Patterico's Pontifications


“Racism at the Capitol” Timeline

Filed under: Politics,Race — DRJ @ 1:48 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Doug Ross posts a timeline of reports of racism at the Capitol during the health care debate on March 20. He concludes:

“Democrats in Congress wanted to provoke a racial incident. That’s why their media drones started tweeting word of the incident just seconds after their walk began.

And a state-run media complex — as liberal as the day is long — acted either as ignorant dupes or as complicit accomplices (take your pick) to market the scam.

From all appearances, this entire incident appears to have been scripted by Democrat representatives to provoke a racially divisive incident. But because the Tea Party movement is freedom-loving, it embraces all races, creeds, religions and colors. Because the freedom tent is the biggest tent of all. And the tyranny tent gets smaller by the day.”

I agree. Democrats staged an event and the media pimped it.


11 Responses to ““Racism at the Capitol” Timeline”

  1. Fortunately, Andrew Breitbart is on our side.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  2. Democrat fraud. This is getting to be a constant.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  3. “From all appearances, this entire incident appears to have been scripted by Democrat representatives to provoke a racially divisive incident.”

    My favorite “racially divisive” part was Glenn Beck taking umbrage at John Lewis for comparing himself to a civil rights protester.

    But now it seems like by “all appearances” I should be thanking the dems, and not Beck, for this glorious result? I’m not so quick to do so. Beck is a creation of his own mind.

    imdw (3bf1a8)

  4. Not a first for the racist democrats. They sent an Arab in full gear to a Nascar race in an attempt to show the ‘Nascar rednecks’ were racist. It backfired on them when every race fan accepted the Arabs as true Nascar fans. The democrats can change history with a pen (lie) but they can’t change the truth in action.

    Scrapiron (996c34)

  5. imdb – how about making sense next time?

    red (7b5f67)

  6. Lewis has long since relinquished any moral authority he ever had, at least since ’95, when he appropriated Niemoller to argue against welfare
    reform “They’re coming for the children”

    ian cormac (349188)

  7. “My favorite “racially divisive” part was Glenn Beck taking umbrage at John Lewis for comparing himself to a civil rights protester.”

    imdw – Say what?

    daleyrocks (718861)

  8. Thanks, red!

    Speaking of

    Fortunately, Andrew Breitbart is on our side.

    Comment by Mike K — 4/3/2010 @ 1:54 pm

    we have the leftists trying to blame Breitbart for their egging a Tea Party bus: Alinsky Tactics

    Ira (28a423)

  9. And it worked, because we are talking about this and not the specific issues related to the atrocious healthcare legislation that has become our doom.

    Ignore this red herring and ask Obama to answer the questions he was asked by the Republicans months ago. Ask again and again and again. When Limbaugh was attacked by Obama the other day, he should have responded by asking Obama to answer whether the doctor fix will go through and why it was not accounted for.

    Bret Baier’s interview questions must be repeated every day until he knows that he will be held accountable for every fraud in this bill.

    What they want is heads yelling at each other. What they dread is these specific questions they can’t answer.

    Amphipolis (17a9b7)

  10. My favorite “racially divisive” part was Glenn Beck taking umbrage at John Lewis for comparing himself to a civil rights protester.

    WTF has that got to do with anything on this thread? Stop threadjacking your way on every post.

    Dmac (21311c)

  11. You’re letting them script the debate. It’s time for a Churchillian moment: if the devil were opposed to health care, I’d at least put in a good word for him in the press release.

    Were racists opposed to health care-and I’m sure they’re not: I believe Jackson, Sharpton, Wright, & Obama are for it-I’d at least ask for a brief truce while we worked together to destroy tyranny.

    tehag (72bb0f)

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