Harry Reid’s History of Racial Posturing
Amidst the brouhaha over Harry Reid’s comments, some people are defending Reid by saying that he told the truth, however . . . awkwardly. See, for example, Robert Stacy McCain, who declares: “Harry Reid is no more a racist than I am.” (Did Reid hit McCain’s tip jar?) And indeed, I fully support the principle that people need to be able to tell the truth, even if doing so might be perceived as politically incorrect.
But I’m not sure why Harry Reid, of all people, should benefit from that principle. He sure as hell hasn’t given others the benefit of the doubt when it comes to racial matters.
When Bill Bennett made an arguably true but racially controversial statement, Reid rushed to call Bennett a racist:
Washington, DC — The following is a statement by Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid on William Bennett’s recent comments:
Yesterday, on his radio call-in show, former Reagan Secretary of Education, William Bennett made the following comment, “… you could abort every black baby in this country and your crime rate would go down. That would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down.”
“I am appalled by Mr. Bennett’s remarks and call on him to issue an immediate apology not only to African Americans but to the nation. At a time when so many Americans are struggling to recover from two devastating Hurricanes, now is the time to help one another, not feed the fires of racism. America can do better. The Republican Party has recently taken great pains to reach out to the African American community, and I hope that they will be swift in condemning Mr. Bennett’s comments as nothing short of callous and ignorant. They are reminiscent of a time our nation is still struggling to overcome.
Again, I call on him to issue an immediate apology to the nation for his insensitive remarks.”
One could attempt to defend Bennett on the same grounds that Stacy McCain uses to defend Reid: that Bennett was simply telling the truth, albeit in an “insensitive” way that was certain to inflame the crowd that makes a living profiting off racial grievances.
But Sen. Reid really didn’t care whether Bennett was telling the truth, did he? Sen. Reid saw an opportunity to make some political hay, and he took it.
Similarly, when a Republican sought to make English the national language, Reid called the attempt — you guessed it — racist:
The Senate voted on Thursday to designate English as the national language. . . . The amendment was proposed by Senator James M. Inhofe, Republican of Oklahoma.
. . . .
Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic leader, said the Inhofe amendment was racist.
“Everybody who speaks with an accent knows that they need to learn English just as fast as they can,” he said.
Same goes for everyone who speaks with that “Negro dialect,” eh, Senator?
Feel free to declare Harry Reid a non-racist if you like. But some of us aren’t so sure. Recall, for example, Reid’s bizarre treatment of black Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.
Recall that Reid once rushed to declare Justice Thomas to be “an embarrassment to the Supreme Court.” When pressed for specifics, Reid declared that one of Thomas’s opinions was similar to “an eighth-grade dissertation” — far inferior, Reid said, to the opinion of Justice Scalia in the same case. Except that Thomas’s short opinion was perfectly logical . . . and Scalia hadn’t even written an opinion in the case.
Law professor Eugene Volokh decried Reid’s comments about Thomas as “unfounded assertions of incompetence” backed up with “false statements” and “mischaracterizations.”
What was it about the black justice Thomas that Reid didn’t like? That made him inferior to the white justice who hadn’t even written an opinion in the case? Hmmm?
I think you’re starting to get the picture.
So decry the attacks on Reid as political correctness — if you think that’s what they are. Some of us don’t agree. Some of us happen to think that his declarations about the comings and goings of Obama’s “Negro dialect” are a little window into Harry’s soul.
And if we’re wrong, I won’t feel too bad. Reid is simply getting a taste of the medicine he has so eagerly dished out to others.
UPDATE: Thanks to Instapundit for the link. I hope new readers will bookmark my main page.
“a little window into Harry’s soul”
Sonuvabitch! Didn’t know he had one, a soul not a window.
daleyrocks (718861) — 1/10/2010 @ 2:18 pm[…] can accuse me of hypocrisy.Update: (Smitty) What they can do, Stacy, is package a possible implied conflict of interest as a question. Ethics do matter. Had money exchanged hands to produce the penultimate sentence of the […]
Was Harry Reid Wrong? : The Other McCain (9cf8b6) — 1/10/2010 @ 2:24 pmEleanor Clift will be upset at your baseless attack upon her favorite Majority Leader.
AD - RtR/OS! (6a5c0d) — 1/10/2010 @ 2:27 pm[…] Patterico has thoughts on Harry’s hypocrisy. […]
Negro-Gate (e3a4cc) — 1/10/2010 @ 2:28 pmI see from the pingback Smitty at The Other McCain is taking my joke about Reid hitting McCain’s tip jar as a SERIOUS ACCUSATION OF BRIBERY!!!1!!
It’s a joke, Smitty. Lighten up.
(In fact, I can’t even take credit for it; a reader sent me that in an e-mail, but doesn’t want to be named.)
Patterico (c218bd) — 1/10/2010 @ 2:28 pmPatterico,
smitty (c643ea) — 1/10/2010 @ 2:30 pmFor added cool points, a smiley is suggested as accompaniment to the sly question in the first para. Lack of such raises the question of your avariciousness, and I’d hate to see your reputation sullied, sir.
And, maybe, there will be some humor in all of this down the line. After the bets on the bamster come back as ‘loser’s bets,’ people will say “HE WAS JUST TOO LIGHT FOR THE JOB.”
Didn’t help he’s anamored of islam. Doesn’t help, either that the saud’s table went stone cold. We’re just ‘there.’ In places without payoff. And, nothing about the leadership seems “Augustan” at this point in time.
Too many ‘stupid.’ Not enough Kissinger. But the show must go on.
Carol Herman (4f0629) — 1/10/2010 @ 2:31 pm“Harry Reid is no more a racist than I am.”
Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (9eb641) — 1/10/2010 @ 2:32 pm— Considering the source, this is entirely believable.
Don’t forget that he also demanded Trent Lott’s resignation for saying that Strom Thurmond would have made a good president at Thurmond’s 9000th birthday party.
peedoffamerican (1001d9) — 1/10/2010 @ 2:35 pmSmitty,
I generally dislike emoticons, but I have a hyperlink that I like to use in cases where I am employing dry wit. The link makes it clear that I am just kidding. I have added that to the post.
Patterico (c218bd) — 1/10/2010 @ 2:35 pmI think Reid was just articulating his own attitude toward black candidates, he wouldn’t have a problem voting for a Black candidate, as long as he is light skinned and doesn’t speak with a “Negro dialect”.
I think that is consistent with his criticism of Clarence Thomas, while Thomas obviously speaks very well, he grew up speaking a Negro dialect, and he is very obviously too black for Harry.
Kazinski (8651f0) — 1/10/2010 @ 2:41 pmActually, I think that calling Reid a racist gives him too much credit.
Wrong or not, racists have a consistent world view. Reid does not.
What he is is a reflexive alphabetist and hypocrite.
Eric Blair (ddbceb) — 1/10/2010 @ 2:43 pmIs Reid a racist? Absolutely – but not the Bull Connors kind of racist that is the scarecrow/strawman of the current state of art for playing the politico-racial jiu jitsu we’ve been treated to as the defining narrative by those running the
congame.Reid’s comment was extremely illuminating in that it wasn’t a slam, but a nuanced appreciation for the political utility and ability of a candidate possessed of such innate characteristics – at once having the ‘bona fides’ to paint his opposition, either directly or by inference, with all the force of the cumulative racial bigotry baggage of a nation, while remaining ‘palatable’ to broader demographic subsets, and at the same time be able to employ subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) racially charging demagoguery for targetted audiences.
Reid’s comments are a classic example of liberal projection, combined with a cynical and machiavellian pragmatism rarely seen outside of political back room ruminations.
He wasn’t denigrating (if that term is still operative) Barak Obama – he was cynicaly displaying his disrespect for the country in general, while contemplating the utility of the hate and grievance theater for partisan political gain.
Wind Rider (f448f0) — 1/10/2010 @ 2:44 pmHarry was last heard on the senate floor comparing
Anyone voting ‘no’ on healthscare to senators voting
To uphold slavery in the 19th century.
Yea, he deserves every benefit of doubt.
Chris (d72879) — 1/10/2010 @ 2:51 pmReid’s comment, being true, was not really racist although it was indicative of his world view. His comments about Clarence Thomas were clearly racist.
MIke K (2cf494) — 1/10/2010 @ 2:58 pmSome of us happen to think that his declarations about the comings and goings of Obama’s “Negro dialect” are a little window into Harry’s soul.
That window into the soul of someone like Reid is both fascinating and disturbing to me.
I first became aware of the odd dichotomy that afflicts a variety of liberals/Democrats when I read David McCullough’s biography on Harry Truman. Although Truman was the president that desegregated the military — and also was a big fan (way back in the 1940s, 1950s) of do-gooder ideas like implementing socialized national healthcare — he previously had written letters to his wife that were amazingly, appallingly vindictive towards and 100% (make that 1,000%) bigoted about non-whites, including blacks and Asians. Truman’s bile might have made even a Klu Klux Klanner blush.
Now several years later, I see further assessments of the idiosyncrases that people of the left are guilty of, particularly information like the following, and my cynicism about such people has been affirmed and increased:
Mark (411533) — 1/10/2010 @ 3:00 pmLinks for Chris’ comment #14: YouTube and a UPI report:
DRJ (84a0c3) — 1/10/2010 @ 3:01 pmIt is time to quit taking Reid, Sharpton and the rest of these clowns seriously and to greet every statement they make with mockery and derision.
Mason (6d0d9b) — 1/10/2010 @ 3:07 pmHanks for the link DRJ. Commenting on bberry makes
It difficult to link.
Appalling to put it mildly.
Chris (d72879) — 1/10/2010 @ 3:10 pmThis would be the Democrat party, the party of the Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws? Yep some one. Looks to me like their is still a lot of hidden racism in their leadership …. Maybe we should see if Sen Byrd would like to comment?
bill-tb (541ea9) — 1/10/2010 @ 3:11 pm________________________________
The biggest phony in all of this is not just the guy at the center of the controversy — referring to Reid — but the guy on the receiving end of Reid’s comments (ie, Obama). A guy who embraced a race-obsessed fanatic like Jeremiah Wright for almost 20 years and, at the same time, had the nerve to chastise and publicly call for the firing of a silly radio personality named Don Imus. Imus being the guy whose shtick was to perform the role of “shock jock” (in at attempt to compete with the likes of loudmouth Howard Stern), and who in that persona of purposeful flippancy, outrageousness and humor, called some of the young women on a college basketball team “nappy-haired hos.”
Mark (411533) — 1/10/2010 @ 3:12 pmSome of us happen to think that his declarations about the comings and goings of Obama’s “Negro dialect” are a little window into Harry’s soul.
It’s a bit troubling but worth noting that Harry Reid is a Mormon, old school. The church had an ugly double standard for blacks up until the late 70’s, when they finally decided to allow blacks to enter the ministry and to be allowed to receive the more meaningful keys to the kingdom which had always up until that point, been prohibited. Spiritual segregation and racism existed until apparently God changed His mind and thus the church changed their mind, too.
This indeed could be a little window into Harry’s soul and his worldview coming dangerously to the surface, hence the desperate backpedaling and justifications and panicked apology.
Dana (f64b7d) — 1/10/2010 @ 3:15 pmWhen he was learning his religion as a young man racism was an explicit part of that religion — brain science tells is this background would leave permanent networks of connections in Reid’s mind.
Youcanthandlethetruth (aada0b) — 1/10/2010 @ 3:15 pm“Some of us happen to think that his declarations about the comings and goings of Obama’s “Negro dialect” are a little window into Harry’s soul.”
I’m sure Harry would agree. It’s just that he used an unfortunate choice of words to make those declarations.
willis (70e336) — 1/10/2010 @ 3:19 pmIt seems to me that Harry Reid was calling the country racist, and in the context of wanting us to have the first black president.
I suppose in some quarters, this is unforgivable and Reid should lose his position. Me? I prefer he go down for something else, like his poor stewardship of health care legislation.
imdw (2d0308) — 1/10/2010 @ 3:19 pmGood post.
I don’t think Reid meant anything malicious by his comments but after reading the history of his demagoguery on matters racial, I’m not going to make much of an effort to defend him further.
Let him simmer in his stew. Sorry, Harry, nothing personal.
SteveMG (5246a9) — 1/10/2010 @ 3:24 pm[…] […]
Is Harry Reid a Racist? - MotownSports.com Message Board (66d952) — 1/10/2010 @ 3:30 pmBarack says that Harry’s OK
The Limerick Avenger (474dfc) — 1/10/2010 @ 3:43 pmMove on, there’s no more to say
He still wants him there
To push through health care
Which will certainly ruin our day!
So Harry Reid opens his yap
The Limerick Avenger (474dfc) — 1/10/2010 @ 3:43 pmThe libs yell, What a sap!
He opened his mouth
His rep headed south
But we still have to deal with his crap!
Careful, Patterico, your insufferable arrogance is showing…
Yes, snarky comments that slyly call someone’s integrity into question usually can be classified as ‘jokes’. But that’s assuming the bantering is going on between friends. Those are the people you ‘joke’ with, right? The ones with whom you’ve established a basis of goodwill and who will automatically know you’re just kidding. Right? On the other hand, when said snarky comments are directed at those whose integrity one has already attacked, they are rightfully categorized as ‘insults’.
I rarely visit McCain’s site, and I know absolutely nothing about smitty except that he is a co-blogger there. Perhaps I should add that I also know very little about your squabble with him except from reading tangential references to it on other websites. But it’s my understanding that you called him a rascist. Is that correct? But then some said you didn’t call him a rascist. Instead, you said you couldn’t prove he’s a rascist, but you suggested he might be, so he needed to prove he wasn’t. Is that more correct? Or less? And how often do you beat your wife?
I’m (obviously) not a lawyer, Patterico. If I were, I’d probably not be so dense. You see, I personally think the original premise was very shaky. But it’s your continuous carping on it that’s becoming outrageous.
So now you bash him again. Smitty speaks up in his defense (as most of us would wish our associates would do for us in similar circumstances). And you verbally pat him on the head and tell him it was a ‘joke’, never acknowledging to anyone who doesn’t know the background that you have a personal vendetta goin’ on. Well, the LAT never acknowledges their conflicts of interest either. Guess it’s finally rubbed off…
highcotton (181d1a) — 1/10/2010 @ 3:45 pmBarcky is a small man. Remember how he blathered on about Lott, but forgives this out of hand?
As always, imagine if Bush had said that.
JD (0ef0e1) — 1/10/2010 @ 3:51 pmThis just proves how racist RethugliKKKans are.
JD (0ef0e1) — 1/10/2010 @ 3:54 pm“I also know very little about your squabble with him except from reading tangential references to it on other websites.”
This is obvious.
“But it’s my understanding that you called him a rascist. Is that correct?”
But Heaven forbid you should actually read what I said, rather than mischaracterizations on other sites.
“But then some said you didn’t call him a rascist. Instead, you said you couldn’t prove he’s a rascist, but you suggested he might be, so he needed to prove he wasn’t. Is that more correct?”
But why listen to what I say? You prefer to have your opinions spoon-fed to you by others, it seems.
People make jokes about others whether they’re on good terms with them or not. For those lacking a sense of humor, I have now added a hyperlink to make it clear I was joking.
Now hit my tip jar.
Patterico (9b946d) — 1/10/2010 @ 3:59 pmI have a very hard time visualizing President Obama getting down and shucking and jiving. Say what you will about the man as president, but I just don’t think that part of the “Black experience” is familiar to him or comfortable for him.
Huey (b957d9) — 1/10/2010 @ 4:03 pmDingy Harry hasn’t said anything that we haven’t already known for a long time:
Garrett Morris: [ interrupting ] Well, I think I understand the problem with the tests. But the fact is that people have been saying that white people are smarter than black for hundreds of years. We’ve only had I.Q. tests for 20 or 30 years. How did the idea of white intellectual superiority originate?
Julian Bond: That’s an interesting point. My theory is that it’s based on the fact that light-skinned blacks are smarter than dark-skinned blacks.
Garrett Morris: [ not sure he heard that right ] Say what?
furious (71af32) — 1/10/2010 @ 4:16 pm330. I’m (obviously) not a lawyer…
…nor do you play one on TV, apparently.
furious (71af32) — 1/10/2010 @ 4:21 pm[…] II: Patterico ppoints out that 1) Reid has said some truly creepy things about black intellectuals in the past that may be an […]
Okay. So It’s “Negro Dialect” that’s Racist. | Little Miss Attila (62389c) — 1/10/2010 @ 4:49 pmThe church had an ugly double standard for blacks up until the late 70’s, when they finally decided to allow blacks to enter the ministry
Not only that, but the sum total of people of any color other than white in Utah is something along the lines of 2%, if that much.
Dmac (a964d5) — 1/10/2010 @ 4:57 pmAs others have noted, imagine the orgy of indignation and outrage had these been comments made by a Republican figure.
And the first person ripping his clothes off would be Harry Mason Reid.
And what the heck is a “Negro dialect” anyway? A dialect is acquired; race is inherited.
SteveMG (5246a9) — 1/10/2010 @ 5:03 pmPatterico: But Heaven forbid you should actually read what I said, rather than mischaracterizations on other sites.
Or you, they.
Pot, kettle.
Sauce, Goose
Sauce, Gander
& cetera.
BumperStickerist (4ccc78) — 1/10/2010 @ 5:20 pmIf SML Reid is having trouble understanding Negro dialects, mabye Jive Lady can help him:
Randy: Can I get you something?
furious (71af32) — 1/10/2010 @ 5:25 pmSecond Jive Dude: ‘S’mofo butter layin’ me to da’ BONE! Jackin’ me up… tight me!
Randy: I’m sorry, I don’t understand.
First Jive Dude: Cutty say ‘e can’t HANG!
Jive Lady: Oh stewardess! I speak jive.
Randy: Oh, good.
Jive Lady: He said that he’s in great pain and he wants to know if you can help him.
Randy: All right. Would you tell him to just relax and I’ll be back as soon as I can with some medicine?
Jive Lady: Jus’ hang loose, blood. She gonna catch ya up on da’ rebound on da’ med side.
Second Jive Dude: What it is, big mama? My mama no raise no dummies. I dug her rap!
Furious: Reid ain’ got no brains ANYhow.
Mitch (e40959) — 1/10/2010 @ 5:49 pmBumperStickerist – You posted this comment at other applicable sites with the necessary modifications, right?
Some people just can’t resist the temptation of picking up those grenades.
daleyrocks (718861) — 1/10/2010 @ 5:50 pmFurious’ comment about Julian Bonds’ statement needs a little bit of context: that was a Saturday Night Live gag.
The Dana who strives for accuracy (474dfc) — 1/10/2010 @ 6:14 pmHe Sure As Hell Hasn’t Given Others The Benefit Of The Doubt …
Harry Reid’s history of racial posturing
Always To The Right (5815fb) — 1/10/2010 @ 6:26 pm…
[…] “And if we’re wrong, I won’t feel too bad. Reid is simply getting a taste of the medicine he has so eagerly dished out to others.” […]
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Quotes of the day (e2f069) — 1/10/2010 @ 6:31 pmHarry Reid is one of the few people who can blabber incoherent and inappropriate things neck and neck with Joe Biden. There is little trace of fairhandedness or reasonableness when it comes to the liberal mindset. Their views are correct, there is no external standard of truth to compare anything to. Now they have a growing list of people that are immune from the consequences of making foolish statements because no one expects anything better from them, yet they still get elected to office.
FWIW, he didn’t need to give Bill Bennett the benefit of a doubt on anything. “Bennett’s statement” was a reiteration of a point he read in the book “Freakonomics” (sp?) that he disagreed with. I heard him that morning, never thought a thing of it except that he was right to make the criticism. It wasn’t until some time later I heard the version of the story that made him out to be racist.
Sometimes it seems that the enhanced ability to communicate over the Web, etc., is mainly used to foster lies and cause trouble. I would second the nomination if Obama put forth our host for “Internet Czar”, it would be obne of the few good things he has done.
MD in Philly (d4668b) — 1/10/2010 @ 6:33 pm@patterico, #10
smitty (c643ea) — 1/10/2010 @ 6:39 pmI like the way that “I was just kidding” hyperlink works.
While my earlier comment is there for the history books, please allow me to un-bunch the panties, as it were.
See, we can communicate.
Cheers, mate.
Harry Reid should be hounded for this to retirement. One of the rules for radicals is that you make the opposition live to the standards they espouse. Harry goes bananas over racial gaffes when in his favor: crucify him for his own.
Roborob (800bf1) — 1/10/2010 @ 6:46 pmPlease Reid called ALL of us who DISAGREED with his “healthcare” CRAP akin to slavemasters. This guy is the biggest RACIST just as Bill Clinton is with his “getting our drinks” remarks. The Democrats have ALWAYS made EVERYTHING about race and when you do that then EVERYTHING is about race and in a haiku way Reid is the RACIST.
Jaded (1f19fe) — 1/10/2010 @ 6:51 pmBS:
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
I don’t base my criticism on second-hand bullshit. Not my style.
Patterico (c218bd) — 1/10/2010 @ 6:55 pmHarry Reid will pervert the truth to his favor or to hurt his critics in every situation. The thing is Harry contends he is a religious good man but he is a LIAR. He is a disgrace to the nation and all Christians. Remember when Rush referred to the phony soldiers who claimed to be ex military but weren’t and Harry spun that for all it was worth. Claiming Rush was degrading our military. What Rush said was true. But Reid can say “the war is lost” over and over. What waist of a Senator.
Dax (5f3fbb) — 1/10/2010 @ 6:56 pmI don’t quite see the parallel here. Reid’s comment referred to the prevalent racism that undeniably exists in America; it was a comment about the electability of Obama. And I dont think anyone is shocked to hear that news; it is obvious that many more white Americans would have been uncomfortable with an African-American president who spoke in Ebonics. What pardons Reid for me is not that what he said was true, but that it wasn’t an insult directed at Obama, nor an ignorant slip-up that bore his inner racism; it was a comment about the ways in which many Americans are racist. That’s not offensive at all, it’s just politically savvy awareness of how the citizens of this country feel.
On the other hand, when William Bennett said that if “you wanted to reduce crime … you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down,” it was offensive because it alluded to the idea that murdering all black children was, in some sense, to him, logical. It was scary because his context for the quote had nothing to do with race; it was a discussion about abortion. Bennett’s comment didn’t refer to racism as a fact of American life, only as fact of his life.
Reid asked Bennett to apologize. We ask politicians to apologize in this way when they have revealed themselves to have ethically questionable ideas about race, not for openly discussing that race is a factor in many Americans’ judgments of each other. Bennett claimed to be misunderstood. But when Reid was asked to apologize (which I think is already a questionable demand), he did. To every American. So he did exactly as he would have told a Republican to do. I don’t see the hypocrisy.
Surely Reid will now be more hesitant to point the finger in the future, but I think he was right to do so at Bennett. I don’t see how the two comments are even on comparable levels of racial insensitivity, but regardless, since Reid apologized profusely, I don’t see how his asking others to do so signals his hypocrisy either.
sarah (8e6f16) — 1/10/2010 @ 7:06 pmsarah, how can you possibly seriously think you can get away with such a brazen misrepresentation of Bill Bennett’s remarks like that?
SPQR (26be8b) — 1/10/2010 @ 7:10 pmThen why did he call it a “an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do”?
Patterico (c218bd) — 1/10/2010 @ 7:10 pmSure thing. And I appreciate the new update at the post.
Patterico (c218bd) — 1/10/2010 @ 7:11 pmThat is, Smitty, your update #2 in which you acknowledge that I had made a joke.
(For the record, I have not commented at McCain’s site today. The postings there that purport to be from me, are not mine. I’d bet the farm they were posted by Joe.)
Patterico (c218bd) — 1/10/2010 @ 7:19 pmsarah – Reid might have saved himself some grief if he had said Obama was a credit to his race or something similar, don’t you think? Instead he implied Americans, particularly Democrats and independents, those whose votes Obama would be seeking, were racist. Heckuva job Harry.
daleyrocks (718861) — 1/10/2010 @ 7:28 pm[…] Patterico Pontifications – Harry Reid’s History of Racial Posturing […]
Harry Reid, Obama: ‘Light-Skinned’ with ‘No Negro Dialect’ Comment (Video) » Right Pundits (b4f713) — 1/10/2010 @ 7:43 pmActually what Reid said is [sadly] true. Everyone knew going into the election that Obama could not make race an issue. He had to rise above race. In short, he had to be a black person who most white folks trust and are not scared of. The fear of a black planet still lingers. You know it’s true. Remember some corners of the right wing world were talking about Michelle Obama making some remark in the past about ‘whitey’. And this fit right into the pattern that some Republicans wanted to project on Obama – that underneath he was a black panther of something. And so what Reid said essentially is what the Obama campaign did. Avoid seeming to be black because the Reagan Democrats might get scared – instead come across as an American first.
MDL (bede36) — 1/10/2010 @ 7:54 pmMDL, you keep working that hard and you’ll keep the eraser business in the pink.
John Hitchcock (3fd153) — 1/10/2010 @ 7:57 pm“sarah – Reid might have saved himself some grief if he had said Obama was a credit to his race or something similar, don’t you think? Instead he implied Americans, particularly Democrats and independents, those whose votes Obama would be seeking, were racist”
Is it somehow controversial or untrue that obama’s would have a political disadvantage from having darker skin or diction along the lines of what “furious” posted above?
imdw (8f8ead) — 1/10/2010 @ 7:58 pmBAM!
daleyrocks (718861) — 1/10/2010 @ 8:00 pmMDL, did you just hatch from an egg post November ’08?
SPQR (26be8b) — 1/10/2010 @ 8:00 pm“Is it somehow controversial or untrue that obama’s would have a political disadvantage from having darker skin or diction along the lines of what “furious” posted above?”
imdw – I have no idea since I’m not accustomed to perseverating about the race of political candidates and do not belong to the racist Democrat party. You are certainly in a much better position to answer these questions.
daleyrocks (718861) — 1/10/2010 @ 8:03 pmimdw,
There are many Republican African-American supporters and elected or appointed officials. Neither their skin color nor their accents seem to matter to Republicans … and the last time voters objected to the way a candidate speaks, it was Democrats jeering at George W. Bush’s Texas accent in 2000 and 2004.
DRJ (84a0c3) — 1/10/2010 @ 8:08 pmDRJ – In fairness, Democrats also dneered at the way Palin speaks in 2008. They are just not a very tolerant bunch, contrary to what they say.
daleyrocks (718861) — 1/10/2010 @ 8:13 pmWhich people declare non-whites “race traitors” if they belong to the wrong party? And which presidential candidate used the “race” card multiple times in 2008?
John Hitchcock (3fd153) — 1/10/2010 @ 8:13 pmWhy, DRJ! That’s…that’s..different!
Anyway, you know how Republicans are all members of the KKK, unlike Democrats…
Wait a minute.
Eric Blair (ddbceb) — 1/10/2010 @ 8:14 pmBoy… Bet that made the ride home next to Byrd pretty uncomfortable, considering that Reid’s fellow democrat actually filibustered that civil rights bill…
Scott Jacobs (d027b8) — 1/10/2010 @ 8:35 pmScott – Didn’t JFK vote against Eisenhower’s civil rights legislation when he was a senator in 1957?
daleyrocks (718861) — 1/10/2010 @ 8:37 pm#49. Harry Reid should be hounded for this to retirement.
Which should be, oh, on/around the second Tuesday of Nov 2010.
furious (71af32) — 1/10/2010 @ 8:50 pmit is obvious that many more white Americans would have been uncomfortable with an African-American president who spoke in Ebonics.
That deserves a “no kidding, Sherlock” reply. Many Americans, regardless of their race, would have been uncomfortable with any candidate running for the presidency, regardless of his (or her) race, if he — and moving beyond the specifics of Ebonics — regularly didn’t conjugate his verbs, used “ain’t” frequently, said “dis” instead of “this,” favored slang terms like “chicks,” “hey, dude,” “dickhead,” etc, etc.
It was scary because his context for the quote had nothing to do with race; it was a discussion about abortion.
What’s really scary are all the people out there, most of them of liberal persuasion, who are less troubled by abortions and single, underaged girls having access to abortions without even the legal requirement of the consent of the parent/guardian than they are by, say, the little household dog or cat not being treated more lovingly and humanely.
Mark (411533) — 1/10/2010 @ 8:57 pm“Boy… Bet that made the ride home next to Byrd pretty uncomfortable, considering that Reid’s fellow democrat actually filibustered that civil rights bill…”
Yeah and yet people think Reid was being partisan here…
“There are many Republican African-American supporters and elected or appointed officials. Neither their skin color nor their accents seem to matter to Republicans …”
And there are many more democratic african american supporters and elected officials…. But neither of these really addresses what I’m getting at.
“imdw – I have no idea since I’m not accustomed to perseverating about the race of political candidates and do not belong to the racist Democrat party.”
oh no need to perseverate or belong to any party at all. Just take a look at the American electorate and ask yourself how they would feel about race and furious’ stereotype. Can you imagine the way that a black candidate can look and act such that mainstream news sources would talk about his wife as his “baby mama” more often?
imdw (688568) — 1/10/2010 @ 9:02 pmJohn Hitchcock
MDL (bede36) — 1/10/2010 @ 9:10 pmKeeping working that hard with denial and it will become truth to you. If Obama had come on as Mr Hip Hop he would not be president today. The same is true for white folks. You think someone like Eminem could win? No way.
And I’m not talking about State Senate seats or House seats. The public doesn’t pay much attention to the politicians who win those seats because they get very little exposure. I’m talking the big POTUS seat. In order to win – these days – you have appeal to Middle America in a large some capacity. But you know this. So does Reid. That is what he meant.
But note that Reid’s choice of wording is what has gotten him into trouble. If he simply said “White America may not be ready for a Black president so don’t make your race an issue.” Then he would have been right – and not in the trouble he is in now.
It shouldn’t be this way with Americans. And there certainly are enough progressives out there to prove that. But race is still an issue.
I understand what you are saying, MDL, but I have two words for you: Barney Frank.
The guy has a deeply irritating personal style, and yet keeps getting reelected.
As for imdw, well, he is just being himself. But no worries: classes start soon. After his academic probation meeting, I mean.
Eric Blair (ddbceb) — 1/10/2010 @ 9:47 pm“Surely Reid will now be more hesitant to point the finger in the future…”
SteveG (6fa662) — 1/10/2010 @ 9:59 pm“Can you imagine the way that a black candidate can look and act such that mainstream news sources……”
imdw – Don’t know what you’re talking about, as usual, but did you ever imagine that main stream news sources would promote a candidate for president without digging into his qualifications for the office the way they did Obama last year?
daleyrocks (718861) — 1/10/2010 @ 10:10 pmDaley, this cat isn’t interested in defending his point of view. So he goes from being insulting to Republicans to claiming to be nonpartisan. It’s typical troll behavior.
Bored college kid, I’m guessing.
Eric Blair (ddbceb) — 1/10/2010 @ 10:25 pm“Robert Stacy McCain, who declares: “Harry Reid is no more a racist than I am.””
i just heard charles johnson’s head pop.
-=@$$=- (126065) — 1/10/2010 @ 10:28 pmEric – If she’s not changing the subject, she’s usually making no sense or asking somebody to look something up. Pure performance art.
daleyrocks (718861) — 1/10/2010 @ 10:29 pm“She,” daley? I had no idea.
Eric Blair (25248e) — 1/10/2010 @ 10:54 pm[…] Harry Reid’s history of racial posturing […]
Monday’s Reading Room « scottwilder.com (05b5a7) — 1/10/2010 @ 10:56 pmEric – That’s my thinking.
daleyrocks (718861) — 1/10/2010 @ 11:02 pmJane, you ignorant slut…
You utterly missed the point, not that I’m at all shocked by that. Reid compared standing against Health care “reform” to standing against actual civil-rights legislation. What you fail to grasp, you thundering moron, is that in his attack against republicans – “They stand against this like they stood against civil rights” – he ignored actual facts, like the fact that Sen Byrd (the one who was a member of the KKK) is the only serving member of the senate to have been around during that legislation, and who actually filibustered it.
He attacked Republicans, suggesting that it was those “racist republicans” who also stood against the civil rights bill, when in fact it was by far and away the DEMOCRATS who stood against it.
But your ignorance really isn’t shocking. It is, after all, your “thing”.
Scott Jacobs (d027b8) — 1/10/2010 @ 11:16 pm[…] […]
Reid apologizes for 'Negro dialect' comment - Page 4 - Political Wrinkles (353baf) — 1/11/2010 @ 3:11 amIt’s All About Race for Reid…
Via Patterico:
Harry Reid’s History of Racial Posturing
Defend America (5815fb) — 1/11/2010 @ 3:19 amAmidst
the brouhaha over Harry Reid’s comments, some people are defending Reid
by saying that he told the truth, however . . . awkwardly. See, for
example, Robert Stacy……
[…] Patterico favors proceeding with the un-PC hunt, pointing out how often Harry Reid has played this game himself. […]
Never Yet Melted » Reid’s Opponents Play the Race Card (683a21) — 1/11/2010 @ 4:10 amSarah wrote:
If so, why would Senator Reid have felt the need to apologize? And it should be noted that he’s being trashed amongst some of the liberal blogs as well.
The Dana who notices these things (3e4784) — 1/11/2010 @ 4:39 amSarah wrote:
[Snort!] You are aware that it’s illegal to smoke that stuff, right?
The Dana who isn't naïve (3e4784) — 1/11/2010 @ 4:41 am[…] Patterico points out that this most recent incident of what Democrats would call racist comments if they were uttered by a Republican: […]
This isn’t Reid’s first racial rodeo (2af0e7) — 1/11/2010 @ 5:07 am“imdw – Don’t know what you’re talking about, as usual, ”
Oh you didn’t know? There was at least one mainstream media outfit that referred to Michelle Obama as Obama’s “baby mama.” You think that had to do with race? You think it might be different if Obama was acting more or less according to mainstream stereotypes?
“but did you ever imagine that main stream news sources would promote a candidate for president without digging into his qualifications for the office the way they did Obama last year?”
Thankfully we have foxnews.
“What you fail to grasp, you thundering moron, is that in his attack against republicans – “They stand against this like they stood against civil rights” – he ignored actual facts, like the fact that Sen Byrd (the one who was a member of the KKK) is the only serving member of the senate to have been around during that legislation, and who actually filibustered it”
Why are you saying he ignored those facts? Those facts are inescapable and make his attack progressive and non-partisan since they hit conservative democrats too.
“He attacked Republicans, suggesting that it was those “racist republicans” who also stood against the civil rights bill, when in fact it was by far and away the DEMOCRATS who stood against it.”
Did he say racist republicans? My recollection was that he did not mention parties.
imdw (8f8ead) — 1/11/2010 @ 5:09 am“Thankfully we have foxnews.”
daleyrocks (718861) — 1/11/2010 @ 5:13 amReid is a mean-spirited, hateful, anti-American, racist. Every good Nevadan should be embarassed of this wicked and evil scumbag. Do the right thing and boot this dirtball.
Mike Jefferson (6c7c81) — 1/11/2010 @ 6:12 am[…] And you know…Heh! […]
Nation of Cowards » Blog Archive » Clearly Not Racist: Reid & Clinton? (d89d4f) — 1/11/2010 @ 7:05 am[…] After all, Reid only apologized after he got caught in the ignorant statement when it surfaced. As Patterico’s Pontifications aptly points out, Harry Reid’s History of Racial Posturing. Harry Reid is quick to use the race […]
Congressional Black Caucus, NAACP, Al Sharpton & Obama Sell Out their Own for Reid’s White Racist Comment | Scared Monkeys (1b1833) — 1/11/2010 @ 7:10 am[…] Obamateurism of the Day Trent Lott: Clean, light-skinned, articulate non-Negro dialect and … Patterico’s Pontifications » Harry Reid’s History of Racial Posturing Ruth Marcus: Harry Reid’s Poor Choice of Words – Truthdig NH INSIDER- Your Source for […]
Joe Biden’s Racial Attack on Rev Jesse Jackson « VotingFemale Speaks! (b6518c) — 1/11/2010 @ 7:14 am[…] Patterico’s Pontifications: L.A. Times Treats Reid as Victim, Treated Lott as Racist and Harry Reid’s History of Racial Posturing VotingFemale Speaks!: Joe Biden’s Racial Attack on Rev Jesse Jackson Sister Toldjah: Just what […]
Black Caucus & Rev. Al Sharpton Forgive Harry Reid’s Racist Comment… Ann Coulter Challenges Sharpton on Democrats’ Race Card Double Standard (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone (a66042) — 1/11/2010 @ 7:49 amMy prediction on who will suffer the greatest political fallout from Reid’s remarks?
Mitt Romney.
See comments #22 and #23.
It’s unfair as can be, but that’s life.
Vader (21ce7f) — 1/11/2010 @ 9:30 am[…] do I think that Reid’s past statements, including the ones that wrongly faulted Justice Thomas, change the analysis. I don’t think they […]
The Volokh Conspiracy » Blog Archive » Harry Reid’s “Light-Skinned” / “Negro Dialect” Comments (6a456a) — 1/11/2010 @ 9:57 am[…] Patterico’s Pontifications: L.A. Times Treats Reid as Victim, Treated Lott as Racist and Harry Reid’s History of Racial Posturing Nice Deb: Congressional Black Caucus Defends Reid, Launches Counter-Attack and Memory Lane: […]
The Black Sphere Presents “Great Moments in Democrat Racist History” (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone (a66042) — 1/11/2010 @ 10:31 am[…] Patterico’s Pontifications: L.A. Times Treats Reid as Victim, Treated Lott as Racist and Harry Reid’s History of Racial Posturing Nice Deb: Congressional Black Caucus Defends Reid, Launches Counter-Attack and Memory Lane: […]
The Black Sphere Presents “Great Moments in Democrat Racist History” (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone (a66042) — 1/11/2010 @ 10:31 am[…] Patterico’s Pontifications: L.A. Times Treats Reid as Victim, Treated Lott as Racist and Harry Reid’s History of Racial Posturing Nice Deb: Congressional Black Caucus Defends Reid, Launches Counter-Attack and Memory Lane: […]
More Bizarre Democrat Racist Comments… Disgraced Ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich Claims “I’m Blacker Than Barack Obama” « Frugal Café Blog Zone (a66042) — 1/11/2010 @ 11:48 am[…] Yes, granted, it’s great fun to kick this moron around, especially given his own race-baiting of Clarence Thomas among others. And it’s a good excuse for sites like Politico to revisit his long history of […]
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Harry Reid: You know, maybe I chose my words poorly (e2f069) — 1/11/2010 @ 1:20 pm[…] Patterico’s Pontifications: L.A. Times Treats Reid as Victim, Treated Lott as Racist and Harry Reid’s History of Racial Posturing Nice Deb: Congressional Black Caucus Defends Reid, Launches Counter-Attack and Memory Lane: […]
Hey, Reid, Blago, Clinton: Check Out Hilarious SNL ‘MacGruber’ Spoof on Racism (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone (a66042) — 1/11/2010 @ 2:08 pm[…] Patterico’s Pontifications: L.A. Times Treats Reid as Victim, Treated Lott as Racist and Harry Reid’s History of Racial Posturing Nice Deb: Congressional Black Caucus Defends Reid, Launches Counter-Attack and Memory Lane: […]
Hey, Reid, Blago, Clinton: Check Out Hilarious SNL ‘MacGruber’ Spoof on Racism (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone (a66042) — 1/11/2010 @ 2:08 pm[…] Patterico’s Pontifications: L.A. Times Treats Reid as Victim, Treated Lott as Racist and Harry Reid’s History of Racial Posturing Nice Deb: Congressional Black Caucus Defends Reid, Launches Counter-Attack and Memory Lane: […]
Hey, Reid, Blago, Clinton: Check Out Hilarious SNL ‘MacGruber’ Spoof on Racism (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone (a66042) — 1/11/2010 @ 2:08 pm[…] Patterico’s Pontifications: L.A. Times Treats Reid as Victim, Treated Lott as Racist and Harry Reid’s History of Racial Posturing Nice Deb: Congressional Black Caucus Defends Reid, Launches Counter-Attack and Memory Lane: […]
Hey, Reid, Blago, Clinton: Check Out Hilarious SNL ‘MacGruber’ Spoof on Racism (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone (a66042) — 1/11/2010 @ 2:08 pm[…] Patterico’s Pontifications: L.A. Times Treats Reid as Victim, Treated Lott as Racist and Harry Reid’s History of Racial Posturing Nice Deb: Congressional Black Caucus Defends Reid, Launches Counter-Attack and Memory Lane: […]
Hey, Reid, Blago, Clinton: Check Out Hilarious SNL ‘MacGruber’ Spoof on Racism (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone (a66042) — 1/11/2010 @ 2:08 pm[…] Patterico’s Pontifications: L.A. Times Treats Reid as Victim, Treated Lott as Racist and Harry Reid’s History of Racial Posturing Nice Deb: Congressional Black Caucus Defends Reid, Launches Counter-Attack and Memory Lane: […]
Hey, Reid, Blago, Clinton: Check Out Hilarious SNL ‘MacGruber’ Spoof on Racism (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone (a66042) — 1/11/2010 @ 2:08 pmFaintest Signs Of Double-Standard Detected In Media Overculture…
James Lileks once described the overculture as:
Ed Driscoll (a3d746) — 1/11/2010 @ 3:37 pmThat twitchy, cheery, idiot blare produced by a stratum of coastal types who think the rest of America truly gives a shite whether Lindsay Lohan lost her Blackbird at a party last week, and who actually k…
[…] the original post here: Patterico's Pontifications » Harry Reid's History of Racial Posturing Tags: art-for, bull, connors, current, ethnic-group, game–, jiu-jitsu, playing-the, Racial, […]
Patterico's Pontifications » Harry Reid's History of Racial Posturing « PAPASH.COM (e9fd4b) — 1/11/2010 @ 3:59 pm[…] Was Harry Reid Wrong? Patterico’s Pontifications: Harry Reid’s History of Racial Posturing Frugal Café Blog Zone: Hey, Reid, Blago, Clinton: Check Out Hilarious SNL ‘MacGruber’ Spoof […]
~ Representing KRAP (Keep Racism Alive Party), Jan. 2010: Harry Reid, on Black People Whose Skin is Too Dark « Critical Political Thinking (054690) — 1/11/2010 @ 7:21 pmThe silliest thing of all in this entire debacle is watching the Republicans shed their crocodile tears over Harry Reid’s “racial insensitivity”. They’re comparing it to the Democrat’s reaction to Trent Lott’s unfortunate comments back in 2002 at Strom Thurmond’s one-hundredth birthday party. Lott, referring to old Strom’s run for the White House in 1948 as a “Dixiecrat” candidate, said that America would today be a better place had the country elected him over Harry S Truman. Trent seemed to forget that the only position Thurmon ran on in ’48 was as a staunch segregationist. Lott was forced to step down as Majority Leader – not because of his moronic statement – but because he had already lost favor with the Bush White House.
For the Republicans to now claim a newly-found racial sensitivity is quite amusing to say the least. If that is the case, why the hell did they choose the dumbest black guy they could possibly find to chair the RNC? Racial sensitivity? Please.
Tom Degan
Tom Degan (d070a7) — 1/12/2010 @ 1:00 pmGoshen, NY
For the Republicans to now claim a newly-found racial sensitivity is quite amusing to say the least. If that is the case, why the hell did they choose the dumbest black guy they could possibly find to chair the RNC? Racial sensitivity? Please.
Harry Reid will survive this little snafu he’s gotten into – but just barely. As the numbers stand, he is not likely to be reelected this November. He should step aside with dignity and allow his party to nominate someone with a better chance of winning on Election Day. Maybe he will do the right thing – who knows?. In spite of everything he strikes me as essentially a decent guy. He should just go back to Nevada to a dignified retirement and bask in the glow of his career as a public servant – or go to work as a lobbyist for the gambling industry – anything. He just needs to realize that his number is up.
Reid’s comments, while inarticulate, hardly constitute the fuss that is currently being made. All it really amounts to is the GOP’s Kvetch Du Jour. They have so little credibility left that it really is quite touching watching them stoop to these non-issues. It is total desperation on their part. Today it is Harry Reid’s harmless gaffe; tomorrow it will be something equally stupid and irrelevant. Just you wait and see.
Tom Degan
Tom Degan (d070a7) — 1/13/2010 @ 2:35 amGoshen, NY
Tom, I agree. After watching this video: http://www.newsy.com/videos/reid-faces-attacks-after-obama-negro-comment , I think Reid hurt his reelection chances more than he hurt the Democratic Party as a whole.
Elizabeth (f0fbca) — 1/13/2010 @ 9:34 am[…] it.Michael Steele Must Go Troglopundit: “Oh, the hate! The hate!”Was Harry Reid Wrong? Patterico offered a friendly poke, which I initially took perhaps too seriously, but it all resolved […]
For Massachusetts, Journalism Reinforcement Arrives : The Other McCain (63ba4f) — 1/16/2010 @ 6:32 amWhy is it that Senator Harry Reid who claims his wife is from a holocaust family and with no documented paper proof by the way just there words.
Go to a holocaust family Jewish mans house and beat up a Jewish man in his own yard?
The time he had did this was not to many years back after the holocaust.
Why would Harry Reids wife who claims she is Jewish by birth right and from a holocaust family she claims. Allow for a non Jew to beat up her Father?
Why would Senator Harry Reid wife who claims she is Jewish from birth and from this holocaust family marry a non Jew who beat her Jewish Father up?
How could Senator Harry Reid wife claiming to be Jewish from a holocaust family?-give up the beloved Torah and become a Mormon knowing she is from a holocaust family?
Just like the NEGRO statements Harry Reid believes he is a King beating up Jews and calling blacks NEGRO.
Now you know the rest of the story?
Muska (949ea9) — 1/23/2010 @ 12:45 pm