Patterico's Pontifications


Dan Collins: The Obama Doctrine

Filed under: Obama — DRJ @ 11:20 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

In case we are attacked with biological agents


16 Responses to “Dan Collins: The Obama Doctrine”

  1. its getting to the point where only the willfully obtuse can deny that the First Anti-American’s goal is to weaken, damage and where possible, destroy American interests and values.
    he’s also going to get some of us killed before he’s stopped.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  2. Don’t forget cyberattacks. Cyberattacks. Obama won’t use nukes against cyberattacks.

    imdw (223a39)

  3. I sure hope imdw doesn’t live in a big city.

    Wait, no, yes I do. Not that I wish harm on anyone. It’s just that if you were, perhaps, imdw, you might be more likely to see that, in spite of President Obama’s personal charms, what a target he just painted on the backs of the people of the big cities of America, and refrain accordingly from making clever snarks about the subject of their annihilation.

    Surely even his supporters can see what a grave mistake this was. Then again, maybe not. The blindness of cult members can be a frightening thing to see.

    [note: fished from spam filter. –Stashiu]

    no one you know (4186cd)

  4. “Wait, no, yes I do. Not that I wish harm on anyone. It’s just that if you were, perhaps, imdw, you might be more likely to see that, in spite of President Obama’s personal charms, what a target he just painted on the backs of the people of the big cities of America, and refrain accordingly from making clever snarks about the subject of their annihilation.”

    People that live in big cities make very clear who it is they want to have as their commander in chief. As for living in a city, I recommend you try it at some point in your life. It’s hard to describe the advantages and disadvantages, and you should experience them for yourself.

    [note: fished from spam filter. –Stashiu]

    imdw (d8fa96)

  5. LOL I do live in a medium size city right now, and lived in NYC for a year. So am aware of the advantages and disadvantages.

    Nice attempt at avoidance of the point, though, which was: one of the disadvantages of living in a big city is that you have a target painted on your back when people think they can release weapons of mass destruction there, with relatively few consequences to their own country and people.

    [note: fished from spam filter. –Stashiu]

    the no one you know who suspects that imdw is trying to change the subject (196ed7)

  6. “Nice attempt at avoidance of the point, though, which was: one of the disadvantages of living in a big city is that you have a target painted on your back when people think they can release weapons of mass destruction there, with relatively few consequences to their own country and people.”

    Oh I don’t avoid the point. I think one of the advantages in listening to who people in big cities want as the commander in chief is that we’re more likely to get the kind of commander in chief I want. Please think of our concerns next time you vote.

    imdw (842182)

  7. Comment by imdw — 4/9/2010 @ 11:22 am

    I certainly will be thinking of them, but the beauty of democracy is that other people’s opinions don’t get to override MY vote. And wherever I’m living, I’ll vote for MY concerns next time I vote.

    I’d say “thanks anyway for your concern,” but you apparently only think the “concern” has to go one way.

    no one you know (4186cd)

  8. “And wherever I’m living, I’ll vote for MY concerns next time I vote. ”

    So much for all that worry for big cities.

    imdw (19cd35)

  9. NOYK, see what a polite young man imdw can be?

    Snide and ignorant and self-satisfied.

    Nice to see you posting, by the way.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  10. when the city imdw lives in is effectively shut down, without power, water, food and all the other accouterments of modern life because of an organized cyber attack on the systems that provide the same, i hope he comes to the door of someone like me for succor, since s/he/it obviously expects someone else to do everything for them.

    shooting one more looter won’t make me feel anything more than recoil.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  11. One more? These wingnut apocalyptic fantasies get quite bizarre. But nukes in response to a cyberattack? You mean like in the terminator movies?

    imdw (241c75)

  12. Apparently dimwit decided to misunderstand every single comment today.

    JD (3f3e6c)

  13. i>#

    Apparently dimwit decided to misunderstand every single comment today.

    Comment by JD — 4/9/2010 @ 1:15 pm

    LOL – he sure did.


    So much for all that worry for big cities.

    Comment by imdw — 4/9/2010 @ 11:59 am

    I am worried for big cities. That’s one of the many reasons I’m voting against Obama next time.

    Oh. You meant you didn’t think I wasn’t concerned unless I agreed with YOU on who can protect ALL of us as our commander in chief best.

    Zero-sum much?

    no one you know (4186cd)

  14. Comment by Eric Blair — 4/9/2010 @ 12:25 pm

    Thanks, Eric. Nice to see you around too. Gave up posting on blogs for Lent and am having a grand time this week. LOL

    no one you know (4186cd)

  15. “Oh. You meant you didn’t think I wasn’t concerned unless I agreed with YOU on who can protect ALL of us as our commander in chief best. ”

    Oh I just meant I think the potential victims are speaking clearly, and you’re so worried that you … want to disagree with them. Sure. Basically, I don’t get why I got the “i hope you don’t live in a big city” argument, when it’s not like you listen to those who do anyway.

    imdw (7f7e45)

  16. imdw seems to not understand the concerns that serious people, not “wingnuts” as he likes to insult and not the non-serious like himself, have about cyberattacks on infrastructure.

    There are some concerns regarding vulnerability of water supply systems, electrical power generation and distribution, dams, and others that could result in mass casualties.

    Even if imdw is only worried about is someone scoring his favorite porn site bookmarks.

    SPQR (26be8b)

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