Patterico's Pontifications


Massachusettes Election Eve Live Chat (UPDATE: Now Over)

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:11 pm

The usual instructions: You see the chat window below? Look at the bottom. Enter your name or pseudonym where it says “Your name.” Enter your comment in the second window just under that, and hit send. I will have to approve your comment before it appears, but I’m online right now, and will approve most comments within a minute. Usually within seconds.

IMPORTANT: Note the buttons at the bottom. You will probably want to turn off “autoscroll.” It bothers a lot of people.

UPDATE: The live chat is over. You can read the transcript below.

2 Responses to “Massachusettes Election Eve Live Chat (UPDATE: Now Over)”

  1. I sent a comment, it didn’t show up.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (9eb641)

  2. They will choose the nuclear option, reducing the filibuster to maybe 58 votes, because it will allow them to accomplish more than just healthcare reform.

    Try to argue for the filibuster – it’s an uphill fight, assuming people even know what it is in the first place. We will be arguing for some obscure parliamentary procedure instead of arguing on the issues.

    They will be willing to throw any future parliamentary advantage away in order to get a permanent real change now.

    Amphipolis (b120ce)

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