Cheney: The Executive Branch Guy Who Isn’t
Dick Cheney invoked executive privilege to avoid disclosing who he met with when forming an energy policy.
Now his office is apparently claiming he is exempt from legislative oversight of the executive branch, because he is a member of the legislative branch. Because, you know, once in a blue moon he casts a tie-breaking vote in the Senate.
At first glance this strikes me as laughably hypocritical. But I’ve been extremely busy, so I haven’t had time to read up on it. Maybe there’s some plausible defense out there. It’s hard to believe there could be, but I’m willing to give you folks the chance to make the argument.
Is anyone willing to defend this seemingly indefensible position?
P.S. It’s not clear that this really is Cheney’s position. The article relies on anonymous sources for that assertion. But if it’s not his position, he should explain publicly why he is resisting oversight.