Patterico's Pontifications


Billboards Against Obama

Filed under: Obama — DRJ @ 10:47 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Some Georgia folks who aren’t happy with Barack Obama are using the internet to collect donations and pay for billboards opposing his policies:

“One group is taking freedom of speech and freedom of expression to the limits in a series of Metro Atlanta highway billboards voicing strong opinions against President Barack Obama.

The billboards are the latest move to sway public opinion — and for a price you can have your say.

The signs are in a series of four digital billboards ranging in price from $2,500 to $3,500 a month. They offer pre-packaged messages like “Stop Obama Socialism,” or one that can be seen at Spaghetti Junction saying “Now it’s personal.”

The group behind the billboards call themselves”

Here’s their website. It offers participants the option to make a general donation to the billboard campaign or, for bigger donations, the option to buy a month of a specific billboard.


12 Responses to “Billboards Against Obama”

  1. okay….. i gotta win the lottery.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  2. I don’t see what “limits” of free speech are being tested here.

    imdw (842182)

  3. imdw: None for the time being. But sooner or later, one of the pressure groups speaking for the usual group of the perennially oppressed with pitch a fit and picket the billboard company. Or the Purple Gang will burn out a few billboard company trucks.

    the friendly grizzly (3711fe)

  4. “imdw: None for the time being. But sooner or later, one of the pressure groups speaking for the usual group of the perennially oppressed with pitch a fit and picket the billboard company. Or the Purple Gang will burn out a few billboard company trucks.”

    Or someone will try to run a billboard promoting atheism. I get it. But usually I don’t consider these private disputes to impact on “free speech.”

    imdw (842182)

  5. I think it is aswesome! Iwould personally love to see these on every major US interstate across the country! Obama just was quoted as telling his opponents to “tone it down”. Whiner!! It’s not time time to tone it down, oh no, it’s time to rev it up!!! Go, billboards, go!

    Traci Harbin (d10903)

  6. Good idea, executed badly. While the right will look at these and go ‘darn tootin’, calling Obama a socialist (or a liberal) won’t garner support from moderate voters who tend to view this as run of the mill partisan name calling (much like Rush Limbaugh, raw meat for the right, static for everybody else).

    Instead of using partisan labels, why not pick a message that will resonate among the voters whose support is needed this fall? Why not have a ‘job loss’ counter? (like the debt counter in NYC. is it still there?) Or the higher insurance premiums people will pay under Obamacare? The billions in writedowns already announced? The loss in residential property value? the number of foreclosures?

    With so many issues to hit him with, it’s a shame to waste the money.

    steve sturm (369bc6)

  7. Given how some extremists on the left are now doing things; I would expect some lefty group to pony up $3k to add controversial wording while attributing it to the TEA party.

    Corwin (ea9428)

  8. I agree with steve sturm. What’s with the big nose on O? Also I never give money to any website that hides the identity of its owners.

    Patricia (fa8e06)

  9. ““One group is taking freedom of speech and freedom of expression to the limits ”

    Huh? What limits? This are classic non-controversial examples of free speech!

    East Coast Chris (ded5f2)

  10. Oh how I miss Georgia.

    Them’s good people.

    Though it should probably say “Bless his heart, that Obama is just a silly Socialist.”

    em (017d3c)

  11. Did the Democrats “tone it down” when the Supreme Court ruled in Bush’s favor? Did liberals reach across the aisle “in the spirit of bipartisanship” when the nation had one-party rule under the GOP? Did Michael Moore, Maureen Dowd, or Jimmah Carter “tone it down” when the country went to war?

    Quite the opposite.

    I love the idea of the billboards; conservatives need lots of small grassroots groups doing all kinds of stuff out there this year. At the same time, the candidates need to run on a common theme with similar solutions, like the Republicans did in 1946 when they won Congress:

    “Had enough?”

    Luthien Ivey (2f6891)

  12. “Did liberals reach across the aisle “in the spirit of bipartisanship” when the nation had one-party rule under the GOP?”

    Like with no child left behind, or the war on terror, or the tax cuts?

    imdw (b75942)

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