Rambling with Joe Biden
[Guest post by DRJ]
In the same Larry King Live interview where he counted Iraq as “one of the great achievements of this administration,” Vice President Joe Biden also celebrated that there’s been no wasted funds in the Stimulus program:
“KING: You know, it’s the one-year anniversary of the Recovery Act next year. Did it go fast?
BIDEN: Well, it did go fast, but I’ll tell you what, I’ve spent most of my time making sure that there are no big boondoggles. If you notice, for all the criticism of the Recovery Act, no one has come up and said they wasted $50 million here, $100 million there, $90 million here. That dog never bit and so I’m very proud of the way we’ve done it … “
I guess this is true if you don’t count the chief watchdog for the Stimulus program in remarks last March:
“The chief watchdog for spending from the $787 billion stimulus package says it’s guaranteed there will be waste and fraud.
Earl Devaney, tapped by President Obama to track the giant spending plan, also said it will be at least a year before the government gets recovery.gov, the Web site the administration has touted as a key part of its transparency, up and running properly.”
Biden also talked about the “Two State Solution” in Washington, D.C. — I don’t know what he was talking about, but I think it involved construing Scott Brown’s election as proof Americans want the Obama Administration to have more power. Biden also said health care reform must do “three things” … and then he listed four things.
In other words, this interview was par for the Biden course.