Pres. Obama’s Wright-Wing View of America
[Posted by Karl]
The Wall Street Journal noted in passing one of the more odious passages from Pres. Obama’s “No Nukes” speech:
The President went even further in Prague, noting that “as a nuclear power — as the only nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon — the United States has a moral responsibility to act.” That barely concealed apology for Hiroshima is an insult to the memory of Harry Truman, who saved a million lives by ending World War II without a bloody invasion of Japan.
A National Review reader calls it “much, much worse than his casual mentions of the treatment of Native Americans and slavery, or calling the U.S. arrogant or blaming everything on Bush.”
However, no one should be surprised at Obama’s take on these issues. After all, Pres. Obama spent decades under the ministry of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and donated tens of thousands of dollars to that ministry. Wright raised Hiroshima in “The Audacity of Hope” — the first sermon Obama heard from Wright, and the namesake of Obama’s second autobiography. In all probability, that was not the only time Obama heard Wright criticize the bombing of Hiroshima. After all, it is one of the indictments against America Wright rolled out on the Sunday after 9/11. Indeed, Wright focused on American “terrorism” against Native Americans in the same sermon.
When Obama’s relationship with Wright was on the front burner during the 2008 campaign, Obama’s supporters insisted that there was no evidence that Obama shared Wright’s disdain for America. Today, Obama travels from nation to nation, espousing his Wright-wing view of the country that elected him, while his supporters remain silent.