Patterico's Pontifications


Hints on the Next Supreme Court Justice

Filed under: Judiciary,Obama — DRJ @ 9:28 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Bloomberg News quotes an Administration official regarding who might be nominated in the event Justice John Paul Stevens retires:

“The group includes U.S. Solicitor General Elena Kagan and federal appellate judges Diane Wood and Merrick Garland, the person said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Stevens, who will turn 90 on April 20, told the New Yorker magazine in March that he will decide soon whether he will step down. He hasn’t communicated his intentions to the White House one way or another, the person said.

President Barack Obama hasn’t begun discussing particular candidates with aides, and the list of leading candidates could change in the coming weeks, the person said.”

I don’t consider this a final list, primarily because I think the final list will include at least one black candidate. Nevertheless, many consider the current Solicitor General and former Dean of the Harvard Law School Elena Kagan a favorite. Like Kagan, Judge Diane Wood was also mentioned as a finalist when Sotomayor was selected. Wood sits on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, which includes Chicago. Finally, Judge Merrick Garland serves on the U. S. Court of Appeals for District of Columbia Circuit, a position from which many Supreme Court Justices have been drawn.

None of these would be in my top 10 but I think I speak for many UT Law alums when I say: Go Judge Wood.


14 Responses to “Hints on the Next Supreme Court Justice”

  1. How bad is Diane Wood on the 2nd Amendment?

    Brad (2886da)

  2. If the Repubs had any balls they’d fillibuster this thing until after the 0-12’election…
    Justice Palin…sounds pretty good

    Frank Drackman (7ee2ca)

  3. And my hope is that Justice Stevens lingers on until Barack Obama has been replaced by a sensible Republican.

    The hopeful Dana (474dfc)

  4. One of the things that I have noticed in the comments section is that, when the comment first appears as by “You,” when you refresh to see the comment as actually posted, the embedded site url doesn’t appear. For those of us leeching off Patterico for our own traffic, this is . . . disappointing.

    The blogger Dana (474dfc)

  5. The Republicans have 41 votes and Hatch should make sure Obama knows any nominee as liberal as Ruth B Ginsberg gets filibustered.

    Unfortunately Hatch already had that chance.

    MU789 (16c6a8)

  6. Democrats have 59 senate votes. They should be able to put through a liberal like Karlan or Sullivan.
    Recall the administration had only 56 votes when they rammed through Roberts and Alito.
    Though I admit I would love to see Jeff Sessions, who was denied a federal judgeship because of his racist associations, trying to question Leah Sears, or Therese Roseborough

    Arvid (05bdca)

  7. Arvid, I don’t think Obama has the telephone numbers of any Republocans so he is pretty much out of ;luck when he lost that 60th seat.

    Dana, I noticed that the comment software seems to delete the website info so you have to enter it each time.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  8. “How bad is Diane Wood on the 2nd Amendment?”

    Do we really expect anything more than incorporating Heller to reach the court?

    imdw (b75942)

  9. It’ll be Kagan.

    wt (2cd385)

  10. any replacement for Stevens will be as bug-nuts as he is, from this administration.

    AD - RtR/OS! (9b3f49)

  11. I think we can rely on Obama to make better supreme court picks than Gerald Ford. The court is 6-3 GOP picks. A stevens retirement would make it 5-4. But who will be next?

    [note: fished from spam filter. –Stashiu]

    imdw (3bbede)

  12. Talk about bug-nuts….
    does not this troll even realize what Stevens’ voting record on the Court is?

    AD - RtR/OS! (9b3f49)

  13. He dissented in Bowers v. Hardwick. Who knows where Gerald Ford would have wanted him on that one.

    imdw (3bf1a8)

  14. She’s from UT – so she would be the first non-Ivy Justice since O’Connor (nine since then). Also only the 11th state school grad, as opposed to 30 Ivies, 18 other private schools, and 55 with no degree (including 45 of the first 49).

    Rich Rostrom (7a3582)

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