Patterico's Pontifications


Gangsta Girls

Filed under: Crime — DRJ @ 7:44 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

A 22-year-old New Hampshire man claims he was beaten and robbed by a gang of young women:

“Bruce Sanderson of 136 Blaine St. told police he was immediately jumped from behind after he walked past the young women on Clinton Street. The ruffians had just left the South Main Street 7-Eleven, he told police.

They knocked Sanderson to the ground, and he curled into a fetal position to protect himself. He told police the women beat him up, and he did not hit them back. They stole a house key and his wallet, which contained a small amount of cash, police said.

Police are trying to investigate Sanderson’s report, said Lt. Jim Soucy. Complicating the matter is that Sanderson acknowledges he was “highly intoxicated” when the mugging took place. He couldn’t give police a description of the women, and he went home and didn’t report the mugging for about eight hours.”

Sanderson did not have any bruises but police hope a nearby surveillance camera can shed light on what happened.


9 Responses to “Gangsta Girls”

  1. Hmmmmm

    PatAZ (0a77dd)

  2. I was raised to never hit a woman myself…do gangsta girls lose this protection?

    DanH (afd137)

  3. I am no Chuck Norris but … this “guy” needs to get himself into some kind of contact sport. Curling up into a fetal position because girls are hitting him? ????

    nk (db4a41)

  4. Dan,
    The revised code of manly conduct requires you to absorb up to 15 seconds of physical abuse unless blunt objects are used. At the 15 second mark you may attempt to smother the attacks by enveloping your attacker. In a group attack situation at the 30 second mark go ahead and retaliate, beat them down. Do not proceed to give them the boots. Successful blows to the male genitalia immediately advances the clock to the 30 second mark. Attacks with blunt objects must be addressed individually based on perceived danger.

    Amused Observer (7fb53d)

  5. I see a movie on LIfetime soon as these girls find redemption and love as female MME champions.

    MU789 (00e597)

  6. Good thing this guy wasn’t carrying a gun. Alcohol and guns, when mixed, will get you in trouble. Now if the guy ditches the booze and arms himself then the next time something like this happpens he might have a chance. Most cockroaches will scatter at the site of a weapon.

    Why carry a gun? ‘Cause a cop is too heavy.

    PatriotRider (483886)

  7. The revised code of manly conduct requires you to absorb up to 15 seconds of physical abuse unless blunt objects are used.

    Amused Observer, I believe this revision has become OBE. Decades ago.

    The code states “never hit a lady.” The catch is that not all women are ladies. Some, as in the above case, are just criminals. Female criminals, yes, but the emphasis needs to be on their criminality and not gender.

    I don’t consult a stopwatch when confronted with female physical violence. I have a two part plan in place.

    One part I figured out as a teenager. It has to do with a sudden assualt by a stranger. I worked in a grocery store in a fairly rough part of Oakland (there are only two parts to that city; fairly rough and really rough). The shoplifters figured they had the right to steal, resented it if you tried to recover the loot, and the management told me that was part of my job description. So I had some fights. Sometimes with women. I observed the no hitting rule once. After that I was out of patience.

    If some woman thinks she’s a bad ass and wants to go toe to toe with me, I’m going to let her know immediately just how hard I can hit back. Another thing I learned is that if she looks like she’s been beaten with an ugly stick, she probably has. I’m not talking mere unattractiveness. I’m talking about a woman with half her teeth knocked out. Prison tats. Someone you can tell just by looking at her that she’s got a record. Whale on her. You’ve got to beat her just like a man. If it makes you feel better, know it’s not her first rodeo.

    I probably have to say it; I do not choose to have a relationship with such women. I only choose to associate with women I consider ladies. I always treat ladies with respect. It’s just that if I am suddenly confronted with an assault, I’m going to fight back. I’m not going to do a package check first. I’m going to do my best to put the criminal in the hospital.

    The second part of my plan I learned from the mistakes and successes of others. I have never made the mistake in judgement where I involved myself with a woman with a taste for violence. I have had two friends that made that mistake. One was convicted of domestic violence. He was going through a divorce, and during an argument his wife threatened to kill herself in front of their children by swallowing a bottle of sleeping pills. He grabbed her wrist and took the bottle away. She called the cops, they saw the red marks on her wrist, and that’s all it took.

    She successfully provoked him. On the other hand, I will not be provoked in similar circumstances. I will do what the other guy did. He was getting slapped by his wife, who wanted to charge him with abuse during the divorce. Like him, I will call 911 and report events.

    I know that as a man the courts will presume I’m the aggressor in a domestic violence case. A lot of cops have told me they figure most claims of violence or abuse that arise during the course of a break-up are BS, but the rules are the rules. They have to file the report, and then things happen pretty much automatically. Guilty.

    So, that’s it. I will treat all women as ladies until they prove otherwise. If they are strangers to me and suddenly committ assault, I’m going to waste no time putting them away. If I make a mistake and get involved with a woman who doesn’t deserve my respect, I will live with the mistake until I can extricate myself from the situation.

    Sanderson did not have any bruises but police hope a nearby surveillance camera can shed light on what happened.

    Sounds like someone has some doubt. I’m just old-fashioned enough to believe that this is nothing any self-respecting man would make up.

    Steve (7d8b00)

  8. Actually, Steve, we have come a long way in domestic violence cases. In many police departments, the policy is to arrest both spouses and let the lawyers sort it out. And, if I could, I would tell you of a case right now where the husband gets to stay in the house and the wife has to move out.

    vladimir putin (who is actually nk) (db4a41)

  9. vladimir putin, I take it that you have no overall problem with my general attitude.

    Steve (7d8b00)

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