Patterico's Pontifications


Judge: Polanski Must Be Present for His Sentence

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 6:21 pm

Absent a successful appeal, Roman Polanski will not be sentenced in absentia.

A judge has rejected director Roman Polanski’s bid to be sentenced in absentia in a three-decade-old child-sex case.

Judge Peter Espinoza ruled that Polanski, 76, will have to come back Los Angeles to be sentenced.

“I have made it clear he needs to surrender,” the judge said.

Polanski’s attorneys said they would appeal.

The court also rejected an appeal by the victim:

Lawrence Silver, who represents Ms. Geimer, admonished the judge that officers of the court were obligated by a new victims’ rights provision in the California Constitution to honor her request for an examination of official corruption in the case. The judge said he did not “believe anyone anticipated” the victims’ rights provision, called Marcy’s Law, would be used in support of a defendant like Mr. Polanski, and turned down the request.


9 Responses to “Judge: Polanski Must Be Present for His Sentence”

  1. I’ll make him a deal: He doesn’t have to show up for sentencing if he stipulates to the maximum statutory sentence not only for the underlying crime but also for the crime of absconding.

    Mitch (e40959)

  2. The law will not perform a useless act. Polanski will never serve a California sentence, that’s a fact. The judge is right.

    nk (df76d4)

  3. Admit it, this post is just a dog whistle for that jackass Jeff Norman.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  4. Jeff Norman lurvs the pervs – Polansky and Ritter.

    JD (4c5397)

  5. Plus, you might as well link the story of Polanski’s wife defending him yesterday that was on the wires.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  6. I can’t wait for Scalia’s majority opinion.

    AD - RtR/OS! (f0e19b)

  7. What is it about this case that makes all the media love Polanski. I don’t know anyone who wants to see him get away with this. Like with Obama, the media is out of touch.

    Alta Bob (e8af2b)

  8. Just one question: in the plea transcript (available at it says:

    “The District Attorney will make a motion to dismiss the remaining pending charges after sentencing.”

    Since Polanski never showed for sentencing, are those other charges still pending? Maybe this is another reason why he’s fighting extradition?

    Nick (b17e7b)

  9. I thought they should sentence him in absentia — to the maximum allowed for the crime — then get the Swiss to send him back. Let him appeal from state prison like everyone else.

    Kevin Murphy (3c3db0)

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