Patterico's Pontifications


Double Standard on the Reporting of Assassination Plots?

Filed under: 2008 Election,Crime,Dog Trainer,Media Bias — Patterico @ 10:25 pm

Guest blogger DRJ earlier posted about the alleged assassination plot against Barack Obama. As I always say when charges are made, charges are just charges, and have to be proved by the prosecution. But if these charges can be proved, then these men should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

But it got me thinking: this story is being reported everywhere, including in my beloved Los Angeles Times. I suspect it will be on front pages everywhere tomorrow morning.

But remember when I posted in July of this year about an attempted plot against President Bush?

According to court documents and decisions, the assassination plot against Bush involved two men who “met with a potential accomplice” and “attempted to recruit that person to participate in the assassination of the President.” Further, when the men were arrested, they “were en route to Crawford, Texas to conduct reconnaissance at the President’s ranch.”

One of the men made “oral statements to the effect that one of them, or both of them working together, would shoot the President with a rifle at the President’s ranch near Crawford, Texas.” His co-defendant is alleged to have specifically talked about shooting the President “with a modified military .30-06 caliber rifle” at the Crawford ranch, and made “statements about specific locations from which he could fire the rifle.”

Yet that story got no press attention whatsoever that I could find.

Do assassination plots count only when they are against Democrats?

63 Responses to “Double Standard on the Reporting of Assassination Plots?”

  1. The Lib/Leftists at the MSM were so ecstatic over the thought that someone would actually rid them of this “meddlesome” President, that it completely escaped them that it was news and needed to be reported upon.
    Plus, they didn’t want to discourage any other attempts there might have been out there/in progress.

    Another Drew (cdf426)

  2. Within the first couple of minutes of this post’s existence, I altered wording in a couple of places from “attempts” to “plots.” This wording more accurately describes the nature of the conspiracies against both Obama and Bush; whether or not they might technically be described as “attempts” in some sense, the word “plot” is more precise as applied to both situations.

    I don’t think it’s worth an update since the post was up for literally 2-3 minutes before the change. Still, I thought I’d memorialize the change here.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  3. Silly Patterico! It’s natural for someone to want to kill evil Bushitler. Think “dog bites man.”

    Wanting to kill “The One?” Well, that’s definitely “man bites dog.”

    S***! Did I just liken Barack Obama to a canine?

    If I go missing, you know what happened to me.

    Hoystory (08dea2)

  4. But it got me thinking: this story is being reported everywhere, including in my beloved Los Angeles Times. I suspect it will be on front pages everywhere tomorrow morning.

    Gots to have something to consume attention from “other things”…

    ChuckAtPodunkOutpost (6816b0)

  5. Guest blogger DRJ earlier posted about the alleged assassination plot against Barack Obama.

    Oliver Stone is already working on the first draft of the screenplay. Naturally it gets tied back to the Bush/Cheney/Haliburton/Exxon/Major League Baseball axis. Josh Brolin will reprise his role as W and Beyonce will deliver a tour de force as Obama. The role of Joe Biden will be played by Joe Biden, and will be widely panned.

    JVW (f93297)

  6. Do assassination plots count only when they are against Democrats?


    thebronze (678061)

  7. The only Obama assassination story I want to read about is the one that worked.

    wavynavy (caf670)

  8. Moby alert on aisle seven. You’re only trying to make Patterico look like he approves of such evil.
    Carry your sorry ass back to DU or Kos and rant about Bush, Cheney and Palin.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  9. Probably this has a lot to do with how this plot is being treated:
    “Jim Cavanaugh, special agent in charge of the Nashville field office for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said the two men planned to shoot 88 black people and decapitate another 14. The numbers 88 and 14 are symbolic in the white supremacist community.

    The men also sought to go on a national killing spree, with Obama as its final target, Cavanaugh told The Associated Press.

    “They said that would be their last, final act — that they would attempt to kill Sen. Obama,” Cavanaugh said. “They didn’t believe they would be able to do it, but that they would get killed trying.”
    (from the quote used by DRJ in her post)

    The other guy doesn’t seem to have planned to take out 102 other people, or donned top hat and tux for the grand finale (talk about going out in style).

    Also, there may be an unstated purpose here to short circuit the rumor mill. Yesterday some black co-workers of mine said they had heard that some Cubans were planning to kill Obama. In LA, the rumor would probably surface in the black community in a form that named Mexicans as the culprit.

    kishnevi (e9a2a0)

  10. Comment 7 should be deleted.

    These clowns were arrested by county mounties and turned over to the feds.

    Hazy (850cda)


    Cowart and Schlesselman were arrested last Wednesday night by Tennessee sheriff’s deputies soon after the pair used chalk to write “numerous racially motivated words and symbols,” including a swastika, on the exterior of Cowart’s automobile.

    It’s kinda like they wanted to get caught. Moroons

    Hazy (850cda)

  12. Yeah? And outside of one local newspaper, I haven’t heard a single press mention of this assassination attempt against Bush that was stomped down here in sunny Fairfax, Virginia. And that plan came a whole lot closer to being carried out, considering he was within a half mile of Bush’s speaking engagement when he was taken down.

    But hey, let’s keep telling ourselves that the press is FAIR and UNBIASED. 😉


    Brian L. (b00686)

  13. Do assassination plots count only when they are against Democrats?

    Yup. Silly that you even have to ask the question.

    JD (5b4781)

  14. Clean up, aisle 7.

    CW Desiato (614aa7)

  15. How much press coverage was there when a McCain/Palin got shot at last week?

    Dan Kauffman (b31cae)

  16. Silly, Dan. That did not happen.

    JD (5b4781)

  17. Yes. Just like the Halloween “Palin in a Noose” in Kalifornia. Had it been Obama in a noose, God help us! Journalism is dead in Amerikkka.

    J. Raymond Wright (0440ef)

  18. 16 I think a McCain campaign bus was shot at, but neither candidate was in it.

    Of course there is a double standard here with the media. Imagine a conservative talk radio host calling for a liberal to be assassinated? There would be calls for firing, arrest and incarceration. Rhandi Rhodes on air call for Bush to get whacked? Crickets. The same skank that edged close to behavior similar to that luap nor chick Todd with here body beaten up somewhat from falling down drunk.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  19. There is a pretty clear double standard among the media and our troll infestation.

    We have trolls here still working the nonexistant “kill him” shout but say nothing about the guillotine labeled Bush administration.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  20. It’s the way of the Left. Some assassinations are more equal than others.

    C. Norris (4f4b0d)

  21. It is terrible that the MSM seems to police itself in the manner of Pravda or Goebbels. It is NOT “just politics”. People in the US and across the world form opinions on the basis of the information they have. It’s no wonder the impression holds that racism* is such an overriding force in the US when similar crimes and plots not fitting the narrative are suppressed.
    It sounds like the guys trying to shoot Bush at Crawford were the most dangerous. I think people hunt for elk, etc., from quite long distances with similar weapons.

    *Not to imply that racism is not a problem, it is (all over the world) but it is not the primary motivation of Americans.
    This is reminiscent of the “epidemic of Black church burnings” a number of years ago. When all was said and done there was no such thing. One of the most notorious examples, the burning down of the church Reggie White built, was arson to collect insurance money by one of the leaders of the church. The truth of what happened was devastating to White, who looked up to the guy and trusted him implicitly.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  22. We have trolls here still working the nonexistant “kill him” shout but say nothing about the guillotine labeled Bush administration.

    Comment by SPQR — 10/28/2008 @ 6:18 am

    Those are “non-violent” assassinations.

    CW Desiato (614aa7)

  23. Silly rabbit. What’s to understand?

    Assassination plots, fantasies and effigies directed against Democrats are evidence of hate.

    Assassination plots, fantasies and effigies against Vile, Despicable Rethuglicans are just healthy expressions of dissent.

    They want you to die because they CARE SO MUCH.

    PCachu (e072b7)

  24. Lets not forget that apparently some guy in LA has an effigy of Palin hanging by a noose…

    “Rules for thee, but not for me”, it seems…

    Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec)

  25. The hypocrisy and lies would be hilarious if they were not so sickening. The fever swamp left wants Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld to face an international tribunal and hopefully hanged for their “crimes”. Meanwhile Lord Obamba is fine with initial survivors of partial birth abortions being left to die alone, uncared for in any respect. But FREE MUMIA! and other heinous murderers. Because they are, like the Frogs, against the death penalty for actual criminals and pro-death for the most innocent among us. Nice that all of us will be paying taxes for abortion on demand. Not to mention taxes supporting “art” that is blasphemy against Christians, but won’t touch the topic of the great allah or islamofeckheads.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  26. Assassination plots, fantasies and effigies against Vile, Despicable Rethuglicans are just healthy expressions of dissent.

    They want you to die because they CARE SO MUCH

    Pcachu made me laugh.

    JD (5b4781)

  27. According to LA Times story on Drudge now, the idea that hanging Palin in effigy is a hate crime is wrong because of Halloween, but then they go on to say that potential hate crimes are evaluated on a case by case basis. So if it were Obama hanging there for Halloween, does anyone doubt the perps would be arrested? Free speech for me, but certainly not for thee.

    Any people here foolhardy enough to try hanging Obumbler in effigy? Racists for sure.

    Crapweasel ChadMichael Morrisette who lives in the place, also has McCain doll surrounded by decorative flames in the chimney. I’m sure our own Tokyo Rose and its evil troll minions are just fine with that humor, but god forbid anyone diss the Holy Messiah, right asshole that he may be.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  28. Wow, even Keith Olberman condemned the Palin effigy.

    I watched the YouTube clip so y’all don’t have to.


    CW Desiato (614aa7)

  29. CW – I do not believe you. If he did, he had that fucking smirk on his face and was chuckling while he did it.

    JD (5b4781)

  30. CW – I do not believe you. If he did, he had that fucking smirk on his face and was chuckling while he did it.

    Comment by JD — 10/28/2008 @ 8:13 am

    Plausible. I couldn’t bear to look; the audio was stomach-churning enough.

    CW Desiato (614aa7)

  31. We’ve already had the MSM lionizations of the “courageous” theatrical portrayals of the assassination of Bush, both in an Off – Broadway play and also a movie. Form follows function in this regard.

    Dmac (e30284)

  32. Assassination porn for the Leftists.

    JD (5b4781)

  33. Do assassination plots count only when they are against Democrats?

    To a Democrat, an assassination attempt on a Democrat is an attack on their entire philosophy, and an assassination attempt on Bush is wish fulfillment.

    Thresherman (695a1d)

  34. Don’t question the plot by two retards, question the motive and timing of the ‘police’ solving and releasing the info. Question the media coverage of a plot with ‘0’ chance of coming to fruit.

    Scrapiron (695a1d)

  35. On Nightline last night, Terry Moran and George Stephanopoulous jabbered about the NYT story on infighting in the McCain camp over the handling of Palin, referring to the story as the lasting “post-mortem” story of the election. Uh huh. McCain’s already dead, except for the breathing and beating heart and all. Moran asked Li’l Steffie “Does anything either candidate says matter in the last week?” and the answer was “Only if someone makes a big mistake.”

    (And who determines what a “big mistake” is? They do.)

    What about the newly-uncovered audio of His Husseiness talking about the tragedy of the Constitution’s lack of guidance per wealth redistribution? The satellite dishes in the ivory towers didn’t receive that info. Giving them the benefit of the doubt (yeah right), I thought they might be tackling that tomorrow, probably giving the Obama flacks time to come up with a semi-plausible explanation.

    Doesn’t look like it. Moran ended by saying tomorrow night, the assassination plot! Sunuva

    L.N. Smithee (0931d2)

  36. “Yet that story got no press attention whatsoever that I could find.”

    Yet……. you somehow found the story right? I don’t deny the plot against the president (I haven’t heard about it), but the story made it into your realm.

    How did you, or DRJ find out about it? If it wasn’t through the press could it be trusted?
    If it was through the press than it did get at least some attention

    “Do assassination plots count only when they are against Democrats?”

    We have a free press…… remember? Unfortunately a plot against a lame duck president does not get the kind of ratings that a plot against a potential next president does.

    It’s not a Democrat vs. Republican issue my friend.

    Oiram (983921)

  37. Sounds like more whining.

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  38. The difference….
    The asassination of GWBush would deprive the country of someone who has backbone and resolve in his efforts to defend his fellow Americans;

    An asassination of The One would eliminate another lying POS from the earth, who (without any known history) will be missed by nobody.

    Another Drew (c8adc2)

  39. #38 Yikes

    Oiram (983921)

  40. Oiram,

    I found the story and it wasn’t in any press. It was a Fifth Circuit opinion and, as far as I can tell, it still hasn’t been reported anywhere but here.

    DRJ (cb68f2)

  41. #40 Link please. There are no names on your post to search with. Sorry, it’s not that I don’t believe you, just need to see the facts for myself, and quite interested about it since the media isn’t tellings us anything.

    Oiram (983921)

  42. #40 Link please.

    The whole world does not reside in the internet.

    nk (5dcbab)

  43. #42 nk, did you even read the thread? Or did you just assume another Democrat was talking out of his you know what?

    Read it and then get back to me.

    Oiram (983921)

  44. Here’s a hint nk, google “Fifth Circuit opinion” taken from DRJ #40.

    Oiram (983921)

  45. Oiram,

    I’m happy to provide links but they are already in or available through Patterico’s post. Specifically, Patterico linked his July 2007 post on the Bush assassination story. That post had this Fifth Circuit link to an Order entered in the case. That’s the Order I originally read and mentioned to Patterico, and he found several other links via his PACER access. You can see those documents at the July 2007 link.

    DRJ (cb68f2)

  46. Or did you just assume another Democrat was talking out of his you know what?

    So just what was your point?

    nk (5dcbab)

  47. Also, Oiram, the convicted man’s name is Joseph Arthur Bolton. When I Google that name, it only leads me to links to the Fifth Circuit opinion or to (although the links aren’t working — probably because of the domain problems).

    DRJ (cb68f2)

  48. Oiram,

    I question your claim that an assassination plot against a sitting President is less newsworthy than a plot against a candidate. I think a plot against a sitting President is clearly more serious, and it makes me question your claim that this isn’t a Party issue to you.

    DRJ (cb68f2)

  49. #45 Thanks DRJ

    Oiram (983921)

  50. #48 DRJ, I haven’t followed up on your links yet. But I have to defend myself on your assertions on comment #48.

    I think a plot against a sitting President is just as if not more newsworthy than against a candidate.

    If you question whether or not this is “Party Issue for me: I quoted myself here below.

    (sorry don’t know how to underline “Unfortunately”)

    “We have a free press…… remember? Unfortunately a plot against a lame duck president does not get the kind of ratings that a plot against a potential next president does.”

    Oiram (983921)

  51. #47 Wow DRJ that link is kind of vague. Pasted together? It doesn’t even take me to an official Fifth Circuit Link.

    However I did search Fifth Circuit web site and came up with this: Arthur Bolton

    I found this part interesting:

    “* Pursuant to 5th Cir. R. 47.5, the court has determined that this opinion should not be published and is not precedent except under the limited circumstances set forth in 5th Cir. R. 47.5.4.”

    Oiram (983921)

  52. At some point, the death spiral of newspapers and the declining viewerships of the television news programs will force the honest leftists to drop the “the news is slanted left because it’s all about the ratings!” charade.

    And at some much later point, even dishonest shills like Oiram will have to abandon the discredited talking point.

    Apparently though, we’re still at the point where they think it isn’t laughable to claim that a foiled plot against a sitting president isn’t even worth mentioning by any news outlet.

    Shad (570754)

  53. #52 Wow, I’m a shill now. Excuse for trying to research a post. O.k. Shad.

    Glad you don’t represent the bulk of your party.

    Oiram (983921)

  54. Also, there’s nothing wrong with either of the links DRJ posted in her 10/28/2008 @ 1:50 pm comment. Although, as DRJ mentioned in her 10/28/2008 @ 1:56 pm comment, the links in Patterico’s original post which point to local documents in the domain aren’t working.

    It’s further dishonest of you to claim that DRJ’s link is “kind of vague” and “doesn’t even take [you] to an official Fifth Circuit Link” when her “Fifth Circuit Link” points directly to a source document hosted on the Fifth Circuit web site. It is, in fact, the same document which you quote from in your own 10/28/2008 @ 2:55 pm comment.

    Shad (570754)

  55. Does whethet or not something is published have any bearing on the underlying facts?

    Oiram – There are none so blind as those that refuse to see.

    JD (5f0e11)

  56. #55 It’s coming from the Fifth Circuit Court JD.

    For the record my friend, I think an assassination attempt on the president is as if not more newsworthy than an attempt on a candidate regardless of party.

    But conspiratorial theories need to be called out for what they are. I’m not blind to that JD.

    Oiram (983921)

  57. Does it being published or not have any relevance?

    My favorite was the NYC “art” exhibit about killing President Bush.

    JD (5f0e11)

  58. This is a pretty comprehensive roundup of “Kill Bush” links. With this one being amongst the most disturbing.

    CW Desiato (614aa7)

  59. Newsbusters credits “James Patterico” for the story.

    Way to go, “James!”

    CW Desiato (614aa7)

  60. Just know folks that this was one of many attempts on Bush’s life (happens to all presidents). Sure the Media should of reported it with the same vigor that they reported Obama’s assassination attempt, but this is the media were talking about.

    Bush is not news anymore (unfortunately), Obama and McCain are. Especially skin heads and an African American candidate.

    8 years ago when Clinton was on his way out would the media have reported an attempt on his life over then candidate G.W.? Probably not.

    Oiram (983921)

  61. Everybody knows his name is “Alex Patterico”.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  62. The media cares about Baracky, that is why these stories get more coverage.

    JD (5f0e11)

  63. Oiram,

    Your comment sounded to me as if you believe the media is likely to be forward-looking, and thus it is more concerned with an assassination plot involving a candidate than a sitting President. I think the media is geared to current events so any assassination plot is newsworthy.

    I understand your confusion regarding the Fifth Circuit note that the opinion is not precedent. That would be confusing if you aren’t a lawyer or used to seeing that caveat. All that phrase means is that the decision cannot be used as legal precedent in future cases. In other words, the legal analysis and conclusions cannot be used in other cases. There are a number of reasons appellate courts do this and I won’t go into them here. The main point you should keep in mind is that this decision is valid and binding on this defendant, and nothing about that limitation questions his conviction or the decision affirming it.

    Finally, I think it was inappropriate to claim that the link I provided you was:

    … kind of vague. Pasted together? It doesn’t even take me to an official Fifth Circuit Link.

    My link was to the actual Order in the case referenced in this post that is located at the official government website for the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. You can’t get any more official than that but if you really feel that way, I suggest you immediately burn all your cash on hand because it came from the same government that brought you that website.

    You must be having a really bad day, Oiram, to argue about things like this. I hope tomorrow is better.

    DRJ (cb68f2)

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