Retired Harlem Drug Dealers Pick Predict Hillary will be the Next President
[Guest post by DRJ]
Back in the 1970’s, Frank Lucas and Leroy “Nicky” Barnes were larger-than-life Harlem drug dealers:
“During the Harlem heroin plague of the seventies, few dealers were bigger than Frank Lucas and Leroy “Nicky” Barnes. Both made millions selling dope, lived the wide-brimmed-hat high life, enabled the addiction of whole neighborhoods, and, eventually, got caught. Both were locked up and later cooperated with authorities—some might call it snitching.
Now, with Lucas confined to a wheelchair and Barnes in some Witness Protection Program locale, each is the subject of a current film. Barnes reports on his life and times in the flava-full documentary Mr. Untouchable. Lucas hit the ultimate Hollywood jackpot, getting Denzel Washington, no less, to play him in American Gangster.”
Mark Jacobson in the New York Magazine engaged Barnes and Lucas in a conversation that included a good-natured debate over who was the biggest and best drug dealer and, like the businessmen they were, they agreed the title went to whoever had the best product at the time. Their conversation also took an interesting twist into politics:
“MJ: Rudy Giuliani chased both you guys when he was D.A. [sic] What do you think about him running for president?
NB: Giuliani would make a good president because he’s a principled guy.
FL: When Giuliani tells you something, he means it. But I don’t think we’re ready for an Italian president. I don’t think we’re ready for a black president. I don’t think we’re ready for a woman president, but I tell you right now: I think Hillary Clinton will win this thing hands down.
NB: Hillary will be the next president.
FL: No question about it.”
I’m not sure if this is good or bad news for Rudy or Hillary but it looks like Hillary has made believers out at least 2 retired Harlem drug kingpins.
PS – If you click the link, check out page 4 where the kingpins reminisce about Puffy Combs’ dad Melvin and share information about vitamin supplement products.