Patterico's Pontifications


Olbermann: Fox News Worse Than Al Qaeda

Filed under: General,Morons — Patterico @ 8:38 pm

Remember how Rick Ellensburg said there was no prominent lefty hate speech?

In unrelated news, here is Edward R. Murrow wanna-be Keith Olbermann:

Al Qaeda really hurt us, but not as much as Rupert Murdoch has hurt us, particularly in the case of Fox News. Fox News is worse than Al Qaeda — worse for our society. It’s as dangerous as the Ku Klux Klan ever was.

Now, when you take a step back, this is hardly a shocking or out of character statement for someone who regularly slaps a “worst person in the world” label on folks who haven’t murdered anyone, but rather simply disagree with Mr. Olbermann’s vapid brand of leftist politics. You shouldn’t be too surprised when a professional clown acts, well, clownish.

Still, read that paragraph again. Fox News is worse than Al Qaeda.

Honestly, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at the fact that some people actually watch and admire this guy. (Or are they just faking it?)

Anyway . . . what were you saying about how there is no prominent leftist hate speech, Mr. Greenwald?

P.S. The only effective rejoinder Mr. Greenwald could make is that we should not pay any attention to Olbermann, because he is, in truth, a nobody — a minor television personality that nobody really pays any attention to.

If Greenwald pulls out that argument, I’ll be forced to agree with him for perhaps the first time in my blogging career.

32 Responses to “Olbermann: Fox News Worse Than Al Qaeda”

  1. Olbermann, another example of the Peter Principle.

    Robin Roberts (6c18fd)

  2. Robin – I think it is the Dick Principle you are referring to.

    Olby was an average sportcaster, who was carried by his co-hosts. I cannot imagine where he got his over-inflated sense of self worth.

    JD (f6a000)

  3. Guys…and Gals…more people read this blog than watch Olbermann….

    He made me stop listening to Dan Patrick on ESPN radio….

    Such a putz….

    reff (4e3fcd)

  4. By a strange coinkydink…I watched Olbermann’s show for the first time today.

    He claimed he was now beating O’Reilly in the ratings, which would make his show the most-watched cable news show.

    alphie (99bc18)

  5. I cannot imagine where he got his over-inflated sense of self worth.

    It’s his defence against the truth about himself. Seriously. This is, like, garden-variety insecurity, dime a dozen stuff.

    How did we end up w/so many such folk at this era in history? I blame the unearned self-esteem b.s., which destroys true self-esteem, which is earned, in favor of see-thru pretense.

    ras (adf382)

  6. He claimed he was now beating O’Reilly in the ratings, which would make his show the most-watched cable news show.

    By only counting Obermann’s household, this is true. Otherwise, not a chance.

    Perfect Sense (5aad9c)

  7. There are few fields as competitive in America as television, ras.

    If Olbermann has indeed climbed to the top of the cable news game…he did it on his own.

    I was quite entertaining watching him today.

    alphie (99bc18)

  8. He claimed he was now beating O’Reilly in the ratings, which would make his show the most-watched cable news show.

    He just beat out O’Reilly for demo viewers on friday, of course O’Reilly killed him every other day of last week. Demo viewers really only matter for setting ad rates, and when it comes to toal viewership O’Reilly decimates Olbermann.

    Taltos (c99804)

  9. Aren’t the ad rates the only thing the networks care about, Taltos?

    Here’s some numbers I found on media bisto:

    25-54 demographic:

    Friday, September 8, 2006
    O’Reilly 516,000
    Olbermann 128,000

    Friday, September 7, 2007
    O’Reilly 324,000
    Olbermann 365,000


    alphie (99bc18)

  10. Ad rates are only set at certain times of the year (ie. sweeps) and in the case of something like O’Reilly where the viewership and the sponsors are pretty much settled don’t mean a hell of a lot. My point was merely that claiming something is the most watched show when in reality it doesn’t even have half the viewers of it’s rival is like flipping a coin once and declaring that it always lands on heads.

    Taltos (c99804)

  11. Olbermann has jumped the shark (again) with that comment.

    Paul (5efd01)

  12. Here’s some numbers I found on media bisto

    Do you mean this story, Staunch Brayer?

    Friday, Sep 07
    The 8pm Cable Picture Comes Into Focus

    Last night, Countdown with Keith Olbermann came within 19,000 viewers of The O’Reilly Factor in the 25-54 demo. Countdown beat The Factor in the first two quarter hours. Countdown had 408,000 demo viewers from 8-8:30, The Factor had 373,000 (live+ same-day DVR).

    “Now why would you not link to such a story,” I wondered.

    Then I read the next line:

    In total viewers last night, O’Reilly still more than doubled Olbermann’s audience.

    That’s three times in 12 hours I’ve made you look foolish with your own quoted story, Staunch Brayer.

    Don’t you ever tire of being a punching bag?

    Paul (5efd01)

  13. Here’s some numbers I found on media bisto

    Do you mean this story from Media Bistro, Staunch Brayer?

    Friday, Sep 07
    The 8pm Cable Picture Comes Into Focus

    Last night, Countdown with Keith Olbermann came within 19,000 viewers of The O’Reilly Factor in the 25-54 demo. Countdown beat The Factor in the first two quarter hours. Countdown had 408,000 demo viewers from 8-8:30, The Factor had 373,000 (live+ same-day DVR).

    “Now why would you not link to such a story,” I wondered.

    Then I read the next line:

    In total viewers last night, O’Reilly still more than doubled Olbermann’s audience.

    That’s three times in 12 hours I’ve made you look foolish with your own quoted story, Staunch Brayer.

    Don’t you ever tire of being a punching bag?

    Paul (5efd01)

  14. Haha, Paul,

    Keep up the good work!

    alphie (99bc18)

  15. Fox News is worse than Al Qaeda.

    If the democrats can’t tell the difference, they are in no position to protect us from those who want to kill us. More proof that the democrats will not win in 2008.

    sam (639416)

  16. Has Olbermann placed Osama BinLaden on his WORST PERSON LIST YET?

    Dennis (c57dd4)

  17. Dennis – He does not go after fellow travelers.

    JD (f6a000)

  18. Why waste time arguing about which TV-moron has more effectively polluted the minds of the American electorate?

    Seriously, guys: the fact that Republicans take O’Reilly seriously doesn’t speak well of the party. Make the same point of Olbermann, and I’ll agree with you.

    Leviticus (b987b0)

  19. When did O’Reilly become a Republican. Is it because he is on Fox. Rarely does he speak like a Republican. Populist, sure.

    JD (f6a000)

  20. I never said O’Reilly was a Republican – just that Republicans watch his show.

    Leviticus (43095b)

  21. Another dipwad idiots its aciualy CNN that is worse

    krazy kagu (3e8790)

  22. Now imagine if Rush had stated that “CNN is worse for the country than Al Qaeda. In fact, they are as dangerous to us as Soviet spies ever were”.

    Alphie, Rush dominates the radio ratings, so it must be fine. Does he entertain you?

    Imagine the howls of protest…..

    Techie (c003f1)

  23. alphie, what’s so funny?….Olbermann told an incomplete truth, which is a lie, and you completely agreed with him, which makes you someone who believes lies, and then when you were shown that Olbermann and you were both liars, you laughed….

    Self-deprecating humor is not your strong suit, is it?

    reff (bff229)

  24. Alphie said “I was quite entertain[ed] watching him today.”

    That should tell you everything you’ll ever need to know.

    Olberman beats The Factor in one specific demographic. In total numbers, Countdown loses every time.

    Scott Jacobs (425810)

  25. Levi – You actually said that Republicans take him seriously. I cannot recall the last time I heard a Republican politician quote him, or align themselves with him.

    JD (f6a000)

  26. Yes, Olberman captures the valued “25-50 yr-old, single, living in Mom’s basement” demographic.

    spongeworthy (45b30e)

  27. They just stand that their monopoly is over. it was amazing to hear from Novak’s new book that Carter told CBS (i think , could have been any of the big three) that he would never appear on their network ever again if they kept putting Novak on talk shows.

    Amazing that a guy who couldn’t show toughness to those who kidnapped U.S. citizens could show toughness to the press. But , I guess when you consider someone your ‘bitch’ it’s easy to be tough.

    doubled (6497b1)

  28. Paul:

    Its not nice to beat up on Alphie so often. Its like beating up on a retard, which of course he is. However when he tries to paint a picture so at variance with reality maybe it would be a good idea for you to re double your efforts.

    Nice job separating the opinated from the deranged.

    Thomas Jackson (bf83e0)

  29. Thomas:

    If Staunch Brayer continues to groove fastballs, I’ll keep smacking them into McCovey Cove amongst the kayakers.

    That’s a Barry Bonds reference, btw.

    Paul (5efd01)

  30. Paul:

    You’re doing an excellent job, but I fear Alphie is an onexhaustible fount of Leftwing fertilizer. But someone has to separate the opinionated from the derranged.

    Thomas Jackson (bf83e0)

  31. “Levi – You actually said that Republicans take him seriously. I cannot recall the last time I heard a Republican politician quote him, or align themselves with him.”


    And the only Republicans are Republican politicians, right?

    On the other hand, feel free to claim it’s Democrats who watch the O’Reilly Factor so I can laugh in your face.

    Leviticus (e87aad)

  32. Levi – you are really an unhappy person, no? What is with all of the hostility?

    JD (f6a000)

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