Patterico's Pontifications


NYT: “Tony Rodham’s Ties Invite Scrutiny for Hillary and Bill Clinton”

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:43 am

New York Times: Tony Rodham’s Ties Invite Scrutiny for Hillary and Bill Clinton.

Placing to one side the absurdity of talking about scrutiny for Hillary and Bill Clinton . . .

It sure is distasteful to watch someone try to cash in by exploiting their close ties to a Clinton, huh?

Chance that the New York Times will recognize the irony when the editorialize in favor of Hillary for president: zilch.

17 Responses to “NYT: “Tony Rodham’s Ties Invite Scrutiny for Hillary and Bill Clinton””

  1. Ding.

    Patterico (9c670f)

  2. The New York Times has become a small minded provincial news sheet, firmly convinced that the opinions and prejudices of its local community are universal, and rapidly becoming irrelevant to the wider world. I read somewhere that it’s stock is valued at the cash price of its real estate holdings, and that pretty much says it all. The NYT is a disgrace to its city and its history, and considering the roguish behavior of newspapers through the ages, the latter is going some.

    C. S. P. Schofield (a196fd)

  3. Thank you for posting a thread that at least at first blush has nothing to do with sex, trans-sex, homosexual sex, same sex marriage, the bible, or religious views on sex and marriage. (Although the thread will probably gravitate to, and end there, as they all seem to, anymore.)

    elissa (f7ed5c)

  4. A preview of their editorial: “This page has expressed concern about the degree to which Mrs. Clinton and her husband have been willing to push ethical boundaries and we will continue to pay close attention to the activities of the Clinton Foundation, which Mr. Clinton adamantly refuses to suspend if his wife is elected President. Still, on balance Mrs. Clinton combines the intelligence, experience, pragmatism, and compassion necessary to continue Mr. Obama’s heroic efforts to return America from the nightmare of the first decade of this century. . .”

    JVW (05e1e2)

  5. momo should just stop wearing ties

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  6. 3. Thank you for posting a thread that at least at first blush has nothing to do with sex, trans-sex, homosexual sex, same sex marriage, the bible, or religious views on sex and marriage. (Although the thread will probably gravitate to, and end there, as they all seem to, anymore.)

    elissa (f7ed5c) — 5/11/2015 @ 9:23 am

    I will keep it on the road and the shiny side up until we reach the blue dress and the renting out of the Lincoln bedroom.

    That’s my oath to you, elissa.

    Steve57 (e468ba)

  7. For me it’s just not the couple clinton, those two bald guys and lanny are bad for America.

    mg (31009b)

  8. good one, elissa.

    mg (31009b)

  9. I am continually surprised that there are more layers of sleaze to the Clintons. How many can there be? Two terms in office, three, now four, runs for the Presidency, an impeachment trial and a couple of Senate campaigns and STILL there are more depths to be plumbed.

    And we still have 16 years of Bill Clinton’s post-office shenanigans we haven’t touched yet. (wait, let me rephrase that).

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  10. Kevin M You’re forgetting the disbarments, assaults, rapes, fondling, the deffinition of what “is” is, dead people, renting the Lincoln bedroom, Whitewater, cattle futures, Benghazi, sniper fire, her kid getting a “job” on TV, drugs at the airport…. this is truely the Neverending Story.

    Hoagie (58a3ec)

  11. No, I was just listing the opportunities for stuff to come out, not what did. It’s a sleazucopia.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  12. off topic, but that has never stopped me before. I just caught a CBS News radio story about George Zimmerman being “involved in another shooting”. “Involved” if you call someone attempting to shoot HIM in the face “involved”.

    CBS ended the story with “Zimmerman – who is white – was uninjured”. Goddam these sons a b*tches to Hell.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  13. FLOTUS Obama
    you are just as phony as
    your jug-eared husband

    #SaveOurCountry #LikeaWhiner

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  14. FLOTUS Obama
    you have had it so rough and
    America’s paid

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  15. “Inviting scrutiny”?

    And the liberal media is going to RSVP “no” to that invite.

    Patricia (5fc097)

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