1783)

  77. The Numbering of certain Rights in the constitution Shall NOT be construed, taken, or used, to deny, OR to disparage, defame, dismiss, disregard, disrespect, or to belittle, other Rights retained by the people.

    The Ninth Amendment (f88f87)

  78. What about your right to life

    It’s Planned Parenthood. They don’t believe in all that “right to life” stuff.

    Eqqus Nom Veritas (1b1517)

  79. So often political correctness hurts those who it is trying to help. Somebody is trying to protect HIV positive homosexuals from social stigma and the inconvenience of having to deal with the result of their prior choices. What could cause more harm to homosexuals than policies that increase the HIV rate?

    The US male homosexual population has a 25% HIV rate by age 30, and 40% by 40. Given the typical homosexual lifestyle involving hundreds of sexual partners over a lifetime, sex is dangerous even using protection. I can’t think of anything that could cause our nation more harm than normalizing this type of behavior among the population as a whole, as the homosexual agenda is working to accomplish. In Africa, where marital infidelity is common in many of the cultures, HIV is causing a holocaust. Let’s not allow political correctness and leftist extremism destroy our civilization.

    David Cohen (e9fa03)

  80. Funny, Cuba doesn’t seem to be having any problems with HIV….
    but then, they lock up everyone who either is diagnosed, or exhibit at-risk behavior.
    They are their brother’s keeper, and everyone else’s.

    AD - RtR/OS! (f215c6)

  81. The US male homosexual population has a 25% HIV rate by age 30, and 40% by 40

    Citation, please?

    aphrael (e0cdc9)

  82. Citation, please?
    Comment by aphrael — 4/12/2010 @ 12:40 pm

    Prediction: No response from the drive-by.

    Stashiu3 (44da70)

  83. I was going to ask the same question as Aphrael. Just out of curiosity.

    AD’s mocking Cuba, but I wonder if the world would be a better place if HIV+ folks were quarantined. On the other hand, AIDS just isn’t that scary to people who marry their high school sweetheart and avoid drugs, except when they get a blood transfusion (not really a problem anymore).

    As long as no tax dollars help fight AIDS, why should I worry about it? It’s completely preventable, and if someone wants to live such that they get it, I respect their choice. Happyfeet’s right… it’s on you to avoid it, not your lying partner and the judicial system.

    dustin (b54cdc)

  84. I’ve been trying to find some information on the CDC website, but I’m not getting statistics of the nature “x% of gay men have aids”, i’m getting statistics of the nature “x% of men with aids are gay”, which answers an entirely different question.

    I suspect that the problem lies in part with obtaining an accurate figure for the number of gay men in the US population.


    That said: if your lying partner infects you with AIDS, he should go to jail. He’s deliberately inflicted a terminal disease on you, and he has committed fraud besides.

    aphrael (e0cdc9)

  85. : if your lying partner infects you with AIDS, he should go to jail. He’s deliberately inflicted a terminal disease on you, and he has committed fraud besides.

    As true as this is, it shouldn’t be a comfort to people out there told they can forgo protection or abstinence until marriage. The cops won’t really protect you very much, you have to do it yourself. It’s not really about right and wrong so much as effectiveness. I realize I’m not contradicting your view by saying this.

    dustin (b54cdc)

  86. Tick-tock, Amused Observer.

    Tick-tock . . .

    Icy Texan (692edc)

  87. Seems not too many bothered to read that actual screed that is the subject of this bombast. It’s not from the US Planned Parenthood, but the Internatioinal federation of Planned Parenthoods in London UK. Go to the US PP site if you want to see what America’s Planned Parenthood is saying and it is not what is in this article.|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=planned%20parenthood&__utmv=-&__utmk=164427071

    sifaka (3efbe6)

  88. it shouldn’t be a comfort to people out there told they can forgo protection or abstinence until marriage

    Who is telling people to forgo protection? “Safer sex” has been a catch phrase for decades now – I thought it was generally accepted that if you’re going to have sex outside the context of a long-term monogamous relationship, you should take steps to protect yourself (and that even within one, safety can be a concern).

    The notion that anyone is running around encouraging people to ignore protection is shocking to me.

    aphrael (e0cdc9)

  89. I disagree fully!

    Betboop (996c34)

  90. betboop, you disagree fully with what?

    aphrael (4e93b5)

  91. With an exclamation mark, evidently.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  92. Exclamation marks are the bane of websites everywhere.

    aphrael (4e93b5)

  93. “Who is telling people to forgo protection?”

    I was referring to the people who give HIV. Some people out there use protection, but didn’t, because of pressure from the person they had sex with.

    Sorry if I wasn’t clear.

    The idea I had was that people should see the laws saying ‘the cops will get those who lie to you about HIV’ as absolutely no comfort or protection or deterrence.

    Like my wife taking mace with her to work. She’s not comforted by the fact that muggers, when caught, will be prosecuted. So she takes reasonable steps to protect herself.

    People sleeping with people, outside marriage or a serious and very very trusted relationship, need to wear a condom and hold themselves responsible for what happens if they fail to do so.

    And people need to seriously consider the benefit of abstaining entirely until marriage, as unfashionable or unrealistic as some might think that is.

    dustin (b54cdc)

  94. Planned Parenthood and its supporters are part of the same progressive crowd that has managed to have laws passed that make it illegal to to put used motor oil, empty paint cans, fluorescent bulbs, batteries, or anything with lead in it in the trash. All for fear that enough toxins from those items will leak from the landfill to maybe give someone cancer some day. But they’re okay with taking a major chance at spreading aids. Where is their precautionary principle when it matters? Bunch of hypocrites.

    SporkLift Driver (3fb00e)

  95. The IPPF’s “Healthy, Happy and Hot” guide also tells young people who have the virus that they have a right to “fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives.”

    So why not make their status public so they can find each other, bone each other six ways to Sunday, and maybe even marry each other?

    And people need to seriously consider the benefit of abstaining entirely until marriage, as unfashionable or unrealistic as some might think that is.

    I have heard it is popular in other countries, like high-speed rail.

    On the other hand, AIDS just isn’t that scary to people who marry their high school sweetheart and avoid drugs, except when they get a blood transfusion (not really a problem anymore).

    Sadly, not everyone has the chance to have a sweetheart in high school.

    If only there were a way to make it easier for people to find the love of their life around the time puberty starts.

    And on the Planned Parenthood web site:

    Either don’t have penetrative sex, or use a condom every time you do.

    Michael Ejercito (6a1582)

  96. Planned Parenthood should run a dating service for HIV+ people. That way, they could encourage them to have fun and might get a few abortions out of it, too.

    Maybe they don’t believe HIV causes AIDS. There are some surprising people who don’t, mostly on the left.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  97. […] Absent Reality Professor. The right to defraud with potentially fatal consequences. The audacity to libel. The Avatard Rousseau (via Serr8d). Everything is […]

    Titania’s Hangover (d65a4c)

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