Patterico's Pontifications


And I Know Just How I’d Kill Him the Second Time

Filed under: Scum — Patterico @ 7:22 pm

If anyone ever develops the technology to resurrect a dead person so they can be killed again, the grandfather in this story would make an excellent first candidate for the procedure.

2 Responses to “And I Know Just How I’d Kill Him the Second Time”

  1. Our valued trading partner!

    nk (0c0cd0)

  2. I’ve got a pretty strong stomach, but it really turned when I read this story. I am really at a loss for words…

    However, a question does occur to me: why is the PRC allowing this story to see the light of day? You just know that approval has to come from above for something as potentially sensitive as this to appear repleat with quotes from hospital officials.

    Would anyone in the blog-audience know of any available analysis of the inner dynamics of the PRC in terms of the news which appears in the international press?

    JSinAZ (e2c10c)

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