Patterico's Pontifications


The Penalty for Stealing My Bandwidth

Filed under: Blogging Matters — Patterico @ 11:49 am

I have implemented Xrlq’s fix. (Actually, One Fine Jay implemented it.) Anyone who attempts to link directly to one of my pictures is going to get this instead.

UPDATE: Meh. Apparently it’s not working yet.

5 Responses to “The Penalty for Stealing My Bandwidth”

  1. Translation: anyone who attempts to steal your bandwidth will end up stealing mine, instead. Great!

    Xrlq (c51d0d)

  2. Actually, I think the picture is in my files somewhere. I just don’t know where, so I’m stealing your bandwidth to demonstrate.

    Patterico (756436)

  3. Great. I’ve been looking for a good “404” page. And I can link to anything and get it? How simple. Thanks Patterico! Or should I be thanking xrlq?

    Kevin Murphy (6a7945)

  4. It seems to be working now. I was just at Xrlq; I saw only one flag.

    Pigilito (0be124)

  5. No, it’s not working yet. I just went there myself and saw both flag. Apparently, the link between Hosting Matters and ICD Soft is a bit shaky, so his flag displays intermittently. You’ll know it’s working when you go to my test page and find one flag and one alternative image (probably this).

    Xrlq (ffb240)

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