Patterico's Pontifications


Obama Interfered with Bush’s Negotiations About Iraq

Filed under: 2008 Election — Patterico @ 6:57 am

Via Drudge, we learn that Obama interfered with President Bush’s negotiations with Iraqi officials about the presence of U.S. troops in Iraq:

At the same time the Bush administration was negotiating a still elusive agreement to keep the U.S. military in Iraq, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama tried to convince Iraqi leaders in private conversations that the president shouldn’t be allowed to enact the deal without congressional approval.

Mr. Obama’s conversations with the Iraqi leaders, confirmed to The Washington Times by his campaign aides, began just two weeks after he clinched the Democratic presidential nomination in June and stirred controversy over the appropriateness of a White House candidate’s contacts with foreign governments while the sitting president is conducting a war.

Some of the specifics of the conversations remain the subject of dispute. Iraqi leaders purported to The Times that Mr. Obama urged Baghdad to delay an agreement with Mr. Bush until next year when a new president will be in office – a charge the Democratic campaign denies.

Will Big Media pick up on this? They should, but I predict they won’t — at least, not as a legitimate issue. If McCain raises it, they may do their shtick where they say “McCain told an angry crowd that Obama had interfered with the negotiations, but Obama denied it.” That’s about all you’ll see.

56 Responses to “Obama Interfered with Bush’s Negotiations About Iraq”

  1. And like Ayers, this won’t matter (except of course to the rabid right), as (1) Iraq is becoming less and less of an issue, (2) to a good chunk of the population, Obama is and was right on Iraq, so whatever he does is okay, and (3) to the extent it might matter to others, as Patterico predicts, it will dissolve into a “yes you did, no I didn’t” exchange which will keep voters from getting a clear picture.

    There may yet be a theme that can save the day for McCain, but you need to keep looking as this ain’t it.

    steve sturm (369bc6)

  2. Don’t you understand Patterico, facts don’t matter anymore. Obama is destined to become our benevolent overlord and we should just accept that. Okay everyone, lets practice saying “change we can believe in” repeatedly and slowly let our eyes glaze over. According to politico, this election is already over, so why do you keep bothering with pesky facts about our dear leader? Not to worry though fellow Obama mutants, pretty soon our leader will impose the “fairness doctrine” and you will never have to hear these pesky facts again. Shh, go back to chanting, it will be ok…

    Nancy (fc83d1)

  3. Does this kind of perfidy not bother you, steve?

    JD (5f0e11)

  4. We’ve been through this before, and last time the charges got shot down, by Chuck Hagel, Ryan Crocker, and staffers both republican and democrat.
    Let’s see what happens this time.
    Meanwhile the Wall Street Journal says that there’s a fight going on in the McCain camp because some of the bigwigs are worried about the mob mentality that McCain and Palin are stoking.
    “Kill him!” “Traitor!” etc.
    Of course you’re doing the same thing here.

    Nanker Phelge (139099)

  5. Patterico – which one of the trolls is Nanker?

    JD (5f0e11)

  6. Almost all of the old media, and roughly half the country, thinks Obama has a right to negotiate on behalf of the United States of America, and that George W. Bush does not.

    This is dementia. But it exists.

    Beldar (9b6bc1)

  7. Yeah, no big deal to those who want Obama elected. Neither:

    * Contributions to ACORN with ACORN now being investigated for voter fraud
    * Taxes for, well, pretty much freaking everybody will go up even though, according to Obama, 95% of people will get a tax cut (even though only 50% pay taxes…racist math)
    * Numerous ties to nefarious proponents of radical, fringe ideology

    So yeah, in comparison, tempering with foreign policy in an effort to better “set things up” for the next president kind of pales in comparison as it settles into the ever growing melange of “distraction.”

    CW Desiato (614aa7)

  8. Beldar, doesn’t it violate the Logan act for Obama to negotiate with a foreign power?

    dchamil (2bbdce)

  9. We’ve been through this before, and last time the charges got shot down, by Chuck Hagel, Ryan Crocker, and staffers both republican and democrat.
    Let’s see what happens this time.

    Yeah, Chuck Hagel’s a real “hawk” on Iraq.

    Meanwhile the Wall Street Journal says that there’s a fight going on in the McCain camp because some of the bigwigs are worried about the mob mentality that McCain and Palin are stoking.
    “Kill him!” “Traitor!” etc.
    Of course you’re doing the same thing here.

    Comment by Nanker Phelge — 10/10/2008 @ 7:33 am

    That article says no such thing. But this was funny:

    Someone yelled “Off with his head” at a rally Wednesday for Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin in Pennsylvania. Later that day in Ohio, a man stood outside a rally holding a sign that said “Obama, Osama.” At a rally in Jacksonville, Fla., on Tuesday, someone in the crowd wore a T-shirt depicting Sen. Obama wearing a devil mask.

    This is the sort of thing that won’t even get you promoted to “giant paper mache head of Dick Cheney” at the local lefty protest/Burning Man/weekday in San Francisco.

    CW Desiato (614aa7)

  10. #3 JD:

    Does this kind of perfidy not bother you,

    I think it does bother him, and is why he brings it up. I think he feels that it should be enough to preclude an Obama win at the polls, but doesn’t feel as if it grabs the attention of average voters like it does us.

    ‘Course, I could be driving south on 95 thinking I’m headed west on I10, too.

    EW1(SG) (da07da)

  11. CW Desiato, you forgot the campaign contributions from anonymous, overseas donors, with apparently no attempt to even control it. Oh, and all the anonymous domestic donors, too.

    Rob Crawford (6c262f)

  12. The “kill him” and “traitor” comments were about William Ayers, not Obama.

    I’m curious what a jury would say. The man co-formed a group that literally declared war on the United States.

    Al (b624ac)

  13. #

    CW Desiato, you forgot the campaign contributions from anonymous, overseas donors, with apparently no attempt to even control it. Oh, and all the anonymous domestic donors, too.

    Comment by Rob Crawford — 10/10/2008 @ 7:57 am


    Not to mention, this.

    Someone sure gets a lot of “Mulligans” err, “distractions.”

    I’m sure the “OMG U THINK OBAMA MUSLIM” canard will be raised about that link.

    CW Desiato (614aa7)

  14. The bottom line is that given the economy, the nation wants to through the bums out… McCain has been effectively linked with the biggest bum in American history- W.

    Right or wrong, McCain is going to be the electoral beneficiary of W’s deep, thoughtful, successful policies.

    Everything else is moot.

    genealogy (6d65ed)

  15. “…the nation wants to through the bums out…”

    I would like to take this moment to thank all of Ms. Jensen’s 5th Graders for the participation this morning in this important National Event.

    We will now take a break for milk and cookies.

    Another Drew (e6d3fc)

  16. Gateway Pundit On A Roll, Ayers, Obama, Pfleger, and More

    Instapundit reports! Good stuff and lots of it, link and keep scrolling.

    Joe (dcebbd)

  17. That’s hilarious, AD!

    Dmac (cc81d9)

  18. Who cares? So what? Does anything matter anymore? I feel as if I’ve finally pass through the Orwellian Looking Glass. Am I dreaming? Is this still America?

    rrpjr (e98cdc)

  19. Comment by Dmac — 10/10/2008 @ 8:58 am

    Thanks Dmac. I just try to uphold the high standards set by JD, Icy, you & others.

    Another Drew (e6d3fc)

  20. Is this still America?

    For at least the next 25 days.

    After that??????

    Another Drew (e6d3fc)

  21. After that, we shall all submit to our liberal overlords, where criticism of socialized medicine is not only racist, but an incitement to violence.

    JD (f7900a)

  22. …and we will give thanks for the cost – controlled prices on Arugula.

    Dmac (cc81d9)

  23. Comment by Dmac — 10/10/2008 @ 9:25 am

    As if anyone outside of Hyde Park, the Upper West Side, or Beburbly Hills actually eats that crap?

    Another Drew (e6d3fc)

  24. That fucking monkey bush only made the economy worst by opening his big fucking mouth. He GOT us into the mess and as for the obama garbage, all I have to say about his is the GOP is desperate to do something to salvage their credibility.

    Joe (c44e0a)

  25. You guys are beginning to sound like the liberal whiners you decry…

    genealogy (6d65ed)

  26. Uhhh…fuck you asswipe I think for myself you can go fuck yourself.

    Joe (c44e0a)

  27. Hey, this is good….they’re attacking themselves.

    Another Drew (e6d3fc)

  28. As if anyone outside of Hyde Park, the Upper West Side, or Beburbly Hills actually eats that crap?

    Yeah, well maybe if you guys got some damned ruffage in your systems you wouldn’t be such stopped up cranky pinheads.

    Peter (e70d1c)

  29. If someone like Obama woulf have been interferred billions of innocent people wouldnt be dead.

    kiara (647190)

  30. #

    Uhhh…fuck you asswipe I think for myself you can go fuck yourself.

    Comment by Joe — 10/10/2008 @ 9:50 am

    The punctuation possibilities are endless:

    Uhhh…fuck, you asswipe. I think for myself. you can go fuck yourself.

    Uhhh…fuck you, asswipe, I think for myself. you can go fuck yourself.

    Uhhh…fuck, you asswipe, I think. for myself, you can go fuck yourself.

    The last one is my favorite. It looks like something you get out of Babelfish.

    None inspire a confidence in the sentience of the original poster though. Perhaps it’s the “Uhhh…” which strikes a realistic and melodious tone.

    Awaiting the blistering return!

    CW Desiato (614aa7)

  31. Then our gas done went down $2.99

    kiara (647190)

  32. Then our gas done went down $2.99

    Demand destruction is an amazing thing to watch. Not so amazing if accompanied by deflation.

    PC (b4b303)

  33. If only you conservatives had been so diligent back when your monkey-king was starting this war…

    Billy (7013dc)

  34. Yawn… Same old assertions, no new evidence. The Drudge report is not a legitimate news source. Next topic!

    truthnjustice (3d65f9)

  35. AlQueda needed someone with Political clout to negotiate an American withdrawal.

    AbuBakerSmith (0bb614)

  36. We do not need to negotiate a withdrawal.

    If we wish to leave, that is what we will do…

    Another Drew (e6d3fc)

  37. Yawn… Same old assertions, no new evidence

    ToothnPestilance is right!

    Dmac (cc81d9)

  38. Were any of you in the room listening to him on the phone with Iraqi leaders, were you hiding under Obama’s bed, maybe you overheard the private conversation in a secret location resembling a cave beneath his home. Either you were there, which would allow you to pass judgement with proof of the conversation mentioned or you’re just feeding into the bull-****, and evil that man thinks boldly enough to put on paper. Everyone should have a fair run in this election without criticism.

    alan (78a43f)

  39. Mr. Obama’s conversations with the Iraqi leaders, confirmed to The Washington Times by his campaign aides

    — Did you have trouble reading that the first time, loosenrusty?

    Icy Truth (1468e4)

  40. Re. #38 – Now who is this fairness doctrine spouting douchebag?

    Icy Truth (1468e4)

  41. #33 – If only you conservatives had been so diligent back when your monkey-king was starting this war…

    — Bill Keane is on vacation this week. Little Billy will be taking over the drawing chores on the Family Circus.

    [What a great idea! If only conservatives had gone behind the president’s back 5 years ago we wouldn’t be in such a mess today.]

    Icy Truth (1468e4)

  42. Yeah, well maybe if you guys got some damned ruffage in your systems you wouldn’t be such stopped up cranky pinheads.

    We have been trying to flush the crap from the system, but it’s hard when there’s such a huge blockage in Colon University.

    Icy Truth (1468e4)

  43. Cant we all get along?

    Bill Ayers (b845c1)

  44. YOU can get along . . . no, seriously. Git along, little dogie — git along.

    Icy Truth (1468e4)

  45. Who is Thomas Muthee? This is Sarah Palin’s witch doctor pastor. Who is John Hagee? This McCain’s pastor denouncing Jews, Catholics and Muslims. McCain praises him as do Palin praise the witch doctor. When this information get published in the main stream? These 2 are not what they make out to be. Check out their associates and pales. Oh! and by the way, who else was on the Board with Obama and this Ayers. There is no talk about them. This is a scare tactic by Palin and McCain. They are desparate now.

    EmcK (3e57ad)

  46. Actually– all the Americans at the meetings Obama had with Iraqi leaders deny this is true. Google this– the articles will come up.

    It is important to check out the statements being made about Obama, since the McCain campaign and his comrades, those who stand to gain from his election– have NO QUALMS ABOUT LYING.

    Fey Angel (71fde0)

  47. Were any of you in the room listening to him on the phone with Iraqi leaders,

    WTF is he doing calling them in the first place?! Unless President Bush asked him to call them, he has no business conducting his own foreign policy. Period.

    Everyone should have a fair run in this election without criticism.

    I suspect criticizing Baracky makes us racist.


    This would certainly be racist.

    Who is John Hagee? This McCain’s pastor

    This is an aggressive and overt lie.

    McCain praises him as do Palin praise the witch doctor.

    Grammar much?

    JD (f7900a)

  48. Fey – Explain to us why Baracky was conducting his own foreign policy.

    JD (f7900a)

  49. “As if anyone outside of Hyde Park, the Upper West Side, or Beburbly Hills actually eats that crap?”

    Piggly Wiggly has arugula recipes on their website

    imdw (de7003)

  50. Oh come on… What’s the implication here; That Obama did something that actually bungled George Bush’s foreign policy moves? Bush is the most inept president of my lifetime! (Only a Palin presidency could rival his.) He had NO focus whatsoever until 9/11 happened and forced him to do SOMETHING! He’ll leave leave office with the country in the worst state of the modern era and you should be glad that Obama would still accept the job! (I’d include McCain, but he should be DISQUALIFIED for risking ALL of our futures by selecting Palin as his running mate!)

    Skylark (3f1fdb)

  51. Piggly Wiggly has arugula recipes on their website

    What do you screech about on that website? George Bush ruined my pasta?

    Apogee (366e8b)

  52. Bush is the most inept president of my lifetime!

    And when you’re old enough to vote, we hope that you’ve achieved an education that allows you to make a decision based on something other than partisan talking points.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  53. “What do you screech about on that website? George Bush ruined my pasta?”

    Clearly I screech about the quality of their arugula. Onwards culture war soldiers!

    imdw (6375db)

  54. And so we release the Republican Attack Dogs. Who dares to dissent here? We shall have your blood….

    love2008 (1b037c)

  55. Bush is the most inept president of my lifetime!”

    Yep. He is. If you are eight years old.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  56. Grammar much?

    Comment by JD — 10/10/2008 @ 4:32 pm


    Comment by Skylark — 10/10/2008 @ 4:42 pm

    RE: foreign policy, all the top flight Dems think Pres. Bush is such an incompetent boob, hated by all the best Euro-sophisticates that they HAVE to conduct their own. For the children, I guess.

    no one you know (1ebbb1)

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