Patterico's Pontifications


Democratic Congresswoman Mans Up To Point Out The Obvious To John Kerry

Filed under: General — Dana @ 7:34 pm

[guest post by Dana]

A Democratic Congresswoman who expressed frustration with John Kerry and his refusal to identify the enemy has once again not only attacked the foolishness of his verbal gymnastics but the foolishness of his rationalization as well. Tulsi Gabbard points out the obvious:

“The first thing we have to understand, it’s not just about words, it’s not about semantics, it’s about having a real true understanding of who our enemy is,” Gabbard told Greta Van Susteren on Fox News. “A couple of days ago Secretary Kerry said in a speech that ISIS and al Qaeda are engaging in, quote, criminal conduct rooted in alienation, poverty, thrill seeking and other factors. Now if we really look at what he’s saying and if that’s really the cause, then the solution would be to give them a trophy, give them a hug, give them a good paying job, $10,000, and a skateboard so they can go and get their thrills.”

“Unfortunately we have people who are living in poverty all around the world, people who have this same feeling of alienation from their government but they’re not terrorists. So we’ve got to look at what their ideology is and how that’s fueling these tragic attacks that keep occurring.”


162 Responses to “Democratic Congresswoman Mans Up To Point Out The Obvious To John Kerry”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (8e74ce)

  2. Tulsi Gabbard is young (33), quite attractive, a decorated Army vet who was deployed to Iraq, and entirely sensible about national security. How in the world did she end up a Democrat? Is it just because that’s who you have to hang with in Hawai’i to get elected? In reading her priorities statements on her website it seems that she’s a touch bit squishier than most of us are on environmental issues and it does appear that she isn’t as skeptical as we are about the role of government in supporting business, but she is absolutely someone the GOP leadership should be buttering up to as a cross-aisle ally and perhaps even a convert.

    JVW (60ca93)

  3. Hello, by the way, Dana. Busy day at Patterico’s Pontifications, no? Nice to see so many interesting discussions.

    JVW (60ca93)

  4. She seems to have it all, JVW. And you’re right, the GOP should take notice.

    It sure looks like it was a busy day of conversation here. I miss most of it when I’m at work, but if i have a moment, I’ll sit in my office and at least read through some comments even if I don’t really have time to participate. It’s good food for thought.

    Dana (8e74ce)

  5. oh, i missed the pun first time i read the post.

    seeRpea (1d44c7)

  6. More about Tulsi Gabbard:

    She opposed LGBT rights, including same-sex marriage and civil unions. When voting against legalizing civil unions, she stated: “To try to act as if there is a difference between ‘civil unions’ and same-sex marriage is dishonest, cowardly and extremely disrespectful to the people of Hawaii who have already made overwhelmingly clear our position on this issue…As Democrats we should be representing the views of the people, not a small number of homosexual extremists.” In August 2004, she defended her then-Republican father’s anti-LGBT work, and called supporters of U.S. Congressman Ed Case “homosexual extremists.”[22][23]

    Not your usual Democrat.

    Dana (8e74ce)

  7. John Kerry is an “effing” moron. He’s an idiot. John Kerry lives in a bubble and would schit Oblahblahs’ name in Arabic to keep his silly post as Secretary of Cowards. Kerry has ZERO idea what the real world is. Kerry, Obama and Rodham are mentally disturbed and co-dependant azz-holes.A

    Gus (7cc192)

  8. Not your usual Democrat.

    That clinches it: she’s a Democrat because she thinks it’s the only way to elected in the Aloha State*. She’s probably changed her tune on gays, because everyone else pretty much seems to have done so, but it would seem she has pretty conservative instincts so we should really make nice with her.

    *Except for those years when the Democrat is so thoroughly corrupt — and unable to hide it — that the voters opt for a Republican.

    JVW (60ca93)

  9. I’ll pass on the skateboard but 10 large sounds good.

    jakee308 (f0aa61)

  10. Rep. Gabbard should start a hashtag campaign. That’s how they get things done at Obama’s State Department.

    daleyrocks (bf33e9)

  11. Womans up, maybe?

    Perhaps the Speaker might invite her to join the Republican caucus, at least as a guest. It would be interesting to see the reaction.

    The sexist pig Dana (f6a568)

  12. 7. John Kerry is an “effing” moron. He’s an idiot. John Kerry lives in a bubble and would schit Oblahblahs’ name in Arabic to keep his silly post as Secretary of Cowards. Kerry has ZERO idea what the real world is. Kerry, Obama and Rodham are mentally disturbed and co-dependant azz-holes.A
    Gus (7cc192) — 1/28/2015 @ 8:43 pm

    But he was confirmed as SecState by Senators of both parties. That’s the part I can’t get past. Almost unanimously. And the Senators (3) who voted against him didn’t vote against him because he’d be a lousy SecState.

    It was obvious. Yet no one saw it.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  13. I’m of the opinion that it makes little difference who the sec of state is as long as we have the current president, and while I see the AG as something to fight over, not so much sec. of state.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  14. Doc, you’re right I’m sure. This preezy will only have yes men. So yes a different Secretary of State wouldn’t have amounted to a different foreign policy.

    But I still would like it if some Senators called it like it was. John Kerry is an idiot. Yet, 97 Senators had nothing but praise for him. Watching this guy get confirmed was a horror show. Apart from watching the Bamster nominate him.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  15. During Kerry’s confirmation hearings he promised to cooperate with Congressional investigations in Benghazi. Now, his State Department is the major agency stonewalling access to documents, resisting legitimate inquiry, and failing to respond to subpoenas. Senators could call him out, but investigative efforts to expose the ground truth and reveal the cover-up have so far yielded little of value.

    Part of the speculation for Congressional foot-dragging involves the GOP’s 2016 presidential aspirations – holding back the most probing inquires in anticipation of Hillary Clinton’s run for the presidency when the rough and tumble of election politics provides advantageous forums for unmasking her central role in the Benghazi debacle in such highly visible ways even the Left’s most hard bitten MSM propaganda goons couldn’t ignore the blood on her hands.

    ropelight (51d2c4)

  16. if you get your news from NPR you still don’t know about dirty hippie James Taylor’s diplomatic warblings and strum strums

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  17. Awesome comments on Kerry.

    Living on a volcanic island in the middle of an ocean can certainly make one “squishy” on environmental issues.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  18. I don’t know how serious you are about the comments about Kerry, carlitos. But I can cite chapter and verse about all the things he was wrong about. And, I knew he was wrong at the time. Which I don’t think means I’m brilliant. I’m sure you’ve questioned my intelligence on numerous occasions.

    Yet I didn’t think Abbas was a reformer.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  19. I think it would make you wary of the volcano, but that’s just me,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  20. 14. What part of Treason do we not grasp?

    This country is lost. Refounding is the only path forward.

    DNF (7dc191)

  21. I don’t know how serious you are about the comments about Kerry, carlitos.

    Deadly serious. Treating terrorists as “criminals” is idiocy of the first order.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  22. DNF, towards the end I was informed that gathering intel on Muslims was Islamophobic.

    Because the USG hired the MB as advisers. So no more thinking for yourselves. No more reading the Quran and the Sunnah and forming your own opinion. No. You have to think what the MB tells you to think. Which is why we’ve adopted the insane position that terrorists have nothing to do with Islam. Which is why it’s the official government position that Nidal Hassan had nothing to do with Islam. No. That was just workplace violence.

    No, we’re just supposed to think what the people who want to kill us want us to think.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  23. 2, 6. “Buttering up”

    Let us not adulterate the real article with a whoremongering additive.

    Thank you.

    DNF (7dc191)

  24. Whoremongering additive – is that like Cialis?

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  25. Don’t some of the Arab countries even now consider the MB to be terrorists?
    But he long ago set a bad precedent when he picked the wrong side in Honduras.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  26. Well, I guess there were Soviet collaborators high in FDR’s admin, so this is nothing new either.
    Not that it makes things any better or safer,
    but we have survived it before.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  27. I’m not a theologian. I’m not here to tell anybody that ISIS has the correct view on Islam. But they do have an understanding of Islam, and it’s possible to read their texts and understand what that is. And if you try to understand what that view is, you can read AQ’s magazine Inspire and get the drift.

    But no that would be Islamophobic.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  28. 24. More like a total disregard for personal integrity.

    Essence of J eff Kerry.

    DNF (7dc191)

  29. 25. Don’t some of the Arab countries even now consider the MB to be terrorists?
    But he long ago set a bad precedent when he picked the wrong side in Honduras.

    MD in Philly (f9371b) — 1/29/2015 @ 7:04 am

    Muslim countries that don’t have a death wish aren’t saddled with the idea that any honest discussion of Islam is “Islamophobic.”

    Also I appreciate the Zelaya reference.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  30. 26. Look around. We are not talking a few, isolated conspirators.

    Overturning a few dozen EOs and several score memoranda will hardly uproot hundreds of thousands of enemy agents in Federal unions.

    An electoral remedy is an absolute joke mooted by unserious gadflies.

    DNF (7dc191)

  31. ISIS did get it’s idea from somewhere. I know where. Apparently that makes me a bad person. Worse than anybody in ISIS.

    I wish Tulsi Gabbard well.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  32. ‘what difference does it make, to Chris Stevens or David Berry?

    narciso (ee1f88)

  33. I called her office to offer my support. When a Democrat does the right thing, I think I should say so.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  34. OT Not that Marxism bodes well over the medium term, the end of EU is imminent.

    DNF (7dc191)

  35. 2, 6. “Buttering up”

    Let us not adulterate the real article with a whoremongering additive.

    Thank you.

    Are you being serious??

    Dana (9c3f51)

  36. MD – in retrospect, Honduras laid out a roadmap of the perfidy and idiocy to come.

    JD (f51c08)

  37. Greetings:

    Well, as in the old childhood game, I can certainly give the Congresswoman a well-earned “You’re getting warmer.”.

    On the other hand, it may be “Islamic ideology”, but there’s little that’s “radical” about it other than the overtness of its execution(s).

    Islam is the millstone. It is nothing more than the ideological globalization of 7th Century predatory Arab tribal culture under a thin veneer of religion. And if your plan doesn’t include constraining, undermining, or eradicating Islam itself, you don’t have a plan. What you have is a hope.

    11B40 (844d04)

  38. Between supporting the wrong people in Honduras and not supporting the right people in Iran, it was clear early on that some of us were correct in not trusting a friend of the Weather Underground.

    Should have been as easy as a 2 yo learning not to touch a candle.

    Do they put “Soma” in the water of major metropolitan areas?

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  39. Retrospect, JD?

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  40. I like the cut of your jib, doc.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  41. Steve – in practice, as opposed to rhetoric.

    JD (f51c08)

  42. I could have sworn some candidate said something about that. I might be mistaken,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  43. 11B40-
    Perhaps to clarify,
    some would say it is a good thing if “Islam” disappeared, but that is not the same as all “Muslims” disappearing.
    Many “Muslims” aren’t at all beholden to many of the writings in Islam, and it is a good thing in many respects.
    Whereas the closer one adheres to the writings of the OT and NT as they apply today, one gets people who don’t murder, don’t cheat, don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t covet even (I guess that would hurt some parts of the economy in the short run).
    But I guess some would rather have jihadists than lifeydoodles, and people who would execute gays instead of those who merely say they don’t agree and don’t want to be told they need to.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  44. narciso- that’s where the adulterated drinking water comes in, it would explain a lot.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  45. I’m going to go out on a limb. Hillary! will be a disaster, too.

    Historic firsts will get us all killed.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  46. Doc, it’s a strange world. I oppose gay marriage. I don’t want to cater a gay person’s wedding. That’s it, nothing more. Somehow that makes me a worse person than people who want to hang gay people from a crane. Or throw them off a roof.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  47. Hillary Clinton has not made any public appearances in six weeks, except for two in Canada.

    I suppose the simplest explanation is that she doesn’t want to get asked any questions.

    If she gets into trouble and escapes, she’ll go right back to where she was before.

    Sammy Finkelman (e806a6)

  48. I just received this email from my senator.

    Knowing of your interest in preventing nuclear war in the Middle East, I wanted to let you know that just moments ago with an overwhelming 18-to-4 bipartisan vote, the Senate Banking Committee passed the Kirk-Menendez Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2015. The vote shows that the entire Senate stands ready to pass the Kirk-Menendez legislation.


    Of course Fauxahontas voted against it.

    elissa (64c1a5)

  49. 25. MD in Philly (f9371b) — 1/29/2015 @ 7:04 am

    Don’t some of the Arab countries even now consider the MB to be terrorists?

    Now Saudi Arabia, which I think used to support the Moslem Brotherhood, now wants the entire Arab world to take a position against it.

    Sammy Finkelman (e806a6)

  50. 26. MD in Philly (f9371b) — 1/29/2015 @ 7:06 am

    Well, I guess there were Soviet collaborators high in FDR’s admin, so this is nothing new either. </blockquote. Harry Dexter White, Alger Hiss.

    This is not a bad analogy. I keep on saying there are terrorist supporting moles in the U.S. government. Probably working for some foreign government, but not exactly al Qaeda.

    Sammy Finkelman (e806a6)

  51. 35. Shocked am I to be asked the question.

    Fully 180 of her colleagues from across the aisle possess no, not one, quality of redeeming merit.

    DNF (d908b1)

  52. “Roadmap of Perfidity” would be a good album name.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  53. 50. This mentions the same time frame:

    RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, the interior minister of Saudi Arabia, arrived at a meeting of security chiefs from across the Arab world in Marrakesh, Morocco, last March to deliver a call to arms: It was time, he declared, for a concerted effort to eradicate the Muslim Brotherhood, according to two Arab officials briefed on the meeting.

    Several were stunned at his audacity….

    You find this has roots going back more than twelve years ago:

    ] In 2002, the then Saudi Interior Minister Prince Nayef [I think his father] denounced the Brotherhood, saying it was guilty of “betrayal of pledges and ingratitude” and was “the source of all problems in the Islamic world”.[23]

    That may reflect divided opinion in the royal family of Saudi Arabia at that time.

    Two years ago, we have:

    Although publically welcoming the Brotherhood, Saudi Arabia has privately been opposing them. I was informed by a source that was present at recent negotiations to form the Syrian opposition of the Saudi delegation’s strong rejection of any Brotherhood figure. Saudi’s financial assistance could be read as an attempt to keep relations relatively warm and not allow this most important of Arab states to drift into an Iranian orbit.

    The UAE has publically taken the strictest position towards the Muslim Brotherhood and what it claims are the group’s activity on its territory. It has detained dozens of individuals it alleges are Brotherhood members, both citizens and more recently non-citizens.

    Sammy Finkelman (e806a6)

  54. Re: Alger Hiss.

    They actually knew about Alger Hiss – that is, that he wasn’t a loyal Democrat – Whittaker Chambers’ attempt to warn people about him wasn’t totally ignored. But they thought he contemplated a career in politics that would rely on the Communist Party for help, and that this was
    exceedingly foolish. FDR, though, thought him to be a loyal Democrat.

    After dinner [in August,1939] Chambers told Berle about Alger Hiss being a spy for the Soviet Union…Although he did record his conversation with Chambers in a memorandum that suggested a prompt follow-up, nothing happened for several years.

    According to Chambers, Berle reacted to the news about Hiss with the comment: “We may be in this war within forty-eight hours and we cannot go into it without clean services….Berle, who was in effect the president’s Director of Homeland Security, raised the issue with President Franklin D. Roosevelt, “who profanely dismissed it as nonsense.” [a book says]

    Also, Chambers may not have exactly said he was a spy, but rather that he was a Communist – which may have been been further interpreted as scheming or hoping to scheme with the Communists. Which was a possibility, bit anyone with common sense, which perhaps he did not have, would know you couldn’t get anywhere that way.

    (As an aside, the highest office anyone ever achieved with the help of the Communist Party was United States Senator, and the man who did it was Joseph R. McCarthy in Wisconsin in 1946, where the Communists and the CIO encouraged people to register Republican and vote against the internationalist Robert M. La Follette, Jr. They did endorse the Democrat in the general election, but this is what mattered.)

    If anyone wanted to, they couldn’t get him dismissed, so some people in the State Department thought that because he seemed to be in communication with the Soviet Union, (maybe sometimes he echoed propaganda) they could use him as an unaware back channel – get the Soviet Union to believe what they wanted it to believe.

    Sammy Finkelman (e806a6)

  55. Heh, Carlitos. I have a friend with whom I was very close friends during our college days. We aren’t really that tight any more. But we used to have a “name game”, and still once or twice a year we exchange texts saying. “wouldn’t THIS be great name for a band?”

    elissa (64c1a5)

  56. In the 1946 election, I think Joseph McCarthy also had the support of Nazi sympathizers (lots of Germans in Milwakee) and that’s why later he took up the cause of the SS troops who had committed the Malmedy massacre.

    A young and ambitious Senator, Joseph McCarthy, had obtained from the subcommittee’s chairman authorization to attend the hearings. McCarthy’s state, Wisconsin, had a large population of German heritage, spurring allegations that McCarthy was political motivated in his work on behalf of the Malmedy defendants.[20] Although McCarthy was only attending because of Baldwin’s courtesy,[citation needed] and was not actually part of the subcommittee, McCarthy seemed to have successfully taken complete charge of the subcommittee’s investigations and tried to press his views.[according to whom?] He used quite aggressive questioning, even towards the survivors of the massacre, whom he on occasion accused of being liars.[21] Employing tactics for which he would be later become infamous, McCarthy often distorted the facts in order to corroborate his vision of the case, e.g. stating that all of the investigators were Jewish, or that many of the sentenced had been 15 or 16 years old teenagers.[22] McCarthy’s antics further inflamed a split between the American Legion (which took a hardline position after Malmedy and generally supported upholding the death sentences) and the Veterans of Foreign Wars (who supported more lenient penalties for the Waffen-SS members under Peiper) which persisted for some time.[23] The last clash took place in May 1949 when he asked that Lieutenant Perl to be given a lie detection test. Since this had been rejected by Baldwin, McCarthy left the session claiming that Baldwin was trying to whitewash the American military.[24]

    Sammy Finkelman (e806a6)

  57. I also suspect Senator Joseph McCarthy also had the support of the Outfit, but don’t have much hard data. He did hire Roy Cohn (later associated with organized crime) to work for his committee and Edward Bennett Williams (who also represented Frank Costello and others) as his personal lawyer. And his crusade against Communism can be seen as an attempt to divert attention from the Kefauver Hearings.

    McCarthy succeeded in blaming the heroin trade on Red China, having the heroin come into the United States via the west coast instead of the east coast, and this was widely accepted for years, long after he had been disgraced.

    And there’s this historical mystery: He may have been addicted to morphine, and after a while, the federal drug agency arranged a safe supply of morphine for him to avoid him being corrupted, or to avoid this fact being exploited by Communist dictatorships:

    In his 1961 memoir, The Murderers, Anslinger wrote about finding out, in the 1950s, that a prominent senator (whom he left unnamed) was addicted to morphine. When confronted by Anslinger, the politician refused to stop, even daring Anslinger to reveal his addiction, saying it would cause irreparable harm to the “Free World.” Anslinger responded to this gambit by securing the lawmaker a steady supply of dope from a Washington, DC, pharmacy. (Morphine taken by prescription was, then as now, legal.)

    Anslinger’s acquiescence was a testament to just how feared McCarthy was in his heyday. Few dared to speak above a whisper about his evident alcoholism. “[He] went on for some time, guaranteed his morphine because it was underwritten by the Bureau,” Anslinger wrote. “On the day he died I thanked God for relieving me of my burden.”

    Beltway insiders guessed that the smack-addicted senator’s bullying threats and bombastic appeals to patriotism—not to mention the fact that he had died in office—pointed to the late Joseph McCarthy. Anslinger, however, refused to reveal the name to reporters. The story dropped out of circulation until 1972, when a landmark study on the effects of narcotics, issued by Consumer Reports, repeated it (still with no name attached) in a chapter on “eminent narcotic addicts.”

    ….McCarthy’s opiate addiction became public fodder only after Anslinger’s death. A 1978 article in, of all places, Ladies Home Journal named McCarthy as the senator in Anslinger’s autobiography. “Agents who worked under [Anslinger] claim that the late Sen. Joseph McCarthy was addicted to morphine and regularly obtained his narcotics through a druggist near the White House, authorized by Anslinger to fill the prescription,” Maxine Cheshire wrote.

    Given Cheshire’s credentials as a respected Washington Post reporter, the report was treated not as gossip but as news, and widely disseminated. United Press International (UPI) put it starkly, “[McCarthy] was a morphine addict who had his drugs supplied by the Federal Bureau of Narcotics for the sake of national security.”

    In Flowers in the Blood: the Story of Opium, a 1981 investigation into the history of opium use, addiction and interdiction, Dean Latimer reported that the relationship between Anslinger and McCarthy was more complicated and hypocritical than Anslinger had ever let on. Just when the top drug-enforcer was supplying McCarthy with his government-approved pharmaceutical smack, the two worked hand in hand to pin the country’s burgeoning heroin trade on a Communist Chinese plot, even though the trafficking was clearly a mafia-controlled operation.

    In 1989, the website adds, Philadelphia Inquirer attacked scholarship supporting Cheshire’s findings, and that’s the last mainstream reference he could find.

    This is the April 3, 1989 article:

    One question here: Did Anslinger say “Senator” “member of Congress” or “Congressman” T

    The Philadelphia Inquirer article has him saying Congressman. The 2013 web page has him saying Senator.

    In 2015, and this was true even for years earlier, Google can check this out.

    I quickly located a book that quotes from the book, [World War-D: The Case Against Prohibitionism, at the end of Chapter 2) and he said “one of the most influential member s of the Congress of the Unites States [who] headed one of the most powerful committees.

    Ah hah. Member of Congress.

    Which can mean both.

    And one source, arguing he was the addict, or a source this source relied on, changed that to Senator, while the Philadelphia Inquirer article that attempted to debunk it changed it to Congressman! So nobody is being quite honest.

    Apparently Anslinger also says died in office before 1961, but that will need a fuller quote from the book. All I have is that he died before 1961.

    There should be people who should know at least whether this story of the Director of Federal Bureau of Narcotics making sure that Senator McCarthy had a legal supply of morphine was plausible or not. That is, other facts which make that plausible.

    Every person who knew him interviewed by biographers denied this. Did Anslinger lie in his book? Maxine Cheshire, says the 1989 article, did not return numerous pone calls, so she may not have wanted to reveal her source. It’s actually probably clear that Anslinger meant Senator Joseph McCarthy, but he could have been lying, and he could even have been lied to. Did Anslinger say that he personally confirmed this with member of Congress? Was he close enough to the pharmacist to know whether or not this was actually being supplied?

    This leads to another question: Could Senator Joseph McCarthy have died from a drug overdose? Or was it clearly alcoholism? And his wife would have known, too.

    It is said he had cirrhosis – he was only 48 years old. He died in Bethesda Naval Hospital – the official cause of death was acute hepatitis. It’s also said to have been complications. which cold mean that it wasn’t really clear to some of the doctors, and it was not expected.

    Of course covertly obtaining morphine in a hospital could mean getting the wrong dose, and the liver not functioning properly might also lead to higher levels lingering in the body.

    Sammy Finkelman (e806a6)

  58. 52. Cont.

    Republicans in general attach merit to their members for qualities like not farting in close quarters,

    The process of refounding affords no utility to these sorts of precious effetes and no accommodation will be undertaken.

    DNF (052874)

  59. So…to complete my thought. A punk rock album on vinyl:

    Road to Perfidity, by the Precious Effetes.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  60. Prince Nayef was the one whose double agent in AQAP, was burned by Brennan,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  61. a President, JFK was receiving ‘feel good shots’ by Max Jacobsen, he may have consumed LSD with Mary Pinchot Meyer, what that has to do with the price of tea in china,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  62. ,

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  63. Greetings, MD in Philly: ( #43, @ 1/29/2015 @ 8:37 am)

    Yes, for me Islam is the ideology and it’s the ideology that must be attacked to give its adherents an opportunity to see in what they have become enmeshed.

    For the last 50 years or so, the USofA has been conducting a behavior modification program about “white” racism. It has been successful to the point that the KKK-inclined are very much wandering in the desert, so to speak. A similar approach is needed to help the advancing Islamic tide recede. By publicizing, instead of obscuring, those Islamic traditions and their impacts we can perhaps reach the point where that ideology is no longer thought fit for human consumption.

    11B40 (844d04)

  64. 60. I like it.

    DNF (052874)

  65. When you’ve lost Thomas Friedman of the New York Times… (a week ago)

    Thomas L. Friedman
    Foreign affairs, globalization and technology.

    I’ve never been a fan of global conferences to solve problems, but when I read that the Obama administration is organizing a Summit on Countering Violent Extremism for Feb. 18, in response to the Paris killings, I had a visceral reaction: Is there a box on my tax returns that I can check so my tax dollars won’t go to pay for this?

    When you don’t call things by their real name, you always get in trouble. And this administration, so fearful of being accused of Islamophobia, is refusing to make any link to radical Islam from the recent explosions of violence against civilians (most of them Muslims) by Boko Haram in Nigeria, by the Taliban in Pakistan, by Al Qaeda in Paris and by jihadists in Yemen and Iraq. We’ve entered the theater of the absurd.

    Last week the conservative columnist Rich Lowry wrote an essay in Politico Magazine that contained quotes from White House spokesman Josh Earnest that I could not believe. I was sure they were made up. But I checked the transcript: 100 percent correct….

    Sammy Finkelman (e806a6)

  66. That linked Friedman article was an interesting read. And I liked the short, focused, unfussy way in which you introduced it. Thank you, Sammy, both for highlighting the article and for the simple, clear manner in which you posted it.

    elissa (4a576d)

  67. 11B40 (844d04) — 1/29/2015 @ 2:13 pm

    That intellectual construction was given to me by a friend who was 20+ years a missionary in a N. Africa country before he was not allowed to return while visiting the States.
    I heard from a former Muslim now Christian that indeed many who have regarded themselves as Muslims have begun to examine what they believe and why. While some may become atheists (like Ali, the female critic of Islam) as their only known alternative, others are looking into Jesus. There are various groups broadcasting via radio and internet in Arabic and Persian (?whatever they speak in Iran) akin to “Radio Free Europe” back in the last millennium.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  68. (?whatever they speak in Iran)

    Farsi. Maybe you should start listening to NPR again. 🙂

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  69. “Road to Perfidity, by the Precious Effetes…”

    “Hot Poop” by Puddle of Mudd

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  70. Teh Ding-Dong Daddies

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  71. “Goal” by Dwarftoss

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  72. Teh Pappysmears

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  73. “Long Time Gone” by teh Smack Puppies

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  74. Speaking of NPR-
    I heard on the news that 3 Americans contractors were killed in Afghanistan today. Since a son of friends of mine is a contractor in Afghanistan I was eager to get more info so I googled it.
    One of the first links was to something called “RT”, which I had never heard of before. When I looked at it, all of the comments were cheering on the news and hoping more would be killed. When I checked again, and then HuffPo came up first.

    I have to stop using Google. Maybe there’s a 12-step program, Googlers Anonymous.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  75. “Stone the Crows” by teh Mad Mullahs
    “I Need a Blue Pill” by LowT and teh Limp Libs

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  76. “They’re Not My Pants” by Sumdood and the Dindunuffins (Credit SayUncle)

    nk (dbc370)

  77. Fist of Love
    Todd Wrinkle and the Four Skins

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  78. 68. …I heard from a former Muslim now Christian that indeed many who have regarded themselves as Muslims have begun to examine what they believe and why. While some may become atheists (like Ali, the female critic of Islam) as their only known alternative, others are looking into Jesus. …
    MD in Philly (f9371b) — 1/29/2015 @ 3:29 pm

    The gang code is strict. Once you join the gang, you can not leave the gang.

    And if they break their oaths after their treaty and defame your religion, then fight the leaders of disbelief, for indeed, there are no oaths [sacred] to them; [fight them that] they might cease.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  79. Teh Egyptian Prunes
    Gayer Than Depp
    “Flash” by Red Ass Baboon

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  80. One of the first links was to something called “RT”,

    That would be Russia Today, a network of propaganda that is funded by the Kremlin.

    carlitos (c24ed5)

  81. I like the fact people aren’t strictly required to stay on point on this blog, Coronelle. Otherwise I wouldn’t know you broke your X1/9.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  82. “”The 12th Mahdi” by teh Persian Pork Probes

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  83. When you side with a God, you stay with Him! And if you can’t do that, you’re like some animal, you’re finished! *We’re* finished! All of us!

    — Courtesy Sam Peckinpah

    nk (dbc370)

  84. “Hope and Change” by Grandscheister ‘Bahma

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  85. “Road to Perfidity, by the Precious Effetes…”

    Love it.

    JD (f51c08)

  86. My God doesn’t put his stamp of approval on killing infants.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  87. Coronelle = Coronello

    Steve57 (a04df5)


    Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not.

    Yeah, I’m totally not seeing why ISIS could have gotten the wrong impression.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  89. #HijackMyReligion

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  90. “Roadkill” by the Armadildos

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  91. “Quiffsniffin'” by teh Blew Willies

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  92. “Halal” by Salami, salami, baloney.

    felipe (56556d)

  93. “Big in Indiana” by teh Corn Ponys

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  94. So, Google directed me at the top of their list to “Russia Today”?
    And I thought HuffPo was bad.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  95. “Camel Humpin'” by the Jihadi Homosexual Experience

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  96. “IED of love” by Turban Turban

    felipe (56556d)

  97. I don’t think Denmark ever built a rifle that you could club somebody to death with. And we have that going for us.

    I could be wrong.

    But really they make a nice frigate.

    And we got, what, the LCS?

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  98. “Deja Moo” by Two-Headed Cow

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  99. Krag-Jorgensen.

    nk (dbc370)

  100. “Pull my beard” Nothatwan-sili

    felipe (56556d)

  101. Chambered in .30-40 the first U.S. military smokeless round. A favorite of Teddy Roosevelt.

    nk (dbc370)

  102. The Krag is a nice rifle. But I’m not sure if you can grab it by the barrel and club someone to death.

    And use it again. Like a Garand.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  103. “Throws Like a Girl” by Jean Kerrie and the Surrender Monkeys

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  104. “72 same sex virgins” by Imma bin gypped

    felipe (56556d)

  105. Enzo Ferrari once said America’s only real sports car was the Jeep. Stick with what you know, is my feeling.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  106. “Immagoddadaveedee” by The Broken Prophylactics

    felipe (56556d)

  107. Sgt. Schultz carried one in Hogan’s Heroes.

    nk (dbc370)

  108. I don’t even dislike the Krag. Or the Springfield. But you can do things with a Garand that would be unnatural with anything else.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  109. I thought SGT. Schultz carried a Mauser.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  110. Nope. Krag-Jorgensen. His rifle was as authentic as the rest of the show. Even the German Home Guard in the last days would not have had a captured Danish Krag unless it had been rechambered and rebored to 8mm (not likely). Certainly not issue to regular Luftwaffe NCOs.

    nk (dbc370)

  111. What do I have to do to agree with you?

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  112. It was the first thing I noticed about the show. I’ve been shooting bolt actions since I was nine.

    nk (dbc370)

  113. We cross-posted on 112 and 113.

    nk (dbc370)

  114. 114 and 115 too.

    nk (dbc370)

  115. And also, if I have to turn the thing around and use it like a club, I’m sticking with the Garand.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  116. That’s artistic license by painters and illustrators. The way it’s used is the way they were supposed to have trained you with the pugil sticks.

    nk (dbc370)

  117. I don’t have an issue with the Krag. Maybe it’s an unfair comparison. But the Garand…

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  118. They did train me with pugil sticks. There was nothing “supposed to” about it.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  119. Also I learned three, three minute rounds are a lot easier to talk about then do.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  120. The magazine was ridiculous. They should have paid the royalty to whomever had the patent for the vertical box.

    nk (dbc370)

  121. Ok, they didn’t train me with pugil sticks. But I did box. And it was hard.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  122. 108 for teh win…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  123. “Some Fantastc Plastic” by teh Barenaked Barbies

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  124. “Dick in the Dirt” Tripod Willie and teh Johnsons

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  125. “Chubwa” by Megyn Kelly Dream

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  126. Agree about the magazine. It was supposed to do away with the supposed problem of clips.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  127. X is running great, Steve!

    “Tie the Fly” by teh Trouser Trouts

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  128. “Ferguson” by Public Enema

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  129. “Please Paint This, Jamal” by The Politically Correct Rolling Stones.

    nk (dbc370)

  130. Good one, nk!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  131. Kudos to you too, Haiku.

    nk (dbc370)

  132. “Winona Rider” by the Vic Morrow Bowlers

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  133. “We Got The Beat” by the Ben Was

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  134. MD in Philly (f9371b) — 1/29/2015 @ 5:16 pm

    So, Google directed me at the top of their list to “Russia Today”?

    You weren’t lucky.

    It’s not on their blacklist of news sources. But I think they got rid of the Jew-hating sites being at the top of the list when searching for information about Jews.

    There was a search I did about the Moslem Brotherhood and some other terms, and I got a site that accused the Moslem Brotherhood of being supported by Israel. There’s actually some propaganda like that going on in Egypt, and I think Putin is behind it.

    Somebody wrote a book not long ago about what’s going on in Russia.

    “Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible: The Surreal Heart of the New Russia” by Peter Pomerantsev. To get to Amazon where it looks like coming from Patterico, you click on

    It’s got a lot of favorable reviews, some saying they’ve seen this sort of thing themselves. Even the unfavorable review Amazon selected is favorable (it got only 2 stars from that person because it is missing citations and a bibliography, and you can’t fact check it) It is supposed to be a very good read. One complaint is that it is too short, and it is sometimes hard to tell whether he is talking about 2002 or 2012. It is actually a collection of different stories.

    One of the things he talks about is the way the opposition parties are paid for and directed by the Kremlin. The guy in charge of the propaganda show is Vladislav Yuryevich Surkov, who is part Chechen, by the way, which only became known in June 2005.

    Everything in the book is all pre-Ukraine crisis and oil/ruble bust. Surkov was one of the first seven persons who were put under executive sanctions by President Obama on March 17, 2014, the next day after the Crimean status referendum. That froze his assets in the US and banned him from entering the United States.’s own review ends with: “This is not your father’s Russia, and yet it kind of is.”

    Sammy Finkelman (e806a6)

  135. “Back Trouble” by Teh Rick Perry Project

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  136. Farsi is the Persian word for Persian.

    Sammy Finkelman (e806a6)

  137. “Gerbil Surprise” by Finkelman

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  138. Mr. Silverman stops by the deli and sees Mr. Feinberg reading The Aryan Daily. He says, “Abe, what are you doing reading that thing?” Mr. Feinberg says, “Look, Benny. When I read the Israeli Times I see stories about Jews being killed in Israel, Jews being killed in France, Jews being persecuted in Europe, anti-Semitism all over the world. Then I read the Aryan Daily and I read that Jews have all the money, Jews control the government, Jews control the banks, Jews control all the universities, Jews control all the professions, and I feel better.”

    nk (dbc370)

  139. “Big-Boy Pants” by Kid Barry and Soetero

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  140. I’m sorry about lying about the pugil sticks. I didn’t lie about boxing. But I don’t expect anyone to believe me, anymore.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  141. 22. Steve57 (a04df5) — 1/29/2015 @ 6:57 am

    Which is why we’ve adopted the insane position that terrorists have nothing to do with Islam.

    The problem isn’t whether what they preach is really Islam or its’ not Islam.

    The problem is the claim is that none of this terrorism has anything to do with institutionalized Islam.

    But it does. There are connections. There is some of that. There are fellow travelers. And a lot of it is corrupt, and at least lays the groundwork for more.

    Sammy Finkelman (e806a6)

  142. “Surprise, Surprise, Surprise” by Gomer

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  143. I did play Marine Corps games with M1s.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  144. 141. That’s an old joke that originally was set in Germany and dealt with Julius Streicher’s
    Der Stürmer.

    Sammy Finkelman (e806a6)

  145. You can cut your thumb pretty badly closing the bolt if you’re not careful.

    nk (dbc370)

  146. “Tanker Tits” by teh Wiggin’ Pelosis

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  147. The key is not sticking your thumb inside the chamber. The way to avoid Garand thumb is to keep your hand aligned alongside the receiver. Knife edge.

    It’s harder to explain then it is to do.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  148. “Sink or Swim” by teh Ted Kennedys

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  149. Also the Mark V special warfare craft can turn inside its own length at full speed.

    I thought maybe somebody wanted to know that.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  150. “Sheep’s Head Redemption” by Bad Haggis

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)


    Immigrant Song, Dread Zeppelin.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  152. Ted Nugent. Cat Scratch Fever.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  153. Ted Nugent. Stranglehold.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  154. Joan Jett. I Hate Myself For Loving You.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  155. 125. Yeah. Pretty much but a lot of ’em are ticklers.

    DNF (052874)

  156. Funk Soul Brother.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

  157. “Around Some Words in 80 Ways” by Colonel Haiku

    bobathome (f208b6)

  158. The M1 thumb was a rite of passage in the USCGR OCS. Very little instruction, just figure it ouch!

    bobathome (f208b6)

  159. My description of how to avoid Garand thumb wasn’t very good. You do have to stick your thumb into the chamber to depress the magazine follower to close the bolt, of course. But holding your hand flat against the receiver keeps the back edge of your hand on the op rod. Then you do sort of a backward karate chop motion and rotate your entire hand forward as a unit out of the way. Like I said, I’d have to show you.

    Steve57 (a04df5)

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