Patterico's Pontifications


CNN the Latest Corporate Thug to Use Copyright As a Weapon to Eliminate Embarrassing Clips from YouTube

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 11:50 pm

I’m sick of people knocking embarrassing videos off YouTube with bogus copyright violation claims.

The latest culprit is CNN, a network that was recently embarrassed by a video of reporter Susan Roesgen cutting off tea-party protestors in Chicago, and assailing them with silly liberal talking points. The blog Founding Bloggers showed up on scene and caught her in further arguments with angry citizens who noted her biased coverage. I posted the Founding Bloggers video on Thursday.

But guess what happens when you click on it now?

That’s what happens.

As to the validity of the copyright claim, let me turn over the megaphone to Ben Sheffner of Copyrights and Campaigns:

CNN does own copyright in its own news footage and, as a general matter, has the right to demand its removal from YouTube. However, as to this particular video, I think Founding Bloggers has a very strong fair use defense. The purpose for Founding Bloggers’ posting of the CNN footage is crystal clear: to comment on and criticize CNN’s reporting on the “Tea Party.” Such a use is right in the heartland of the fair use doctrine; the statute specifically mentions “criticism, comment, [and] news reporting” as protected uses that are “not an infringement of copyright.” 17 U.S.C. § 107. To quickly run through the four fair use factors as they apply here: 1) the use is transformative (for critical comment); 2) the CNN footage is factual, not fictional, and was previously broadcast; 3) the amount used is small in relation to the whole CNN broadcast; and 4) any effect on the market is minuscule (and if fewer people watch CNN because this video causes them to think less of its coverage, that’s simply not cognizable harm). Many fair use cases are difficult, close calls–but, given the facts as I know them, this is an easy one.

That’s a very refined way of saying CNN is full of crap.

So what can be done? Well, Founding Bloggers reports that another blogger grabbed a copy and posted it to YouTube. Time to repost it:

And if they take that one down, well, I happen to have my own copy sitting around here somewhere. I have posted it on YouTube as well.

They’ll probably take our copies down, too. If they do, I’ll look for other sites to upload it to, or perhaps try to embed it here on the blog. And I may take Ben Sheffner’s advice and file a DMCA counternotice. If CNN wants to sue me, we can make this a test case.

In the meantime, I encourage every reader with a YouTube account to upload this video to YouTube. I encourage every blogger reading this to embed this same video to your own site.

We have to stop these thugs from reading fair use out of the law whenever they’re embarrassed.

FLASHBACK: Roesgen was one of the reporters primarily responsible for spreading myths about the racially charged “Jena 6” case. More on that here.

239 Responses to “CNN the Latest Corporate Thug to Use Copyright As a Weapon to Eliminate Embarrassing Clips from YouTube”

  1. Okay, how do I download it so I can upload it?

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  2. Another thing: has this video been on national TV yet? It should be!

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  3. Good.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  4. Post Jon Stewart’s smack-down of the Roesgen hit.

    steve (4e0792)

  5. Okay, how do I download it so I can upload it?

    There are programs you can use to download videos from YouTube. For Firefox I use an extension called Download Helper.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  6. Post Jon Stewart’s smack-down of the Roesgen hit.

    Mmm . . . nah. But thanks. I went and watched it due to your comment.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  7. One thing you can is download the file to your computer, and if possible on your blog setup, upload the file to your server and host the file on your server. I have a self-hosted setup and use the plug-in FLV Embed. Especially good for those news sites that don’t let you embed video.

    One thing you need to be careful about is how much bandwidth you’re using. I don’t have a very trafficked blog so I don’t really have any problems, but someone like Patterico might.

    Timothy Watson (bd0fa4)

  8. ____________________________

    embarrassed by a video of reporter Susan Roesgen cutting off tea-party protestors in Chicago, and assailing them with silly liberal talking points

    Roesgen’s behavior combined with that of her colleague’s sarcasm on the same day — referring to Anderson Cooper’s snide comment about “tea bagging” (and coming from Cooper, I have no doubt that phrase truly was used as a double entendre) — indicates it’s not totally correct to claim CNN is losing steam because it isn’t more opinionated (per below).

    I’d imagine that such CNN staffers’ sympathies for the left and, in turn, their irritation at the competitiveness of their rivals (mainly Fox), can’t help but bring out a mix of both advocacy journalism and plain ol’ sour grapes.


    3,390,000 FOXNEWS
    1,210,000 MSNBC
    1,070,000 CNN
    909,000 CNN HEADLINE

    3,980,000 FOXNEWS O’REILLY
    3,239,000 FOXNEWS HANNITY
    2,947,000 FOXNEWS GRETA
    2,740,000 FOXNEWS BECK
    2,401,000 FOXNEWS BAIER
    2,185,000 FOXNEWS SHEP
    1,777,000 COMEDY DAILY SHOW
    1,499,000 MSNBC OLBERMANN
    1,446,000 COMEDY COLBERT
    1,336,000 CNNHN GRACE
    1,292,000 CNN KING
    1,149,000 MSNBC MADDOW
    1,021,000 CNN COOPER


    NEW YORK (AP), March 27, 2009 — CNN is poised to finish March third in the prime-time weeknight ratings behind Fox News Channel and MSNBC, the first time this has ever happened for the channel that pioneered the cable news genre nearly three decades ago.

    CNN says its overall business is healthy and it is not straying from its straight news path. But it is suffering more audience erosion than its rivals since the peak days of the presidential election, further proof that the opinionated prime-time shows on Fox and MSNBC have greater audience loyalty.
    ______________________________, March 20, 2009:

    More evidence that CNN is going to have to find a new strategy fast or risk becoming a cable news also-ran: In the month of March so far, the Time Warner-owned network has come in fourth place in prime time among adults 25 to 54, the key demographic for advertisers, more often than not.

    Through March 17, CNN trailed not only Fox News and MSNBC but also its own sister network, Headline News, on nine out of 17 days. On one day, March 13, CNN even drew fewer 25-to-54 viewers than CNBC — the first time that’s happened since November 2007. And of the eight days it finished higher than fourth in the demo, five were either Saturdays or Sundays, typically the lowest rated nights for the news networks.

    Mark (411533)

  9. The only thing missing was some of USC’s finest to ensure the safety of this tool.

    Ed from SFV (f274d1)

  10. So, this is what a state-run news media would look like.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  11. Patterico, if you goto that “fearblocke” where you found the video and click on “more info” you will find a gold nugget.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  12. Any CNN copyright claim to what Founding Bloggers shot is completely bogus.

    CNN does not have a copyright claim any time Susan Roesgen opens her mouth in the street and it is not part of a CNN report.

    The Founding Bloggers use of part of the CNN report is fair use.

    Who is being stupid here, CNN, YouTube, or both?

    slp (eda6c1)

  13. YouTube is not being stupid. YouTube has to follow very specific rules to enjoy the “Safe Harbor” provisions of the DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act)

    If YouTube does not follow those rules, then CNN could sue YouTube (and therefore, Google) for copyright infringement. Google is a deep pockets defendant, and its operations often involve thousands or millions of web sites, so Google must be extremely wary to avoid committing copyright infringement. If Google’s software (YouTube) is responsible for copyright infringement, Google is potentially liable for thousands, millions, or even billions of acts of infringement (if every unauthorized viewing of a copyrighted video is an act of infringement, and there are a million copyrighted videos, each watched an average of 1000 times, that would be 1 billion acts of infringement).

    CNN, and Susan Roesgen, are the villains here.

    Daryl Herbert (b65640)

  14. I LOVE it when Patterico gets really ticked. (Not that I want him to feel upset, but his responses are so…productive) Quite a contrast to the tedious squealing and foot stamping often seen around the blogosphere.

    brobin (c07c20)

  15. “Via Patterico, CNN, Part Deuxouche….”

    nk (0214d0)

  16. Can I make a recommendation? Don’t just upload it to Youtube, but to all the video sharing sites. I am in the process of uploading it to MSN Soapbox, and will hit some other sites, too.

    William Teach (2d1bed)

  17. […] being manhandled at USC and Tancredo being deprived of his First Amendment rights at UNC-CH, we’ve now got CNN pulling the Roesgen video off the web with bogus copyright claims. Posted by Dan Collins @ 5:42 am | Trackback SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: “Pam’s Soused […]

    Pam’s Soused Bender [Dan Collins] (7a2640)

  18. Another possibility is to further trim the CNN-camera footage, while leaving all the footage that is not from a CNN camera. This is responsive to the complaint, even though the complaint is meritless, and keeps the issue alive. Has CNN sent its footage down the memory hole? If not, link to CNN for what they aired. Surely, they want that shown to demonstrate their “fairness.” FoxNews showed the CNN clip more than CNN did!
    CNN, the cable news version of AP (Always Propaganda)

    cboldt (3d73dd)

  19. #3 It was on Fox.

    Then someone should put up the Fox clip. CNN can’t take down what Fox owns.

    Evil Pundit (43faaa)

  20. […] this via Patterico.  The CNN part of the video’s obviously been discussed to death, so I won’t go into […]

    Tea Party CNN Reporter from before, being interviewed by Founding Bloggers; also, CNN and Fair Use « The Political Inquirer (15bca2)

  21. […] It would take too long to summarize the whole thing. Go read it here. […]

    Patterico v CNN | Unfair Doctrine (f6929c)

  22. A transcript with images would not have the impact on the viewer, but might save you a pile of bandwidth. Is she still on vacation?

    htom (412a17)

  23. Sweet, I am so proud and energized by this stance you are taking.

    Angry Dumbo (605071)

  24. I’m a lefty and I agree. Trampling actions like this from CNN just sway power in favour of Corporations over People. Doesn’t matter which political spectrum this exposure is aimed at. Reporter’s abuse like that is still abuse.

    Daro (4c20d3)

  25. […] Patterico on CNN’s wanting to avoid embarrassment. He wants you to upload a video, too […]

    Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate’s Cove (6f92d7)

  26. Google isn’t worried about being sued by CNN. Google/youtube are leftists and they are working in cahoots with CNN to hide material that is embarrassing to the left.

    I think google is violating an entire community’s fair usage rights and a class action lawsuit is in order. It’s not illegal to make silly copyright claims so CNN can’t be sued.

    j curtis (572b9f)

  27. That there are countless other CNN clips on youtube, but this one is the one the must be taken down, essentially makes the very point of the fair use doctrine.




    biff (f1813b)

  28. Oh, and one may want to consider the claim of abuse of process:

    in short, utilizing a legal procedure for improper purposes.

    The facts cry out that this has precious little to do with the protection of CNN’s intellectual property, and everything to do with silencing dissent and eliminating information integral to our public discourse.

    I find that in legal proceedings, sometimes the best defense is offence.


    biff (f1813b)

  29. […] notices how CNN is using copyright to stifle criticism. This almost certainly should fall under “fair use” but individuals will tend to have […]

    Copyright As A Weapon (c57aa2)

  30. CNN did not have to expend much effort here. As noted above, youtube is a part of the Google empire, not known for its conservative leanings.

    JD (6ef835)

  31. My husband is uploading to youtube now! I personally am not adept at computers other than posting what I have to say BUT it’s on!!! LET’s ROLL!

    Jaded (c24ced)

  32. […] by means of alleging a copyright violation.  More on this here at Paterrico’s Pontifications here. Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)Not too happyChicago Tea Party lesson from the […]

    Spirit of ‘09 - Part II « The American Catholic (97155d)

  33. Where is Trotsky? I could have sworn Trotsky was in this photo!

    Official Internet Data Office (2ec06c)

  34. […] Patterico.. I’m sick of people knocking embarrassing videos off YouTube with bogus copyright violation […] » The Video CNN doesn’t want you to see (e07af3)

  35. To “j curtis” #27:

    In fairness to Google, I do not believe its compliance with CNN’s takedown notice was politically motivated. During the 2008 presidential campaign, the Obama campaign received a DMCA notice from NBC, and Google complied with that (just as they complied with DMCA notices to the McCain campaign, on which I was an attorney): Google is taking the safe legal path by automatically complying with CNN’s takedown notice, but there is actually no requirement that it do so, and, as the McCain campaign pointed out in this letter, it has nothing to fear if it refuses to comply in the case of clear fair uses.

    And your statement “It’s not illegal to make silly copyright claims so CNN can’t be sued” is not quite accurate. The DMCA does provide a cause of action against someone who “knowingly materially misrepresents…that material or activity is infringing.” 17 U.S.C. § 512(f). Those cases are hard to win (and the damages are usually nominal), but the cause of action does exist.

    Ben Sheffner (2d68f4)

  36. Correction: I meant to write “Google complied with that (just as they complied with DMCA notices to Google regarding McCain campaign videos…

    Ben Sheffner (2d68f4)

  37. […] Read the whole thing here. […]

    When Corps Get Embarrassed… | (583dbb)

  38. CNN suppressing news that is embarrassing to their own interests….

    I guess the biggest effect in this particular situation would be that people would watch CNN less.

    But imagine if CNN suppressed news in situations that have dire consequences? Say…Presidential elections?

    Go to hell, CNN.

    Roy Mustang (9deca0)

  39. One could just egregiously copy and post everything on could from CNN onto many video sharing sites – get a significant percent of their assets chasing their tail…

    Just call it guerilla news…

    Bill Johnson (e1fe6b)

  40. I’ve got it dl’d. I’ll keep the YouTube page bookmarked and if it starts coming down, I’ll add it.

    I’d add that putting this up on all the other vid sites making CNN work harder and smarter, things that are sorely lacking there. Consider it a kneejerk liberal bias intervention party.

    Dusty (7bba43)

  41. Fight the test case. Let CNN come after you. I think you will get a lot of support in the blogger community. This is fair use, simply put. CNN owns the rights to the content, but cannot inhibit free speech in retaliation.

    Neoavatara (44058a)

  42. Winston Smith would be proud.

    davidt (0c740c)

  43. Easiest way to avoid it being pulled: make it functionally invisible by titling it “Video of my cat sleeping” and entering no description.

    SEK (072055)

  44. “In fairness to Google, I do not believe its compliance with CNN’s takedown notice was politically motivated.”

    I’d say it’s a lot more likely that their motivation was to avoid a slap suit, because it would be more trouble than it’s worth to fight it.

    Dave Surls (c9acd3)

  45. I guess I’ll start with a google embed.

    I really don’t know how to download a Youtube file, if someone else has a downloadable form to send me, I will upload to my mobileme account and share it.

    SarahW (fdd722)

  46. SEK wrote:

    Easiest way to avoid it being pulled: make it functionally invisible by titling it “Video of my cat sleeping” and entering no description.

    You’ve been Roesgen Rolled! 😀

    L.N. Smithee (759a2c)

  47. I think that Roesgen should become a verb.

    JD (6ef835)

  48. Ted Turner used to be gutsy guy. He was a great sailor and I’ve read his biography. He got so many demerits in military school that he spent his vacations walking them off and had something like three months of marching off demerits left when he graduated.

    I think that marrying Jane Fonda was his big mistake. She must have sucked all the independence out of him, or something.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  49. [Comment by SarahW — 4/19/2009 @ 9:01 am]

    Go to this page:

    It attaches to your browser (FFox at least), notifies you if a page has a downloadable, and let’s you select the item(s) from a pull down list to the right of it’s rotating icon.

    Pretty simple and you might better just share the link, but I don’t know anything about the rest of your comment.

    Dusty (7bba43)

  50. youtube is a part of the Google empire, not known for its conservative leanings.

    Are you saying Google’s search algorithm conforms to those leanings?

    steve (509564)

  51. […] Patterico points out that CNN is using bogus copyright infringement claims to prevent you from seeing this and encourages all bloggers to post it.  I’m happy to oblige. […]

    Spreading the Word on CNN Douchebags « Daily Woof (88a07c)

  52. Good on ya, Patterico. This thing’s gone viral – it’s outta CNN’s hands, now.

    One thing about CNN’s tactic that needs saying is…

    It’s lame. it’s identity politics gone insurgent, It is unprofessional, and they get anything they deserve for pulling this stunt!

    I saw this same tactic at work during Tony Snow’s tenure as the WH spokesman under Bush: the networks would purposely cast hostile, female reporters to sit in WH press-conferences dressed as prototypical professional “everywomen” where they were intended to argue frivolously with Tony; the goal being, pit their iconic female-voter against the “agressive republican white-male” spokesman on camera.

    This same discredit-by-caricature tactic is in full display in CNN’s “coverage” of Illinois’ tea-party events. Note Roesgen’s professional pants-suit and cropped “bob” hairdo typical of urban feminists (see Hillary): these were, I’m sure, very carefully combined to augment the political effects of the stunt.

    Two questions leap to mind:
    1. If the success of the stunt relies entirely on CNN’s brand-loyalty (“anti-CNN?) and Roesgen’s “authority” (which is derived from Roesgen presenting herself as a stand-in for Murphy Brown), then what does it say about both brands that CNN felt the need to pull the stunt off the air?

    2. Who did Roesgen’s hair?

    Hang in there Patterico!

    steveaz (f7eb63)

  53. Oops! Should be, “…they deserve all they get…”

    Dern keyboard!

    steveaz (f7eb63)

  54. Question for lawyer Ben and Patterico.

    Let’s say I was there and taped everything that happened and the aftermath. Is the reporter the property of CNN? If it’s in public, using my camera, is not the result my property to use as I will?

    Should I post it on youtube, what rights would they have to censor or remove my material?

    Just asking.

    Candy (8e1a26)

  55. Steve – Had I wanted to say that I would have. It is curious how certain things become disappeared, and how they tend to reflect poorly on one side of the political spectrum.

    JD (6ef835)

  56. […] these videos on the basis of copyright infringement.  So to do my part, I have done what Patterico has suggested, and here is the vid. (via Powerline […]

    CNN-Hiding the evidence. CNN desires to avoid embarrassment, but it is too late. #tcot « Kelly R. Conaty MD, MBA (6367b9)

  57. I’ve had political content pulled from Google. In 2004 my blog (since defunct) had some caricatures that were on the first page of the Google Image Search results for “Michael Moore”. They were unflattering.

    About a month before the election, those images disappeared from Google Image Search results — though the originals were still in place on my blog. They didn’t just slip down in rank — they vanished completely.

    Evil Pundit (43faaa)

  58. Roesgen’s “authority” (which is derived from Roesgen presenting herself as a stand-in for Murphy Brown)
    Did you mean [that lying] “Campbell Brown” rather than “Murphy Brown?”
    I think you’re right. CNN didn’t want to pull the planned, deliberately deceptive “reporting” stunt with its higher-paid propagandist talent.

    cboldt (3d73dd)

  59. To Candy #55:

    If you are on a public street, you have every right to tape the events and post it to YouTube. And yes, you can even tape a CNN reporter interacting with protesters. If you shot that tape, you would own the copyright. (Things would get a bit more complicated if the CNN reporter were reading off a prepared script, but that does not appear to be the case here.)

    I’m fairly confident that CNN would agree with that. And I believe their takedown notice was not directed at the footage shot by Founding Bloggers. Rather, they objected to the posting of CNN’s own footage. But, for the reasons I explained in my post, I believe Founding Bloggers’ posting of CNN’s footage was a fair use.

    Ben Sheffner (2d68f4)

  60. Crappy

    AD (967a8f)

  61. What is particularly telling is that they allowed the clip to get on the air. It gives some hint as to just how clueless the media is about where most of the country is on this issue. The media is as out of touch with middle class america as those inside the beltway. Any editor with a clue would have killed that video as soon as he saw it.

    Paul Gross (0068f0)

  62. Roesgen’s “authority” (which is derived from Roesgen presenting herself as a stand-in for Murphy Brown)


    Did you mean [that lying] “Campbell Brown” rather than “Murphy Brown?”


    I think you’re right. CNN didn’t want to pull the planned, deliberately deceptive “reporting” stunt with its higher-paid propagandist talent.

    cboldt (3d73dd)

  63. I suggest someone simply file a DMCA Counter Notification. If anything further happens, SLAPP statutes will come into play quickly.



    Gene Hoffman (aad73d)

  64. flashgot

    will let you download flash files

    ted t logan (116477)

  65. Hey, where was the video removed? It’s still working at the URL below, and that’s where it had nearly 500K views. Was it somewhere else with another large quantity of views?

    ParisParamus (d015ba)

  66. Hey, where was the video removed? It’s still working at the URL below, and that’s where it had nearly 500K views. Was it somewhere else with another large quantity of views?

    ParisParamus (d015ba)

  67. Comment by L.N. Smithee — 4/19/2009 @ 9:04 am

    I hate you… I hate you so much…


    Scott Jacobs (90ff96)

  68. I guess CNN doesn’t like being confronted and “free speech”. I think we should all get video camera’s and confront all of these Communist reporters and treasonist politicians! Then post them all over the internet! They can’t stop us all!

    CrusaderPatriot dot com

    CrusaderPatriot (61b224)

  69. This will only make the video more famous–MSMORONS.

    ParisParamus (d015ba)

  70. This will only make the video more famous–MSMORONS.

    ParisParamus (d015ba)

  71. I edited out the CNN video and reposted it on youtube

    Let’s see if they can remove that

    zappafan1325 (3e0eef)

  72. C’mon, Patterico.
    If you don’t want to look like clowns don’t wear the clown shoes.
    Charles says Rush and Beck are taking advertising $ from Alex Jones to pimp his conspiracy theory dis-infomercial on their shows.
    The conservative movement is diving headfirst to the hard right.
    You know Info Wars is just Stormfront for middleaged white guyz.
    Info Wars is where Poplawski got his inspiration.
    Quit whinging about Deliverance extras with Obama==Hitler signs showing up at your rallies and tell them to GTFO.

    wheeler's cat (06550c)

  73. After one of the debates I uploaded two vids showing what a bad job CNN did and added them as replies to CNN’s footage. They appeared in the reply list and then both were deleted from the list. (The vids themselves weren’t deleted and weren’t marked as age-restricted, etc. They were just removed from the list of replies while others remained)

    I also have a few others using CNN footage that AFAIK are still available; they’re defensible using the quoted section in the post.

    24AheadDotCom (e10679)

  74. The news we kept to ourselves, ca. 2009.

    Chris (a24890)

  75. Then someone should put up the Fox clip. CNN can’t take down what Fox owns.

    If Fox had no fair use defense to running footage that was broadcast on CNN, then Fox was infringing and Fox doesn’t own the copyright to that footage.

    However, for CNN to come right out and claim Fox lacks a “fair use” defense would be very dangerous for CNN. After all, CNN uses footage recorded by other people all the time, either with their permission or on the grounds that it’s “fair use.”

    Daryl Herbert (b65640)

  76. …and just like the swallows returning to Capistrano, Wheezer’s Hairball drops by to traffick in more insane black – helicopter Trutherisms. Run, Hairball, Run! The Dark Rovian Lords of the Underworld are lapping at your doorstep, so we beseech you to run as fast as your little piggy legs can take you!

    Dmac (1ddf7e)

  77. […] by John Hichcock on 2009/04/19 I agree with Patterico. Everyone needs to upload this video to YouTube and everyone needs to embed it in their blogs. […]

    Media Attack Dog Gets Smacked Down « Truth Before Dishonor (565823)

  78. I think this is a serious problem for you guyz.
    Your base LOVES Palin and Beck.
    But nobody else does.

    wheeler's cat (06550c)

  79. Cats do contortionist stunts just to get a good licking in.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  80. What we need is a video service hosted in a country that doesn’t honor copyright laws, but only hosts videos of political and news significance. Not only US significance, but also Chinese, Iranian, etc.

    This service would ignore claims of fair use, but only permit videos of a limited length. All videos would have a comment section that was open. And special tricks, such as proxy services and fake domains, would be used to overcome censorship abroad and eventually here.

    Juan (4cdfb7)

  81. DMac does Beck put up posters of Hitler and Stalin on his show or not? Do Alex Jones and Stormfront self-identify as “conservatives”?
    Your magical thinking is showing.

    wheeler's cat (06550c)

  82. Or you saying Charles Johnson is a liar?
    Inquiring minds want to know.

    wheeler's cat (06550c)

  83. I think it is kinda hypocritical of you, Patterico, to object to the MSM covering these guyz when they are just buying what Beck is selling.
    Like the rest of the conservative base.

    wheeler's cat (06550c)

  84. Nishi – Are you still pretending to be a muslim or are you done with that fad?

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  85. Dmac – Wheeler’s cat aka nishit aka nishidiot aka kate is a genocide advocating ID lovin’ meme warrior griefer. Mock and scorn.

    JD (6ef835)

  86. Dmac – Wheeler’s cat aka nishit aka nishidiot aka kate is a genocide advocating I’d lovin’ meme warrior griefer. Mock and scorn.

    JD (6ef835)

  87. Thylvethter, you can’t even beat Tweety.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  88. Bartender, I’ll have what wheeler’s cat is having, but make it a double.

    Ag80 (b19e67)

  89. The YouTube Roesgen link works fine. It’s had around 500K views and more text comments than I’ve seen in several months. It may have been offline for 18 hours.

    I think the HLN hit she did is more confrontational and revealing.

    steve (2fda4b)

  90. […] I clicked on this from BlogNetNews and noticed the hullabaloo over CNN yanking their copyrighted content from […] » Blinded By An Ideology Never Followed (174ad6)

  91. […] Using BS Copyright Argument to Bump Video According to Patterico and Jim Treacher, CNN is claiming a video posted by Founding Bloggers is copyright […]

    CNN Using BS Copyright Argument to Bump Video « Humor and Satire at You Should Be Tasered (fb05f5)

  92. Insane is as insane does.

    Dmac (1ddf7e)

  93. Well…do you dig Beck? Playin’ the Soviet national anthem and Obama the messiah to it? Pictures of Stalin?
    The whole socialist/marxist/communist rant?
    A question for Patterico’s whole cohort.
    Are you down with Beck?
    That poor guy with the Hitler sign is just buyin’ what Beck is selling.
    Why are you complaining?
    You wanted the MSM to cover the teaparties…..the Deliverence extras are just the most obvious signs of Beckers in the crowd.
    The rest of you are just more careful not to show your clownface in public.

    wheeler's cat (06550c)

  94. If Susan Roesgen’s job was to report the news, then I’d say she failed badly.

    What I Think (96d759)

  95. Putty tat, don’t be a nimnul.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  96. Mebbe we can get JeffieG in here for a discussion of Beck’s intentionalism……hmmmm …..what is Beck signing with a full wall poster of Stalin and chanting Obama the Messiah to the tune of soviet national anthem?
    What are the semiotics and herneumantics of that?
    And now you guys are all pissy cuz some Becker holds up signage at a teaparty and the MSM covers it?
    Get real.

    wheeler's cat (06550c)

  97. Someone rang the dinner bell for trolls.

    Eric Blair (ad3775)

  98. […] CNN the Latest Corporate Thug to Use Copyright As a Weapon to Eliminate Embarrassing Clips from YouT… […]

    CNN and the Mainstream Media failed Middle America Yesterday and Created a Major Backlash « CTD Weblog (c67638)

  99. “..the rest of you are just more careful not to show your clownface in public…”

    Now that is both funny and quite a case of projection.

    Your red nose is showing.

    Eric Blair (ad3775)

  100. Always amusing to see conservatives squawk about silly little obstructions… like the LAW. See the bush Administration for details. And particularly comical given your legal background, Patterico.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  101. If Susan Roesgen’s job was to report the news, then I’d say she failed badly.

    Comment by What I Think — 4/19/2009 @ 12:03 pm

    I can support that…she was not objective.
    But covering the Deliverance extras is perfectly legitimate.
    Objectively speaking……it looks like Beckers are a big part of your base.

    wheeler's cat (06550c)

  102. Sylvester’s just mad because nobody will give it the bird.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  103. I have yet to hear anyone mention that it was a CNN correspondent who won the presidency in El Salvador as an FMLN member. That’s all you need to know about the kind of people who are on CNN.

    josh (0ae523)

  104. CNN does own copyright in its own news footage and, as a general matter, has the right to demand its removal from YouTube.

    END OF STORY. Ya gotta beef, take ’em to court.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  105. “That poor guy with the Hitler sign is just buyin’ what Beck is selling”

    What guy are you talking about two digit?

    Beck did not appear at the Chicago tea party. WTF are you talking about?

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  106. #9– Source: conservative spin cycler and right wing watter boy Matt Drudge is not a ‘source’. He’s a conduit.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  107. Objectively speaking, it is clear nishi/kate is off her meds, again.

    JD (6ef835)

  108. “But covering the Deliverance extras”

    There are a lot of “Deliverance extras” in downtown Chicago, two digit. Try again. Maybe they were all racists like Garafalo and Pam Spaulding say. Why don’t you try that meme?

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  109. […] CNN the Latest Corporate Thug to Use Copyright As a Weapon to Eliminate Embarrassing Clips from You… […]

    The Irascible Chef » Update on Tea Day (d34040)

  110. Apparently this is the meme of the week for nishit.

    JD (6ef835)

  111. Early in its infancy a lot of CNN’s footage was pirated by local and network news for rebroadcast– some with the CNN logo blatantly blocked out. Clear copyright violations and CNN resolved the matter legally. This is no different. Indeed, other nets, like CBS, are notorious for being absurdly anal over copyright infringement of clips and materials from their archives. But they are in the right.

    CNN is in the right,too… righties.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  112. Nishi – Don’t worry, puberty is just around the corner. It comes late for some girls.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  113. ASPCA has declared END OF STORY. I think it stomped its feet when it typed that.

    JD (6ef835)

  114. To DCSCA #107:

    CNN’s ownership of copyright in its own footage is most definitely NOT the end of the story. A copyright owner’s exclusive rights are limited by the fair use doctrine, which is set out in Section 107 of the Copyright Act.

    Here’s an explanation from the Copyright Office:

    Ben Sheffner (2d68f4)

  115. […] original video taken off YouTube, citing copyright.  I have updated the link. For more background, head over to Patterico. addthis_url = ‘’; addthis_title = […] (e6daa1)

  116. ____________________________________

    Well…do you dig Beck? Playin’ the Soviet national anthem and Obama the messiah to it? Pictures of Stalin? The whole socialist/marxist/communist rant?

    That type of question should be directed at someone of symbolically and politically greater importance. Someone who doesn’t operate from a TV studio, who doesn’t represent a major political party — much less a country — but who, in fact, runs his affairs out of the Oval Office.

    A guy who not only apparently tolerated but actually embraced the ravings and rantings of a fanatic like Jeremiah Wright for 20-some-odd years. A guy who happily tolerated and even embraced such a person only until the glare of publicity and controversy caused, as they say, the shit to hit the fan.

    And I’ll start worrying about someone like Beck when he has the audacity and dishonesty to deny the obvious, to deny what’s caught on camera, during his TV show or elsewhere.

    London Telegraph:

    The White House denied that the president bowed during a meeting on the sidelines of the London conference, though photographs show Mr Obama at least stooped significantly before the 84-year-old monarch.

    “It wasn’t a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he’s taller than King Abdullah,” an Obama aide told

    The Washington Times called the alleged bow a “shocking display of fealty to a foreign potentate”, which ran contrary to American tradition of not deferring to royalty.

    “By bending over to show greater respect to Islam, the US president belittled the power and independence of the United States,” the paper said in an editorial. “Such an act is a traditional obeisance befitting a king’s subjects, not his peer.”

    “American presidents do not bow before foreign dignitaries, whether they are princes, kings, or emperors,” said the Weekly Standard’s blog.

    Mark (411533)

  117. […] way CNN, You should be ashamed of your ridiculous claim of copyright violation just because CNN was found wanting of being liberal hacks. Share […]

    CNN … Cartoon News Network: Bias Media & CNN Reporter Susan Roesgen Attacks Thomas Jefferson at Tea Party | Scared Monkeys (1b1833)

  118. The latest culprit is CNN, a network that was recently embarrassed by a video of reporter Susan Roesgen cutting off tea-party protestors in Chicago, and assailing them with silly liberal talking points. Apparently you’ve missed the embarassing video clips of Faux News tea bag blowhard Neil Cavuto making up tea bagger attencence numbers, promoting Faux News coverage of the million man march that occurred before the net even existed on air.

    Roesgen was perfectly correct cutting off the teabagger’s ‘he’s a facist’ rant which had nothing to do with her question or taxes. Of course, one has to ask why he was there in the middle of a work day with his kid in the first place. No job? No school? any you wonder why America is falling behind the world.

    Teabaggers, tea parties, TV clip complaints, budgets with no numbers and Boss Limbaugh wishing for presidential failure.

    The party of NO. No vision, no solutions, no future. Birch is dead. Goldwater is dead. Reagan is dead. Falwell is dead. Buckley is dead. Americans have moved on and dispatched conservatism to the dustbin of history.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  119. Out of some 88,000 CNN clips on YouTube, they choose to go after this one.

    Those idiots are making it go viral.

    Amphipolis (e6b868)

  120. #116- Like I said, ya gotta beef, take’em to court. Until then, they can pull it down. I have firsthand experience from my days at CBS dealing with this kind of ‘work to rule; thing. If you can make a case against the network, fine, take them to court. But they have deep pockets.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  121. CIA

    What else was there?

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  122. DCSCA, is this you?

    You know, I don’t do gay-bashing, but I’ve had it up to here with the “teabagging” f_g talk from pickle-biters like Anderson Cooper and carpet-scrapers like Jeanine Garofalo.

    nk (0214d0)

  123. #116- And as a postscript, some of these network legalities restrict inter-divisional use of footage between sports divisions, news divisions and entertainment. It’s all the same company and they can throw up walls. When they want to be pricks about it, they are. Hence CNN’s reaction. But it’s not unique to them. They all do it when it suits their needs.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  124. To DCSCA #121:

    One of the main purposes of the DMCA’s notice-and-takedown (and counternotice) procedure is to address vast numbers of copyright infringements without going to court. And, though the process is imperfect, it largely succeeds in that goal. Sometimes copyright owners (and sometimes YouTube posters) make improper claims (as I believe CNN did here), and sometimes they do end up in court. But the point is that a copyright owner like CNN should not make claims on videos that are clearly privileged under the fair use doctrine.

    Ben Sheffner (2d68f4)

  125. #123- You forgot to mention Jon Stewart, who noted with hilarious glee that Fox News hosts were gushing with delight over teabaggers showing off a van full of one million tea bags as a representation of wasteful spending. On July 4, avoid using ‘Weenies In Washington’ as a symbol for the next Faux protest.

    Ya got nothing.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  126. #126- Again, like I said, ya gotta beef, take ’em to court. By 2011 and a few million bucks in legal fees you may win your point long after nobody cares.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  127. When a journalist (or someone that calls themselves a journalist) becomes part of the story as opposed to just reporting… the journalist’s employer loses all copyright’s to “fair use”.

    Boatfoot (07c0a7)

  128. You know, I don’t do gay-bashing, but I’ve had it up to here with the “teabagging” f_g talk from pickle-biters like Anderson Cooper and carpet-scrapers like Jeanine Garofalo.

    Comment by nk

    And yet you just did. So you do.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  129. You know what, DCSCA, just keep on saying “teabagger”. About 4% of the country, your subculture, will appreciate your inside joke. The rest, who learned about the Boston Tea Party in grade school, will form their own opinion about you.

    nk (0214d0)

  130. When a journalist (or someone that calls themselves a journalist) becomes part of the story as opposed to just reporting… the journalist’s employer loses all copyright’s to “fair use”. Interesting argument if you accept the prmise the reporter is part of the story, which could easily be challenged.

    Try using that argument to claim copyright forfeiture rights with footage from CBS News of Cronkite interacting with Sadat and Begin to broker a Mideast summit live on the CBS Evening News 30 years ago when Cronkite became ‘part of the story.’ Won’t wash.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  131. […] Patterico: I’m sick of people knocking embarrassing videos off YouTube with bogus copyright violation […]

    CNN tries to quash Roesgen Internet video at The K. Ryan James blog (b709cb)

  132. Roesgen was perfectly correct cutting off the teabagger’s ‘he’s a facist’ rant which had nothing to do with her question or taxes. Of course, one has to ask why he was there in the middle of a work day with his kid in the first place.

    This is false.

    The guy with the kid never said Obama was a “fascist” (or “facist”). That was the nut that Roesgen DIDN’T cut off because she wanted to portray him as the face of the protest.

    The guy with the kid was articulate and was making a point. That’s why he had to be shut down. And he never said Obama is a “fascist” (or even a “facist,” which I believe is someone who discriminates against others because of their face).

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  133. And also see where it will get you with the black community, the most homophobic, Obama’s solidest base.

    nk (0214d0)

  134. This is false.

    The guy with the kid never said Obama was a “fascist” (or “facist”).

    He did.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  135. ASPCA is a homophobe.

    Hardly surprising since even a lot of liberals, certainly in private moments, are guilty of phony tolerance and talking out of both sides of their mouths—eg, how many parents of left-leaning orientation will be perfectly thrilled to proclaim: “My teenage son is the big man on campus! He’s dating the Homecoming…King!!!”)

    And I’d say that when Anderson Cooper, who is homosexual, smirked about “teabagging,” he did it in a sly, wink-wink sort of way.

    Mark (411533)

  136. DCSCA blatantly lies about a video we can all see for ourselves. Apparently he, she, or it is counting on CNN being able to keep it under wraps.

    Jim Treacher (796deb)

  137. So, what are the symptoms of brain-washing? The “Old Grey Lady” has to know – they hire, don’t they?

    Larry (8b5bb1)

  138. Sorry about the last post – got confused with the OTHER dummies.

    Larry (8b5bb1)

  139. #132- You know what, DCSCA, just keep on saying “teabagger”. About 4% of the country, your subculture, will appreciate your inside joke. The rest, who learned about the Boston Tea Party in grade school, will form their own opinion about you.

    Perhaps you and your ilk are due for some remedial grade school history lessons. Such is the poor quality of your American schools these days. There were no tea bags at the Boston Tea Party.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  140. DCSCA’s point is the only thing that keeps his hat from blowing away in the wind.

    Jim Treacher (796deb)

  141. To quote Bugs Bunny, “What a maroon!” The only people using the term “tea-bagging” are folks who are trying to use juvenile humor to discredit others.

    And it says much more about the person saying it.

    Still, it is better than the drunken posting he did last night. That was funny.

    Eric Blair (ad3775)

  142. […] the smear tactics that CNN spreads.  Several other Tea Party protesters  captured more about this reporter and what happened […]

    Fascism « E Māua Ola i Moku o Keawe (5c299c)

  143. Copyright and Marks are heavy part of my job. CNN has zero legitimate claim on this. They should get pounded by every corner of the web for pulling such nonsense. My God – people made documentaries using FNC footage and there was nothing Newscorp could do about it.

    Fair Use for educational purposes. No way around it.

    Mark S (800a9e)

  144. Treacher has DCSCA’s number. And it is hilarious to see yet another topic in which DCSCA is willing to show his utter ignorance.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  145. What else was there?

    You forgot that it claimed it also worked on the rocket centrifuge program at NASA, and personally met Von Braun. It also signed the Declaration of Independence and stormed the beaches at Normandy, winning eleventy purple hearts in the process.

    Dmac (1ddf7e)

  146. Ah, alright, lessee here.

    Rocket scientist for NASA
    Met Von Braun in college

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  147. John, Dmac….wasn’t this the TdJ who also claims to have smelled Rush Limbaugh’s body odor?

    That doesn’t even require a punch line.

    Eric Blair (ad3775)

  148. […] Copyright as a Culture War Weapon April 19, 2009 Posted by Jehuda in Uncategorized. Tags: Law, New Media, TV, News, media bias trackback Patterico: CNN attempting to whitewash coverage of their Tea Party coverage? […]

    Copyright as a Culture War Weapon « The Rhetorican (6edfbf)

  149. OK – I just d/l a copy for myself – just in case.

    Steamboat McGoo (e565b2)

  150. Guess what?

    Live Leak still has it.

    Eddie (489b30)

  151. Eric – indeed, and it also claimed to have had personal experience with Limbaugh’s lower G.I. tract, after having become a bowel excavation after a brief conversation with him.

    Dmac (1ddf7e)

  152. John – Don’t forget the Libyan hit squads, astronauts, Court of St. James, Middle East Oil Barons, etc., etc.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  153. I think it recently mentioned being involved in the CIA as well – but of course.

    Dmac (1ddf7e)

  154. How about backup posting on They seem less amenable to threats of copyright thuggery.

    eaglewingz08 (e40a12)

  155. Ben Sheffner,

    Google is taking the safe legal path by automatically complying with CNN’s takedown notice,

    I don’t think that violating a community’s 1st Amendment rights qualifies as playing it safe.

    And your statement “It’s not illegal to make silly copyright claims so CNN can’t be sued” is not quite accurate. The DMCA does provide a cause of action against someone who “knowingly materially misrepresents…that material or activity is infringing.” 17 U.S.C. § 512(f). Those cases are hard to win (and the damages are usually nominal), but the cause of action does exist.

    Bad assumption on my part. In that case, it’s an action worth pursuing regardless of nominal damage collection since it would end the practice if they lose and google could no longer do liberal damage control with this method after such a verdict.

    j curtis (8f49e2)

  156. […] excuse for a reporter, one Susan Roesgen, and is now trying to cover up this embrassing fact.  Pattericso: CNN the Latest Corporate Thug to Use Copyright As a Weapon to Eliminate Embarrassing Clips from […]

    Patterico to CNN: Bring Em On | BitsBlog (33ff78)

  157. […] Patterico wants all bloggers to embed this video. So I watched it, and said yeah, sure. […]

    The Mahablog » On Request (dfe738)

  158. BTW, I have it uploaded to MSN Soapbox now.

    William Teach (2d1bed)

  159. Patterico got linked by Maha ? This really is bizarro world today. I particularly liked ASPCA declaring end of story to Ben despite making no actual argument other than end of story.

    JD (f086e6)

  160. #146- Fair Use for educational purposes. No way around it. No way around it? A set of media lawyers would have a field day with that argument in a courtroom for a year or so and make a mint.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  161. […] of Flopping Aces , Patterico and Founding […]

    Just helping a brother out… « On Target (565823)

  162. For the last hour I have not been able to get the site or comments to update.

    JD (f086e6)

  163. You guys don’t want to cross swords on this. End of story.

    carlitos (b512c3)

  164. JD – I think Patterico has got the meta filter thingy cranked up. Either that or he doesn’t want any regulars to embarrass themselves crossing swords with ACSPA.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  165. We got Instalanched starting around 1030edt this morning.

    AD (967a8f)

  166. The damage is for the most part already done. Most Americans are already aware that CNN is biased and anyone can clone this clip and spread it through email.

    CNN is done. Stick a fork in them.

    Haire Brain (310603)

  167. Teach, I like the way you think. Braiding fuses in my beard, drinking rum and gunpowder and uploading now.

    Treach, I always like the way you think. You put out pithy ant-bait for the trolls.

    Patterico, good on you. I’ve never assisted a viral vid campaign before, but I’m more than happy to do my part to diminish this particular harpy.

    Uncle Pinky (834163)

  168. DCSCA, #166, assuming you knew a media lawyer, your comment would still be incompetent.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  169. There’s a way for the poster to get it back up. They just file a counter-claim and if CNN wants to dispute the counterclaim they have to take the poster to court.

    ravenshrike (2af17e)

  170. Does ASPCA actually know anything about anything? It is abundantly clear that it operates from a system of arsepulls and a list of talking points.

    I think my cursing is causing many of my disappearing comment problems.

    JD (0ff900)

  171. #49- Ted Turner used to be gutsy guy. He was a great sailor and I’ve read his biography. He got so many demerits in military school that he spent his vacations walking them off and had something like three months of marching off demerits left when he graduated.

    I think that marrying Jane Fonda was his big mistake. She must have sucked all the independence out of him, or something.

    And this has what to do with CNN today? Turner hasn’t been involved with CNN operations for years. In his day, the news was the star, not the anchors, and rotated them in and out. He’d have never stood for promoting them like Anderson Cooper or other ‘star’ newsies. But them CNN today has ex-CBS execs in key positions. That should tell you a lot. Also, Turner was keen on his news reporters to bear in mind they were addressing global audiences, not Americans. It was a better network before he gave up running it. As for Jane… yeah, like you’d kick her out of bed.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  172. Great. now I have to imagine ASCAP jerking it to Barbarella. Thanks a lot people.

    carlitos (a0b3c5)

  173. But he ran out of Jergens, so he experienced coitus interruptus with his right hand.

    Dmac (1ddf7e)

  174. ASPCA – You are right, I would not kick her out of my bed, as I would not let her into my home. I find it ironic that you whine about CNN having a bunch of ex 5eeBS execs when earlier today you were bragging about your SeeBS experience.

    JD (0ff900)

  175. I have firsthand experience from my days at CBS dealing with this kind of ‘work to rule; thing. If you can make a case against the network, fine, take them to court. But they have deep pockets.

    Comment by DCSCA — 4/19/2009 @ 12:50 pm

    But them CNN today has ex-CBS execs in key positions. That should tell you a lot. Also, Turner was keen on his news reporters to bear in mind they were addressing global audiences, not Americans. It was a better network before he gave up running it.

    Comment by DCSCA — 4/19/2009 @ 6:25 pm

    That says a lot.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  176. […] has come to my attention that CNN, the Communist News Network, has issued a copyright infringement claim against the Founding Bloggers, who posted a video of Susan Roesgen badgering and arguing with […]

    Copyright is Copywrong | Political Humor by Radioactive Liberty (bb1da1)

  177. #182- Yes, it does, psycho. And that’s the way it is.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  178. […] class act. They’ll probably take our copies down, too. If they do, I’ll look for other sites to upload it […]

    CNN Hack « Buttle’s World (186bd9)

  179. To “j curtis” #161:

    I don’t think that violating a community’s 1st Amendment rights qualifies as playing it safe.

    Google is not violating anyone’s First Amendment rights. Only the government can violate one’s First Amendment rights. In fact, Google has First Amendment rights of its own, and it can decide to host, or not host, or take down, any videos it chooses. The party that deserves the blame for the improper takedown here is CNN — not Google.

    Ben Sheffner (2d68f4)

  180. Those hippy anarchists at CNN…

    CNN the Latest Corpora ……

    MADLABRADOR.COM (f4fcc3)

  181. The liberal hippy media enclave CNN is at it again……


    MADLABRADOR.COM (f4fcc3)

  182. I love how ASPCA added ex-SeeBS to his ever-expanding resume, which crosses multiple industries now.

    JD (0ff900)

  183. […] Patterico: CNN the Latest Corporate Thug to Use Copyright As a Weapon to Eliminate Embarrassing Clips from YouT… […]

    Best of the Blogs - Weekend of April 29 on The Patriot Room (00181c)

  184. Thanks for reposting the video.

    This claim by CNN of copyright violation is baloney. The video wasn’t filmed by CNN, as far as I know, and it only shows what a silly twit that CNN woman really is — and arrogant, yet uneducated and uninformed.

    CNN only wants to hide the embarrassment, that’s all.

    Werner Patels (3fa70e)

  185. Roesgen is a silly twit…

    There’s nothing that upsets me more than lefties (or anyone else for that matter) who, despite being totally uneducated and uninformed, ooze arrogance enough for twenty people. CNN “reporter” Susan Roesgen is a case in point. CNN “reporter” Susan …

    Werner Patels - A Dose of Common Sense (95cfaf)

  186. […] and determined that. CNN has evidently found the performance of their reporter so ambarrassing that they have had all accounts of it removed from Youtube citing copywrite protection, and are claiming that Roesgen has suddenly taken a planned break. (If […]

    On Tea Parties and Unfocused Rage « Cadillac Tight (26ab4b)

  187. The party that deserves the blame for the improper takedown here is CNN — not Google.

    I would put the word “primary” in front of “blame.”

    Don’t you think they share responsibility?

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  188. #194- It is not improper for CNN to use their copyright claims as leverage to haul down a video clip. It’s legally anal to be sure and a PR disaster. Like arresting someone for tearing the ‘do not remove’ tag off a sofa cushion, but it’s not improper and Google is playing it smart to comply until– or if– there’s a legal solution to it. It’s all around bad for CNN and in this viral information age, they’re just shooting themselves in the foot. But they have every right to do it.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  189. #191- This claim by CNN of copyright violation is baloney. The video wasn’t filmed by CNN, as far as I know, and it only shows what a silly twit that CNN woman really is — and arrogant, yet uneducated and uninformed. Half of this posted video clip is CNN’s. They have every right to claim a copyright violation for public use even if it’s a partial taping. Try videoing a movie in a theatre… it isnt called ‘pirating’ for nothing. And you may want to check her credentials before labelling her uneducated or uninformed. As for arrogance, flustered seems to be a more apt term.

    DCSCA (9d1bb3)

  190. 186

    Okay, I’m sure you are right. But isn’t there something…somewhere… that inhibits others from creating a hinderance to free speech?

    Shouldn’t there be some group that would form that would be dedicated to making sure that citizens could speak without hinderance? We could call it “The Union to preserve and protect American civil liberties”….or something, something.

    j curtis (8f2eca)

  191. […] scrubone 10:51 pm Seems that CNN is a little sensitive to being criticised, and is using copyright laws to remove videos highlighting Susan […]

    CNN Removing Criticism « Something should go here, maybe later. (5c299c)

  192. #197 j curtis:

    But isn’t there something…somewhere… that inhibits others from creating a hinderance to free speech?

    Well, we used to call it “civility.”

    But more seriously, when it isn’t the government inhibiting free speech (as happened in the last Presidential with Missouri law enforcement officers and officials participating in a “Truth Squad” with the clear intent to inhibit by intimidation McCain campaigners) then it is up to individuals, not the government to assure that other individuals are able to speak without hindrance.

    And there are already groups that do respond to such infringements on liberty, some narrowly focused on a specific problem area (like FIRE,) some more broadly focused. You just have to find the right one.

    EW1(SG) (e27928)

  193. The Cost of Media Bias –

    Did the Media Steal the Election ?
    by Pajamas TV

    Hero (2c97ce)

  194. And you may want to check her credentials before labelling her uneducated or uninformed.

    This sad little creep must have really had a big day yesterday.

    Feeding trolls is not a wise use of time and effort.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  195. […] Patterico reports that CNN has forced YouTube to take down the version of Rosegen’s performance that […]

    CNN forces video removal of its own report, rather than appologize. | Vlad Tepes (b3ee74)

  196. CNN is finished. The two party system is a fraud that divides the American people. We are fighting each other instead of our common enemy–this corrupt government.

    Research: The New World Order.


    JB (d646b1)

  197. No surprise here gomer after all CNN is owned by RED TED TURNER and run by BIG BAD WOLF BLITZER

    Krazy Kagu (8c2752)

  198. […] recommends an “I am Spartacus” approach. Grab a copy of the forbidden video and post it yourself on […]

    Michelle Malkin » CNN’s cover-up and “fair use” abuse (e2f069)

  199. To Patterico #194:

    In an idea world, Google/YouTube would individually evaluate each DMCA takedown notice that it receives, and decline to remove videos where it determines the use to be fair or otherwise non-infringing. However, given the vast numbers of DMCA notices it receives (because of the vast amount of unambiguous infringements on YouTube), this is probably not practical. On the McCain campaign, we asked that YouTube at least conduct this review for videos posted by political campaigns, but YouTube declined. See here. Another option worth exploring would be for YouTube to conduct such review upon receipt of a counternotice, and re-post videos sooner than the statutory 10-14 business days if it determines that the use is non-infringing (such as a fair use). That solution alleviates much of the practical problem; only a tiny number of takedown notices result in counternotices.

    In sum, while Google/YouTube could be doing a bit more to address the problem of bogus takedowns, I’m fairly sympathetic with its position here. Keep in mind that it’s fighting a massive copyright suit brought by Viacom, and it has a strong interest in showing that its policies mirror the DMCA’s notice-and-takedown process to the T. It’s taking the safe legal route in responding to DMCA notices like CNN’s here, and, from a purely business perspective, it’s hard to blame them.

    Ben Sheffner (2d68f4)

  200. […] “Grab a copy of the forbidden video and post it yourself on YouTube,” citing the “I am Spartacus” strategy proposed by fellow blogger Patterico who has done yeoman’s work documenting […]

    Join the ‘bucket brigade’ to keep Roesgen tea party video alive | Unequal Time (a4d1e7)

  201. Founding Bloggers–please, please, please if there is a legal option take it. It is time the big media stop controlling the information that gets to the average person who really is trying to educate themselves.

    While your at it, get the damn comments back. It’s past time to let the big boys know that individuals value their right to free speech, problem is we don’t have the money to fight it.

    Send it out to Civil Liberities Union if you have to.

    Ginny (9eefe7)

  202. […] or Else III: The Media Strikes BACK! Via I’m sick of people knocking embarrassing videos off YouTube with bogus copyright violation […]

    Change or Else III: The Media Strikes BACK! « Chockblock’s blog (4797e5)

  203. And you may want to check her credentials before labelling her uneducated or uninformed.

    You may want to stop lying, liar.

    Jim Treacher (796deb)

  204. #116- Like I said, ya gotta beef, take’em to court. Until then, they can pull it down. I have firsthand experience from my days at CBS dealing with this kind of ‘work to rule; thing. If you can make a case against the network, fine, take them to court. But they have deep pockets.
    Comment by DCSCA — 4/19/2009 @ 12:50 pm

    #126- Again, like I said, ya gotta beef, take ‘em to court. By 2011 and a few million bucks in legal fees you may win your point long after nobody cares.
    Comment by DCSCA — 4/19/2009 @ 1:03 pm

    When a journalist (or someone that calls themselves a journalist) becomes part of the story as opposed to just reporting… the journalist’s employer loses all copyright’s to “fair use”. Interesting argument if you accept the prmise the reporter is part of the story, which could easily be challenged.
    Try using that argument to claim copyright forfeiture rights with footage from CBS News of Cronkite interacting with Sadat and Begin to broker a Mideast summit live on the CBS Evening News 30 years ago when Cronkite became ‘part of the story.’ Won’t wash.
    Comment by DCSCA — 4/19/2009 @ 1:15 pm

    DCSCA blatantly lies about a video we can all see for ourselves. Apparently he, she, or it is counting on CNN being able to keep it under wraps.
    Comment by Jim Treacher — 4/19/2009 @ 1:34 pm

    #49- Ted Turner used to be gutsy guy. He was a great sailor and I’ve read his biography. He got so many demerits in military school that he spent his vacations walking them off and had something like three months of marching off demerits left when he graduated.
    I think that marrying Jane Fonda was his big mistake. She must have sucked all the independence out of him, or something.

    And this has what to do with CNN today? Turner hasn’t been involved with CNN operations for years. In his day, the news was the star, not the anchors, and rotated them in and out. He’d have never stood for promoting them like Anderson Cooper or other ’star’ newsies. But them CNN today has ex-CBS execs in key positions. That should tell you a lot. Also, Turner was keen on his news reporters to bear in mind they were addressing global audiences, not Americans. It was a better network before he gave up running it. As for Jane… yeah, like you’d kick her out of bed.
    Comment by DCSCA — 4/19/2009 @ 6:25 pm

    #182- Yes, it does, psycho. And that’s the way it is.
    Comment by DCSCA — 4/19/2009 @ 9:17 pm

    Lets see vicious unnecessary personal attack on a person he doesn’t know. Inside knowledge of past work at CBS, claiming and defending knowledge of CNN’s position on this.

    Having to mention the one and only love of his life Anderson Cooper. Have you been humping Anderson’s leg lately? We saw those pictures on wireimage of you manhandling Anderson rubbing your balls on Anderson’s leg.

    Everyone you have been writing to the one and only insane demented JON KLEIN!!!!!!

    Crista (54d916)

  205. […] in unity with Founding Bloggers and at the suggestion of the blog Patterico’s Pontification … I encourage every reader with a YouTube account to upload this video to YouTube. I […]

    CNN Uses Copyright as a Weapon to Block Embarrassing YouTube Video | The Great Illuminator (cce739)

  206. […] Patterico In the meantime, I encourage every reader with a YouTube account to upload this video to YouTube. I […]

    Free In Idaho! » Blog Archive » Home Videos (7930a0)

  207. […] Patterico’s Pontifications, Michelle Malkin, “CNN’s cover-up and “fair use” abuse” […]

    CNN’s cover-up and “fair use” abuse - osmoothie (fb3b9f)

  208. Wingnuts, please be kind to my master. If you get him worked up, he is going to want to play later, and I am not sure that I can take another evening of a stuttering version of hide the baloney. Even if he brings the lard.

    DSCSA's Unicorn (c6b1ac)

  209. Joke impersonations are not amusing frankly.

    SPQR (72771e)

  210. […] Patterico reports that CNN has forced YouTube to take down the version of Rosegen’s performance that […]

    CNN = “Censored News Network”. CNN yanking Susan Roesgen video from YouTube. - kjl291’s Diary - RedState (796605)

  211. Yes, whoever is doing that fake DCSCA junk, cut it out.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  212. I am not an impersonation, I am his imaginary pet.

    DSCSA's Unicorn (769f99)

  213. I sure wish I had the chance to convert the video to .wma or .mpeg so that it can post independent of youtube.

    At any rate, keep up the great work.

    Dave (4b52ec)

  214. […] Say Anything Blog Flopping Aces Patterico’s Pontifications […]

    CNN pulls video of biased reporter Susan Roesgen | Jason Hayes - Musing (296d07)

  215. Great article. CNN may well be sliding in the ratings but given their consistent unprofessional reporting I suggest we boycott any company that advertises on CNN. Let’s hit them in the pocket book./

    D peters (5d04dd)

  216. Yes, the sockpuppeting and name-stealing is not amusing here. Patterico has stated before that it’s a banning offense.

    Stashiu3 (460dc1)

  217. […] CNN is using bogus copyright claims to try to suppress videos of its reporter Susan Roesgen making an ass of herself at the Chicago Tea […]

    CNN’s shame « Internet Scofflaw (487fac)

  218. […] prompting CNN to claim copyright violations of this particular video to have the interview yanked. Patterico has the […]

    Tea Party Update: Axelrod and CNN’s Roesgen Embarrassment | Christopher Howell (536f8c)

  219. […] power to cover-up Ms. Rosegen’s blatant attempt to use her journalistic “rights” to deny the very rights the constitution protects. In this case, taxation without […]

    Fire Susan Rosegen « Mark Epstein (5381c6)

  220. Why would anyone want to pretend to be Jon Klein and the only ‘pet’ he has is Anderson Cooper.

    Worked at CBS, only exCBSer in ‘key position at CNN’, defending CNN’s position, trying to convince you don’t see what you see in that video, vicious personal attack against another poster with the ‘psycho’ comment. It’s Jon Klein, don’t pretend to be someone mentally unstable if you don’t have to.

    Crista (a5c499)

  221. […] CNN engaged in censorship? Patterico says they are and I’m inclined to agree. CNN is getting millions of dollars of free publicity from the […]

    Is CNN Censoring? Signs Say Yes. : The Sundries Shack (cb8a87)

  222. CNN is unfair not only to people in the streets, but also inside its own walls. CNN recently fired with a humiliating severance package an employee who was on disability dying of brain cancer. CNN also fired with a humiliating severance package an employee who was on disability awaiting double bypass surgery. CNN also fired a small group of hispanic workers in a cruel act to avenge a sexual harassment complaint against a female executive. CNN also fired a sales executive who was on disability recovering from mistreatment from his supervisors.

    From: a former employee who worked 16 years in CNN and who resigned tired of CNN’s huge lack of respect for employees.

    Please have the following translated for more.

    “CNN: maltrato y muerte de trabajadores”


    El periodista salvadoreño Mario Vela fallece 12 días después de ser despedido por CNN AGACAMT denuncia la actitud malintencionada de CNN hacia empleados enfermos José Ramón Cotti, periodista puertorriqueño despedido por CNN, permanece ingresado en el hospital tras meses de dolor.

    Atlanta (23 Marzo 2009).- El periodista Salvadoreño Mario Vela falleció 12 días después de que CNN le despidiese. La empresa echó al trabajador conocedora de su estado de extrema gravedad. Vela llevaba varios meses desahuciado por sus doctores agonizando en un hospital en Washington. Mario Vela sufrió la presión impuesta por CNN en sus últimos días al recibir un documento en el que se cuestionaban sus derechos de denuncia ante las autoridades que debía firmar como condición para recibir su indemnización.

    Eva Ventín presidenta de AGACAMT, en nombre de la Asociación Gallega Contra el Acoso Moral en el Trabajo, denuncia “la actitud hipócrita y de chantaje de CNN ante la muerte de Mario Vela. Tras haberle puesto en la calle y someterlo a una terrible presión innecesaria, el Vicepresidente de CNN en Español,
    Cristopher Crommett, se atrevió a acudir al entierro de Vela e incluso llegó a cantar en el funeral del popular periodista. Familiares y amigos de Mario Vela se vieron obligados a organizar el concierto benéfico para recaudar fondos para continuar con su tratamiento médico. Es difícil de creer que una
    empresa multibillonaria como CNN, que a pesar de la crisis acaba de anunciar importantes beneficios económicos, llegue a maltratar así a sus profesionales y familias”.

    Mario Vela falleció a los 34 años, fue elegido por la alcaldía de Washington DC como periodista del año en el 2007, destacó por su apoyo a la comunidad hispana y hacia los más desfavorecidos por lo que recibió numerosos reconocimientos por parte de la comunidad latina en EEUU. Con más de 10 años de experiencia en medios Mario Vela fue director de noticias de Mega Communications y de Radio Capital 730 en DC. Vela trabajó para el Canal 30 de Univisión y para Radio Mundo en Maryland.

    Desde AGACAMT se señala que “la situación de acoso laboral de CNN tiene antecedentes serios denunciados en los medios ya en el 2003 cuando la prensa local de Atlanta relacionó a CNN con el suicidio del periodista Abel Dimant (ver editorial original del periódico Mundo Hispánico adjunta como archivo). Que sepamos, con este ya son dos los muertos que sufrieron el maltrato y acoso laboral de CNN en Español. A Jim Walton, presidente de CNN, se le han comunicado numerosas irregularidades desde hace casi un año sin obtener respuesta alguna”.

    AGACAMT apunta que “este no es el único caso de un periodista despedido por CNN en el momento en el que permanece ingresado de extrema gravedad en un hospital o inhabilitado. La situación es muy seria ya que en el momento en el que una empresa despide a un trabajador en USA este pierde el seguro de
    vida y el seguro de salud. Con los impresionantes costes de la sanidad en este país resulta imposible pagar los gastos médicos”.

    José Ramón Cotti permanece ingresado desde hace varios meses en un hospital en Atlanta en situación de extrema gravedad. El periodista puertorriqueño también fué despedido por CNN en el momento en el que se encontraba hospitalizado pendiente de una delicada operación de corazón. Se mudó de New York a Atlanta con su esposa, hospitalizada al mismo tiempo que este, para trabajar en CNN hace 9 años. Este prestigioso periodista, galardonado en New York con un premio CIMA, un premio anual de la Asociación de Emisoras de Radio y dos premios ACE, está sufriendo el maltrato de la empresa y es otra de las numerosas víctimas de la dramática crisis que sacude a CNN.
    CNN: Credibility none network | 04.21.09 – 12:12 am | #

    laborabuses (c189c6)

  223. How does one contact the owner of the Blog. We might like to hear you explain about CNN and their taking down of this video and get the word about posting this thing everywhere.

    –Carmen, investigative journalist, copy editor, researcher

    Carmen (f33560)

  224. CNN…copyright this if you can……. copyright this CNN. COPYRIGHT THIS CNN.

    This is a video of a dying employee that you fired CNN. Mr. Vela was on disability dying of brain cancer when this corrupted network fired him.

    pichi (c189c6)

  225. I encourage every blogger reading this to embed this same video to your own site.

    I’m sorry it took so long to join in your request, but for anyone else out there that needs How to Do what Pattirico Asked for Dummies?

    I used Real Player to Download the video as a flv file, I first tried to download the video with Video Codezone which usually works and you can convert the file into about 15 different formats but sometimes it’s server cannot be accessed

    So now I had the video in flv format HOW to embed it on my blog?

    I found

    Even I can use that site to make code to paste into my editor and embed on a page

    Dan Kauffman (ce5245)

  226. […] is now threatening people who re-post its video with copyright infringement. Patterico’s call to arms asks bloggers to re-post the video to thwart CNN’s cover-up. He also links to Ben Sheffer, who […]

    The CNN Debacle « Bringing the Spirit of 1773 Back to Boston (5c299c)

  227. […] is using copyright as a weapon to keep the truth about its reporting from getting out. __________________ To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. […]

    Ye Olde Republican Safe House (5) - Page 79 - Christian Forums (8d3ca3)


    Salvadoran journalist Mario Vela passes away 12 days after being dismissed by CNN.
    AGACAMT denounces the hostile attitude of CNN towards employees on disability.
    Jose Ramon Cotti, Puerto Rican journalist dismissed by CNN, remains in a hospital after months of pain.

    Atlanta. – Salvadoran journalist Mario Vela passed away 12 days after CNN dismissed him. The company fired this worker despite the knowledge of the seriousness of his illness. Mr. Vela had been agonizing for several months in Washington after his doctors declared there was no hope to save his life. Mario Vela and his family underwent the pressure imposed by CNN in his last days when receiving a document in which their rights of denunciation were questioned and conditioned to the signing of a humiliating severance package. CNN served notice to Mr. Vela via mail explaining that he no longer was to have his disability benefits and the medical insurance from the company. 

Eva Ventín, president of AGACAMT, the Galician Association Against Moral Harassment at the Workplace, denounces the hypocritical attitude of CNN, that, after putting Mr. Vela in the street, sent the Vice-president of CNN Spanish, Cristopher Crommett, to this employee’s funeral to sing a song and to deliver a pitiful donation. Relatives and friends of Mario Vela were themselves forced to organize a fundraising concert to pay for his medical treatment. “It is difficult to think that a powerful and multi-millionaire company like CNN, that in spite of the world’s economy crisis have announced economic gains, gets to mistreat its professionals and families”.
    Mario Vela who passed away at age 34, was named by the mayor of Washington DC “the journalist of the year of 2007” recognition who was emphasized by his support to the Hispanic community and towards the under-privileged. With more than 10 years of experience Mario Vela was news director of Mega Communications and Radio Capital 730 in DC. Vela worked for Channel 30 of Univisión and Radio World in Maryland. AGACAMT wants to bring to the world’s attention other serious cases of labor harassment and mistreatment at CNN as in 2003 the local press of Atlanta related this network with the depression of a journalist who committed suicide. (see original editorial of the Mundo Hispanico about former news director Abel Dimant). The complaints of labor abuses and irregularities had been communicated to Mr. Jim Walton, the President of CNN, but there are no answers neither solutions to protect the victims. AGACAMT denounces that “this it is not the unique case of a journalist dismissed by CNN in a serious condition”.
    News anchor Jose Ramon Cotti remains in a hospital in Georgia after several months of pain. The Puerto Rican journalist also was dismissed by CNN while on disability awaiting a delicate heart operation. CNN brought Mr. Cotti and his wife to Atlanta from New York 9 years ago and the company has now totally forgotten this family, not even making a phone call to inquire about its employee’s condition after double bypass surgery and leg amputation and also after Mrs. Cotti’s hospitalization with health problems including stress related condition. This prestigious New York radio journalist, recipient of Several prizes including two awards from ACE. (Award of creative excellence) is just another one of the numerous victims of the dramatic crisis that shakes CNN.
    Belinda Biles case in:

    moredotnews (f52e2d)

  229. […] that much whether Founding Bloggers’ particular copy of its video is re-posted by YouTube. Urged on by Patterico, numerous others have re-posted the same video, making it exceedingly difficult for CNN to scrub […]

    The Right Side of Life » Web Site Files DMCA Counter-Notice Against CNN; FCC to Review “Gutter Talk” Complaints (fa89c7)

  230. […] Patterico notes that CNN is trying to sweep it’s embarrassing video of Susan Roesgen making a fool out of herself on April 15th at a Tax Party rally. Apparently they’ve claimed inappropriate use copyright on the footage. However, it’s NOT inappropriate use because it’s covered by fair use copyright law. […]

      CNN claims Unlawful Copyright - Removes Susan Roesgen Video by Macsmind (59a4c1)

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