Patterico's Pontifications


More Global Warming Doubts

Filed under: Environment — DRJ @ 4:50 am

[Guest post by DRJ]

Despite previous Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that evidence the world is warming is “unequivocal,” the UK Times reports the world may not be warming after all:

The temperature records cannot be relied on as indicators of global change,” said John Christy, professor of atmospheric science at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, a former lead author on the IPCC.

The doubts of Christy and a number of other researchers focus on the thousands of weather stations around the world, which have been used to collect temperature data over the past 150 years.

These stations, they believe, have been seriously compromised by factors such as urbanisation, changes in land use and, in many cases, being moved from site to site.

Christy has published research papers looking at these effects in three different regions: east Africa, and the American states of California and Alabama.

“The story is the same for each one,” he said. “The popular data sets show a lot of warming but the apparent temperature rise was actually caused by local factors affecting the weather stations, such as land development.”

The article recounts how some former global warming supporters have become its strongest critics, in part due to anecdotal evidence that temperature collection stations have been situated next to incinerators, jet exhausts, heat-generating buildings, and other locations where their readings are “distorted by heat-generating equipment.” Others point out that “[t]he earth has gone through warming spells like these at least twice before in the last 1,000 years.”

Nevertheless, not everyone has joined the ranks of the skeptics:

“Kevin Trenberth, a lead author of the chapter of the IPCC report that deals with the observed temperature changes, said he accepted there were problems with the global thermometer record but these had been accounted for in the final report.

It’s not just temperature rises that tell us the world is warming,” he said. “We also have physical changes like the fact that sea levels have risen around five inches since 1972, the Arctic icecap has declined by 40% and snow cover in the northern hemisphere has declined.”

The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts has recently issued a new set of global temperature readings covering the past 30 years, with thermometer readings augmented by satellite data.

Dr Vicky Pope, head of climate change advice at the Met Office, said: “This new set of data confirms the trend towards rising global temperatures and suggest that, if anything, the world is warming even more quickly than we had thought.”

I’m not sure how you can argue the world is warming with inconclusive temperature data, but I do recall a recent Sunday Telegraph article that questioned the claim of dissipating mountain snow cover:

“In its most recent report, it stated that observed reductions in mountain ice in the Andes, Alps and Africa was being caused by global warming, citing two papers as the source of the information.

However, it can be revealed that one of the sources quoted was a feature article published in a popular magazine for climbers which was based on anecdotal evidence from mountaineers about the changes they were witnessing on the mountainsides around them.

The other was a dissertation written by a geography student, studying for the equivalent of a master’s degree, at the University of Berne in Switzerland that quoted interviews with mountain guides in the Alps.”

Time to keep digging … or stop digging, depending on how you look at it.


69 Responses to “More Global Warming Doubts”

  1. Keep snowing like it has in the NE and they will have a few glaciers to measure here too.

    HeavenSent (30a64e)

  2. Naw, HeavenSent. When the snow up there melts in the spring the AGW nuts will point and shreek, “Global Warming, Global Warming, Global Warming.”

    peedoffamerican (c15fe4)

  3. Didn’t Phil Jones admit that there has been no statistically significant warming over the last 15 years?

    JD (295979)

  4. JD – Jones gave the game up in a Q & A with the BBC yesterday.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  5. Now that we can admit that the data are inconclusive, can we dismantle the laws and regs that are destroying our economy and invading our privacy?

    I want my light bulbs and max flow toilet back.


    Patricia (e1047e)

  6. The drip drip drip you hear is NOT the sound of glaciers melting.

    tmac (5559f7)

  7. The WSJ had a hilarious article in Saturday’s edition on how difficult the Boulder city council’s had with getting their homeowners to change their lightbulbs to fluorescents. That’s in Boulder, as in slightly to the left of Bezerkley. Guess what their only source of electricity is? Coal. Typical enviro – hypocrites.

    I’d rather they “stop digging” and instead release all of their data to a full peer – review, no matter who wishes to do the reviewing. But then again, much of their “data” was unfortunately “lost,” so no one can do a complete review. Frauds.

    Dmac (799abd)


    This is a survey of the U.S. surface station locations, siting and conditions. Read this, then try to tell us that we should place ANY credence on the global warming claims.

    Jay Curtis (8f6541)

  9. The global-warming story is really complex. I wouldn’t jump to conclusions, one way or another.

    In my opinion, some of the science that backs up the “Consensus” story of anthropogenic global warming was sloppily done, and likely agenda-driven.

    A good basis for making high-stakes policy decisions? Probably not.

    Is most science on the subject discredited? No. Do the recent scandals mean that AGW likely isn’t happening to a measurable extent? No, again.

    Two good “lukewarmer” blogs are The Blackboard and the Air Vent.

    AMac (011a9a)

  10. “Time to keep digging … or stop digging, depending on how you look at it.”

    You and your friends have been digging for so long and so deep that you should be in China by now.

    Triumph (b66fe4)

  11. I wouldn’t jump to conclusions, one way or another.


    Is most science on the subject discredited? No. Do the recent scandals mean that AGW likely isn’t happening to a measurable extent? No, again.

    You just jumped to a conclusion there – would you like to try again?

    Dmac (799abd)

  12. Boulder city council’s had with getting their homeowners to change their lightbulbs to fluorescents.

    Example 1,300,250 in the finer points of limousine liberalism.

    getting their homeowners to change their lightbulbs to fluorescents.

    I hate most flourescent lights. They give off a depressing, glaring, blue-tinted type of light. Therefore, the growing prominence of them in households throughout America will be somehow appropriate in the upcoming brave new world, certainly one full of beserko liberals/environmentalists (“Hi, typical Californian!”) and varying degress of Euro-type Socialism in general.

    The only — and ONLY — reason I’d accept the promotion of the use of flourescent bulbs is because they do consume less wattage, and we do need to become as independent as possible from imports from the Middle East. But in that case, automobiles would be a bigger factor to consider than the type of damn light bulbs in a typical household.

    Mark (411533)

  13. “The only — and ONLY — reason I’d accept the promotion of the use of flourescent bulbs is because they do consume less wattage, and we do need to become as independent as possible from imports from the Middle East”

    One benefit of the total downfall of AGW is that now we don’t really have any reason to invest in a clean, energy efficient, technologically advanced future.

    imdw (f7b257)

  14. Ah, Breitbart, now that’s a reliable source, isn’t that? C’mon guys, you can scream as loud as you want but there is no one sane listening. Obama got elected and will be re-elected. Start growing brain cells and maybe you’ll have a chance in 2016 or 2020.

    Triumph (b66fe4)

  15. I’m with Patricia – I want my incandescents and max flow toilet back. WANT.

    The big dealio with AGW isn’t actually that the world is warming. The earth has warmed and cooled regularly, repeatedly and frequently since God created it, however long ago that was. No one can doubt the ebbs and flows of warm/cool/warm/cool. Considering that recent climate history includes the Roman Warming Period, the Dark Ages Cooling, the Medieval Warming Period and the Little Ice Age, it makes total sense that in a long term cyclical weather/climate pattern we are in the midst of a warmer than the last period period.

    The big huge dealio with AGW is not the actual temperatures – the dealio is that it’s human caused. Specifically – that it’s carbon.

    I find the evidence that carbon is the driver for warming so beyond lacking that I can only conclude that it’s a lie meant to drive funding. Carbon is such a teeny tiny percent of the atmo, plus it is necessary for life. *coughcarbonbasedlifeformscough*

    Find the correlation in the geologic record – it’s there – higher carbon in the atmo has always FOLLOWED warming trends rather than preceded them.

    From my perspective the AGW true believers are the same types who want to limit human reproduction, who want to invest animals with constitutional rights. Nutjob wackdoodles, in other words.

    Vivian Louise (643333)

  16. I find the evidence that carbon is the driver for warming so beyond lacking that I can only conclude that it’s a lie meant to drive funding. Carbon is such a teeny tiny percent of the atmo, plus it is necessary for life. *coughcarbonbasedlifeformscough*

    Now that’s rocket science. You should apply for the IPCC panel – they’ll sure welcome the good laugh.

    Triumph (b66fe4)

  17. I’ve never quite bought the global warming hype, but still cannot shake the notion that massive increases in atmospheric CO2 is a bad idea. CO2 is well past the levels of the last 100 million years as it is. No, the world won’t end, but just the same burning coal willy-nilly doesn’t seem wise.

    Time to build nukes and get serious about home solar.

    [note: released from moderation. –Stashiu]

    Kevin Murphy (3c3db0)

  18. No, the IPCC panel is a bad joke.

    peedoffamerican (c15fe4)

  19. THe real reason for compact florescents is that for some purposes (outdoor lights, hall lights, etc) they are MUCH cheaper to operate than incandescents. Even given their cost, 15 watts vs 60 watts is one cent every 2 hours of operation. Used even 6 hours a day, that’s a dollar a month per bulb in savings.

    They make crappy lights for reading or large rooms, though. One of the reasons why the Euro idea of replacing 100-watt bulbs with CFLs and leaving 40-watt bulbs incandescent was so monumentally backwards.

    Kevin Murphy (3c3db0)

  20. “Now that’s rocket science. You should apply for the IPCC panel – they’ll sure welcome the good laugh.”

    Their entire enterprise has been called into question, their chief AGW researcher says he contemplated suicide after being found a fraud… and this moron still touts them?

    Moonbattery at its finest!

    GeneralMalaise (4d34a1)

  21. Obama got elected and will be re-elected. Start growing brain cells and maybe you’ll have a chance in 2016 or 2020.

    Oh, no question – and pay no attention to the fact that another screeching Troll has come on here in another desperate attempt to threadjack. If the Troll was so sure of its convictions, then why does it come here to insult and lie so brazenly?

    Now that’s rocket science. You should apply for the IPCC panel

    Wow, count me among the convinced regarding the merits of your arguement. Another awesome refutation – no offers of facts or substance indicating otherwise, so the only option available is to insult. Again, quite sure of it’s firm convictions, no doubt.

    Dmac (799abd)

  22. “argument.”

    Dmac (799abd)

  23. One benefit of the total downfall of AGW is that now we don’t really have any reason to invest in a clean, energy efficient, technologically advanced future.

    A benefit in more ways than one…

    Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, August 6, 2009


    My name is Gabriel Calzada Álvarez. I am an Associate Professor at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (King Juan Carlos University) in Madrid, where I teach Applied Economics at the Environmental Science Faculty.

    In March 2009 me and two colleagues from the same University, Raquel Merino Jara and Juan Ramón Rallo Julián, released our study on the Spanish experience with “green jobs” with the technical auditing help of José Ignacio García Bielsa, a professional with large experience in the electricity market. Our study (“Study of the effects on employment of public aid to renewable energy sources”) has been provided to the Committee.


    President Obama has made clear his intention to follow Europe’s lead in employing state intervention in the economy to “create” what are called “green jobs”, specifically as a path out of the current economic troubles. Europe’s experience actually suggests that this is precisely the wrong approach, and I appreciate the opportunity to comment for your hearing record on our research which put these claims to the test using official data.

    Our study sought to answer the seminal question — at was the price of Spain’s attempt to lead the world in a clean energy transformation. Our research shows that that price was very high. Here are some highlights from our study:

    • For every 1 green job financed by Spanish taxpayers, 2.2 jobs were lost as an opportunity cost.

    • Only 1 out of 10 green job contracts were in maintenance and operation of already installed plants, being the rest working positions only sustainable in an expansive environment related to high subsidies.

    • Since 2000, Spain has committed €571,138 753,778) per each “green job,”

    • Those programs resulted in the destruction of nearly 110,500 jobs.

    • Each “green” megawatt installed destroyed 5.39 jobs elsewhere in the economy.

    Spain has already attempted to lead the world in a clean energy transformation. But our research shows that Spain’s policies were economically destructive.

    For a Spanish economist it is hard to understand why a market-oriented country like the U.S. with relatively low unemployment would want to learn how to create jobs from an economically interventionist experiment in a country like Spain – where the unemployment rate is historically much higher (presently around 18% and rising) – that has not help[ed] to reduce unemployment but on the contrary has produced a net destruction of jobs. Spain might still have some original and efficient policies to show the rest of the world but unfortunately renewables aid is not one of them.

    Mark (411533)

  24. It’s only kneeling at its holy altar, Dmac. Next it will be sacrificing little bunny rabbits on that altar of global warming.

    peedoffamerican (c15fe4)

  25. Dmac noted in #11 —

    “You [AMac] just jumped to a conclusion there [in #9] – would you like to try again?”

    Fair enough!

    Is most science on the subject discredited? In my opinion, after a few weeks’ spare-time reading on the subject, No.

    Do the recent scandals mean that AGW likely isn’t happening to a measurable extent? The one doesn’t follow logically from the other. In my opinion, the preponderance of the evidence is that much of the warming of the past 50 years is due to increased concentrations of greenhouse gasses, mainly CO2. How much? Important question; I don’t know. Is the physics of GHGs affecting surface temperatures well-established? Yes.

    More on both subjects at the two “lukewarmer” blogs listed in comment #9, above.

    Maybe Bradley J. Fikes will weigh in as well; he knows quite a bit about this subject.

    AMac (011a9a)

  26. CO2 is well past the levels of the last 100 million years as it is. No, the world won’t end, but just the same burning coal willy-nilly doesn’t seem wise.

    Time to build nukes and get serious about home solar.

    I agree mostly with this contention, and the majority of US citizens would probably agree as well. The issue is while this administration talks about more offshore drilling and building more nukes aka France (small generators), they’ve yet to put their money where their mouths are, instead calling for more onerous taxation and trillion – dollar carbon – trading schemes, etc. I don’t trust them on this issue because of their slavish adherence to these wacked – out transfers of wealth schemes, even after this scandal finally broke over the MSM AGW news embargo a few weeks ago.

    Dmac (799abd)

  27. Beware people, plant food is gonna destroy the earth.

    peedoffamerican (c15fe4)

  28. What is a reliable source for the amount of warming we’ve seen? NASA’s temperature series, the GISS, was discredited a year and a half ago when it was discovered through labored decryption of the temperature series that its calculations had a serious flaw analoguous to the Y2K flaw. (This work had to be done backwards, reverse engineering the calculations because James Hansen refused to release any information of this key data series ).

    When it was revealed, correcting the flaw showed that NASA’s claims about recently warm years disappeared. This sent Hansen back to recalculate the series. However, in that process Hansen and his people also, without notice, started revising the previous data sets from which the series was calculated. Viola, all the warm years reappeared. Why were the historical data inputs changed?

    This is why you cannot trust the data we are being given. Its been manipulated by the very people we’ve learned not to trust, because they won’t share data, methodology, and code.

    The CRU revealed as part of the recent scandal that the raw data on which their temperature series was based is now missing. So their work can’t be audited, can’t be reconstructed. And that means it can’t be trusted.

    How convenient.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  29. “The issue is while this administration talks about more offshore drilling and building more nukes aka France (small generators), they’ve yet to put their money where their mouths are, instead calling for more onerous taxation and trillion – dollar carbon – trading schemes, etc. I don’t trust them on this issue because of their slavish adherence to these wacked – out transfers of wealth schemes, even after this scandal finally broke over the MSM AGW news embargo a few weeks ago.”

    Though Obama says we should build more nuke power plants, he knows the flat-earthers and greens can be depended upon to litigate that to the death.

    Iran will have a nuclear arsenal before we ever build/commission a new nuke plant.

    GeneralMalaise (4d34a1)

  30. The terrestrial station temperatures have been diverging from the satellite temperatures for over a decade. The response of the AGW crowd has been to largely ignore the satellite data in preference for surface temperatures which show more warming rather than to question why there is a disagreement. To claim now that the satellite readings validate the surface stations is a joke — or should be.

    Using the corrupted surface temperature data pollutes other statistical results that must be calibrated against a known temperature record in order to reliably tell us temperatures before there were thermometers. (Eg: tree ring data and the “hockey stick”.) The whole field is going to have to go back and re-test all its assumptions and start over again if it is to regain any credibility.

    Socratease (9673e1)

  31. Is it true that CO2 is at the highest levels in 100,000,000 years? Really? Phil Jones was just forced to admit that there has been no scientifically significant warming in the last 15 years.

    JD (4b5a65)

  32. I linked to a chart of CO2 levels in a previous thread, JD. I’ll have to see if I can find it again.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  33. Socratease #31 —

    > The whole field is going to have to go back and re-test all its assumptions and start over again if it is to regain any credibility.

    Yes, that would be something good to come out of this fiasco. Some thought is already going to this. It’d be well worth the money and effort. A lot can be done by going back to the original paper records and re-entering them. This, time, doing the job properly, which means quality control, verification, and associating “metadata” with the temperature readings — things like station latitude and longitude, moves, surroundings, and the like.

    This is discussed in recent posts at “Lucia’s Blackboard”, as well as at

    Overestimating AGW and underestimating it are both counterproductive. Scientists should collect the best possible data and see what it says.

    AMac (011a9a)

  34. I am still waiting for them to dig up some fossilized SUV’s that caused the Medieval Warming Period.

    peedoffamerican (c15fe4)

  35. Maybe Bradley J. Fikes will weigh in as well; he knows quite a bit about this subject.

    Whether we are warming is less important than the cause, human, natural, or both. Phil Jones’ admission about the Medieval Warm Period is mondo. If the MWP in fact was as warm as modern times, it brings the whole theory of CO2-mediated climate change into grave doubt. There is nothing unusual for AGW theory to explain.

    We have been told for decades that the science is settled. Now a high priest of the Church of Global Warming has said that’s a falsehood.

    And that’s just one of the continuing series of bombshells Climategate set off.

    I’ve written a longer post about this topic.

    My personal opinion is that AGW screwed up when it became a political movement. Scientists exaggerated global warming theory beyond what the science would support, and supporters tried to squelch the vigorous debate that is crucial to good science.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (9eb641)

  36. Well said, Brother Fikes. A clue being when James Hansen was calling for war crimes trials for energy company executives and AGW skeptics?

    However, I sure wish I could get Mann, Bradley and Hughes strapped to a lie detector … I’m still wondering who got the idea to start manipulating historical temp proxies to create the false data we’ve been fighting for a dozen years now.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  37. By the way, Brother Fikes, did you see this piece?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  38. The American media’s continued lack of interest in digging into this whole sorry mess is a huge disgrace. American reporters covering environmental topics have been so brainwashed by AGW that they’ve lost all sense of independent judgment. They are figuratively sleeping with environmental activists. In the case of WaPo’s Juliet Eilperin, that’s literally true. Her husband works on climate issues at the left-wing Center for American Progress.

    Here’s one of Eilperin’s stories, which makes the muddled claim:

    While few U.S. politicians bother to question whether humans are changing the world’s climate — nearly three years ago the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded the evidence was unequivocal — public debate persists.

    False. The IPCC said evidence of warming was unequivocal, not that humans are causing it.

    Andrew Revkin, a much more careful reporter than Eilperin, pointed this out.

    I have yet to see anyone provide definitive evidence — with no error bars — that the fingerprint of human-generated greenhouse gases (or other emissions or actions) is unequivocal. The only thing described as “unequivocal” in the report was the warming, not the cause, unless I really haven’t been paying attention for the last two decades.

    Not only did Eilperin screw up, her editors didn’t catch the error, which was in her story’s second graf.

    And this is the kind of irreplaceable reporting that WaPo thinks is essential to democracy?

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (9eb641)

  39. By the way, Brother Fikes, did you see this piece?

    No, and thanks. Did you see this piece?

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (9eb641)

  40. like the fact that sea levels have risen around five inches since 1972

    As a longtime geodetic surveyor on the west coast, I am calling out this Kevin Trenberth fellow on his abuse of the word ‘fact’ above. The ocean has done no such thing as rise five inches since 1972.

    That statement impeaches any others that he makes as a supposed ‘scientist’ – it’s blatant hooey. It explains nought but ignorance or a con (choose either), and reveals his dishonest pose as an ‘authority’ to shove public opinion in the direction of his politics.

    Insufficiently Sensitive (8906ed)

  41. Like, oh, say, all that mythical rise around the Maldives?

    Vivian Louise (643333)

  42. There is also doubt about the rise in co2 in the atmo in the last 150 years.

    But, well, heck, who cares about actual science. What matters are the children! Or something.

    Vivian Louise (643333)

  43. Did you see this piece?

    The following section of that essay to me was the most telling. That’s because I do recall reading a news article several days ago (perhaps in the LA Times or from the AP) that cited the very point described below — of dutifully repeating — and, for a moment, giving that angle more consideration than it deserved…

    For example, they [the mainstream media] dutifully repeated the line that the University of East Anglia’s global temperature record was vindicated by two other ‘entirely independent’ records (from Nasa and NOAA), which was bunk: all three records draw from the same network of weather stations.

    Mark (411533)

  44. Though Obama says we should build more nuke power plants, he knows the flat-earthers and greens can be depended upon to litigate that to the death.

    Exactly – whatever he says we all know that nothing will be done in these directions. I finally broke with the Sierra Club and Nature Conservancy’s memberships when they effectively went batsh-t crazy on moratoriums on any and all nuke construction since the Three Mile Island incident. Back in the 70’s there were very real and legitimate concerns about nuke plants, and a former neighbor (who worked for the NRC and inspected the plants in IL) confirmed that Com Ed had taken too many shortcuts and had built defective safety devices in many of the plants here (they wound up closing the one up in Zion because of all the problems). But France has proven over the ensuing decades that those concerns are in the past, and when these same groups still oppose nuke construction yet decry the evil internal combustion engine, I realized that they’d only be happy if we all returned back to our caves and lived off the grubs.

    Dmac (799abd)

  45. I saw a video recently of every US president since Truman making a speech about how their goal is freedom from dependence from foreign oil. Every one!

    Why doesn’t this ever happen? We have the ability and the resources. I think it’s time to dig deeper and see who’s on the take from Saudi Arabia and the like.

    They’re lying to us.

    Patricia (e1047e)

  46. Brother Fikes, I’m glad that McIntyre is getting some credit in that Global Warming Guerillas piece.

    But people are forgetting that the late John Daly did a lot of key work early on in the AGW skeptics circle. He’s not here any longer to take credit but he worked long and hard and without much support. I miss him.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  47. —One benefit of the total downfall of AGW is that now we don’t really have any reason to invest in a clean, energy efficient, technologically advanced future.—

    Other than the reason that we constantly developed a cleaner, more energy efficient technologically advanced future since the beginning of the industrial age– because it increases our wealth and well being.

    red (7b5f67)

  48. There is also doubt about the rise in co2 in the atmo in the last 150 years.

    That study is important, but can easily be misinterpreted. It doesn’t refer to how much CO2 is in the air, but to the proportion in the air humans are giving off. That proportion hasn’t changed. It means that fears we are producing so much CO2 as to overload Earth’s capacity to absorb it haven’t come to pass.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (9eb641)

  49. Some of the whacked-out AGW activists say the East Coast snowstorms are caused in part by AGW.

    How could global warming be driving a pattern like this? One word: moisture. A warmer atmosphere holds more water. Plus, warmer surface temperatures are triggering more evaporation of ocean water worldwide. That water goes up, up, up into that atmosphere. And what goes up must sooner or later come down.

    This is precisely what scientific studies are now documenting. Water vapor in the global atmosphere jumped by about 5 percent in the 20th century, P.Y. Groisman and his colleagues reported in 2004. This while there has been an observed, significant uptick in heavy winter precipitation events in the Northeastern U.S., according to a 2006 study. And all the while, global temperatures have risen sharply, including an average warming of 4 degrees Fahrenheit in the Northeastern U.S.

    It would be amusing if it weren’t so pitiful.

    Here’s a short video clip of an AGW skeptic vs. a believer on that subject. Make your own mind who won that exchange.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (9eb641)

  50. Junior and the 88 and the rest of NASCAR did their best to contribute to AGW today. Helluva Daytona 500

    JD (ff4baa)

  51. Interesting development. Not surprising. I, for one, have my certificate of 14 billion carbon offsets proudly displayed. Now go get yours for free:

    That is all.

    Jimmy (e75e40)

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  60. […] Determined To Slay ManBearPig Patterico’s Pontifications: ClimateGate’s Dr. Phil Jones and More Global Warming Doubts Flopping Aces: The Death of Global Warming and Latest Shoe in the Global Warming Hoax Drops […]

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  61. […] as told by Dr. Richard North Patterico’s Pontifications: ClimateGate’s Dr. Phil Jones and More Global Warming Doubts Flopping Aces: The Death of Global Warming and Latest Shoe in the Global Warming Hoax Drops and […]

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  62. […] as told by Dr. Richard North Patterico’s Pontifications: ClimateGate’s Dr. Phil Jones and More Global Warming Doubts Flopping Aces: The Death of Global Warming and Latest Shoe in the Global Warming Hoax Drops and […]

    ClimateGate Grows: NASA Confesses “Tinkering” with Global Warming Data, Admits Unreliable, Inferior Climate Warming Research « Frugal Café Blog Zone (a66042)

  63. […] American Media down with it Patterico’s Pontifications: ClimateGate’s Dr. Phil Jones and More Global Warming Doubts Hot Air: CRU chief: Hey, why don’t bloggers disprove AGW instead of criticizing us? and Former […]

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  64. […] For Those Needing A Religion Patterico’s Pontifications: ClimateGate’s Dr. Phil Jones and More Global Warming Doubts Hot Air: CRU chief: Hey, why don’t bloggers disprove AGW instead of criticizing us? and Former […]

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  65. […] as told by Dr. Richard North Patterico’s Pontifications: ClimateGate’s Dr. Phil Jones and More Global Warming Doubts Flopping Aces: The Death of Global Warming and Latest Shoe in the Global Warming Hoax Drops and […]

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  66. […] as told by Dr. Richard North Patterico’s Pontifications: ClimateGate’s Dr. Phil Jones and More Global Warming Doubts Flopping Aces: The Death of Global Warming Michelle Malkin: The global warming scandal of the […]

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  67. […] Hurricanes, Will Media Notice? Patterico’s Pontifications: ClimateGate’s Dr. Phil Jones and More Global Warming Doubts Flopping Aces: The Death of Global Warming Michelle Malkin: The global warming scandal of the […]

    Remember Al Gore’s “Global Warming” Hoax? People & Cattle in South America Are Dying from Extreme Cold in July « Frugal Café Blog Zone (a66042)

  68. […] why resort to ad hominem? Patterico’s Pontifications: ClimateGate’s Dr. Phil Jones and More Global Warming Doubts Michelle Malkin: The global warming scandal of the century deepens Hot Air: Former CRU chief admits […]

    Pat Sajak’s Solution to “Manmade Global Warming” Has Merit « Frugal Café Blog Zone (a66042)

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