Democrat blogger John Cole is appalled that I have opened a debate on the morality of waterboarding admitted mass murderers for less than three minutes if it were 100% certain to save thousands of lives. To express his disgust, he solicits his readers’ opinions as to whether he should physically assault me. Most agree that he should.
UPDATE: John says this post of mine “may be one of the dumbest posts ever” because, after all, it was just a hypothetical and it didn’t name me. (Ha, ha! Get it?) Apparently it never occurred to him that his post would send his commenters into a frenzy of discussion about how much fun it would be to commit violence to me.
By the way, at least one of his commenters has since admitted that he thinks I am a greater enemy to this country than Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who planned 9/11.
Yes, he’s serious. As is his commenter who says I am unfit to be labeled a human. (As was the commenter at Obsidian Wings who said that I am a monster, and wished that I die a painful death in a fire.)
But there’s nothing irresponsible about talking to that crowd about committing violent acts on conservatives. I’m sure if Michelle Malkin ever did the reverse — “mocking” a liberal by talking about kicking him, while addressing an audience predisposed to think liberals are less than human — John Cole would take it in stride as just joshin’.
Of course, that would never happen. Because Michelle Malkin has far more class than John Cole ever will.
And this, by the way, is one of the main reasons I posed my hypo to begin with. To identify the self-righteous crowd who recoil at the thought of waterboarding mass murderers for 2 1/2 minutes to save thousands of lives — but who think nothing of talking about violence on conservatives.
Because, after all, we are the real enemy.
UPDATE x2: I see some morons in the comments saying that I am “scared” by Cole’s “threat.” Jesus Christ, his commenters are stupid.
I didn’t take it as a real threat, morons. I saw it as whipping up some commenters into a frenzy with a crass and stupid joke that could easily cause one of his unbalanced commenters to start issuing serious threats. Sure enough, one of them was soon talking about punching Ann Coulter in the Adam’s apple — and this is the kind of thing Cole knew he was starting when he made his stupid joke about kicking me in the privates.
This issue has commenters on other sites talking about how they’d like to see me dead. You know, because I’m talking about things, and that makes me evil. In this environment Cole is throwing chum into the middle of a pack of hungry sharks, and disclaiming any responsibility for their getting whipped into a frenzy.
The point is to note how ironic it is that these people so quickly turn to thoughts of violence against people who are just blogging — because they are outraged at us talking about waterboarding people who are mass murderers. The way you know this is the point is by reading the title of my post. That’s a hint for you idiots from Cole’s site.