Patterico's Pontifications


Woeful Attempt by WaPo Writer to Exonerate Hillary

Filed under: General — JVW @ 3:29 pm

[guest post by JVW]

Phillip Bump of the Washington Post took to his keyboard earlier today to suggest to us that we, the ungrateful and unwashed, are only fixating on the email security problems of Hillary! Rodham Clinton (the Once and Future Inevitable Next President of the United States) because we don’t understand how the interwebs and that electronicographic-mail thingy work. Carrying the bizarre headline “Why Our Technological Ignorance Is Hurting Hillary Clinton”, Bump’s piece assures us that “[p]eople don’t really understand how the Internet works, and so the stories might sound more ominous than they otherwise would.” Naturally, he finds some New York-based president of a “tech firm” to assure us that “[i]t’s not unusual at all” for hackers to target email systems, something that pretty much every single Internet user ought to know by now. He also goes on a bizarre tangent covering how Team Hillary!’s attempt to “wipe” the email server really wasn’t “wiping” the email server because everybody knows that you can’t “wipe” an email server without actually “wiping” the email server. Or something. I’m apparently too ignorant to understand Bump’s ignorance.

Bump isn’t crazy enough to entirely dismiss the problems that Hillary’s unique arrangement has caused, admitting that “[i]t is fair to question the security of the system and her decision to rely on it,” but counters that sane concession to reality by insisting that “[i]t is also the case that a lot of assessments of Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail server make very big mountains out of what might be very small molehills.”

But what else could we expect from a former left-wing attack dog pretending to be a sensible journalist?


19 Responses to “Woeful Attempt by WaPo Writer to Exonerate Hillary”

  1. Hooray for the weekend.

    JVW (ba78f9)

  2. We have had a strong response to our crowdsourcing call-out on the Palin e-mails. We’ve reconsidered our approach and now would like to invite comments and annotations from any interested readers.

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  3. When it comes to the defenders of the Clintons, it wouldn’t matter what wrongdoing or horrible mistakes were uncovered, the Clintons will be defended anyway, period.

    The Dana who has seen this before (1b79fa)

  4. Bump to the hoi polloi: You are so stupid you believe that wiping a server involves a cloth.

    Bump to Hillary: You are such a charming grandmother to believe that wiping a server involves a cloth.

    Dana (86e864)

  5. For a woman who can’t even use a fax machine…

    Gazzer (7baf28)

  6. The interesting thing was rocket surgeon hillary was so clever she left a pathway for the Germans the Koreans and the Chinese to peer in.

    narciso (ee1f88)

  7. Now I understand what she meant by “transparency”, narciso.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27)

  8. Phillip Bump is a leftwing attack-jackal masquerading as a “legitimate journalist”. He is known for his excremental, stupid writing.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  9. Has Sissy Bi+ch One cleared Oregon airspace yet?

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  10. Clearly, the most troubling problem with Clinton’s email…did you look at the address?!?

    .com stands for COMPANY. Bernie Sanders will have a field day with that one. That must be why he’s rising in the polls.

    Dejectedhead (5ce477)

  11. That’s because they don’t have a .douche yet, Dejectedhead.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie™ (f4eb27)

  12. You made me think of Hillary douching Rev, thanks a lot.

    Dejectedhead (5ce477)

  13. I agree. Rodham is a dumb schit. She thinks she is immune to THE LAW. She has NEVER been held accountable for her crimes, so she escalates. Yes, she was too stupid to cover her tracks. Yes she didn’t FULLY CONSIDER that her behaviors would be found.
    She will enjoy prison…. .yum yum yum….

    GUS (7cc192)

  14. Phillip Bump of the Washington Post

    What kind of idiot — regardless of his or her ideology — performs such a contortionist routine to rationalize or excuse away the crud of deranged Hillary? If the former First Lady were a staunch conservative or rightwinger but no less disgustingly dishonest and devious, you sure as hell wouldn’t find me defending her.

    Simply put, Bump is an example that gives credence to the theory that liberalism is a form of mental illness.

    Mark (f713e4)

  15. Isn’t “Bump” his nickname because his parents dropped him on his head as a baby? Repeatedly.

    Ray Van Dune (3b6539)

  16. Just an East Coast version of The Dog Trainer hiring Robert Scheer back in the day. Same kind of lefty dirt bag trying to pass as a ‘just the facts’ reporter.

    dee (92ce9f)

  17. Good observation, dee. I remember it well. I met Scheer back in the mid-70s, he was wearing a Mao hat and impressed me as a two-faced arrogant commie rat.

    Birds of a feather: Billy, Bumpy, and Hillary – they all feed from the same trough. Watch and listen carefully, and ye shall know them by the tortured tales they tell, usually confirmed by bootlicking accomplices suddenly enriched. Hillary’s insatiable greed and lifelong addiction to gross corruption contaminates everyone and everything she touches.

    Bumpy’s presence at the WaPo makes them the JV team for the Benedict Arnold wannabes at Media Matters.

    ropelight (fbcaaf)

  18. I am of the opinion that setting up a non-secure email server, then trafficking in classified intelligence on it was in no way shape or form an accident, or even mere incompetence. This was intentional. It was the digital version of a dead drop. “I’m just going to leave this highly classified information out here in the open and turn my back and, gosh, I HOPE NOBODY TAKES IT!”.
    it is simply the Clintons doing what the Clintons do (share classified information with enemy governments) while claiming simple incompetence instead of deliberate malfeasance, but deliberate it was. We all know it. She should be tried convicted and executed as the spy she is.

    Rorschach (8ddea0)

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