Patterico's Pontifications


The Taser Guy (Updated)

Filed under: Miscellaneous — DRJ @ 2:06 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Andrew Meyer is the college student who was tasered by University of Florida police during a John Kerry appearance at UF. Now he has a couple of videos:

The Taser incident which has been shown in the media, and this video from what is apparently Meyer’s website (or a website set up by his supporters). The website includes a link to help visitors Buy Stuff like “The Pimp Light.”

Meyer reminds me of many young liberal college students who can simultaneously rail against war and authority as fervently as they celebrate college sports. He might have been better off if he had stuck to cheering for the Gators.

Update: Hot Air wonders if this was a publicity stunt.


UPDATE BY PATTERICO: Don’t tase me, bro!

48 Responses to “The Taser Guy (Updated)”

  1. Early on in the video where Meyer ‘recommends’ a book, Kerry immediately responds “I’ve read it.” That Meyer completely ignored this, and continued his prepared dramatic ‘outrage’, reminded me of a comedian who fails to acknowledge a heckler, or a broken glass, or a waitress tripping in the aisle. It is at that moment when the spell is broken, and ‘the act’ is revealed. I think we will be hearing a lot more from this ‘journalism major’.

    One of the few times I’ve felt bad for Kerry. He didn’t deserve that. (Kerry, not the tasered kid.)

    TimesDisliker (932cc5)

  2. Priceless. He was begging for it.

    JD (f6a000)

  3. Meanwhile a couple of democrats have been pursuing a silly lawsuit in Colorado over being peacefully refused entry to a Bush campaign event.

    Robin Roberts (6c18fd)

  4. I thought only dissenters at Bush events were treated in this manner?
    Was the guy wearing a catsup t-shirt that touted something other than “Heinz”?

    Another Drew (8018ee)

  5. AD – I felt bad for laughing throughout the entire video, knowing that he was going to be tasered at some point. He was a freaking barking moonbat. He was leading up to spouting some Skull and Bones conspiracy about how Bush stole another election, blah, blah, blah … His bleating, crying, whining, “What did I do?”, “I am scared”, and “Don’t kill me” were classics.

    JD (f6a000)

  6. Robin – Let me guess, they are claiming a Right under the Constitution to make an ass of themselves, publicly?

    JD (f6a000)

  7. Scotty, a commenter over at Wizbang summed the episode up pretty good:

    “For those who weep for this poor student. Save your tears. He got exactly what he deserved. Of course you have to see the whole episode in context. The cops weren’t just standing there to give him the bum’s rush just for the fun of it. They were there because he had already caused a scene and this was his second chance. In the initial dust up he jumped ahead of a line of students who were waiting for their turn at the mic. He grabs the mic begins barking his nutty monologue. It was his initial beligerance that attracted the cops. John Kerry called them off and said he could ask his question. So his freedom of speech wasn’t infringed. Now at this point he had already shown himself to be distruptive to the gathering; so, the cops had every right and duty to escort him from the premises. It was this fools actions that escalated the confrontation. He had every opportunity to avoid this and he turned them all down. The cops told him at every moment what the next step would be and he continued down the path that ends with being tased and arrested. It was he who chose that path and the cops really had no choice in the matter. What alternative did they have?

    By the way, when I go to a rally to cause a ruckus and get tased and arrested, I hope I can do it with dignity and not all the girly screaming flopping around on the floor.”

    For my part, I heard one of the lady cops tell this idiot when the had him down on the ground to “stop resisting” twice while it appeared they were still attempting to cuff him. Send the kid home with a disruption charge, suspend the fine, and look for this kid to be a TV anchor lookin to take Oberman’s spot on a looney left network.

    Rovin (7f64b8)

  8. News flash: Dennis Miller just said on the Factor the Kerry should have jumped off the stage and saved the kid, but he was probably waiting for U.N. approval.

    Rovin (7f64b8)

  9. Kerry should have jumped off the stage and saved the kid, but he was probably waiting for U.N. approval.


    JD (f6a000)

  10. Hilarious, Miller’s still got that wit.

    Robin Roberts (6c18fd)

  11. Rovin #7:

    That’s how I understand it too. According to a student who posted at the Malkin site, the guy had already caused a disturbance by the time he got to the mic.

    However, while Senator Kerry was responding to a student’s question, all of a sudden Meyer rushed to the microphone with cops in pursuit. At that point no one knew what was going on. Could he have a gun, a bomb? Immediately, Meyer began yelling into the microphone that he had been waiting in line forever and that Senator Kerry should “spend time to answer everyone’s questions!” Senator Kerry tried to calm the student down by telling him that he would “stay here as long as it takes to get the questions answered.” The police approached Meyer who began taunting them by saying “what! are you going to taser me? are you going to arrest me?!” The police grabbed Meyer, but Senator Kerry asked the
    police to let him go and that he would answer his question. Senator Kerry finished answering the other student’s question and then proceeded with Meyer. (*This entire scene is not in any video I can find so far. This is why 2 cops are seen right behind Meyer at the start of some videos*).

    . . . .

    The third and strangest question he posed to Senator Kerry was asking him if he was part of the skull and bones society with Bush at
    Yale. Meyer’s mic cut off after that, probably because he had mentioned the word “blowjob”. The cops grabbed him, but Meyer was able to get away several times. Eventually more cops were brought in to help subdue Meyer.

    Senator Kerry was trying to answer his question to the audience, mostly the one about faulty voter machines. I am a die hard conservative Republican but I do respect Senator Kerry for trying to soothe the situation as best he could and trying not to escalate the situation. He DID intervene by letting the student at least present his question. I never received an opportunity to ask my question, but when Senator Kerry ended the show after the Meyer incident, he did come off stage to shake hands and give autographs. At that point, I was able to ask him my question, shake his hand, and get a autograph at the same time. Now why couldn’t Andrew Meyer do that?

    Tyler Antar letter

    Itsme (e35523)

  12. JD #6:

    Actually, if it’s this lawsuit, it looks as though they’re suing because they were removed from a public, taxpayer-funded event not because they did anything disruptive, but because one of the staffers noticed their bumper sticker out in the parking lot:

    The case involves two people ejected from a taxpayer-funded Bush speech two years ago.

    Leslie Weise and Alex Young were removed from a Bush address on Social Security after a staffer for Sen. Wayne Allard, R-Colo., pointed them out as suspicious because they had arrived in a car with an anti-war bumper sticker.

    Rocky Mountain News

    Itsme (e35523)

  13. Itsme, they’ve admitted to wearing t-shirts with anti-Bush slogans under their clothing. They were prepared to disrupt the event.

    Robin Roberts (6c18fd)

  14. Robin Roberts #13:

    But the bouncers didn’t know that at the time, did they?

    Itsme (e35523)

  15. About the t-shirts, that is.

    Itsme (e35523)

  16. “Don’t taser me, bro.”

    Freakin’ priceless. That’ll be around for some time.

    How come Sammy Davis Jr didn’t know “bro”? Seems like a Sammy word. And one Kerry could never pull off.

    PC14 (f74534)

  17. Itsme, I don’t know exactly what was known, but they guessed correctly if they didn’t.

    The plaintiffs’ claims that they should not have been excluded lacks credibility.

    Robin Roberts (6c18fd)

  18. Rovin (#7) wrote:

    Send the kid home with a disruption charge, suspend the fine, and look for this kid to be a TV anchor lookin to take Oberman’s spot on a looney left network.

    I’d suggest that instead, for reasons both fiscal and principled, the University of Florida administration ought to aggressively prosecute, to conviction by plea or trial, on a resisting arrest charge. The failure or success of such charges will become the key to any future civil claims, and if there’s a conviction, Meyer’s chances of prevailing on them are slim to none because he’ll be collaterally estopped from challenging the need for force and the degree of force used.

    From the various videos, there is zero doubt that Meyer was still disobeying instructions, ignoring warnings, and violently resisting the placement of the handcuffs on his left wrist when he was shocked (not shot) with the Taser. I think that’s virtually conclusive.

    Beldar (d47ce6)

  19. Yet one more reason for me to be glad I chose to go to FSU. Gig those gators!

    kishnevi (f63234)

  20. Robin Roberts #17:

    First, absent obscene or otherwise inappropriate content, wearing a t-shirt to a public event is rarely a disruption meriting forcible removal, a point even the White House seems willing to concede:

    North Country Gazette

    This was a public, taxpayer-funded event. Not the same as a private political event where the “host” can pretty much be as arbitrary as he or she wants.

    Absent an actual disruption, or even a credible threat of disruption, it’s hard to defend removing individuals under threat of arrest from a public event on the basis of their political views. Of course as you say we don’t know all the facts, but claiming that the White House may exercise “viewpoint-based exclusions” (yes, they actually use that term!) in cotrolling the “message” is, in this context, completely without credibility. In my opinion anyway.

    Itsme (e35523)

  21. Beldar (#18)wrote:

    From the various videos, there is zero doubt that Meyer was still disobeying instructions, ignoring warnings, and violently resisting the placement of the handcuffs on his left wrist when he was shocked (not shot) with the Taser. I think that’s virtually conclusive.

    Actually, I was being flippant when I suggested a suspended sentence, and was looking for a more fitting reaction. What I didn’t expect was a direct response from (respectfully) the ol’ most wise one. To protect the university and set a precedent over the use of tasers would be a positive outcome for most involved, (except for Mr. Meyer). If this baffoon staged this incident for a motive to bring a suit to the college, maybe they can add a charge of conspiracy or even fraud.

    Rovin (7f64b8)

  22. A Florida newspaper is reporting that Meyer aspires to a career in the national media.

    Of course. He’s perfect.

    SteveG (4e16fc)

  23. He’s lucky that he was only tasered once. He never quit screaming and yelling, even after being tasered, at least until he was removed from his audience, at which point he switched to the black helicopter tinfoil hat wearing dont’ kill me mode.

    itsme – So what is their claim? They were removed from the event prior to them having the ability to disrupt the event for everyone else? Their desire to carry out some symbolic moonbat protest trumps that of all of the other people that wanted to participate in this event? They were denied their right to make an ass of themselves prior to actually making an ass of themselves?

    JD (f6a000)

  24. Itsme, freedom of speech does not mean hijacking other people’s forums.

    Robin Roberts (6c18fd)

  25. Robin #24:

    A public forum is not “other people’s forums.”

    Freedom of speech doesn’t mean arbitrarily imposing “viewpoint-based exclusions,” either.

    Itsme (e35523)

  26. The Taser’s Creed:

    I shall not Tase you, bro.

    Unless you act like a complete ass in which case I shall electrify you until you squeal like a pig. If you know what I mean.

    So help me God.

    zombyboy (0c367f)

  27. Itsme, you’ve confused yourself on what a “public forum” is, that something is “taxpayer sponsored” is not dispositive by itself.

    Robin Roberts (6c18fd)

  28. I still think the most remarkable part of this is as soon as he was done OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWing after being tased, he started yelling all over again.

    JD (f6a000)

  29. Robin, it was a “townhall” meeting, described as open to the public.

    Itsme (e35523)

  30. JD #28:

    I might be cynical, but he did seem pretty hammy.

    Itsme (e35523)

  31. No reason to be cynical. My guess is that this was all a stunt for some publicity for this kid, mixed in with a bit of the Troother ethos.

    JD (f6a000)

  32. JD #31:

    I have no doubt he’s skilled at working every uhm, opportunity that presents itself.

    Itsme (e35523)

  33. If CNN is right on what Meyer’s charged with and I’m right in my quick glance at the Florida statutes, Meyer’s looking at a potential felony sentence of up to five years. Assuming he has no priors, I can’t quite imagine that happening. But it’s certainly a pucker-inducing concept.

    Beldar (d47ce6)

  34. Here’s the police report, which includes the officer’s statement that Meyer checked with his nearby friend to make sure he was taping as the incident began. According to the report, Meyers was compliant and lighthearted with the police except when cameras were present. He also presented his business card.

    DRJ (ec59b5)

  35. CNN is reporting that two of the police officers have been put on leave with pay pending an investigation of their use of a stun gun.

    Sara (73f60a)

  36. Here’s the police report.

    DRJ (ec59b5)

  37. And Beldar has more interesting thoughts.

    DRJ (ec59b5)

  38. DRJ #35:

    Interesting. Sort of surprised more personal info wasn’t redacted. Especially for the witnesses.

    Itsme (e35523)

  39. PS to JD #31:

    My guess is that this was all a stunt for some publicity for this kid, mixed in with a bit of the Troother ethos

    I too immediately thought of the Troofiness aspect.

    His “questions” didn’t really seem like questions at all, but rather like laying the groundwork for accusing Kerry of being in cahoots with fellow Skull and Bones-er GWB: You won, but you didn’t challenge the count. You don’t vote to impeach. You guys were in the same club together (not). Equals: Conspiracy !

    Being ambushed by these sorts of nutters must be a professional hazard for politicians.

    Itsme (e35523)

  40. Wow,

    After watching the video and then reading the police report(sure that’s the actual report?), it appears that the officer’s statement is…one big lie.

    Good luck prosecuting the guy, Florida.

    alphie (99bc18)

  41. […] the moonbat taser incident | Neocon Express -Cops out of control at the University of Florida | Patterico’s Pontifications » The Taser Guy | Sister Toldjah » The taser incident at the Kerry campus forum | Anti-antediluvian: Only the […]

    Neocon News » I condemn you to be the “don’t tase me, bro!” guy for the rest of your days. (aaa2c9)

  42. This is the vantage point of the taser incident at the Kerry speech that no one wants you to see. Check it out at

    Chuck (d6b31a)

  43. alphie – Your meds need to be adjusted. You have been particularly loco this week.

    JD (f6a000)

  44. Alphie,
    You said, ” After watching the video and then reading the police report(sure that’s the actual report?), it appears that the officer’s statement is…one big lie.”

    Did you even notice that there were several Officers reporting?
    Could you be more specific about which Officer you are calling a liar?
    Did you expect them all to see and report the exact same thing?

    Labcatcher (afe438)

  45. It appears “Look-at-me boy” is a Ron Paul supporter.
    Who’da thunk. Tasers on stun.

    Skul (8be9ad)

  46. where do you get the “don’t taser me, bro” bumper stickers… i want onee.. like seriousely

    anonymous (5bedbb)

  47. […] about the lamest attempt at coining a buzzword that I’ve ever seen.  On the other hand, “Don’t tase me, bro!” is immortal.  Are you tasing me?  Are you tasing me?! Posted by Dan Collins @ 1:00 pm | Trackback Share […]

    So What? [Dan Collins] (e95a11)

  48. It’s funny how people react to being tasered. The last guy I tased in my career was a very large and muscular (from years of pumping weights in prison) 3 striker who was resisting a drug dealing arrest. After going for two rides on the buffalo he stated, “It no big thing man. Just cops and robbers…. Just cops and robbers.”

    Retired vice cop (43a8fa)

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