Patterico's Pontifications


Delegate to Democrat Convention: I’m Voting for McCain!

Filed under: 2008 Election,General — Patterico @ 12:06 am

It’s a delegate to the Democrat convention . . . who plans to vote for McCain!

As an avid supporter of Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Democratic primaries, [Wisconsin Democrat] Debra Bartoshevich is not alone in her frustration over Clinton’s defeat.

She’s not alone in refusing to support Barack Obama.

And she’s not entirely alone in saying she’ll vote this fall for Republican John McCain instead.

But what makes her unusual is that she holds these views as an elected delegate to the Democratic National Convention in Denver this summer.

Wow. If you’re surprised, imagine the surprise of the head of the Wisconsin Democrat Party.

Joe Wineke, chairman of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, reacted with disbelief when first told Friday afternoon that one of his state party delegates is now a McCain supporter.

“Not a delegate? To the national convention?” said Wineke, who was getting ready for the start of the Wisconsin state party convention Friday in Stevens Point.

“We have a Clinton national (convention) delegate who says she’s voting for John McCain?” Wineke repeated, for clarification. “I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

Shorter Joe Wineke: D’OH!

Bartoshevich doesn’t pull any punches in discussing Obama’s weaknesses:

She said she planned to vote for Clinton at the convention, but in an Obama-McCain matchup in November, “I will not be voting for Obama. I will cast my vote for John McCain.

“I just feel you need to have somebody who has experience with foreign matters.”

She said a series of controversial Obama associations, including but not limited to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Chicago developer Tony Rezko, reflected poorly on his judgment.

Wisdom from a Democrat delegate.

67 Responses to “Delegate to Democrat Convention: I’m Voting for McCain!”

  1. Wisdom from a Cheesehead Democrat delegate!

    Fixed that for you.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  2. When voting for a Republican, do Democrats get their customary two votes, or just one vote?

    Perfect Sense (b6ec8c)

  3. Country before party. I’m sure that Obama will respect that.

    Kevin Murphy (df0a56)

  4. Would that many more would join her in showing some sanity. I suppose Joe Lieberman is also in the McCain camp.

    One has to shake one’s head when reading the rationale some people have for praising Urkel. And it really irks me that conservatives like JC Watts are talking about voting their race instead of what is best for the country. Colin Powell is another doofus. What part of Marxism, inexperience and puppet to chicago machine politics and black supremacy do they not understand? oh, it may be last chance to have a black POTUS? They make me sick.

    Read some of the drivel spewed by people who now rationalize climate “change” now that it appears we are due for a 10 year more cooling trend. The absolute blind devotion to fat energy-guzzling prig algore is disgusting.

    I hope McCain doesn’t make things worse with a crappy VP choice like Lindsey Graham or my governor Charlie Crist. What’s wrong with that strong conservative governor from Alaska? And what’s wrong with separating yourself from liberal policies that prevent any move toward energy independence? It make no effing sense at all to play the NIMBY game.

    madmax333 (7bf021)

  5. has a feeling debra is not going to be alone on that front. obama talks a big game but he doesnt have much of one, being all things to all people just isnt going to cut it in a time of war.

    james conrad (7cd809)

  6. “What’s wrong with that strong conservative governor from Alaska?”

    Not a daaumed thing cept she is way beyond the current drivel to even consider the invite, if, perhaps it comes her way! She should not waste her time or even consider a national office at this time. She is far more capable of being THE ONE, on her own, no need to play suck up to anybody else today.

    Oboma continues to be a half breed, at best, he aint black, he aint white, he is a half-breed! Nothing more nothing less. He has no more legitimate claim to being black than being white, so drop the BLACK crap. He is a half and half!

    NOTHING in this world can make him something else, than a half breed!

    His daddy was a moslim from Kenya, his mommie a lost white kid in Hawaii. She threw daddy away, probably because she discovered he was already married and even married again, never bothered with divorcing any of the three wives from formal and legal marriages. How does the son of a REAL polygamist weigh in on the scale? His daddy all but kidnapped his first wife when she was but 16 yrs of age.

    Today the first and third wives can be seen together, but Oboma’s, mommy aint in the pic at all! White challenges I can only suppose.

    But reality is, he had loving WHITE grand parents, who used their money to raise him and educate him in the finest of schools only to see him get engulfed in the IL politico scene.

    Bet they would have sacked him in the river had they any idea what he would become! A racist that could out stage Jessie at any event!

    After all his trainer was Reverand Wright, and we have a pretty good idea of what he really is today. They only hung out together for 20+ yrs.

    “Debra Bartoshevich is not alone in her frustration over Clinton’s defeat.” Nope and if she is ticked off, imagine what all those that would have voted for hillairous are going to do come NOV.?

    I actually think the politicos are going to learn something in Nov, well I should say the public will give a lesson, some will show up and hear it, some will not, and many will wake up looking for their next gig!

    TC (d16524)

  7. She shouldn’t have announced her decision until during or after the convention. Now the Democratic Party will replace her.

    aunursa (09c81f)

  8. Doesn’t matter…it’s too late.

    Paul (19c9b7)

  9. #6 I think Urkel’s mom was dead around age 50.
    He couldn’t bother to visit her on a her deathbed, but of course his dear asshole dad is deified despite being the abandoning polygamist type. Reminds me of my own swell pop. Can I run for POTUS too? And I think there’s more A-rab blood in him than black and it ain’t AA black either.

    madmax333 (8ef50f)

  10. Our esteemed host wrote:

    Wisdom from a Democrat delegate.

    Uhhh, no. If she were really wise, she’d be a Republican! 🙂

    Dana R Pico (c36902)

  11. Good point Dana.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  12. Somewhere, Hillary is saying “Yes, go forth and destroy him, my pretties…”.

    Too bad, actually, if this catches on we might end up facing Hillary in the general election, who will:
    a) look statesmanlike in any comparison with Obama (okay, my dog would too);
    b) have the advantage of Democrat guilt over dumping Obama;
    c) have the media slobbering “Comeback Kid” 24 hours a day to make up for their perfidy.

    I hope this does not happen. The Dems need to get smacked (again) for floating an absolutely see-through phoney candidate.

    sherlock (b4bbcc)

  13. Paul: Doesn’t matter…it’s too late.

    I assume that, as a delegate, she would want to attend her party’s convention. Now she won’t be able to, and her endorsement won’t have the embarrassing impact for the DNC it would have had if she had made it during or immediately following the convention.

    aunursa (09c81f)

  14. Pride goeth before her fall. Bartoshevich will be replaced by an alternate delegate and will then appear on no fewer than 20 local or national talk shows. She is certain to be asked: “Do you support John McCain’s belief that Roe V. Wade should be overturned?” When the McCain camp reaches out to her for photo-ops, watch the intrigue begin.

    steve (141638)

  15. aunursa –
    Oh, I *do* hope they remove her….that would be DELICIOUS fodder.

    That she’s already said she’d vote Hillary….

    An if sherlock’s version comes to be, we have the chance of the Dems losing that strangle-hold on the black vote.

    Pass the popcorn, please?

    Foxfier (15ac79)

  16. /sigh delegate was supposed to have a strike through it. Guess that hasn’t been changed yet….

    Foxfier (15ac79)

  17. “Oboma continues to be a half breed, at best, he aint black, he aint white, he is a half-breed! Nothing more nothing less. He has no more legitimate claim to being black than being white, so drop the BLACK crap. He is a half and half!

    NOTHING in this world can make him something else, than a half breed!”

    – TC

    In the same way conservative commenters are happy that Patterico refuses to ban Levi, I’m happy Patterico refuses to ban TC. Keeps everyone honest to know that there are shameless morons on both sides of the aisle.

    Leviticus (26e9a2)

  18. Thing is, y’all have so many more shameless morons than we do! 🙂

    Dana R Pico (c36902)

  19. Keeps everyone honest to know that there are shameless morons on both sides of the aisle.

    Thing is, we never claimed there isn’t. The Dems defend theirs while we ostracize ours.

    And hasn’t TC been warned and given time-outs in the past?

    Paul (19c9b7)

  20. I assume that, as a delegate, she would want to attend her party’s convention. Now she won’t be able to, and her endorsement won’t have the embarrassing impact for the DNC it would have had if she had made it during or immediately following the convention.

    What I meant was that the damage has already been done, and we see there are chinks in Obama’s armor. (As if ther haven’t been others.) That a Dems delegate says such because of Obama’s rogue’s gallery of associations, coming on the heels of this Dem Convention story has to be troubling for the Obama campaign.

    Paul (19c9b7)

  21. aunusa,

    Do you know the rules regarding when the Democratic Party can replace an elected delegate? I don’t know the rules but it seems to me that, as long as the delegate intends to vote at the convention as she was elected to do, the Party may not be able to replace her solely based on her personal voting intentions.


    Interesting link. I read that most of the Democratic Party operations were recently moved to Chicago to be consolidated with the Obama campaign. It sounds like some things may have fallen through the cracks during the transition.

    DRJ (721b95)

  22. aunursa – I’m sorry I misspelled your name in my last comment.

    DRJ (721b95)

  23. I think we should have erected Hilary so we can keep up with what Bill’s peter’s been doing. Expose’s on where it’s been and who it’s been in. That would be just swell.

    Psyberian (9f6817)

  24. “I just feel you need to have somebody who has experience with foreign matters.”

    Yet she was ready to vote for Hillary Clinton, who has zero experience.

    Federal Dog (1404a2)

  25. “I just feel you need to have somebody who has experience with foreign matters.”

    Wow, just wow! Are they allowed to think like this… for themselves????

    Who knew!

    Dana (0569c8)

  26. “Thing is, we never claimed there isn’t. The Dems defend theirs while we ostracize ours.”

    – Paul

    Do you see any liberal commenters defending Levi’s unfounded assertions or gasbag superiority screeds? No. In fact, several of us weighed in on a recent thread to tell him he was a moron.

    Don’t put on airs.

    Leviticus (aa95f4)

  27. #23 – Expose’s on where it’s been and who it’s been in. That would be just swell.

    — Nice pun. “Swell.”

    Icy Truth (47663f)

  28. Hey! If you think it’s bad now, just wait until that moment when he does not choose HillShrillKillBillBuzzKillary for a running mate.

    Icy Truth (47663f)

  29. If she can so easily jump over to the Republicans, I’d like to ask this retarded woman why on earth she was supporting Hillary Clinton in the first place.

    What could she possibly care about?

    Levi (76ef55)

  30. Once again the sage of narcissism weighs in on a topic with a pungent and oh – so – witty observation. The woman in question deigns not to agree with his vast powers of political observation, so is thus proven to be “retarded” by nature. I guess we could call the commenter quite mentally challenged as well; however, that wouldn’t be fair to actual mentally – challenged people in the first place.

    “Levi sells cartoon balloons in town. He calls his child Jesus.”

    Dmac (ea35f7)

  31. Dmac, if someone was an adamant Fred Thompson supporter back in January, then after Fred dropped out, declared he would be voting for whomever the Democrat would be, wouldn’t you have lots of questions? That wouldn’t make any sense to you, would it?

    Or we can talk about me some more!

    Levi (76ef55)

  32. “If she can so easily jump over to the Republicans, I’d like to ask this retarded woman why on earth she was supporting Hillary Clinton in the first place.”

    If you read the whole article linked, the woman nowhere states or infers it was an easy or quick decision.

    As a matter of fact she “expressed lingering unhappiness over the Democratic nominating process, said Clinton was treated unfairly by the party and said she has deep reservations about Obama’s lack of experience and his judgment.”

    This does not seem rash in the least. It seems more like someone stopping to consider the possibilities, and thinking through the issues at hand. I’m thrilled a woman is not going weak in the knees over Obama because it is expected of her but rather has taken the time to rethink her position… or do we not want them thinking but just following blindly?

    And it might be best to refrain from accusing anyone of being retarded, Levi…

    Dana (0569c8)

  33. Do you see any liberal commenters defending Levi’s unfounded assertions or gasbag superiority screeds? No. In fact, several of us weighed in on a recent thread to tell him he was a moron.

    Bad example, Leviticus. He’s turned his unfounded assertions and gasbag superiority against both sides, putting him in a moronic class by himself.

    Paul (19c9b7)

  34. If you read the whole article linked, the woman nowhere states or infers it was an easy or quick decision.

    Oh, come on, Dana, you expect Mr. Sunny to read the article?

    He already “knows” the contents.

    Paul (19c9b7)

  35. DRJ,

    No need to apologize. I would have chosen a screenname that was easy to spell if it were important to me.

    The Democratic Party rules are here. In a cursory review, I did not see any mechanism to replace a delegate for this situation.

    A. Participation in the delegate selection process shall be open to all voters who wish to participate as Democrats.
    1. Democratic voters shall be those persons who publicly declare their Party preference and have that preference publicly recorded.

    One could argue that by stating her preference for the presumptive Republican nominee, the delegate has declared preference for other than the Democratic Party.

    aunursa (09c81f)

  36. At any rate, she’s been stripped of her position.

    aunursa (09c81f)

  37. Obama continues to falter. The Democratic Party just can’t help but nominate extremely weak candidates for the President in the post-New Deal era. The only strong candidate they’ve nominated since LBJ was Billy Jeff and before that there was Kennedy. Stevenson, Humphrey, Mondale, Carter, Dukakis, McGovern, Gore, Kerry, and now Obama. And they wonder why the Republicans have dominated the White House since 1968.

    chaos (9c54c6)

  38. The republicans have more to worry about as far as defections are concerned. That’s not news by now. But it’s interesting to drop by and see the level of debate has gone even lower overt time.
    Beldar’s screed was amusing,

    blah (74027b)

  39. Aunursa –

    News reports are that the Dems stripped that person of delegate status today.

    jim2 (3fef87)

  40. aunursa,

    Thanks for the update. I don’t blame the Democrats for replacing her.

    DRJ (721b95)

  41. I don’t blame the Dems either but hats off to a voter sticking to her guns in spite of the loss of delegate status. She probably figured it would happen, or rather, had to happen.

    Dana (0569c8)

  42. Of course, it’s still funny.

    DRJ (721b95)

  43. Personally, I would have waited till Denver…

    But I’m kind of a jerk. 🙂

    Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec)

  44. What could she possibly care about?

    America, Levi. America.

    Pablo (99243e)

  45. “The only strong candidate they’ve nominated since LBJ was Billy Jeff and before that there was Kennedy.”

    chaos – The democrats were very lucky in 1992 to have Perot siphon off votes from Bush to enable Blowjob Bill to sneak in the back door to the White House. He could certainly talk, but I didn’t consider him a strong candidate.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  46. A safe for work and every other place Levi. Can we just laugh him out of here?

    nk (4bb2be)

  47. I’m Shocked! The Democrats act to disenfranchise a voter?

    Icy Truth (47663f)

  48. “I’m Shocked! The Democrats act to disenfranchise a voter?”

    Only at the convention. They’ll have to get a couple more dead people to offset her vote for McCain in November.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  49. Nah. They’ll just have Ayers get a couple of his buds in ‘the underground’ to surface for a day.

    Icy Truth (8ecfb1)

  50. If you read the whole article linked, the woman nowhere states or infers it was an easy or quick decision.

    As a matter of fact she “expressed lingering unhappiness over the Democratic nominating process, said Clinton was treated unfairly by the party and said she has deep reservations about Obama’s lack of experience and his judgment.”

    What I’m saying is she owes way more of an explanation than that. Those are all meaningless media narratives. What about her positions on the issues? What made her like Clinton so much in the first place? Her position on the war? Health care? The environment? She must know that between the two general election candidates, Obama is closer to Hillary on all of the issues by a huge degree. And she’s just going to let Fox News tell her who to vote for?

    This does not seem rash in the least. It seems more like someone stopping to consider the possibilities, and thinking through the issues at hand. I’m thrilled a woman is not going weak in the knees over Obama because it is expected of her but rather has taken the time to rethink her position… or do we not want them thinking but just following blindly?

    Lol, what issues? She doesn’t mention issues. She’s butt-hurt that Clinton lost, and now wants to cast a protest vote for the guy diametrically opposed to Clinton on every issue. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.

    Just think about this again, how much sense would it make for a bunch of Fred Thompson’s former supporters to state they’ll be voting for Obama this November? Could you say with a straight face that that person has any solid stance on any issue, from the war to health care to the economy? Of course not. What’s the use of listening to these sorts of people that don’t seem even remotely dedicated to what they say are their beliefs?

    Levi (76ef55)

  51. Levi, why do you have to demostrate that you are the perfect poster child for the Democrat party? IE. You are a Donkey’s ….

    PCD (5c49b0)

  52. Levi, I know you have been at Patterico’s for quite some time. How is it then that you have missed his many posts which have spoken directly to the issue of Obama’s lack of experience and judgement?

    It begs the question, do you actually read the posts and think about them before spewing?

    Dana (b4a26c)

  53. Of cource not, Dana…

    Levi doesn’t have to READ something to know what it says…

    Scott Jacobs (fa5e57)

  54. Hi Dana:

    I know for a fact that you have had experience with trollish people who are just about saying nasty things to cause fights. Usually, it is a compensation for other problems.

    So the answer to your question is that the person does not care about anything other than the fighting. Period.

    I hope you are doing well, and enjoy your photography very much.

    Eric Blair (1d11ac)

  55. This is what I’m talking about. I’m trying to make a point about this woman, and all the Republicans want to do is make fun of me for something I said 3 weeks ago. And I’m the troll?

    Levi (76ef55)

  56. Levi, I was not making fun of you. I was merely pointing out that based on what you wrote (#50), it appeared you did not read the article but just angrily jumped in.

    There were a number of things in your response that didn’t make sense. You made giant leaps of assumption based on your own political persuasion and disdain for the right.

    Example: “And she’s just going to let Fox News tell her who to vote for?”

    Nowhere does she state that she is letting Fox News tell her who to vote for. You assumed because she is voting for McCain now it has to be Fox’s fault. Heck, Fox News wasn’t even mentioned in the article! I’ve linked it here again so you can re-read it:

    You state that Bartoshevich owes way more of a further explanation . No, she doesn’t. However, considering she states clearly, “I just feel you need to have somebody who has experience with foreign matters.”, that offers a further insight.

    Even as a conservative, I sure get this. I, too, would vote hands down for Hillary over Obama as she has a far better grasp on security issues and foreign relations than Obama. She has not evidenced such great naievete that Obama has. Bartoshevich’s statement is reasonable.

    I’m at work so I’m unable to pull the rest of #50 apart but you get the drift.

    Dana (b4a26c)

  57. I’m at work so I’m unable to pull the rest of #50 apart but you get the drift.

    Somehow, I doubt that… 😉

    Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec)

  58. all the Republicans want to do is make fun of me for something incredibly stupid I said 3 weeks ago.

    Fixed that for you.

    Paul (19c9b7)

  59. Bartoshevich said: “I just feel you need to have somebody who has experience with foreign matters.”
    Of course! Especially after 8 years of the most experienced guy ever on this matter: G. W. S. Bush!
    (S for Stupid).
    Also, u and your buddies need to read the book “Without Sanctuary”, by James Allen et al., ed. Twin Palms Publishers, 2004. Great fun!
    I will send you by e-mail a picture I took 4 years ago, in a faraway land…Please show it on your site.
    Thank you.

    Sophocles (d7f5e9)

  60. Levi, I was not making fun of you. I was merely pointing out that based on what you wrote (#50), it appeared you did not read the article but just angrily jumped in.

    There were a number of things in your response that didn’t make sense. You made giant leaps of assumption based on your own political persuasion and disdain for the right.

    Example: “And she’s just going to let Fox News tell her who to vote for?”

    Nowhere does she state that she is letting Fox News tell her who to vote for. You assumed because she is voting for McCain now it has to be Fox’s fault. Heck, Fox News wasn’t even mentioned in the article! I’ve linked it here again so you can re-read it:

    You state that Bartoshevich owes way more of a further explanation . No, she doesn’t. However, considering she states clearly, “I just feel you need to have somebody who has experience with foreign matters.”, that offers a further insight.

    Even as a conservative, I sure get this. I, too, would vote hands down for Hillary over Obama as she has a far better grasp on security issues and foreign relations than Obama. She has not evidenced such great naievete that Obama has. Bartoshevich’s statement is reasonable.

    I’m at work so I’m unable to pull the rest of #50 apart but you get the drift.

    ‘Experience’ is not an issue. Which side of the issues does this woman belong? If she was originally a Hillary Clinton supporter, presumably she supported things like health care, she was most likely pro-choice, she probably wanted out of Iraq, right? She singles out McCain’s ‘experience on foreign matters’ as why she wants to vote for him and not Obama, but what good is ‘experience on foreign matters’ if it leads you to the wrong conclusions? If this woman opposes the war, as we all must assume because she doesn’t spell it out for us, how can she just set aside that opposition to vote for the guy that supports the war? Does that make any sense? If she always supported the war, why was she for Hillary Clinton in the first place? It’s unexplainable. That’s why it sounds to me like her ‘experience on foreign matters’ reasoning was probably lifted directly from the media.

    I’ll try again to illustrate the point using Republicans. If a Fred Thompson supporter decided after he dropped out of the race that he was going to vote for Obama, and all he cited was some character judgment as his reasoning, maybe simply that ‘Obama is just cool,’ wouldn’t you want to know what that person thinks about the issues? How can he reconcile the total incompatibility of the Thompson’s positions with Obama’s? Why was he supporting Thompson in the first place if he can so easily make the jump to Obama?

    Do you get it yet?

    Levi (76ef55)

  61. We would certainly wonder, but he wouldn’t OWE us anything…

    Scott Jacobs (fa5e57)

  62. We would certainly wonder, but he wouldn’t OWE us anything…

    If he was a delegate would he?

    If he tried to make a big deal about it by talking to the media would he?

    Levi (76ef55)

  63. now wants to cast a protest vote for the guy diametrically opposed to Clinton on every issue

    Clinton and McCain are not diametrically opposed, but feel free to hyperbole.

    Experience’ is not an issue.

    The US government is the largest most powerful corporation in the world, and experience is not important? Good fucking Allah, it should be painful to be as stoooopid as you.

    JD (75f5c3)

  64. If he was a delegate would he?

    No. It’s the whole “A person’s vote is their own business” thing…

    People can vote as they like, even if I don’t agree with it.

    I realize that’s a difficult concept for a far-lefty to understand…

    Scott Jacobs (fa5e57)

  65. 62, Levi, my what a hypocrite you are. If this was a McCain delegate defecting to Obama, you’d be celebrating, rubbing it in, and telling us this delegate is speaking truth to power and sticking it to the man!

    Just crawl back under your DNC approved rock.

    PCD (5c49b0)

  66. Oh, so now it’s nobody’s business. It wasn’t ‘nobody’s business’ a few days ago when Patterico decided it had political relevance, and he made a post about it, and all the Republicans chimed in to say how meaningful and representative they thought this was, but now I want to discuss it, and everyone clams up. One day’s ‘worthy of discussion on a politics blog’ is the next day’s ‘it’s nobody’s business!’

    Levi (76ef55)

  67. I am a strong believer in Hilary Clinton so was going to cast my vote for her.

    My vote will now be for John McCain, if I vote this time.

    D. Sampson (b4222e)

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