Patterico's Pontifications


Jewish Donors “Concerned”

Filed under: Politics — DRJ @ 5:55 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

The Hill reports American Jews may be unhappy enough with President Obama’s Israel policy that Democratic donations will suffer:

“Privately, these Democrats say that the administration’s criticism of Netanyahu was excessive and will embolden Israel’s enemies. Jewish Democratic fundraisers and donors say Obama could lose significant financial support and votes, although they caution it is too early to say with certainty.

Exit polls showed Obama won about 78 percent of the Jewish vote in 2008, but Jewish political strategists believe his level of support among the bloc has dropped in recent months.

The impact on the Democratic Party could be significant.

Jewish Democratic donors are believed to make up 25 to 50 percent of the party’s major contributors — those who give more than $25,000 — according to sources familiar with Jewish fundraising.

Some Jewish fundraisers estimate pro-Israel donors give $20 million to $30 million to federal races in an election cycle.

They also make up an active segment of the electorate in swing states such as Florida, where Democrats and Republicans are contesting an open Senate seat.”

That’s a big chunk of the Democrats’ fundraising, although the quotes show many high-profile Democratic Jews are “concerned” but not alienated from the Obama Administration.

“Concern” typically turns off GOP donors. We’ll see whether that’s also true with Obama’s Jewish supporters.


16 Responses to “Jewish Donors “Concerned””

  1. it’d be a shame if all those jewish whales decided Ear Leader wasn’t kosher. 😀

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  2. Jewish donors are “concerned”?

    Who knew Tom Daschle was Jewish?

    JVW (08e86a)

  3. Not before time.

    Uncle Pinky (22f482)

  4. Concern is a craptacular word.

    JD (76f87c)

  5. Of course, if they were accused of “dual loyalty” they would shriek and wail. I’m old enough, and Midwestern enough, to have known people who were on the home front in WWI, and I can assure you that tying your fortunes and your image to a foreign country does carry the risk of that country doing something really stupid. I’ve never been in favor of the policy we’ve had since at least 1973, of backing Israel no matter what Israel does. My foreign policy would be “America first and last and always—as for the rest of the world, it can go to hell for all of me!” Our so-called “allies” aren’t worth a bucket of warm spit individually or collectively, and I’d not shed a tear to have all of them smashed by a comet.

    Technomad (e2c0f2)

  6. If Israel were to start lobbing missles into Gaza with total disregard for where they land, I would be all for pulling our support for them.

    We may not get as much from Israel as they get from us, but if we cannot support the only true democracy in the ME (surrounded on all sides by countries that would shed no tears to see them pushed into the sea) then we may as well do away with our State Dept and pull all our military back to the U.S. and watch the stuff hit the fan around the world.

    MU789 (00e597)

  7. Jews volunteering for extermination. I thought their motto was ‘never again’. They must have meant until the next time.

    Scrapiron (4e0dda)

  8. Devotion to liberalism trumps devotion to religion.

    steve sturm (369bc6)

  9. I told them so.

    Also, if only Eric Cantor had been McCain’s vp pick, I don’t think we’d be having this conversation.

    SarahW (af7312)

  10. So What. The dems don’t care! They just gave the Public employees unions 200 billion dollars a few moths ago with the TARP or was it Stimulus or the Car makers bailout. Whatever,they got plenty of cash.You mark my words… The dems war chest will be bulging at the seams come election time.And it will be your money that they will be using to reelect themselves.

    Jackosan (c1edfb)

  11. #8 steve sturm:

    Devotion to liberalism trumps devotion to religion.

    Cart before the horse. Its Jewish devotion to jewish tradition and teaching that makes them susceptible to the dishonesty of the liberal cause, not the other way around.

    EW1(SG) (edc268)

  12. “Also, if only Eric Cantor had been McCain’s vp pick, I don’t think we’d be having this conversation.”

    But Sarah Palin totally had that Israeli flag in her office!

    “Cart before the horse. Its Jewish devotion to jewish tradition and teaching that makes them susceptible to the dishonesty of the liberal cause, not the other way around.”

    Or maybe Sarah’s actions are just as shallow and another version of this sort of condescension.

    [note: fished from spam filter. –Stashiu]

    imdw (df0dab)

  13. Hold on. Did imdw actually criticize literally anyone at all for being shallow and condescending?

    To quote Jerry Seinfeld: “Really?”

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  14. Eric B – imdw *is* speaking from his own expertise in that area, is he not ?

    The fact that he is wrong, again, should be of little surprise …

    Alasdair (3dc247)

  15. incontinent monkey dill-hole wiper’s act is starting to get rather old. This post is about what President Obama said, and about how Jewish donors to the Democratic Party are reacting to what he said. His standard “look over there” attempt to threadjack, by lobbing an ad hominem attack at Sarah Palin, is quite tiresome — and may indicate concession of the fact that Bee Ho really did stick a finger in the eye of some of his (formerly?) most ardent supporters.

    Icy Texan (c52181)

  16. […] & VP Joe Biden’s “Slap in the Face” (video) Patterico’s Pontifications: Jewish Donors “Concerned” and Obama’s New Nuclear Policy and More Obama “Civility” and The Back Story: Obama and Israel […]

    Disturbing Pattern Emerging Against Israel & Jews from Pres. Obama — Visas Now Denied to Israeli Nuclear Scientists « Frugal Café Blog Zone (a66042)

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