Patterico's Pontifications


It’s Goalpost-Movin’ Time!

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:02 am

Bryan Preston reports that he and Michelle Malkin are in Baghdad. This must dismay lefties like Lindsay Beyerstein who smugly assumed it wouldn’t happen.

Move those goalposts, lefties! Pronto!

Comments are open.

P.S. This has gotta shock the “Liberal Avenger,” who said here:

There’s no way she will ever go.

How will she back out while trying to save face?

and said on his own site:

I’m ready to eat crow if she goes.

I got some recipes for ya, L.A. Try not to talk with your mouth full while you’re movin’ the goalposts.

P.P.S. Bryan Preston says:

Without hesitation, I can say that this fight is the most intricate and complicated mission our military has ever faced. Our troops are daily engaging in missions that their military training never prepared them for, but they are performing those missions with amazing thought and skill. When you add in the external forces at play, whether they’re stateside politics or the mix of enemies on Iraq’s doorsteps and operating on its streets, the mission in Iraq becomes a Gordian knot of military, political and humanitarian issues that overlap to the point that failure in any one will precipitate failure in all of them. So far, we’re failing in several but not to the point that the situation can’t be rescued. The failures are, in my opinion, almost entirely products of Washington politics and decision-making. Washington has yet to make the war in Iraq a truly national effort, and has not yet brought to bear the full range of American resources it will take to give us a chance of success here.

Bill from INDC says:

Very well put, though I would stress the mild caveat that aspects of some failures might be (but are not necessarily) beyond our control, at least within the time frame demanded by the American public. RTWT.

I don’t think some people truly appreciate how destructive the politics are to the mission. I’ve chatted with Bill about this; maybe someday he’ll elaborate on the topic on his blog at greater length.

UPDATE: Hey, lefties: if you were planning to move the goalposts by saying that Malkin needs to go outside the Green Zone . . . you’re going to have to move them again. As Allah notes in the comments, she already is.

75 Responses to “It’s Goalpost-Movin’ Time!”

  1. It’s Goalpost-Movin’ Time!

    Yes, of course it is. Why? Because, in the words of renowned douchebag Rick Ellensburg, that’s who they are and that’s what they do.

    Cue the “gee, it’d be terrible if she wandered outside the Green Zone and got violently raped and beheaded and then had her head used as a soccer ball *wink wink*” comments. Hey, asswipes? She’s outside the Green Zone. If she ends up dead, I’ll be sure to let you know so you have something to jerk off to.

    Allah (bab333)

  2. …The failures are, in my opinion, almost entirely products of Washington politics and decision-making…

    Shouldn’t let Maliki, the Sunis who refused to vote and refused to join the gov’t (until they accepted there was a gov’t), et. al. off the hook so easily.

    Dubya (c16726)

  3. No, I meant she wouldn’t “go into Sadr City, alone, blindfolded, unarmed and naked!” When she does that, then I’ll eat crow. You Rethuglicans are always quoting out of context and spinning all your Bu$hco approved talking points. Stop oppressing me, hater!

    What is the sound of a liberal making a true retraction/correction? No one knows because no one has ever heard it.

    I guess I’d better duck before all the mea culpas start flying in here.

    Pablo (cb50c5)

  4. Shouldn’t let Maliki, the Sunis who refused to vote and refused to join the gov’t (until they accepted there was a gov’t), et. al. off the hook so easily.

    Amen. This is the Iraqis’ job to do. We’re there to help, but they need to make their country a place worth living in. It hasn’t happened because they haven’t done it. Which is also not to say that we’ve done everything right, either.

    Pablo (cb50c5)

  5. Actually, crow is edible. It’s a little tough (but then so is pheasant) so it’s better in a stew or ragout. Here’s one recipe:

    Remove the head and all viscera.
    Dunk crow in boiling water for a few minutes and remove. Pluck all the feathers. The boiling water makes the job much easier. If not satisfied with your plucking, singe off any remmants.
    Cut up, and wash the parts well in cold water.

    In a pot, pour a little olive and chop a small onion. Add crow parts and brown with the onion over a low to medium heat. Add a tablespoon of tomato paste and stir around — the tomato paste istself will kind of “brown”, actually stay red but become less watery and sour-smelling –but don’t do it so long that it singes. Add enough additional water to cover the crow parts, salt and pepper to taste, and a bay leaf. Add about double the volume of the crow in small peeled onions or quartered bigger onions. (What kind do you have around the house and how much do you like cooked onions?) Cover and simmer gently until the onions are cooked well and are translucent all the way through. The onions tend to make the stew sweet so some people like to stir in a little red wine vinegar to neutralize the sweetness.

    If you have done it right, you will have very tender meat, with brownish-pinkly translucent onions in a rich brownish-red sauce. Serve with crusty bread and a salty hard cheese such asiago. (I have found a very good Dubliner that I like.)

    nk (d7a872)

  6. P.S. It should read “pour a little olive oil”. Actually, any vegetable oil other than corn oil will do. Corn oil is not good for browning. Same thing with the bay leaf. If you have one. A few cumin seeds will do as well, if you have them. The rule with spices is “if you have it and if you like it”.

    nk (d7a872)

  7. Malkin on patrol in Baghdad…

    Michelle Malkin writes in from Baghdad, where she and Bryan Preston have gone to get an up front view of what things are like there…

    Tel-Chai Nation (59ce3a)

  8. In hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have mentioned where they were earlier. I don’t think it’s a big deal, but just to be on the safe side, I’ve asked Patterico to remove my comment. I’d also appreciate if anyone reading it wouldn’t spread it around. Thanks.

    Allah (bab333)

  9. my most salient impression of michelle malkin came from the time she retroactively endorsed concentration camps for japanese-american citizens during world war two. based on this impression:
    if she gets blown up over there by herself, that’s worth a shrug. if any american soldiers/military press officers with her get blown up, that’s one more tragedy we can lay at the feet of our commander-in-chief.

    assistant devil's advocate (e7286b)

  10. if she gets blown up over there by herself, that’s worth a shrug.

    You really are a debacle of humanity, ass. dev. ad.

    Anwyn (a130c1)

  11. Ditto what Anwyn said. Ada, I am not a fan of Michelle Malkin BUT your constant wishing people dead is disgusting. What the …? Are you terminally ill and wanting to take others with you?

    nk (d7a872)

  12. lol.
    the difference between wishing people dead and shrugging at the prospect seems to have escaped some folks with limited cognition faculties. inasmuch as i’m the guy calling for an end to this war and bringing all our troops home, your “wishing people dead” appears to be psychological projection.

    assistant devil's advocate (e7286b)

  13. Yeah, ada, you’re right. I’m too simple to appreciate the subtlety of your thinking. Thank God.

    nk (d7a872)

  14. that’s ok nk. if it’ll help, i can explain that there are over six billion people on earth, most of whom are completely unknown to me, and only a tiny handful of their deaths will be mourned. our soldiers are heroes by and large, and it is a matter of grave regret to me that my country has sacrificed 3000 of them with so little to show for it. ms. malkin is not a hero, and nobody ordered her to go over there.
    maybe i can help you understand the difference by comparing this to college basketball. if coach bobby knight dies, that’s a shrug, but if coach john wooden dies, he will be mourned. so much depends on perspective. go, bruins!

    assistant devil's advocate (e7286b)

  15. So, if assistant devil’s advocate gets hit by a bus, we can all snicker without guilt. In fact, you may guffaw and even chortle without a second thought.

    Pablo (cb50c5)

  16. Old Goal Post: Michelle will never go to Iraq.

    New Goal Post: Michelle will be unable to negotiate Peace between the Sunni and Shia and her trip to Iraq will contribute to Global Warming.

    Perfect Sense (b6ec8c)

  17. yes pablo, that’s exactly what it means. i favor honest reactions over false piety and feigned bereavement, and if i can give you a laugh, even if i have to die to do it, take your laugh with a clear conscience.

    assistant devil's advocate (e7286b)

  18. ada, instead of us continuing to flame each other … Liberal Avenger still has to eat his crow. I posted my recipe for a red stew and I am waiting for my wife to come home so I can confirm her recipe for a ragout in white wine with mushrooms. Do you have one?

    nk (bfc26a)

  19. Yes, why would anyone mourn the death of a journalist in a war zone? Nothing sinister in that right?

    ThomasD (21cdd1)

  20. P.S. You may remember that Liberal Avenger called me a liar on the lethal injection thread. I think I can actually get some some crow, if I can remember what name it’s marketed under, and I would like nothing better than to send it to him.

    nk (bfc26a)

  21. For some unknown reason, your pingback never made it to LA’s site! 🙂 But, you needn’t worry; a couple commenters have pointed it out, here and here.

    Dana (3e4784)

  22. He digs in here, with the obligatory shifting of the goalposts (she’s only over there covering school buses being painted and candy being handed to children, apparently).

    Jim Treacher (15574e)

  23. no nk, i don’t have a crow recipe in my book, but as a much younger fella i blew my fair share of game birds out of the sky with my gauge, and anything that helps quail, chukar, pigeon, dove taste good will probably work on crow. so much about what wild birds taste like depends on what they’ve eaten recently; you want the duck full of berries, not the one full of slimeweed and small fish. strong seasonings will counter the gamy taste, and a bacon wrap will prevent the breast from drying out. i’m sure that when they got hungry enough, my ancestors who turned wilderness into america would eat anything that moved on the ground or flew in the sky.

    assistant devil's advocate (a07b30)

  24. It’s funny how every 20th post or so, Patterico puts something up about elevating the level of discourse in debate.

    He has got to be one of the biggest hypocrites on the web.

    Daaayoh (ec50a9)

  25. I haven’t read the Malkin book on internment but I have read several others that discussed that topic, one titled “Magic.” The latter was about the code breaking prior to Pearl Harbor and after. There were messages intercepted from Japanese consuls reporting that they had agents among the Nisei population in California. They were planning to use them for sabotage and disruption of war production. Secondly, there is another book called the Niihau Incident that describes the reaction of Japanese descent Hawaiian residents when a Zero pilot crash landed on a small island in the Hawaiian chain on 12/7. I’m not saying internment was right, just that there were reasons other than pure racism. The PC assumption that there was never any doubt about the loyalty of the Nisei is a recent development. German and Italian aliens were interned. She has taken a lot of abuse from people who have no idea about the history of that period when invasion was seriously feared.

    Mike K (f9a8d6)

  26. In other, more important news, turns out the Atlanta cops lied about the drug buy that cost an old lady’s life. Cue the chirping crickets…

    [(Posted at lunch from the Treo): Ah, the old “the story has been out for hours while Patterico was working, so he’s deliberately ignoring it by not posting” bit. Did you learn that from Glenn Greenwald, Frank? — P]

    Frank N Stein (bf276f)

  27. ADA,

    “my most salient impression of michelle malkin came from the time she retroactively endorsed concentration camps…”

    After a statement like that you can do one of two things: produce documentation regarding Ms. Malkin’s “endorse[ment of] concentration camps”, or admit you’ve just slandered an ideological opponent by attempting to twist her position out of all recognizability.

    My money’s on the fact that you’re a slanderer.

    And the whole “shrugging” thing?

    Yes, we know you don’t care about our lives; that’s evident from the foreign policy options you advocate.

    Abraxas (2f586f)

  28. Where Malkin goes, shit grows. I give not a single pebble turd where this little bigot spends her time, and neither does 99.9% of America, and certainly not those who’ve read her. To say that the goalposts were shifted is to imply anyone cares enough. Ever since I read her and experienced that particular nausea only she can induce, I stopped giving her even a second of my time–the only ‘goalposts’ reasonable people have for Michelle are at the far end of the ninth circle of Hell. I can only assume she’s scouting out places in Iraq for Muslim detention camps. But then, maybe you don’t mind Michelle’s part in hounding that UCSC woman who committed suicide, and maybe you don’t mind that Michelle’s next word on the subject showed her having even less class than anyone ever thought before. Certainly you must not mind that she writes for VDare. Pattierico, I suggest you let her swirl down the toilet of early 2000’s goofball wingnuttia along with her ghostwriter husband. She does you no credit.

    [This commenter has been banned. I am posting this comment as a good example of why. — P]

    djangone (381f2e)

  29. Mike K

    Those were called the Magic cables. And as anyone who’s read Michelle’s book as I have know that she doesn’t necessarily “support” the camps but she does rebut all the lies put forward from the left. There were real national security concerns and many attacks from within (especially on the west coast) It’s actually a very good and informative book

    Capitalist Infidel (fffac6)

  30. Congratulations to Michelle.

    Patterico’s summary is out of date. I predicted that Malkin wasn’t going to accept Eason Jordan’s invitation to investigate the J. Hussein story first-hand. Because a) it’s already solved, and, b) Jordan was inviting her on a much more difficult and dangerous mission.

    Sure enough, Michelle got embedded with the U.S. military. She said her primary goal was not to investigate the AP, but to talk to US troops about how they feel about the media.

    That’s fine. She’s still doing a very brave thing. Iraq is incredibly dangerous no matter who you’re imbedded with, or what story you’re reporting.

    [Actually, Lindsay, you originally said this:

    Imagine that, as soon as Michelle is asked to put up or shut up, one of her colleagues solves the mystery. I sure hope Michelle Malkin has a nice Christmas present picked out for Danziger.

    And I warned you that you were making assumptions, and that you might have to eat a little crow if Michelle went after all.

    As it happens, your snark was entirely misplaced. Crow is the dish of the day for you.

    Undeterred, you’re now making assumptions again. You have no idea where Michelle is going or how dangerous it is, or how the danger compares to the plan Eason Jordan offered (or considered offering), the details of which you *also* don’t know. What’s more, Michelle has said that she is indeed looking into the Burning Six/Jamil Hussein controversy, which has hardly been “solved,” as you assert here. Allah has said she is outside the Green Zone. As before, your assumptions are unsupported by the known facts. — P]

    Lindsay Beyerstein (c91874)

  31. […] The boss, I’m sure, will be all over this once she gets back from doing that thing the soon-to-deploy 82nd Chairborne WiFi Division were 1000% sure she’d never do. […]

    Hot Air » Blog Archive » UC-Santa Clara cancels job fair, can’t guarantee military recruiters’ safety (d4224a)

  32. Jim–
    I don’t think LA is goalpost moving. He’s actually eating crow.

    Sure he’s snarking, but that’s his thing.

    Polybius (7cd3c5)

  33. See, Patterico? Lindsey came on and corrected you without shrieking ‘lie!.’ Take another read and learn the subtle way that’s done.

    [She didn’t correct a thing. I said she had smugly assumed that Michelle wouldn’t go, and I was right. There was no reason for her to call me a liar, because I hadn’t lied, or even gotten anything wrong. You, by contrast, have misstated my positions *even after I told you that they were wrong.* That’s what a liar would do. — P]

    djangone (381f2e)

  34. Moving the goalposts on moving the goalposts. Totally meta!

    Jim Treacher (15574e)

  35. Well, LA did entitle his thread LA eats crow, so you’ve gotta give him his props for that. He pretty much did what he said he’d do.

    Dana (3e4784)

  36. investigate the J. Hussein story first-hand. Because a) it’s already solved


    I have not seen a retraction from the AP for (at least) the burned mosques that “Jamil Hussein” attested to, that were never burned. Can you please point me to a clarification/retraction/followup story about that?

    … being part of the “J. Hussein story” – the existance of said “Captain” (still under debate) is only one part of it – the rest of the “story” is about the truth or not of the assertations that “J. Hussein” made, and were repeated by the AP, and their dismissal of “J. Hussein” as a source, without note that his report was erroneous.

    Unix-Jedi (bc56eb)

  37. Lindsay,

    I predicted that Malkin wasn’t going to accept Eason Jordan’s invitation to investigate the J. Hussein story first-hand. Because a) it’s already solved…

    Right. We have a guy who isn’t named Jamil Hussein and who denies being the AP’s source. Case closed!

    So did the Burning Six incident happen or not? The AP has no confirmation of it.

    and, b) Jordan was inviting her on a much more difficult and dangerous mission.

    ??? More difficult and dangerous than what?

    Pablo (cb50c5)

  38. I posted this link on Jamilgate on another thread but the subject seems to have surfaced here, too.

    DRJ (51a774)

  39. A man of his word…

    The Liberal Avenger said, in a comment on his own site,
    I’m ready to eat crow if (Michelle Malkin) goes (to Iraq).
    Patterico had a bit of fun with that:

    P.S. This has gotta shock the “Liberal Avenger,” who said here:
    There’s no way she w…

    Common Sense Political Thought (819604)

  40. So what they arent going to eat crow. They are simply going to mouth off like they always have and continue to lie and spin.

    You can lead a liberal to the truth but you cant make him speak it.

    Bill Amos (32969c)

  41. I don’t think some people truly appreciate how destructive the politics are to the mission.

    I do. I hate when the government takes public opinion into account.

    Moops (8fcb37)

  42. It’s always been interesting to me that Michelle Malkin is villified for positing in a book that, in her view, there were legitimate national security concerns for incarcerating Japanese-Americans during WWII while the British Marxist historian Eric Hobsbawm, who has defended the Stalin Terror where millions were slaughtered, is praised and honored by the academic left.

    Which, really is worse? Defending the short term arrest of 90,000 Americans or defending the slaughter of millions?

    And if you’re not really sure, never mind.

    SteveMG (a0328d)

  43. To the extent that al Qaeda is operating in Iraq there is a defensive aspect to the mission.

    However, the mission is largely humanitarian. If it succeeds leftists should never be able to escape the ignominy of their virulent opposition to it.

    Would that leftists would oppose Islamists as vigorously as they oppose those who are fighting Islamists.

    Terry Gain (b6630e)

  44. Would that leftists would oppose Islamists as vigorously as they oppose …

    …anything Bush proposes.

    Dubya (c16726)

  45. Would that leftists would oppose Islamists as vigorously as they oppose …

    …anything Bush proposes.

    I know! Remember all that Democratic opposition to the AUMF?

    Moops (8fcb37)

  46. I ate crow this morning.

    Good for her and Bryan Preston. Lord knows I wouldn’t want to be over there.

    I think there’s a good chance that she’s not going to paint the rosy picture of Iraq that you folks (and she) expected.

    Here’s something worth a chuckle… Bryan Preston talking about the mission:

    Without hesitation, I can say that this fight is the most intricate and complicated mission our military has ever faced.

    Ever hear of a place called NORMANDY, Bryan? Iwo Jima?

    The Liberal Avenger (c93dac)

  47. It would be interesting to know who funded Michelle’s trip. Was it Eason Jordan? Did he fund all of it? Part of it? None of it?

    If the Heritage Foundation, Hoover Institute, AEI, etc. funded the trip she is ethically bound to report on who’s footing the bill.

    Even a short trip to Iraq for a civilian costs tens of thousands of dollars. Malkin’s not paying that out of her pocket. From whose pocket was the trip paid?

    I’d think that you MSM-hating wingnuts would be quite curious about this as well.

    What say you?

    The Liberal Avenger (c93dac)

  48. Ever hear of a place called NORMANDY, Bryan? Iwo Jima?

    Yes, Libby, I think Bryan has heard of Iwo Jima.

    See Dubya (4217f4)

  49. “Even a short trip to Iraq for a civilian costs tens of thousands of dollars. Malkin’s not paying that out of her pocket.”

    How do you know?

    “From whose pocket was the trip paid?”

    Please explain why that’s important. Maybe I should not watch the Super Bowl this year because its advertisers are paying for it?

    nk (b57bfb)

  50. And yes – there was a bit of snark in my post.

    She and Preston are quite courageous being there, but “handing – out – soccer – balls – and – candy” embedded duty is pretty thin soup.

    Why didn’t Curt at Flopping Aces go?

    Was he too busy studying for his SATs? Did his Mom forbid him from going? He didn’t want to miss his prom?

    The Liberal Avenger (c93dac)

  51. How do you know?

    Believe me, I know.

    Please explain why that’s important.

    Are you serious?

    The Liberal Avenger (c93dac)

  52. Yes, Libby, I think Bryan has heard of Iwo Jima.


    You’d think, then, that he’d know better than to declare Iraq “the most intricate and complicated mission our military has ever faced.”

    The Liberal Avenger (c93dac)

  53. She and Preston are quite courageous being there, but “handing – out – soccer – balls – and – candy” embedded duty is pretty thin soup.

    Here’s an idea. Why don’t you shut the hell up until you see what else she has to post?

    Patterico (a8fa4a)

  54. That’s rather rude of you, Patterico.

    When are you going to Baghdad?

    The Liberal Avenger (c93dac)

  55. That’s rather rude of you, Patterico.

    It’s rather rude of you to call her embed “pretty thin soup” when you have no idea what she has yet to report.

    That’s okay, though. It could be more crow for you to eat.

    When are you going to Baghdad?

    I’ll answer that with two questions:

    1) What is your name?

    2) What is your point?

    Patterico (a8fa4a)

  56. I called handing out soccer balls and candy to children thin soup.

    I’ve already complimented her on her bravery just for being there and I’m perfectly comfortable conceding that *I* most certainly wouldn’t want to be there.

    I won’t be surprised if she’s got some hot, risky embed stories in the hopper. I’ll acknowledge them if and when she posts them.

    In the meantime, however, I just can’t wait for some more pics of Iraqi street urchins enjoying their free candy and toys!

    The Liberal Avenger (c93dac)

  57. No answer to my questions?

    Patterico (a8fa4a)

  58. To Allahpundit:

    It’s nice to see that you appear to be genuinely concerned for the safety of -the- -Iraqi- -cop- -whose- -first- -name- -may- -be- -Jamail- -and- -whose- -last- -name- -may- -be- -Hussein’s- well being. I think that people forget, sometimes, that there are real people facing real danger there in the war zone every day. It would be a tragedy if as a direct result of the extra scrutiny he has been receiving this person – whether or not he’s been a straight-shooter – were to meet with harm.

    The Liberal Avenger (c93dac)

  59. I’ll take that as a “no.”

    If even you can’t explain what your freaking point was, how do you expect *me* to understand??

    Patterico (a8fa4a)

  60. One source of trip funding is the Hot Air & MM readership. It sounds from that post as though Eason Jordan has nothing to do with funding her trip, earlier conversations notwithstanding, that she asked Jordan to fund a trip for Curt from Flopping Aces as well, and that Jordan agreed. Since I don’t regularly read Flopping Aces, though I have it bookmarked, I don’t know if Curt is going. I don’t think Jordan has left yet, either.

    Anwyn (a130c1)

  61. Curt said Jordan never offered to send him.

    I sent money to Michelle and encouraged others to do so. She said it was an expensive trip.

    But Liberal Avenger says: believe him, he knows she’s not paying for it herself.

    Potential defamation, I’d think, if untrue.

    Patterico (a8fa4a)

  62. Mr. P: Thank you for banning commenter number 28. I was very pleased to read that at the end of his disgusting posting.

    Michelle Malkin has more backbone than most people I know. I will be enormously relieved when she returns safely home.

    rightisright (2fce83)

  63. The Liberal Avenger thinks it’s absurd to call Iraq “the most intricate and complicated mission our military has ever faced” because Normandy and Iwo Jima were obviously more so. Is that so? In both of those places the enemy wore uniforms and at Iwo Jima there were (as I recall) no civilians at all. Not having to worry about accidentally killing women and children simplifies the military task in many ways. Iwo Jima was difficult and horribly dangerous, but morally straightforward: our Marines just had to kill anyone in a Japanese uniform and try not to get killed themselves. In Iraq, the enemy’s main goal seems to be getting civilians killed and blaming us, even when they are the ones who do the killing.

    In short, if you want to claim that Normandy and Iwo Jima were more “intricate and complicated” (not just more dangerous) than Iraq, you need to provide an argument instead of a bald assertion.

    Dr. Weevil (7a2255)

  64. Potential defamation, Id think, if untrue.

    Been a long time since you studied the First Amendment, eh?

    [They amended it to allow defamation? — P]

    Moops (8fcb37)

  65. Been a long time since you studied the First Amendment, eh?

    Been even longer since you studied any law relevant to the subject, apparently. “Freedom of speech, and of the press” is not, and has never been, “license to say or print whatever you want without consequence”.

    I’d toss in another remark to stay vaguely on-topic, but the line about how much more spine Michelle has than most anyone else has already been used, so I’m tapped out.

    PCachu (e072b7)

  66. If you think you can show actual knowledge of falsity or reckless disregard for the truth on the part of LA, Patterico and PCachu, you should go ahead and contact Malkin. You can take her case pro bono.

    Moops (8fcb37)

  67. “If you think you can show actual knowledge of falsity or reckless disregard for the truth on the part of LA, Patterico and PCachu…”

    I don’t think either of those estimable gentlemen have a hope in hell of showing “actual knowledge” regarding *anything* that LA writes.

    Abraxas (2f586f)

  68. In short, if you want to claim that Normandy and Iwo Jima were more “intricate and complicated” (not just more dangerous) than Iraq, you need to provide an argument instead of a bald assertion.

    Ya, OK.

    The Liberal Avenger (c93dac)

  69. You want to explain that, LA? Do you mean, “Yeah, I guess I really should provide an argument and maybe I will some day, but I’m not going to say anything that might imply I was wrong”? Or do you mean “Yeah, I guess you’re right and I was wrong”? It makes a difference, and you really should have the grace to make your meaning clear.

    Dr. Weevil (e7e3d9)

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