Patterico's Pontifications


Cindy Sheehan Is a 9/11 Truther

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 11:35 pm

It had to be an inside job, dontcha know:

I think a new investigation is something that many many people agree with, if people don’t start saying, ‘It’s an inside job.’ Because that turns a lot of people off, even though I think it [9-11] was an inside job, I just don’t know how far inside it went. But as soon as you say it’s an inside job, people start saying, oh, you’re accusing Dick Cheney of planning the whole thing, blah blah blah. Well, of course, some people are (laughs) but then people say, we don’t know, we need to find out. Was it CIA? Was it whoever? Whoever, um, it had to be an inside job. There’s like no way they could have done that, just like the one on December 25th. There’s no way that guy could have done it without some kind of help, and we know he got help. Who was (crosstalk) that nice-dressed man that got him through that these people witnessed, got him through security?

I doubt this comes as any particular shock to anyone who actually followed her rantings and ravings in the past. As I noted in an op-ed for the L.A. Times written back in August 2005:

Sheehan’s changing accounts of her meeting with Bush are relevant to understanding the president’s decision not to meet with her again. So are her descriptions of the president in a Dallas speech reported by leftist newsletter Counterpunch as a “lying bastard,” a “maniac” and the leader of a “destructive neocon cabal.” In an article for, she called that supposed cabal the “biggest terrorist outfit in the world.”

It’s a small step from calling the President’s “neocon cabal” the “biggest terrorist outfit in the world” . . . to calling 9/11 an inside job.

Still. It’s worth noting.

Don’t expect an apology from any of the media nitwits who puffed this woman up during Bush’s presidency. They accomplished their goal: getting a Democrat elected in 2008. If their heroine Cindy Sheehan turns out to have been a lunatic, well, that’s life.

42 Responses to “Cindy Sheehan Is a 9/11 Truther”

  1. Are we sure this woman isn’t a danger to herself and others?

    AD - RtR/OS! (946807)

  2. One wonders just how much time it took her, turning the problem over and over in her mind, to reach these conclusions.

    Kevin Murphy (3c3db0)

  3. I’ve always felt bad for this lady. In her grief, she seems to have gone off the deep-end and was used by the left unmercifully. The fact that she is a 9/11-conspriricy theorist is almost a foregone conclusion; she has a grief-driven need to shape reality so that it matches the reasoning in her mind with the heartache in her soul.

    For her, the conspiracy will go on (some will even encourage it), chasing fictions with no hope of resolution, and not even knowing it.

    RIP Casey Sheehan

    Pons Asinorum (68944a)

  4. So cindy just got the memo that barack is pres and no one cares about iraq any more? Took her long enough to figure out she needed a new line, or an old one to latch on to.

    chaos (7c068a)

  5. as for sympathy for sheehan… I dont think she went totally crazy over losing her son, at some point a looong time ago it became an act and a dollar sign for cindy sheehan, no sympathy. Never was much anyway.

    chaos (7c068a)

  6. […] Obama’s Dithering & Waffling Risks Disaster in Afghanistan Patterico’s Pontifications: Cindy Sheehan Is a 9/11 Truther HillBuzz: Thank you former President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush The Hellcat […]

    Chilling: Obama Working with Code Pink to Help Undermine His Own “Policy Stance” on Afghanistan War (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone (a66042)

  7. Me, I wonder what happened to “her absolute
    moral authority”?

    Jack (e383ed)

  8. Cindy Sheehan is a disturbed woman. She was found, recruited by, used and allowed herself be used by a highly-funded, leftwing PR outfit to attack US war efforts against terrorism. They used her, she used them, they abused the memory of Casey Sheehan. They abused America, President Bush and our military. The Democrat Party went along with all of this political pornography and abuse. Sheehan’s use to the left was over long ago, so she is now a used kleenex thrown on the street.

    Jabba The Tutt (99cea1)

  9. A long time ago, I was the Engineering Officer for an Infantry Battalion stationed in [what was then] West Germany. I did a lot of instructing and range training in the use and setting up of explosives, both for my own Engineer platoon and for the Infantry Battalion. That’s how I got my nickname.

    Although I have never done it myself, I have been trained in the wiring of buildings for demolition and have seen it done. It takes careful planning and a lot of time to execute – usually months, depending on the size of the job. All the wires, and especially the Detonation Cord (Detcord for short), needs to be visible so that it can be traced, as crossed lines of Detcord can ruin the shot – either by cutting wires or by setting off other Detcord lines prematurely.

    In the movie, Batman, with Heath Ledger as the Joker, his character set an active hospital up for total demolition within hours, and nobody noticed. No wires hanging free. No holes ripped in walls. The only sign of violence was my wife poking me in the ribs as I grumbled and growled at the farce I was watching. “It’s only a movie”, she urgently whispered. “Everybody knows it isn’t real.”

    Well, I understand something like 30% of Americans think 9/11 was an inside job. I believe they are called “Truthers”. Apparently they get their training from Hollywood movies. An industry that specializes in telling lies convincingly.

    Detcord (dae840)

  10. It’s 9/11 nutter….

    SteveG (11baba)

  11. CIndy Sheehan has had a pretty much accomplishment free life. Prior to her brief burst of usefulness to the lefties, she had a history of a series of short lived jobs , where someone always made her seem inept. She may be missing the attention , and ramping up accusations to regain it.
    An uninteresting person who has had her moment of fame.

    corwin (02513a)

  12. The problem with a fame-junkie like Cindy Sheehan is that once the cameras go away, it’s like somebody is choking off her windpipe.

    This Truther stuff is just her 14:59 moment.

    KingShamus (fb8597)

  13. You go girl! Obviously the Underpants Bomber was an inside job with Rahm Emanuel’s illegitimate second cousin–albeit well dressed–helping to get Mr. Soon To Be Toasted Nuts on the plane in Amsterdam without a passport. Janet Napolitano was going to ride her broom to the Detroit Airport to personally interrogate the man after her ever ready and alert security system guys pulled him out of the line of deplaning passengers. It would all make Obama look good—an inside job all the way! I’m waiting for Cindy to tell that story to the press and see if they’ll eat it up with a spoon like they did some of her previous Baroness Munchausen style ramblings.

    Mike Myers (3c9845)

  14. She may indeed be mentally disturbed, but that does not excuse her actions, particularly dragging her son’s corpse around the country in the service of her lunatic rantings. And whatever happened to Maureen O’Dowd’s assisine proclamation of how “a mother’s truth” is always the ultimate truth, or some such nonsense?

    (crickets chirping)

    Dmac (a964d5)

  15. This is a sad lady who should be left alone. I am no more interested in her opinions than I am in those of a women living in a refrigerator box on San Julian street in Los Angeles.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  16. “Don’t expect an apology from any of the media nitwits who puffed this woman up during Bush’s presidency. They accomplished their goal: getting a Democrat elected in 2008.”

    Pretty idiotic on its face The one person who most helped Obama get elected was named George W. Bush.

    JEA (7c5025)

  17. #2 Kevin Murphy:

    One wonders just how much time it took her, turning the problem over and over in her mind, to reach these conclusions.

    I’m guessing about 12 seconds.

    I don’t think the loss of her son unhinged her. I think she was over the edge long before.

    To the memory of Casey, I salute.

    EW1(SG) (edc268)

  18. #16

    Pretty idiotic on its face

    Yes, you are. So stuff it, jackass.

    EW1(SG) (edc268)

  19. EW1,

    The liberal media was pushing Hillary. The conservative media was pushing everybody else but McCain. Neither got the canidate they wanted.

    So YOU stuff it.

    BTW, if that’s your best argument, you are the f’ing jackass.

    JEA (7c5025)

  20. Wasn’t she Lew Rockwell’s girlfriend for a while, or was that story just too good to check?

    Official Internet Data Office (2748b2)

  21. i don’t care what Cindy thinks, as long as they spell her name correctly on the watch list.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  22. So the only people who are allowed to fight for what they believe in are those who believe what you believe in. And you’re calling her unhinged.

    intelliology (00d844)

  23. @9 — Detcord
    All the wires, and especially the Detonation Cord (Detcord for short), needs to be visible so that it can be traced, as crossed lines of Detcord can ruin the shot – either by cutting wires or by setting off other Detcord lines prematurely.

    Yeah, but Detcord, the 9/11 truthers have an answer for that: invisible wires, duh.

    Everyone knows the CIA/evil corporations/Bush has them. Need special goggles to see them (and a tin foil hat).

    Just kidding — your comment @9 most most informative, thanks.

    Pons Asinorum (68944a)

  24. #19

    if that’s your best argument

    LOL. You ain’t worth the effort of even dusting off a bad one.

    EW1(SG) (edc268)

  25. intelliology, believing irrational things is a good clue to irrationality.

    What’s your excuse?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  26. What’s amazing about Sheehan is not her tenuous grip on logic.

    It’s how she was used, and then dumped, by the media.

    At least she is consistent.

    Amphipolis (17a9b7)

  27. So the only people who are allowed to fight for what they believe in are those who believe what you believe in.

    People can fight for anything they believe in. But when their belief system is so corrupt and nonsensical, observing their fight ends up being similar to watching a blind person try to drive a car down the freeway.

    In terms of extremist beliefs and biases, while I do tend to think of people guilty of that as perhaps suffering from a deranged mind, I also have to remember that such a symptom is not necessarily a matter of mental illness. Extremism is likely a sign of something severely defective in the part of the brain that controls logic, and other parts of that person’s gray matter may be normal enough to allow him or her to seem (and be) okay in general.

    Mark (63f90e)

  28. #22 — Comment by intelliology — 1/10/2010 @ 10:30 am
    So the only people who are allowed to fight for what they believe in are those who believe what you believe in.


    And you’re calling her unhinged.

    True, although unhinged and victimized might serve as a more comprehensive and accurate description.

    (luv it when they are that simple).

    Pons Asinorum (68944a)

  29. Faraday Cages!!!11ty!!!

    daleyrocks (718861)

  30. Sheehan is coddled by her Berkeley leftist groups. No one pays much attention to her. She completely made the attention on her instead of on her son. Any sympathy people had for her is completely gone. Especially now that she isn’t screaming warmonger at Obama (she merely states she is still against the war).

    Audacity (2fd5ad)

  31. Pretty idiotic on its face The one person who most helped Obama get elected was named George W. Bush.

    BTW, what’s the sell – by date on blaming your predecessor for all of your present – day screw – ups? I’m guessing it was about 6 months ago, yet your awesome leadership and fellow Obama Moonies are still banging that worn – out meme to the farking death. But please, continue on with your feckless blame – game, it’s working wonders out there in independent voter land.

    Dmac (a964d5)

  32. Comment by Dmac — 1/10/2010 @ 12:09 pm

    I’ll bet the Japanese were still down on Hirohito more than a year after WWII ended. I’m just sayin’.

    intelliology (00d844)

  33. intelliology – Bush was a puppet like Hirohito?

    daleyrocks (718861)

  34. intelliology, actually what you appear to be saying is that you are as ignorant of Japanese history as US history. At least, that’s all I can find in your incoherent comments.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  35. So you’re saying Bush was Cheney’s puppet? We all knew that.

    intelliology (00d844)

  36. Boy would I love to dress up like an alien, run past Cindy and ‘accidently’ drop a copy of Palin’s book on the ground!

    Metallica (e4735c)

  37. “So you’re saying Bush was Cheney’s puppet?”

    Nope, thanks for playing.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  38. i think we need a new house rule, wherein virgin posters have to produce all 52 cards prior to the start, so we know they’ve got a full deck.

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  39. Inferiorology has an unfortunate tendency to post counterintuitive posts as related to it’s chosen moniker, wouldn’t you say?

    Dmac (a964d5)

  40. It just gets nuttier.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  41. […] Week = Week 2 Posted on 01/11/2010 by Garrett Watson This weeks Kook of the week goes to Cindy Sheehan. She threw on her tin foil hat this week to say 9/11 was an inside job among other thing. Mrs. […]

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