Patterico's Pontifications


Police Remove Male Cyclist From “World Naked Bike Ride” For Reacting To The Visual Stimuli The Way Healthy Men Do

Filed under: General — Dana @ 6:24 am

[guest post by Dana]

So, to sum it up: A man at the “World Naked Bike Ride” was removed from the premises by the police because as the male and female riders were undressing on the street (go as bare as you dare!), he became “over excited”.

According to one witness:

”Everyone was taking their clothes off to get ready for the ride. I heard gasps and I turned around—it was a horrible sight. It’s fair to say he was overexcited and got aroused. It looked like he was enjoying the event a bit too much.”

Event organizers sought reassure the public:

[R]ide organiser Barry Freeman said: “We do not accept this behaviour and he was dealt with and removed before the ride started.”

Organisers had previously told participants: “The police have confirmed they WILL act on ANY inappropriate behaviour and we, the organisers will support that.

(The World Naked Bike Rides are organized to protest the dangers cyclists face from cars, and to protest oil dependency.)


35 Responses to “Police Remove Male Cyclist From “World Naked Bike Ride” For Reacting To The Visual Stimuli The Way Healthy Men Do”

  1. Good morning!

    Dana (86e864)

  2. This made me laugh. Then shake my head. On several levels.

    Dana (86e864)

  3. He should have kept a picture of Lena Dunham for just such a case. Or Rosie ODonnell

    mer (fe4339)

  4. if he’d strapped on a mattress this woulda been High Art

    happyfeet (5b2061)

  5. If he turns out to be gay and turned on by the men undressing, I expect the event organizers will offer him an apology.

    egd (1ad898)

  6. Ohmigosh. This is news? Disgusting exhibitionist pervert takes advantage of public nudity event. “Why do you call him a disgusting exhibitionist pervert, Mr. nk?” “Because although an erection a perfectly natural autonomic function that cannot be helped if the required stimuli are present, he could have kept his f***ing pants on!”

    nk (dbc370)

  7. *is* a perfectly …

    nk (dbc370)

  8. 1 – Baseball. Always think about baseball in situations like this. Sox starting lineup, 1991, Babe Ruth’s pitching stats. Do what you gotta do.

    2 – Man, this guy found himself in a real pickle.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  9. It was just a misplaced handle bar, I;’m sure.

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  10. I wonder if the real problem was that he started stimulating himself? That’s not quite the same as just becoming aroused.

    Steven Den Beste (99cfa1)

  11. Perhaps he found it hard taking the World Naked Bike Ride seriously ?

    Alastor (aca58e)

  12. He was just pulling out his kick stand. Calm down.

    Hoagie (b482c1)

  13. I kinda worry about the guys who weren’t excited. Confirms the Pajama Boy nature of the left, doesn’t it?

    Patricia (5fc097)

  14. As my wife is fond of saying, “Might as well blame a compass for pointing North.”

    Aonghus (9d93c4)

  15. We do not accept this behaviour

    It’s official. Heterosexuality is now illegal and homosexual marriage is legal.

    CrustyB (69f730)

  16. That sucks that this guy would act like a complete jackass at such a somber and dignified event.

    JVW (8278a3)

  17. ‘Scuse me while I whip this out.

    Pious Agnostic (7eb3b0)

  18. 13. I kinda worry about the guys who weren’t excited. Confirms the Pajama Boy nature of the left, doesn’t it?

    Patricia (5fc097) — 6/5/2015 @ 8:20 am

    Having accidentally stumbled across a couple of nude beaches, let me assure you that the people who are eager to get nekkid in public are the kind of people who should never, ever be nekkid in front of another human being with the lights on.

    Body parts which nature never intended to be anywhere near each other, slapping together as these people shift their bulk…

    Sorry. I may have to start drinking early today now that the memories are coming back.

    Thank you, Dana!

    Steve57 (6a0485)

  19. People you might actually want to see naked aren’t undressing for free in public.

    They’re stripping for money in clubs that have a cover charge.

    For the love of all that is holy and the sake of your mental health, avoid events that involve public nudity.

    Steve57 (6a0485)

  20. Do they ride bikes while standing up?
    I kind of stopped reading at the thought of sitting on a bike with nothing on…

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  21. In my little town there is a nudist camp that has an annual car show. As someone who just purchased his 72nd classic car I still haven’t summoned up the courage to go. Something about velour and testicles just doesn’t seem right…

    Gazzer (be559b)

  22. Ghe Case of the Unwanted Erection

    mojo (a3d457)

  23. That’s true, Steve, these people are getting naked on their own because they are tired of waiting for an invitation, the invitation that never comes. 🙂

    Patricia (5fc097)

  24. If there was actually, um, “behavior” involved, then removing him might have been the right thing to do.

    If the only thing that happened is he got aroused, then I’m wondering if he has grounds for a lawsuit.

    malclave (4f3ec1)

  25. If it was solely based on the appearance of arousal, then this is obviously a clear case of sexual discrimination.

    Dilligas (389b02)

  26. I don’t know about that. Bike riders might tend toward the athletic, slim, body parts all in the expected quantities and locations type of.

    They’d have no objections to me calling myself “Whiskers” and wearing only a pink collar.

    papertiger (c2d6da)

  27. Maybe he has a problem with the banana seat cutting off circulation to his member and he just likes to get the tissues well oxygenated before he starts. Maybe it’s even doctor’s orders.

    Cugel (bd6e40)

  28. 27. Maybe he has a problem with the banana seat cutting off circulation to his member and he just likes to get the tissues well oxygenated before he starts. Maybe it’s even doctor’s orders.
    Cugel (bd6e40) — 6/5/2015 @ 10:38 pm

    Maybe I don’t want to think about it.

    Steve57 (cd65ef)

  29. Yeah, so what else is new. Men are arroused by naked bodies and water is wet.

    Tanny O'Haley (c674c7)

  30. Maybe that is the point. Men are supposed to be so impotent, in a global sense, that such things should not even be possible anymore.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  31. “it was a horrible sight”

    um, what is this 1875? It may be indecent, or impolite, but a horrible sight, like a beheading or somesuch? Really?

    Male or female, this isn’t someone likely to procreate.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  32. I bet nobody focused too closely on the ladies’ state of arousal. Oh, wait, I’d lose that bet. Especially with those nasty little racing bike seats.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  33. Heterosexuality is now illegal and homosexual marriage is legal.

    Bob Hope would never get away with his joke, “They’ve made homosexuality legal in California. I’m leaving before they make it mandatory.”

    Mike K (90dfdc)

  34. good ole bob

    happyfeet (831175)

  35. MD in Philly #30 … Pres’ent Obama considers himself to be one of the most im-po-tent folks in the United States !

    Alastor (30b768)

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