Patterico's Pontifications


Iran Shoots Down Navy Drone

Filed under: International — DRJ @ 5:44 am

[Headlines from DRJ]

Hot AirIran Shot Down One Of Our Drones. Now What?

So this was the depressing news that broke overnight. It appears that Iran has shot down one of our drones over the Strait of Hormuz. When the Associated Press originally reported on the story there was still confusion surrounding the event and our military wasn’t commenting on it. But later, ABC News received confirmation that the drone had indeed gone down. Where it was at the time remains in dispute.
There’s also the risk of either Russia or Turkey jumping in on the side of the Iranians. That would get messy very quickly. So here’s a thought. Saudi Arabia is spoiling for a fight with Iran and they have a (sometimes regrettably) close relationship with President Trump. I wonder if someone is putting a bug in their ear about now. Just some food for thought.

More at the Daily Mail:

The U.S. has hit out at Iran for ‘an unprovoked attack,’ after it shot down a $180million spy drone it claimed was in its airspace as Tehran declared it was ‘ready for war.’

U.S. Navy Captain Bill Urban condemned the ‘unprovoked attack’, adding that the ‘Iranian reports that the aircraft was over Iran are false.’


12 Responses to “Iran Shoots Down Navy Drone”

  1. Authoritarian/dictator best friends are convenient if it means you can ignore messy things like diplomacy.

    DRJ (15874d)

  2. Iran is being the provocative one, they are allied with Qatar and Turkey. Note what else is significant about that alliance.

    Narciso (d8f070)

  3. Casus belli, served on a platter, if Trump chooses to take a bite. It actually is time for Trump to shrink the Iranian navy. He could’ve done it right after the regime bombed a couple of oil tankers.

    Paul Montagu (ed450b)

  4. $180 million? For a drone? I think someone added a zero…or a letter O. $18 million sounds more reasonable. Not that I’ve priced them…lately.

    PTw (8a02dd)

  5. Supposedly one of these:

    So yeah, super expensive.

    Davethulhu (fab944)

  6. Did they? Was it bait? Negligence? A proxy?

    A mistake?

    KAL 007.
    Anderson’s U2.
    Gulf of Tonkin.
    Guns of August.

    Walrus Gumbo with a side order of Pompeo.

    Memo to Graham; don’t get your knickers in a twist, dear.

    DCSCA (797bc0)

  7. I dunno DC……Lin-Lin is itching for submarine duty.

    urbanleftbehind (60647b)

  8. They usually can’t fit in the conning tower,

    Note there was the tanker incident last week, there have similar attacks against American tanker in the red sea.

    Narciso (478783)

  9. Selling the Saudis some weapons would be a good thing, I guess.

    felipe (023cc9)

  10. Trump has a feeling about losing that drone. Even if a “mistake”, the US should them a bill for the cost, which is around $130 million.

    Paul Montagu (cbbfc4)

  11. If you really want to make the mullahs crap their robes, take out the SAM sites.

    Kevin M (21ca15)

  12. Wingspan of the drone shot down by Iran: more than 130 feet.

    Wingspan of a Boeing 737-900: 117 feet, 5 inches.

    Beldar (fa637a)

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